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Suite 505, 5th Floor
2 Riverside Drive
Camden, NJ 08101

  • Phone: (856) 338-8922
  • Fax: (856) 338-8936


Washington, DC
Hart Senate Office Building
Suite 324
Washington, DC 20510

  • Phone: (202) 224-3224
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  • Fax: (202) 228-4054


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New Jersey Seal
Senator Lautenberg at a press conference introducing legislation to close the "gun show loophole."  He was joined at the event by Sens. Jack Reed (D-RI) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA); Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence; Sue Else, President of National Network to End Domestic Violence; and victims and family members of the Virginia Tech tragedy.  The victims included Omar Samaha, the brother of Reema Samaha, who was shot and killed at Virginia Tech; and Colin Goddard, who was shot and injured in his classroom at Virginia Tech.  The Senators' bill would close the loophole by requiring background checks on sales at gun shows. (April 21, 2009)
Senator Lautenberg at a press conference introducing legislation to close the "gun show loophole." He was joined at the event by Sens. Jack Reed (D-RI) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA); Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence; Sue Else, President of National Network to End Domestic Violence; and victims and family members of the Virginia Tech tragedy. The victims included Omar Samaha, the brother of Reema Samaha, who was shot and killed at Virginia Tech; and Colin Goddard, who was shot and injured in his classroom at Virginia Tech. The Senators' bill would close the loophole by requiring background checks on sales at gun shows. (April 21, 2009)

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Latest News

04/23/09 Lautenberg, Menendez Announce More Than $16 Million In Federal Funding for Health Care, Medical Research
04/22/09 Lautenberg Statement on Earth Day
04/21/09 Lautenberg, Isakson, DeGette, Castle Introduce Legislation to Help Prevent Diabetes In Minority Communities
04/21/09 Senators Join Shooting Victims and Family Members to Push for Closing of the Gun Show Loophole
04/20/09 Senators Lautenberg, Menendez Announce $1.5 Million for Program Crucial to New Jersey's Manufacturing Industry Competitiveness
04/17/09 Lautenberg Statement on EPA Decision Finding Greenhouse Gases Pose Threat to Public Health
04/17/09 Lautenberg, Menendez Announce $2.5 Million In New Federal Funding for Ocean City Airport
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For New Jerseyans

If you're a resident working hard to keep your home, the state's Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency can help you. Contact their office today.

The transition to Digital TV is coming on Friday, June 12. But New Jerseyans can still prepare for the transition and get coupons to help them along.

The Truth About Cigarette Labeling - A Ban on 'Light' and 'Low Tar' Cigarettes The Truth About Cigarette Labeling - A Ban on 'Light' and 'Low Tar' Cigarettes
Senator Lautenberg has led the fight against the tobacco industry's deceptive practices.

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A Tribute to our Fallen Heroes

A Tribute to our Fallen Heroes
Senator Lautenberg's Senate resolution which honors the men and women who have given their lives in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Read the Resolution (pdf) »

Today in the Senate

April 27, 2009:

The Senate will convene at 2:00 p.m. and will be in a period of morning business until 4:20 p.m. with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. Following morning business, the Senate will resume consideration of S. 386, the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act, with the time until 5:20 p.m. equally divided and controlled between the two leaders or their designees.

At 5:20 p.m., the Senate will proceed to a cloture vote on S. 386. Under a previous order, if cloture is invoked, all post cloture debate will be yielded back and the pending germane amendments will be disposed of. The vote on passage will occur at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, April 28.



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