Website Thumbnails boost visitor Confidence!


Website Thumbnails (also known as thumbshots, snapshots, or previews) are screenshots of web pages that can help you quickly and easily recognize and identify certain websites. Web page previews display the exact site you would see before you click on a link. Millions of people trust and rely on thumbshots to help them navigate online and stay in control of their surfing.

Improve Search Accuracy

Ex: Search for "shoes" may show and

Humans are visual by nature and since most websites have a unique look-and-feel, it only makes sense to show visual cues (or previews) of websites next to search results.

Recall Previously Visited Sites

Ex: Which site was that again??

Recognize previously visited sites quickly just by glancing at a thumbshot. Never click on every search result again, just to find a site you've forgotten! Previews save time and effort!

Filter Offensive Sites

Adult Site Example - censor manually applied Adult Site Example - censors manually applied

Adult sites can usually be spotted very quickly -even in a small preview size. Website thumbnails help steer you clear.

Filter Foreign Sites

Local10 News Example of a Foreign site

Visualize foreign sites and text. In the case of large thumbnails, you can even read the text most of the time!

Discover Ambiguous Sites's Detroit Pistons page auto parts

Ex: Which site should a search for "pistons" give you?

With website thumbnails , you can easily distinguish between an auto parts site and the Detroit Pistons NBA site.

Find Inspiration and Beautiful Designs

A cool design A cool snapshot

Ex: ShrunkTheWeb Website Thumbnail Gallery

Discover incredible designs you never would've known about just by glancing through galleries of thumbnails.

Filter Duplicates or Related Sites

Wikipedia in English Wikipedia in German

Find duplicate or related sites visually. For example, the two sites above are from Wikipedia English and German.

Filter Parked or Broken Sites

Example of a parked domain Shown when a site is down during the attempted screen capture

Helps to point out domains that are "parked" or that may be offline. In these cases, a special thumbshot is shown.


Wave of the Future

Our high quality website thumbnails will revolutionize the entire face of the Internet by giving people an easier way to recognize and navigate the web.

The Improvement of Website Recognition

Target User
IP Address
URLs / Domain Names
Average Joe
Website Thumbnails
Shrink The Web
Average Joe


See other fantastic uses of our website thumbnails on our website thumbnails sample uses page.


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What People Say About ShrinkTheWeb Thumbshots

"Many of our forum's members have on-line businesses, and they always look for some extra exposure! That's why adding "shrink the web" to their profiles was such a hit!! Now visitors can see snapshot of a member's website in a profile!

Our members LOVE this new feature!"

-- Yulia, member of ShrinkTheWeb

"I am simply loving your service. I experienced a lot of troubles with other thumbnail providers out there as their thumbnails were queued for over a week. It doesn't take more than 5 minutes from your side which is just superb.

Thanks a lottt for this excellent service. I am highly impressed."

-- Vinayak, member of ShrinkTheWeb

"STW is a very easy to use service that can benefit just about anyone who blogs or has a website."

-- Jonathon, member of ShrinkTheWeb

"The thumbnail idea is a good one."

-- Michael Rogers, editor for

"I'd just like to say thanks for providing such an awesome service! I believe I tried all thumbnail services out there and yours is by far the best!

I'm so happy I finally found a reliable and FAST thumbnail provider."

-- Dan, member of ShrinkTheWeb

"I just want to compliment you guys on an amazing and frankly irreplaceable service- I've been a designer for over 6 years and have very, very rarely found a service as dedicated, decent (and free!) as you guys. Y'all are doing a real service to webmasters everywhere, and to the web in general. Thanks for keepin it real."

-- T, member of ShrinkTheWeb


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