Friday, March 30, 2007

The Silence is Deafening

Has anyone noticed that Iran kidnapped British sialor?  Apparently Muslim organizations haven't.  Not a peep from any of them.  Here's MPAKUK, supposedly a British group.  It's not alone in its silence by any means, but one would think that since its supposed to be British, it should say SOMETHING about the situation...

Monday, March 26, 2007

The reason we have to fight

Imagine a history book being read by people in 100 years time. In a chapter entitled, Why We Fought, it would list the crimes of an ideology and a movement, Islamic fundamentalism, that became so powerful and so grotesque in the opening years of the 21st century that the civilized world was obliged to resist.

The book would explain that some of the wars of resistance were unsuccessful, or even ill-advised, but that in the end the forces of light triumphed over the death-black darkness.

It would also recount how some people in the civilized world opposed the struggle, out of self-loathing, cowardice, leftist politics or simply because they were part of the jihadist movement.

But right always wins in the end, the readers would be reminded, and did so in this great culture war. Because the crimes were as many as they were devilish.

They beheaded Christian girls in Indonesia who were making their way to school. They stopped them at gunpoint, forced them to kneel down and then cut off their heads, the blood drenching their tiny uniforms.

They planted bombs in places of worship that belonged to their own Muslim faith, murdering scores of people who they knew to be innocent, apolitical and intent only on worshipping and praying. They demanded that others respect Mosques but simultaneously used them as killing fields.


They murdered 150,000 of their own people in Algeria in an attempt to destabilize their government. Often they would slit the throats of children in front of their parents before in turn killing those horrified mothers and fathers.

In Iraq they kidnapped people who had devoted their lives to helping the impoverished and the abused, tied those good people up like animals and then tortured and humiliated them. They videotaped their screams and their wild pleas for mercy and help and then slowly cut off their heads with a knife, holding the severed object up to the cameras.

They pulled organs from within the bodies of their victims and offered them to children, then ran away with severed limbs as if they were treasured trophies.

In Lebanon they dragged badly wounded co-religionists from their hospital beds and beat them to death on the street. Many of these men had been their allies only days before. In northern Israel they kidnapped families and forced fathers to watch their tiny sons having their brains literally beaten out of their heads on the rocks.

They declared their intention to target children because, they said, they knew their enemies valued children most of all and loved life. For them, they boasted, death was more important than life. They vomited this philosophy all over the world, in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and Australia.


They indoctrinated their own children and taught them to hate and loathe and lust for blood and death. They bombed schools, mosques, churches, hospitals, crowds of children asking for candy, old people's homes, funeral possessions.

They despised progress, freedom, grace, gentleness, empathy, tolerance, civilization, truth, thought, understanding, joy, laughter and love. They hated humanity and they hated God.

That, the readers would be told, was why we fought. And that is why we fight. Because if we genuinely care about all that is fine and grand and important we have no choice.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Prison guard trainee might be allowed hijab

Velcro-fastened headgear could clear way for 19-year-old Islamic woman to continue
Published: Thursday, March 15, 2007
Use of a Velcro-fastened hijab might allow a 19-year-old Islamic Montrealer to resume her abruptly terminated training to become a Quebec prison guard, a senior Public Security Department official said late yesterday.

The provincial prison system is "keeping the doors open" to evaluate whether Sondos Abdelatif could wear an adapted Muslim head scarf to meet safety requirements, said Jean Lortie, deputy minister responsible for correctional services.

"We'd have to at least take a look at that," Lortie said after an Islamic group suggested the woman could wear a modified hijab and keep her job. "We are not people who are obtuse or incapable of discussing a situation."

"Our evaluation, for the moment ... is that it presents a danger that is not acceptable."

Abdelatif had passed all preliminary tests and was about halfway through a 20-day training program at Bordeaux jail in Montreal when she was told Tuesday afternoon she could not wear her hijab on the job, for safety reasons. Citing her religious beliefs, she refused and left the training program.

The incident was "entirely unnecessary," Sarah Elgazzar, of the Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations, said in Montreal.

According to Elgazzar, officials told Abdelatif she would be fired unless she removed her hijab.

Abdelatif could not be reached for comment.

"Any safety issue could have been addressed through the use of a Velcro-fastened hijab, which would be removed easily in case of emergency," Elgazzar said.

Abdelatif's termination was "a clear violation of the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, which prohibits religion-based discrimination in hiring," Elgazzar said, noting police departments in Vancouver and Victoria allow female officers to wear the hijab "on the front lines and in active duty."

"It's preferable if we can resolve this" without a complaint to the Quebec Human Rights Commission, Elgazzar said, adding her group wants a meeting with Lortie and his officials.

There is no policy regarding hijabs for guards in the federal penitentiary system, said Jean-Yves Roy of Correctional Service Canada.

Quebec's workplace health and safety board hasn't been asked to examine the hijab-safety question, commission official Heloise Bernier-Leduc said.

© The Gazette (Montreal) 2007

Friday, March 23, 2007

German judge rules Koran allows wife abuse

German judge rules Koran allows wife abuse Thu Mar 22, 9:26 AM ET

BERLIN (AFP) - A German woman judge has refused a Moroccan-born woman permission to file for divorce by interpreting the Koran as allowing husbands to beat their wives.

"Where are we living? Woman judge allows beating in marriage... and invokes the Koran," said a front-page headline in Germany's top-selling Bild newspaper, reflecting the widespread angry reaction on Thursday.

"This Moroccan woman has the same right to protection from a violent husband as any German woman. Anything else would be misconceived sensitivity to the benefit of the husband and would amount to racist discrimination against the wife," said the Tageszeitung daily.

The Central Council of Muslims in Germany also condemned the decision.

"The judge should have made a decision based on the German constitution instead of the Koran," said spokeswoman Nurhan Soykan, who said that violence and mistreatment, regardless of the gender of the victim, were also grounds for divorce in the Islamic world.

A court in the western city of Frankfurt on Wednesday upheld a complaint of bias against the judge lodged by the lawyer of the 26-year-old woman, who has two children.

The woman had filed for immediate divorce on the grounds that the husband, also of Moroccan origin, regularly beat her and threatened to kill her. The claims were backed up by a police report.

But the female judge, who has not been named, made clear in a letter that the wife's bid had little chance of approval because, according to her, Islamic law allowed a man to strike his wife.

German politicians from all parties were united in disgust at the judgement.

"When the Koran takes precedence over the German Basic Law, then I can only say: Good night Germany," Ronald Pofalla, the secretary general of the conservative Christian Democratic Union of Chancellor Angela Merkel, told Bild.

Hans-Christian Stroebele, of the opposition Greens, said the kind of abuse suffered by the woman should be punished by German criminal law.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Monday, March 19, 2007

Cair and CAIR-CAN

December 29, 2006

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization with offices around the country, defines its mission as “to enhance understanding of Islam, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.” Since its founding in 1994, CAIR has with some success sought to position itself as a prominent community organization facilitating government outreach to Muslim Americans.

Unfortunately, CAIR’s credibility as a community relations agency promoting “justice and mutual understanding” is tainted. Founded by leaders of the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), a Hamas affiliated anti-Semitic propaganda organization, CAIR has never been willing to unequivocally condemn Hezbollah and Palestinian terror organizations, which the United States and international community have condemned and isolated.

Read it all

Friday, March 16, 2007

Scary stuff

Convert to Wahabbism now lest you die infidel pigs

By: Sheikh Usama bin Akhmed
Issue date: 4/2/04 Section: Ed-Op
Originally published: 4/4/04 at 5:00 PM EST
Last update: 4/4/04 at 5:01 PM EST

America is corrupt! America is immoral! America is ruled by Satan, who employs the Jews to carry out his bidding! If you are still reading this, that means that there is still some hope for your soul. I, Sheikh Usama ibn Akhmed, am the president of Wahabbism Now for America. Our organization recognizes the massive moral shortcomings of this immoral culture and attempts to fix it by enforcing the purest form of Islam; this form of Islam, Wahabbism, is the law of the Holy Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and we will impose it on America and all its inhabitants.

We are trying to educate the population of our aims so that they can submit themselves on their own accord without forcing us to resort to violence. Unfortunately, all the respected newspapers we contacted, such as The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Triangle, have refused to run our opinion pieces and have even reported us to the FBI. With the exception of one, The Rectangle. The Rectangle has graciously agreed to allow our commentary to run, and they have partially redeemed their immoral souls by doing so. Anyway, people of America, know and understand the following rules well, for they are the will of God, and the will of God shall be thrust upon you.

First and foremost, all shall be required to accept that our path is the one and only true path to salvation. So long as all of you follow this, then God may have some mercy on your souls and forget your decades of sinful living. Part of America's sin-filled society is due to the excessive freedoms that are available to women. These freedoms promote immorality and promiscuity and must be restricted immediately so that a return to purity can be achieved. When we come to power, we will decree that no women shall be allowed to go to school or work. Education is useless to women, because it is God's will that their duty in life is to stay at home and raise children. As for women working, we have mentioned before that their only work in the eyes of God shall be to be good homemakers. Women should not leave their homes, except only when it is absolutely necessary. When they do leave their homes, women should be enveloped from head to toe in a black garment, so as to shield them from the eyes of other men. This is the only way to avoid temptation, lust and sinful living. When outside the house, women should be accompanied at all times by a male relative and should not speak to unrelated men. Once again, this is to avoid sin.

In Wahabbism, the only true interpretation of Islam, it is forbidden to make an image of anything that has a soul and is living, for God has forbidden this. Therefore, we will make it illegal to make statues, portraits or take photographs of anything having a soul (human or animal). These acts show the person who is committing them to be competing with God in the act of Creation, and therefore it is forbidden.

Taking photographs is forbidden even in cases of "necessity" such as citizenship documents or driver licenses. Other forms of identification should be used in those situations such as fingerprinting so as not to violate God's will. If you must buy a newspaper or magazine from some other immoral country which has pictures in it for gaining essential knowledge, then it is required of you to efface all the photos present therein. Or better yet, do not read such books, for all the knowledge you require in the world is present in God's book, the Holy Quran. All clothing, including children's clothing, must be free of any representation of any living being, for this violates God's will.

We will also make polygamy legal. Polygamy is required in many cases so as to protect that chastity of women. As women stay unmarried longer, the chance of them being overcome by lust and sin increases. There is no doubt that a woman having one-half of a husband, or one-third or one-fourth of one is better off than the woman having no husband at all. One need not have apprehensions about this for the Prophet (peace be upon him) had nine wives when he died, and God has told us that we have a good example to follow in His messenger. However, it was made clear that every man may have up to four wives, and that having more than four wives was specific for the Prophet (peace be upon him) alone.

Of course it goes without saying that soon all shall be forced to convert to our religion and follow our beliefs. Most people in the world today live in the lands of disbelief. Even many "Muslim" nations revel in disbelief and immorality. Unless Muslims follow all what we have outlined before, they are not true Muslims in our opinion and in the eyes of God. They are also full of sin. Muslims and non-Muslims alike have a chance to redeem their souls and submit to God by acknowledging the truth present in the above paragraphs and following the principles outlined above immediately and for the rest of their lives.

Sheikh Usama ibn Akhmed is a professor of wahabbism at Drexel University and the president of Wahabbism Now for America.