
Lijit Networks is Website Search and Online Advertising

We produce website search and online advertising technology that enables your readers to get a unified view of all of your online social content while we bring you online advertising opportunities with premium brands and more relevant ads to your website or blog.

Install our search widgets and advertising tags to your blog or commercial site in minutes and allow us to network all of your social content from your web site to your Twitter feeds, Delicious bookmarks, Flicker photos, YouTube videos and more to make it all searchable.

Give your readers better, more relevant and unified results across all your social content while you make more money. Get started today!


Lijit does site search, only better. Your site + all your social content + your network's content: all of it searchable from your site. Add powerful search stats + revenue opportunities through Lijit ad services and you'll see Lijit is here to help build your personal brand and success as a publisher.

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It's about finding the right audience. Lijit finds the consumers that matter most to you on the sites where they're most engaged and active. Lijit's audience analysis technology combines context, demographics and reader behavior, ensuring you reach the audience that matters most.

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Lijit Stories

Wandering Salsero

"I'm very happy with lijit. For one thing, it hasn't created any problems...I think it's a good service not only for blog owners but also for the readers themselves because it gives you valuable info too."


"We have also replaced the ailing Blogbar search widget with a better version from Lijit. When you want to quickly put your finger on something from the Light-Work archives, type a key word or phrase in the search box, hit enter, and let the magic begin."

Timothy Adam Designs

“…(Lijit) is a very smooth and cool looking search.. something any blogger should have on their blog!”


Scribnia is a new rating and discovery engine for bloggers and online authors. You can read reviews, find highly-rated authors and even create a widget for your blog that allows readers to provide public feedback about your writing. Join Scribnia and have an easier time finding quality writing online.


Thanks go out to Phil at ReadWriteWeb for noticing that we rolled out our single sign on for multiple accounts. While it may have taken awhile, we are glad to finally provide our users a much requested feature.


Want to include even more visual goodness for your readers searching to find more? Now you can! With our integration of Twitpic, it's easy to add your Twitpic photos into your Lijit content and have them show up in your search results as thumbnail images. Have fun with your new and improved search results!

ShareThis Widget

Make sharing as simple as a touch of a button! Lijit’s friends at ShareThis let you syndicate your content for easy sharing across the social web. Use the most universally recognized icon for sharing to allow your users to spread videos, music, blog articles, links and other web page elements throughout the social web and get valuable stats in return!


Open, two-way communication and transparency with our user community has been important to Lijit since day one. We genuinely take to heart what the community says about us and our services. Our integration with Twitter has been a big help in keeping tabs on the day-to-day Lijit buzz. We look forward to your Lijit-related tweets – and be sure to follow us too!

Blogger Buzz

Blogger spotlights our search as an easy way to add functionality to your Blogspot blog. In addition to explaining the benefits of our search, the profile also gives our stats rave reviews as well. All this goodness and a one click install for Blogspot bloggers? We definitely think this news is buzz-worthy.

ProBlogger Lijit Review

Jeff at ProBlogger did a great job outlining the features and functionality we offer here at Lijit through what he calls “two killer features wrapped in one…control…and the ability to create a personalized search engine.” It’s always fantastic to see bloggers like Jeff explain what we do and the value we offer in their own words. Check out the review and submit your own Lijit story.

Google Gadget for Blogspot

If you're a Blogspot blogger looking to offer your readers a better way of searching your blog, you're in luck. Lijit is now included in Google's directory of Blogspot gadgets, meaning that it's even easier for you to install Lijit. And the best part? If you don't have a Lijit account, you can set one up without leaving Blogspot. Can we make it any easier? You can read all the details in our blog post!

Fast Company

Lijit was recently included on a list of 10 tools to make your blog smarter, faster, and better. We thank Fast Company for the mention and really cannot argue with being called "super search".

WordPress Plug-in

Lijit's integration with just keeps getting better! Now you can either install the Lijit Search widget OR have Lijit power your existing WordPress search box. As if that weren’t exciting enough, our Lijit stats will automatically display within your WordPress dashboard for one-stop stats viewing too. Stay tuned for more great features and FUNctionality soon!


Looking for a better way to interact with readers via blog comments? Disqus is a commenting system that allows you to respond with threaded replies that keep the conversation going. Pair that with an intuitive admin section and you've got a win-win for everyone on your blog. Disqus is free & we highly recommend their service!


BlogFrog allows blog owners to create instant community on their blogs by letting readers connect, interact and share content. Initially serving women and mom bloggers, BlogFrog is now the largest network of mom blogs online. BlogFrog communities help drive traffic, generate more revenue and create loyalty among visitors. Hop over and give them a try!


A picture is worth a thousand words. If you have a Flickr account, Lijit can index your photos and even return thumbnails of them within your search results. So the next time someone searches you for information about the amazing vacations you’ve taken, why not show off some equally amazing pictures from your trip?


Looking to grow your business through a strategic partnership? Partnerpedia offers the ability to do just that. Their free service allows you to find, network and collaborate with other companies in your particular space. Check out what Partnerpedia is doing and see for yourself how they can help your company!


Our friends at Zemanta can help you to blog smarter by suggesting related content, in real-time, for what you're writing. They recommend images, improve your SEO, and provide automated links. You can use Zemanta as a browser add-on or as a blog platform plugin. Check out their free service and give your readers even more!

Ad Services FAQ

Have questions about how our ad services can help you monetize your blog? Want to install ad tags but not sure how? Need to know what we mean we say CPM? We've created a FAQ chock full of the answers you're looking for. Check out our useful document and let us know if there's anything we've missed!


If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much does a whole video say? Lijit has integrated with YouTube, so not only do we return YouTube results in your searches, but we also show thumbnails you can click to play the video! Add some multimedia flair to your results by using Lijit.


We've installed Apture on our company blog and love that we can now easily add video, images, maps and much more to enrich our blog posts. Apture works on any publishing platform and installs in seconds. If you're looking to keep readers on your site longer, consider adding Apture to keep them engaged!


PostRank is a new kind of analytic that measures social engagement by letting you know how interesting or relevant your blog content is. By understanding what works with your readers, you can concentrate on creating content that they will continue to comment on and click. Discover your audience and how to better serve them.


We love networking and making new friends! Lijit has created a fan page on Facebook where we share ideas, meet new people, and keep in touch with our expanding community. If you’re a Facebook user, become a fan and join the fun!

Bloggers School

Looking to learn more about blogging and social media? Perhaps it's time to go back to school. With Bloggers School, you can sign up for workshops or individual consultations designed to educate and show you how blogging can help your business. Lessons range from the most basic to more advanced concepts and there is even mentoring available. Time for class?

New York Times

Thanks to a post written by our friends at ReadWriteWeb, Lijit received some mainstream media attention in the New York Times. The article discusses a widget stats report we compiled and trends we’ve noticed in widget adoption. We’re proud of the coverage and hope you find the story useful as well.


Outbrain provides a free widget that recommends related content for your readers and allows them to discover even more relevant reading. Their widget inherits the style of your blog and resides at the bottom of each post. Outbrain also allows your readers to rate each blog post, giving you important feedback. The outbrain widget is easy to install so you have no excuses not to give them a try!


Lijit indexes your delicious bookmarks and includes them in your search results, helping readers quickly find the info they need based on the sites you trust. Put that time and experience spent scouring the ‘net for great info to good use by including your delicious bookmarks in your Lijit search engine!


Are you listening to what people are saying about your company? Filtrbox can help! With their real-time social media monitoring service, you can track mentions of your company on Twitter, social networks, blogs and thousands of online news outlets. Join the conversation by signing up for a free Filtrbox trial!

Lijit is 12,013 publishers in 25 topical networks generating 3,920,939,516 page views since Jan 1, 2008 and we're not stopping there.