V Foro Urbano Mundial

Ivahanna Larrosa, Directora Ejecutiva,  Amnistia Internacional, Uruguay, www.amnistia.org.uy

Manifestaciones en el Foro Social Mundial, Amnesty International

Marzo 2010

Río de Janeiro, Brasil.

El V Foro Urbano Mundial organizado por la agencia de Naciones Unidas para los asentamientos humanos, UN HABITAT, esta desarrollándose estos días en Río. Al mismo tiempo los movimientos sociales de Brasil integrantes del Foro Nacional de Reforma Urbana han creado un espacio paralelo donde  intercambiar ideas y experiencias, el Foro Social Urbano.  Ambos eventos están a pocas cuadras y los participantes de distintas partes del mundo van y vienen a estos espacios, compartiendo experiencias, luchas y haciendo escuchar sus voces.

El Foro Urbano Mundial, evento que se realiza cada dos años, ha declarado como tema de este encuentro, El derecho a la ciudad, este derecho ha sido proclamado por varias organizaciones y movimientos sociales que llevan años luchando por su reconocimiento; en un mundo donde mas de la mitad de la población vive en ciudades, ciudades que no ofrecen las condiciones y oportunidades de forma equitativa a sus habitantes.

Amnistía Internacional esta presente en el Foro Social Urbano y en V Foro Urbano Mundial compartiendo debates y experiencias, relevando las voces de los protagonistas.

Rio hosts World Urban Forum

Demonstrations at the Urban Social Forum, Amnesty International

Ivahanna Larrosa, Executive Director, Amnesty International, Uruguay, www.amnistia.org.uy

The Fifth World Urban Forum is being held in Río de Janeiro this week. Organized by the United Nations, its purpose is to discuss ‘rapid urbanization and its impact on communities, cities, economies, climate change and policies’.

At the same time, social movements involved in the Urban Reform National Forum are developing the Urban Social Forum as a parallel space in which people can exchange ideas and experiences and make their voices heard. Both events are near to each other and people from all over the world will attend.

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Sexual violence in Haitian camps of the displaced, beyond the numbers

By Chiara Liguori Caribbean researcher for Amnesty International

Victims are afraid to report cases of rape or sexual violence © Amnesty International

Since the first days of the earthquake, many humanitarian and human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, have issued warnings about the increased risk of gender based and sexual violence.

The risks are well founded. Thousands of displaced people are sleeping in public spaces in just one square meter or even less; women are obliged to bath almost naked under the eyes of the other residents and passers-by; children sleep alone at night because they are unaccompanied or their mothers are working outside the camps in order to feed them.
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Haiti – Rice and beans, beans and rice

By Amnesty International delegates on mission in Haiti

The makeshift camps on Champ-de-Mars are home to more than 10,000 people © Amnesty International

It might be one of the most common dishes in Haiti but for the 5,000 persons camped on a football pitch in Jacmel, white rice and beans has been their only daily meal since the earthquake, complaints about the quality or lack of nutrients are rife. Despite the crunching feeling of an empty stomach, many decided not to queue under scorching sun for the three-spoons dished up in a bowl, a jug, even a plastic bag. However, the 34 vats of food were emptied in less than an hour. The distribution of meals attracted camp neighbours, mostly children.

Dozens of women and men were involved in the camp cooking site. The food items were delivered to the camp by the World Food Programme. One of the camp committees decided that instead of distributing food rations to every family, they would cook it and share it amongst everyone.
Continue reading ‘Haiti – Rice and beans, beans and rice’

Supporting Iranian prisoners of conscience

Journalist Emadeddin Baghi was arrested on 28 December 2009 © Private

To mark the Persian spring holiday of Nowrouz, Amnesty International has launched a campaign to send messages of goodwill to prisoners of conscience in Iran. 

The seven cases selected by Amnesty International mirror the “Haft Sin” (seven “s”s) traditionally placed on a Nowrouz table. 

The 14 individuals in the seven cases have all been identified as being “at risk”. Many have been sentenced to long prison terms for their beliefs or peaceful activism and several are in poor health.

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