Friday, April 16, 2010

A Dove Story

P'raps not what you'd expect as the return engagement,
for a Malcontent.
Yet before I go another word forward, let me quickly respond to each/all of you:


For three days plus now, I've been a witness to a most unusual mating/marriage ritual taking place on a thick Elm bough in our yard.
Last Sunday afternoon, Leti and I sat outside enjoying the warm sunshine, when we heard the cooing of a lonely dove, off to our left, nearby.

This male dove was calling for a wife, and soon he got his answer. An interested female landed on the ground near him in his perch, and began dancing for him. He then flew to another limb, the thick Elm limb, and with a Brbrbrbrbr, she followed.
They stood side by side for some moments; minutes perhaps, quietly preening themselves for the other; the male stretched out his thick white wings to impress her.
She in turn, leaned over and groomed his neck and back.

He jumped on her back. For around 2 seconds, then again alighted to her right.
Silence between them again for nearly an hour followed, each lovebird continuing to groom itself, and stretch wings.

Then on Monday, I heard the same male dove calling his mate, and thought I'd take a (yes, voyeuristic peep in on them. His calls were once again answered by his love, and the ritual I'd seen the day before was played out exactly that morning.
Only this time, there was a third bird, another male dove, on an adjoining limb of that Elm tree, also watching the couple.
The first male didn't object really; he and his mate simply flew off into the deeper woods to find privacy.

But. On. Tuesday.
The male called and called and called and called for his mate. This time no answer, no joyous rendezvous. He seemed to panic, flitting from branch to branch to ground, here and yonder in search of her.
She never came to him. After more than an hour of plaintive wailing and crying.

On Wednesday of this week, the drama increased when I recognized the female in her usual feeding spot on the ground. A smaller male made his cry from a different limb, and she flew to him, singing Brbrbrbrbrbr. It was the male who had watched the couple two days prior on the Elm limb.
He preened and he flexed for her, and she groomed his neck and back silently, then leaped onto her back for around ten seconds stay before moving to her right side,
where they both made cooing sounds, together in unison.

There is no lesson here, no ulterior motive nor message implied.
Just what I've been doing lately.
It beats stressing about Zerobama and all~


Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Hey, everyone~!

If regular readers
Wonder, wonder, wonder
who writes the LMC

And who I am now,
I would direct you to my comments
at the end of my previous post.

We are both still alive, and still well; thank you very much~
praying that each of you, from gentile Spitfire to spitfires Abouna, McGehee and Kini are the same too.

I can't post TOO much here, at this time about us, right now~ I am at the Talihina Library and have only 17 minutes left of my hour Online to go-
suffice it to say, all is Still the Same, and even better.

We miss you all, during this abrupt, sudden departure from American normalcy,
we all are facing,
but KNOW, in your minds, that you are with us in every minute, in our minds.

More from the LMCs, soon~~!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Pearl Harbor Sunrise


and Again
and Yet Again, thrice too often,
Let Us Never Forget,

the reason for this solemn December 7th date~

May God Bless and welcome home, those innocent lives who were murdered that Sunday morning, 68 years ago.

Thank you every American, for what you did that day, for what you do today to remember

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Arrival of Christmas Season: Confirmed

I thought that I'd posted something on this great, little ditty in the past, but cannot find it.
I realize that Charles at Dustbury
did two years ago and four years ago, and that may be what I'm remembering (*that, and listening to the catchy tune in the offseason sometimes at YouTube).

But listening to KTOK online last Thursday,
I heard the B.C. Clark Jewelry jingle once again, for what-- the twentieth year in a row or more ( 'since 1989' ), which confirms for me, it IS now the Christmas season.

My ears perked up the instant - the instant- the first notes of THE jingle began.

For longer than I've known Leticia, for longer than I've been an adult, SHOOT- for longer than I've even been happy-
I've loved the B.C. Clark Anniversary Sale jingle.

It is a one-of-a-kind, singularly Oklahoma tradition, 'since 1892'-

a gem, one I'm pleased to share with you out of towners here.

THE jingle is so popular, that at their website, B.C. Clark is offering the opportunity for anyone to record their version of singing it, for a prize (Jewelry?)....
It is that special.
But then, us Okies are salt of the Earth, simple folk~
Easily amused, I reckon.

Agreed: That last one WAS weird and like ya know, strange.

Guess what?? Now you're hooked, too.

"Well, I Am Not A Crook"

"I just resemble an Encino bank robber.... "

"Ex President ... Wanted for 2 Robberies".
~ Reeeal original, brainstorm!

What's next-??

Some serial sex pervert wearing a Bill Clinton mask, wanted by the police somewhere?

Perhaps a ponzi scheming, con-man wearing a FDRoosevelt mask added to the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List? Most likely, this perp would update
conveniently and significantly,
and simply wear either an Algore or a ZerObama mask.

*** memo to self ***:
Purchase two, altruistic, R.R.-as-
8-pt.-Elk masks for my minister Shawn and best friend Marty next week....

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Unprecedented Weather, Low Temps in the South Tonight

All the following taken from the mentioned cities' weather sites

Tonight in New Orleans, Louisiana:
... Winter Weather Advisory remains in effect until 6 am CST

A mix of rain... sleet and snow will continue to occur along the
Mississippi coast. This could pose serious hazardous driving
conditions along elevated highways. There is still a chance of
this completely changing over to snow shortly during the early
morning hours and could be moderate at times. Sleet and snowfall
accumulations of up to two inches will be possible.
A mix of rain... sleet and snow will be possible right around the
New Orleans Metro but little to no accumulations are expected.

Outside of the winter weather problems it will also be windy
especially along the southshore where wind gusts of 40 mph will
be possible.

Houston, Texas:
... Historically early winter snow falls across southeast Texas...
Snow has never fallen this early across southeast Texas.

The previous earliest snow occurred on December 10 2008 and December 10
1944. Accumulating snow has fallen in a 60 mile wide swath from Edna to
Houston. The snow accumulations were generally on grassy areas.
Below are some preliminary snowfall totals from co- op observers
and emergency managers:

Lane City 4.0 inches
Boling 4.0 inches
Wharton 3.0 inches
Fairchild 3.0 inches
El Campo 2.5 inches
Edna 2.0 inches
Pearland (west) 2.5 inches
Bay City 2.0 inches
Richmond 3.1 inches
Missouri City 1.5 inches
Sugarland 1.2 inches
Hobby Airport 1.0 inch
Intercontinental 1.0 inch (thru 5 pm) Airport

Hattiesburg, Mississippi:
A Winter Storm Warning remains in effect until 6 am CST Saturday.

Bands of moderate to heavy snow will continue to fall across the
warning area through the overnight hours. Total snow accumulations of
1 to 3 inches have already been reported across portions of south
central Mississippi. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches are
expected in the warning area through the early morning hours on
Saturday... resulting in storm total snow accumulations of 2 to
locally 5 inches across the warning area. These accumulations will
result in very hazardous travel conditions...

Marietta, Georgia:
... Winter Weather Advisory remains in effect until 10 am EST
An upper level storm system located over northern Louisiana late
tonight will move east into Alabama Saturday morning spreading
precipitation into Georgia after midnight. Cold air aloft will
also filter into north Georgia late tonight and Saturday morning
allowing the rain to mix with and change to snow around daybreak.
Light snow accumulations around an inch will be possible...
especially in the higher elevations... by midday Saturday before
the precipitation ends.

Much of the snow is expected to accumulate only on grassy and
exposed surfaces... however snow may be heavy enough to cover the
roadways in north Georgia Saturday morning.

Manbearpig's inconvenient, Nashville, Tennessee
backyard forecast tonight:
... A Snow Advisory is in effect for the Cumberland Plateau
from midnight tonight to noon CST Saturday...

Some of the coldest air of the season thus far is expected to
move into middle Tennessee this weekend... along with a chance
for snow over mainly southern and eastern parts of the area.

A cold air mass... out of western Canada... will overspread the
mid state... and produce temperatures some 10 to 15 degrees
below normal. Meanwhile... a low pressure area has developed
across the north central Gulf coastal region... and will track
generally east northeast... to just off the Georgia coast by early
Saturday morning. These two weather events will combine to produce
the likelihood for an accumulating snow along the Cumberland
Plateau after midnight through Saturday morning...
Last year the first measurable snow fell in Nashville on December
11th when 1.0 inches was measured.

Those who have been around this area for a while remember the snows
of the 1960's. The winter of 1959 and 1960 was the snowiest on
record in Nashville with 38.5 inches.

It really says that, on Nashville's weather site~!
Al Gore ought to remember those record snowfalls in '59, shouldn't he?

Shouldn't he?
Why wouldn't he remember them$

It's cold tonight in Yanush, too: +17°F at midnight.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

New Beginnings

Welcome To My Mind's Playground.
Enjoy your time while you are here.
Why not leave your comments please, if you take the time to wander through and play with me?
Watch out for any rough or sharp edges along the way.

.... this bloggie's header used to say.

I'm pleased to announce the first real change to the Local Malcontent in over three years, the new header above.

Lovingly created by (wait for it ... )

hatless in hattiesburg~!!

I love it! Check out the old western font, and I love the additions of Guy Headnickle™ on the one side and the Oklahoma shield, peacepipe and seven feathers on the other. And the uh, waving wheat (sure smells sweet).

Well, sweet it is, and so is my too-often-quiet, thoughtful friend hatless.

Thank you, sir.

It was about this time last year, when I asked hatless if he could provide some content to my blog, as our wedding day and our honeymoon quickly approached. I recall his initial response was something like "i don't put much content into my own blog, but i will try and come up with something. :-)

His contributions to the LMC can be read here, and here, and here, over a week's time last December. During those busy days of ours, guest LMC posts were also lovingly provided by Abouna and Jungle Mom.
(hummm, that whole bunch together, sounds like a family.... for good reason~!)

However, it's much simpler, far more enjoyable to visit his great blog, hatless in hattiesburg.

And Now, An Inspirational Message
from Harold B. Estes, USN, retired

Update: One hour after posting this, and yes,
after seeking the same on the Internet, I received an emailed photo
of Mr. Estes from of all places, my uncle Bok Chuka~!

This venerable and much honored WW II vet is well known in Hawaii for his seventy-plus years of service to patriotic organizations and causes all over the country. A humble man without a political bone in his body, he has never spoken out before about a government official, until now. He dictated this letter to a friend, signed it and mailed it to the president.

Dear President Obama,

My name is Harold Estes, approaching 95 on December 13 of this year. People meeting me for the first time don't believe my age because I remain wrinkle free and pretty much mentally alert.

I enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1934 and served proudly before, during and after WW II retiring as a Master Chief Bos'n Mate. Now I live in a "rest home" located on the western end of Pearl Harbor allowing me to keep alive the memories of 23 years of service to my country. One of the benefits of my age, perhaps the only one, is to speak my mind, blunt and direct even to the head man. So here goes.

I am amazed, angry and determined not to see my country die before I do but you seem hell bent not to grant me that wish.

I can't figure out what country you are the president of. You fly around the world telling our friends and enemies despicable lies like "We're no longer a Christian nation" and " America is arrogant" - (Your wife even announced to the world, "America is mean spirited." Please tell her to try preaching that nonsense to 23 generations of our war dead buried all over the globe who died for no other reason than to free a whole lot of strangers from tyranny and hopelessness.)

I'd say shame on the both of you but I don't think you like America nor do I see an ounce of gratefulness in anything you do for the obvious gifts this country has given you. To be without shame or gratefulness is a dangerous thing for a man sitting in the White House.

After 9/11 you said," America hasn't lived up to her ideals." Which ones did you mean? Was it the notion of personal liberty that 11,000 farmers and shopkeepers died for to win independence from the British?
Or maybe the ideal that no man should be a slave to another man that 500,000 men died for in the Civil War ?
I hope you didn't mean the ideal 470,000 fathers, brothers, husbands and a lot of fellas I knew personally died for in WWII because we felt real strongly about not letting any nation push us around because we stand for freedom.
I don't think you mean the ideal that says equality is better than discrimination. You know the one that a whole lot of white people understood when they helped to get you elected.

Take a little advice from a very old geezer young man. Shape up and start acting like an American. If you don't, I'll do what I can to see you get shipped out of that fancy rental on Pennsylvania Avenue .You were elected to lead not to bow, apologize and kiss the hands of murderers and corrupt leaders who still treat their people like slaves.

And just who do you think you are, telling the American people not to jump to conclusions and condemn that Muslim major who killed 13 of his fellow soldiers and wounded dozens more. You mean you don't want us to do what you did when that white cop used force to subdue that black college professor in Massachusetts who was putting up a fight ? You don't mind offending the police calling them stupid but you don't want us to offend Muslim fanatics by calling them what they are, terrorists.

One more thing. I realize you never served in the military and never had to defend your country with your life but you're the Commander-in-Chief now, son. Do your job. When your battle-hardened field General asks you for 40,000 more troops to complete the mission, give them to him. But if you're not in this fight to win, then get out. The life of one American soldier is not worth the best political strategy you're thinking of.

You could be our greatest president because you face the greatest challenge ever presented to any president. You're not going to restore American greatness by bringing back our bloated economy. That's not our greatest threat. Losing the heart and soul of who we are as Americans is our big fight now. And I sure as hell don't want to think my president is the enemy in this final battle.


Harold B. Estes


Very well said, Sir~!
Thank you for your continuing service to our great nation too, Mr. Estes,

and a happy Birthday, next Sunday.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Can You Blame Me?

I'm becoming more confused with each passing day.
Everything I've known about our great nation, what I feel in my core to be truth, is now considered wrong or 'old fashioned' by "leaders" who are older than I, yet act less responsibly, less maturely than I, seemingly living in another bizarre world.

How can bringing terrorists who started a War into New York City for a criminal trial be right?

How can an overwhelming, future tax burden on our children be right?

How can a government subsidy/handout for every-need-you-can-imagine be right?

How can the leader of the Democratic Party claim that "the debate between 'capitalism and socialism' is now over", and that some nebulous and undefined mixture of the two, is suddenly proper?

How can it be global warming, with 2" snow in the forecast for San Antonio, Texas, on Friday, December 4th?
San Antonio~! Where there are only two seasons, Summer and January.

I was promised a better future than my parents' generation:
Weren't You??

I want that better future for your children's lives too; built upon great accomplishments and achievements which ennoble each individual, each self reliant individual, and further ennoble each succeeding generation of Americans
--not some poisonous nanny state which sucks the life from them.

Instead, our leaders are dooming America's children to being slaves to the state.
Slavery in the U.S., brought to you by the Democrats.

Answer: They Are All, Every One, deceitful Liars to Your Faces.

My 13-year-old friend/child Dillon just left here. He came by to pick up (warmer) clothing he left last week, and his slingshot.
Before he left, his eyes met mine. Then with one hand, he reached over and grabbed my hand, and put it on top of his other hand, then squeezed all three hands.
This little man realizes what is going on--

I read it in his sad black eyes.

I WILL NOT TOLERATE this rogue government, led by Controversial, out-of-control leaders who won't listen to the populace, dictate to me or to mine, their limits to my family's freedoms!

How can being forced by law to buy health insurance, under penalty of incarceration, be right?

How can our founding Constitution become such
an irrelevant document to our legislators and our leader?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

IF I Were An Internet "Bot"
I'd Do It This Way

Friends, I may have let one slip by me last night. Your Local Malcontent receives many "bot" comments made to my posts here-- first to my email address: Most look similar to this:

[url=http://viagraf***] viagra [/krl] [uxl=h,,p://viagrabestf**] viagra ******* rezeptfrei[...rl] [url=] viagra b###htellen re$$$frei[/url] [url=] viagra kazzen reze9tfrei[/url] [url=] viagra ***********rezept[u,,] [url=http://viagrac*.fora.] viagra hr**[/,,,l] ,[/]

which I delete immediatlely, natch. They've been coming in big waves lately, from Singapore and Bangladesh.

But I may have let one slip through last night: "Jason" commenting on

Jason isn't selling Viagra or Porn, so far:
He has a debating society website, called "DEBATEitOUT".
Jason's comment, "You have a great blog here. I'm a first-time visitor but I like what I'm seeing. I have a blog myself where people from all around the world come and debate on popular issues. I think you would provide some valuable insight to us all. Also, I was wondering if we could do a link exchange. If you would like to, please leave a comment under my "Compadres" page saying when you have my link up and I'll return the favor.
Please let me know.
(website address)"

Wouldn't a first-time visitor, 'BUT who liked what he is "seeing"' on a Thanksgiving/Prayer post by a Conservative have responded with something (intelligent, as the rest of you did) in relation to the post itself??
Did 'Jason' READ the LMC, or did he merely See that LMC?

Before I published his comment, I took time to visit DEBATEitOUT. I poured through three questions, comments which were posed there, for 'the world' to debate.
What Jason may be selling instead of the little Blue pills is Liberal legitimacy.
Perhaps even 0~s0, innocent, Worldwide, popular opinion.
UN-based crap. --

Because I didn't see any conclusions at all reached, given, or any absolute truths espoused, based on the US constitution, or on the Bible or Torah. AT ALL.
My (deleted) reply to Jason, on that recent post read something like,
"I don't want to become known as the token 'Native American' voice on your site. I am a registered commenter on HotAir, MichelleMalkin, and JihadWatch, but infrequently comment on those; only reading/taking the pulse of the other commenters thereon;
besides, my opinions are all clearly expressed right here."

'Jason' invites another blogger, at the *UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock blog, to link to DEBATEitOUT, expressing essentially the same thing in the 2nd comment there-- BUT calls himself 'Giants Fan'.

Visit his debate site if you choose, friends; it is worth seeing once, at least.

And Jason, if you do come back and read this post devoted to you, please comment again, and please address me as "Mal" when you do, as friends of mine do...

Then I'll, know you are not a bot, apologize to you.
Then, my friends will all know you are not a bot.
Then, I'll give you my counter offer, to your offer of linkages, above.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

THANKSGIVING, 2009: Our Prayer

This one is very personal, very important for two Christian, Okie newlyweds.
It will be an unexpectedly sad Thanksgiving, without Leticia's mother seated with us, naturally-- but in a certain way, that's only one more thing to bring before God in thankful prayer-- that we got to share our love with Lois, that she got to see her oldest marry; the strength of character she imparted to Leti; the too-short time which she knew me as "son", and I knew her as "mother"....

It's been a rough year, yet there has never been a moment during which, we could not find something to be truly thankful for.

At one point this year, I thought that our washed-away gardens were a tragedy, and an unpleasant burden to replant, remember? Our second garden grew quickly though, and offered us just as many vegetables as we could eat and share with our friends.

Thank You for that, Your bounty, Father~!

Personally, I was able to quit smoking cigarettes this year, with Leticia's nagging.... LOL.

NO, instead
with her sweet understanding and infinite patience. Thank You for that strength, Father~!

Despite our controversial leadership, the United States of America is still THE place to live on this planet.
Without question, we have deep, divisive problems presently in America; and Yes, I will join in prayer asking for His Guidance for Mr. Obama, that his mind can be changed, and that our country can be saved.
Thank You for that, Father~!

We cannot be otherwise, but overwhelmingly thankful for our many, many friends, loved ones and family, for each other, and for my BFF, our beloved nitwit, Dillon.
And, for each and every one of you, our friends, faithful readers
of The Local Malcontent bloggie--
We began as Internet friends, and have blossomed into so much more.

Thank You Holy Father, for each of you and yours,
and for ya'll gracing our lives~!

We are thankful for our health, our minds, our love for each other, our shared knowledge and skills, and for the eternal hope of increasing, improving each more, as our loving Creator's Will desires. Thank You for that, Father~!

Oh, Lord, we thank You for the extraordinary home, our Earth, with all it's wonders and opportunities to grow and to learn, and to further appreciate Your glory and Your Love for us all.

In closing this particular blogpost, I'd really like to do two things:
Call each of you by name, remembering you here, as we shall do in prayer on Thanksgiving, and ask one favor, too:

Could you Charles, Kini, JMom, Abouna, Jeffro, Mr. Willis, Spirfire, hatless, Subvet, McGehee, Crazy4Danes, Pops, Sig94, Gregor, Jon, BobG, Col. B. Bunny and Patricia, could you please remember Ron and Leticia, the Malcontents to God in your Thanksgivings too?

(now here is an awesome thought:
All the above + me, gathered around a big dinner table)
((Problems. Solved.))

The other thing: I've moved my music FineTune player up,
in the Right margin over here.
Click on it please, and listen to the first song....

It is lovingly, for you.
For whatever it is, I trust God to choose one, and to bless you with it. I hope that you enjoy the song~!
(might take two songs... 'mysterious Ways' and all. LOL)

And we MOST pray that you each have a very blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, surrounded by smiling faces, warm feelings, good cheer and a thankful, hopeful heart~!

Your Friends, Always~
Ron and Leticia Malcontent




A REAL Ponderism

Tammy Bruce posed the most interesting question today on her show:

"If Muslims did not face the built-in repercussions for leaving that religion, "apostasy",
then how many Muslims would there be in the world today?" (sic)

you know, the usual stuff: beheading, sulfuric acid being thrown into faces, being hacked to pieces.

Any ideas, Mr. Spencer??

Monday, November 23, 2009

"Wanna Have Some Fun This Christmas?"

-- Asks my Uncle Bok Chuka in his latest e-mail to us.

My uncle Bryan was always the mischievous sort of fellow, bordering on both torment and adoration, my whole life.

He forced me to speak in Choctaw around him, as much as I could, ever since I was 10-- and if I didn't, he would cock his head up into the air, basically telling me that he couldn't see or hear me.

He was/is the Choctaw elder I look up to the most, to this day.

But that wry, mischievous streak in him never subsided,

through now, his 77th year, I'm pleased to report~!

The latest email from my dear uncle follows:

It is time to get out your CHRISTMAS cards list!
Yes, you read this right..... CHRISTMAS cards.
This is coming early (really early) so that you can get
ready to include an important address to your list.

Read on........
Fun with the ACLU......
Wanna have some fun this CHRISTMAS?
Send the ACLU a CHRISTMAS card this year.

As they are working so very hard to get rid of the
CHRISTMAS part of this holiday, we should all send
them a nice CHRISTIAN card to brighten up their
dark, sad, little world.

Make sure it says "Merry CHRISTMAS" on it.
Here's the address;
just don't be rude or crude.
(That's not the Christian way, you know!)

125 Broad Street
18th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Two tons of CHRISTMAS cards would freeze their
operations because they wouldn't know if any were
regular mail containing contributions.

So spend 44 cents Yannash, (he still calls me 'Yannash') and tell the ACLU to leave CHRISTMAS alone.

Also tell them that there is no such thing as a
"Holiday Tree". . . .

It's a CHRISTMAS Tree even in the fields!

Pass this on to your e-mail lists.

We really need to communicate with the ACLU!
They really DESERVE us!!

Love that sardonic sense of humor, and ever so pleased that I got it too~!
And OH Yeah! I'm So sending the ACLU a Christmas card soon.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Unbiased, Redneck Analysis

Today I took two trusted friends of mine to our hideaway, to show them what Leti, Dillon and I've built into the side of a steep, valley ridge.
Two friends, whose opinions I not only trust and value,

but really, really wanted to impress as well.

Let's call them Marty and Jim, since that's their names anyway.... LOL
Three (not so) little Indian boys, deep in the woods with guns, one bow, and one case of Bud Light.
does it ever, get any better than that???

I value Marty's opinion because he is a genius at electronic thingies and gadgets.

He stays on top of the very latest in thingies and gadgets. Like the Wi-Fi booster antenna he suggested that we buy, to stay on the Internet if and when Leti and I move there fulltime. Like the advice he gave me on the 100-Watt solar energy array that Dillon and I installed last weekend, and about something called 'a Trojan 105 battery'; a super, long lasting battery for backup electrical needs.

I value Jim's more basic-instinct opinions and advice, since he kills a deer or other game on nearly a daily basis for food. ( I almost hate running into him at the store or wherever, since he always brags of his latest kill ) His deep knowledge of available food sources, and his skills at salting meats and storing it is the best I've ever known.
Jim kept whispering "just look at all them squirrels", as we hiked to the hideaway.

After we unloaded and I showed them around,
and yes, after some refreshments, we got down to business.

Marty tagged two broad Red oaks he thought I should cut down to add more clearance for the solar array to the southwest; he used his GPS to locate the nearest, free Wi-Fi, courtesy of the Choctaw Nation and the national Forest Rangers. He suggested I look into a very small, 120 Volt, 6 Amp freezer and some tarps for coverage, to put outside, hidden in the brush.
Marty was impressed, and his true friendship was validated, again.

Jimmy sniffed the air;

Jimmy left walking along the ridgeline, south behind our camper/hideaway.
Jimmy came back to us, grinning a possum-eatin' grin.
"Come on..." was all he needed to say to us.
We armed up and followed our Tonto.

"now Heeer's where the deer are asleeping at night", he told us, after showing us hoofprints that I'd never, ever have seen at all. "They're awalking this way to the water, through this long thicket here, a-circlling through, down to the creek."
"An' over there you can see where some buck er two has been scratching on that scrub oak, up and down- Another one is over yonder too- get you some doe (urine), and a salt lick from Atwoods and you'll have deer year 'round, ready to pick off," he told us with solid confidence.
His evaluation of the fish in the creek below us wasn't so good. "That creek'll be dry two or three months outta the year, and the fish will be thin, what fish you do find."

Oh no- what, no lobsters?

Afterward, we three friends polished off the case of Bud pretty quickly

sitting in lawn chairs in my modest, leafy yard,
when Marty pulled out surprise gifts from his backpack.
Adult beverages which came in half-pints- from Jamaica.
It was all a very good afternoon, today.

Drumming For A Confrontation
Choctaws. Angry. Upset.

No one is happy in my part of Oklahoma today,
due to the renegade US Senate vote on Reid's Universal, Socialistic HealthCare bill, last night.

There Shall Be No Peace Until This is Rescinded.

I Cannot Take My Ears Off This

"Are You Being Served?" meets "The Twilight Zone"

warning: [creepy]

What would young Mr. Grace think?~!

Yes, I'm Free~ For Now~