Sunday, February 8, 2009


It's either left or right.
Choosing both directions is simply childish nonsense... why do you have to be the one that compromises the non-existent common ground?

And in return to such a compromise, u witness the days where different directions are chosen... and astoundingly, it is expectant of you to act accordingly only to suffice the need put forth...

A certain group of the society intrigues me... I'm not exactly referring to who they are in person nor their various beliefs (for i have not yet come to know them well enough for me to do so)... but i have noticed that the individualistic world they occupy reflects their serenity in the midst of what may seem chaotic to me...

At times, I long to be drawn in for a second or two for the sake of curiosity... simply to see what it is that's occupying their every contemplation...

These days, it seems that what interests the majority are the materialistic aspects of life. I have forever conversed about this matter, and among the several conclusions that i have drawn is that the commonality shared within such a group is their likeness to these meaningless aspects.

They perceive a normal person as being abnormal, objectionable, and completely out of the ordinary... when in reality, u r the true person at heart and blessed that ur attracted to the broad image rather than the insignificant details that compose it.

Prosperity isn't measured by certain quanitities of marked papers... it is the wealth of a soul and the humbleness of a person, the wisdom he parts and the personality he posseses. That is what'll eternally remain, and that is what's most significant.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Standards of Life...

Who are we to set the standards of poor, fair, and excellent...?
What makes us so sure that excellent is what we truly desire, what's fair will never reach excellence, and what's poor will always remain poor?...

Are our decisions biased?

Setting such standards... are they a mere reflection of who we really are in life, or is what we are sought after a result of a deficit found within us....?

And upon reflecting, why do we find ourselves facing uncertain obstacles when grouping a particular concept in a category that'll lead us to desire it being in a much different one?

What exactly is the hold back? Why can't we allow that concept to fulfill that individual desire of ours? ....what justifies that restrain?

In the end, why do all the components of a certain category have to undoubtedly be applicable to a certain factor? ....and in the case of one element being overlooked, why is that whole concept done with?

...Over n' out.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Why do we tend to celebrate the beginning of a new year, every year? Why not celebrate the beginning of a new month, every month? Is it because the time gap between one year and the next is greater, hence ur ability of accomplishing more? If so, then why not celebrate every other leap year? That oughta' give u a whole lot of time to accomplish pretty much anything u want to (within legitimate grounds that is)...

I think the tendency of mankind to set goals and strive to fulfill them is embedded within each and every one of us, regardless of the exact amount of time passing by... So why stop, every year, only to mark the beginning of yet another one? why is it always one year, in particular.. nuthing more n' surely nuthing less?

Don't get me wrong, the celebrations are truly lovely... Im merely questioning their underlying reasons...

A realization of mine.. actually i have long ago realized such, but it recently clarified... there are some that are completely narrow-minded and shallow in regards to their needs and desires... they fail to realize the bigger picture, the one that lies beyond these constricted horizons of theirs..

They fail to realize the finer aspects of life..

If ur a decent being inside and outside, the rest is like a dominoes set... everything else will eventually fall into place... the pieces will fit together and complement one another...

Time has already set everything in place... as we progress, it begins to reveal to us the flipside of the cards it has dealt... each one of us is drawn a separate deck...

Many fail to acknowledge this and tend to overdo themselves, second-think their actions, and at times may even doubt their very being...

Happy new year, I truly wish u well.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


This post lacks much needed transitions... and is composed of detached contemplations… so behold….

The many games that everyone plays… and the games that those don’t initiate… they unfortunately end up being the victimized players in em'… sumtimes it's great, and sumtimes u get so winded up in them that unraveling wud be such a hassle…

How is it possible to be misunderstood, and yet not care less about it…

Between yesterday and today, I walked into 3 different rooms, each with a separate lighting system… and with every switch that I opened, a light bulb burst and freaked the living daylights out of me...

On another note.. when you constantly stack your papers in neat piles.. one is bound to question you whenevr the piles are messed up… so what are u to do, in response to such questioning? Shud u leave the papers messed up, as is, and simply disregard all questions directed ur way? or shud u restack them, yet again, solely to satisfy those questioning individuals?

And now, I leave u with my version of 'technological doodling' (this was a recent production as I was on the phone discussing a certain topic, whilst contemplating a much different one):


I wonder what the psychoanalysis of such wud indicate….

Let your imagination run away…...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Oblivious Forces of Life....

One can, without a doubt, be subjective to any force that surrounds him…
Anything and everything can be influential, should you choose for it to be so….

A thought will linger in one's mind, if one refuses to demolish it…..
A sentiment will conquer your every being, should you wish to keep hold of it….

An action will determinedly be executed, should you promise your subconscious of yourself doing so….

The inspirational objects of life….
The simplest contemplation...
The simplest sensation…
The simplest prospect…
Sometimes… a mere hallucination

Not one being can be weighed against anything else in this universe….
To everything, there is a separate set of standards…

Watching one evolve into an entirely different aspect…
An aspect that’s drastically dissimilar than what they initially began as….
It's merely one of the countless, phenomenal forces of life…

Allowing an even greater force to overcome you and possibly, at times, overwhelm you….
In the end, it all amounts to your personal choices….
What you have chosen….
Which direction to head towards...
Which life to pursue…

Some acts may be overlooked...
Some intentions may be misunderstood...
Some thoughts often go unspoken of…

Some confessions will always remain in the dark….

And yet the grass will grow, while flowers on the other end shrivel....
Secrets may be revealed, while treasures will forever be hidden....

In the end, no matter how many exterior layers you have selected… what's beneath, remains beneath…

Till' eternity

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Lamest Car Accident on the Face of This Earth (or to me atleast..)

The traffic light was red.. the cars were all parked in perfectly aligned lanes, one after the other…

He was in the second lane, grabbing hold of the steering wheel in a 'oh-so-very-cool' manner… I was diagonally to his right, in which I can see him but he cant see me…

He turns his head leftwards only to be at 'awe' by the lady to his left.. he wanted to get a closer look and perhaps some more.. so, he advances his car (while still looking to the left and avoiding wht's up front)... when suddenly he smashes into the immobile car, which has been literally a foot in front of him for the past minute or so…


That's what u get for delving into areas of matter that have nothing to do with u (a.k.a. tied up in ur own mess)….

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Where Dreams and Reality Clash…

When dreams and reality clash…
When it's difficult to differentiate between those two worlds…
When you build dreams and believe in them ever so strongly…
Believing in the possibility of fulfilling them one day….
Living up to the expectations u have set for urself before-hand….
Praising your accomplishments….

Living your dreams… they seem so very real…

It's your realistic imagination that keeps you going….
That occasional 'mental break' that rejuvenates your realistic being….

Opening the cover of a book, I read:

"Here I am... the dream has finally become a reality…for those that think dreams don’t come true, let me assure you that they can and they do… everything is indeed possible"

Interesting I say….

They say failure is nothing but "a natural part of the creative process"…
So then why do we blame ourselves for our short-comings along the way?….

They also say that life's a dream…
So are we all living that same dream?.....

Or are we all living for the sole purpose of chasing after our individual dreams?….

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Her Aura...

I was simply sitting down… minding my very own business… I was actually somewhat occupied with what I had in front me….

When suddenly she walks in…

Several others have walked in before her… but not one of their aura's silently called for my direct gaze…

Seconds passed by and I realized that this very gaze of mine was greatly reflective and more of a sea of contemplations….

She sat down… five chairs to my right… she was the sixth chair, pretty distant for a small room like ours….

Several minutes pass by, and I can feel an intensified gaze directed towards me as well…

I look to my right, and we maintain eye contact for what seemed like the longest moment….

I don’t know her… she doesn't know me… but it was as if there was this unspoken language between us, as if a deep topic was being discussed… a topic that only her and I knew of….

We look away…

Next day comes, and I bump into her on my way out….
I look up, and smile… only to meet her own smile halfway through…
Immediately, the following dialogue takes place:

Me: There's something about u…
Her: What do you mean..?
Me: I honestly do not know…
Her: But I can feel it too…
Me: u do?.. since when?
Her: the moment I walked in…
Me: incredibly interesting indeed…
Her: and weird too….
Me: Hmm….

*in silence, we looked at one another….*

Me: have an amazing day.... (I said that thinking she truly deserved such, for reasons that I knew nothing of)
Her: urself as well… (in an extremely sincere tone of voice)

I began to wonder who she was….
What's that unspoken truth of hers that I seem to know and feel…
What does it imply that I can feel the true, deep her…
And why her….

And just like that, I acquainted myself with a total stranger…..
A kind of stranger that you pretty much never meet….
A stranger that seemed so familiar to me on different, yet interesting levels….

Side note: some of u may look beyond this non-fictional happening and question my underlying intentions… I am a female and straight for that matter;p it's simply an unusual acquaintance that i wanted to share…

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Seven or Three? And Just To Think That I Once Knew....

Just when u thought that choosing seven instead of three is the right thing to do, you get slammed down by the harsh reality of things…

Just when u realize that u and perhaps a few others are the only ones choosing seven, u instantly find yourself questioning the thought of choosing three instead….

Just when u began firmly believing that choosing seven is the one and only way to guarantee a positive course of action, u surprisingly find out that all of those that chose three were the ones who slept pleasant nights indeed….

Just when u became conscious of all of the above, u find yourself way back in the game that unfortunately does not differentiate between the right and wrong….

Should you begin choosing three instead? Or should you stick to seven and see what the future will unravel?....

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Similar, Yet Different…..

I seem to have addressed this topic at a previous time… I guess this indicates its significance to me…

Wow.. it’s beyond true that every dream has some sort of underlying meaning.. a concealed truth… a hidden sign of some sort…

Sometimes, it’ll occur in reality within a blink of an eye…
And at other times, it'll take weeks… months…. or even years for it to authenticize, in a way or another….

Nevertheless, ur bound to have that "déjà vu" feeling… but this isn't applicable to just any random dream… no… it's those dreams in which u feel like ur actually living in them… the dreams that result in u:

Waking up…
Pausing for the longest moment…
And frantically pondering how to differentiate between those seemingly realistic occurrences….

About 2 and a half weeks ago, I had this dream….
Although I vaguely remember the setting… the characters… and the happenings….
I do remember how I felt…

It was a mixture of numerous emotions…

You see, in that dream, I felt anxious… happy… a nervous wreck… enticing… coy… and fretful….

I was tangled up in all of those emotions and the resulting outcome simply made me smile gleefully…

I remember the very ending of that dream… an ending which consisted of me screening a phone call… a number whose last 3 digits were (449) appeared on my mobile, and I began to think long and hard….

And then I remember waking up, only to feel my heart skip a beat….
It was only natural for me to try to go back to sleep, hoping dearly to pick up where I left off… but the unfortunate reality is that there is no such thing…

2 and a half weeks pass by…
Today evening…
I hear my mobile ring…
And surprisingly, it was a number that ended with the same last 3 digits!

And what astonished me even more is that the whole number itself looked so very familiar… as if my subconscious mind has tapped into that inner library of his and obtained those missing segments to fill in the gaps resulting from this dream of mine….