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Friday, March 19, 2010



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Newspaper Days
American Spectator, by Christopher Orlet    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 3/19/2010 6:09:28 AM     Post Reply
A good deal of my life has been spent toiling on weekly newspapers. That was certainly not my intention. My intention was to be an all-star centerfielder for the Oakland Athletics. But as the old proverb goes, "If you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans." It would be easy to say that weeklies, like everything else, ain't what they used to be. But I recently stopped by my old newspaper office (a trailer, actually, where the restroom doubled as the darkroom), and…well, everything was the same, including the Macintosh LC computers and the dial-up Internet connection.

Middle East Quartet urges Israeli settlement freeze
BBC, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Kiev505- 3/19/2010 5:46:48 AM     Post Reply
The international Quartet of Middle East peace mediators has called on Israel to freeze all settlement activity. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said Israeli-Palestinian talks should lead to a peace agreement within 24 months. Senior US, EU and Russian officials have met Mr Ban in Moscow to try to push forward the stalled talks. They come amid tension over Israel's announcement of new settler homes in East Jerusalem. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu informed Washington of new confidence-building measures on the eve of the meeting but no details have been given.

Obama’s War Against Israel
FrontPage Magazine, by Joel B. Pollak    Original Article
Posted By: MichaelvdGalien- 3/19/2010 5:26:27 AM     Post Reply
There’s a joke making the rounds in my suburban Chicago neighborhood about the clash between the Obama administration and the Netanyahu government: Why did Vice-President Joe Biden get angry when Israel embarrassed him by announcing new construction in Jerusalem’s Ramat Shlomo neighborhood? Because it’s usually Biden’s job to embarrass himself. The joke has carried on far too long.


Obama's EPA stifles new energy gains
Washington Examiner [DC], by Editorial    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 3/19/2010 5:22:54 AM     Post Reply
It would be simpler if President Obama leveled with energy industry officials and the American people and admitted he's doing everything in his power to suffocate this country's ability to find and develop critically needed new energy supplies. But instead of being honest about it, Obama hides behind misleading rhetoric about the wonders of "green" energy, even as his minions erect a multitude of new bureaucratic roadblocks to the development of the oil and natural gas resources needed to keep American homes heated, factories humming, and laptops processing. These new resources could also create millions of new jobs,

Anything but moderate
New York Post, by Rich Lowry    Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly- 3/19/2010 5:18:50 AM     Post Reply
One of President Obama's great political gifts is his moderate demeanor -- cool, reasoned, self-contained. It masks the frank immoderation of everything about his final push on health-care reform. His liberal admirers call him a centrist. He hasn't tried to pass a single-payer system, has he? But Obama is in Washington, not Ottawa. Single-payer couldn't pos sibly pass. Nor could the public option, which he supported until it reached its absolute expiration date. These aren't principled acts of centrism; they're unexceptional adjustments to reality.

ABC News paid $200,000 to Florida
mother accused of killing toddler
New York Post, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly- 3/19/2010 5:16:51 AM     Post Reply
ABC News shelled out $200,000 in a “deal” with Casey Anthony, the young Orlando mom accused of killing her two-year old daughter in June 2008, according to court testimony Thursday. Anthony’s attorney admitted the payout during a court hearing to determine whether the state of Florida will pick up the tab for some of her defense. It’s an expensive case to try, because the 23-year old may face the death penalty, The Orlando Sentinel reported. Asked by the judge about $205,000 that Anthony says she has already spent in her defense, attorney Jose Baez said:

Housing Bust
New Republic, by Marty Peretz    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 3/19/2010 5:07:55 AM     Post Reply
You do not need insider information to know that Hillary Clinton threw a hissy fit at Bibi Netanyahu last Friday morning. And you don’t need that kind of information to know that she was sent out to do this little job by her boss. Just as Joe Biden revealed that it was President Obama who’d compelled him to “condemn” the Israeli interior ministry’s press release announcing that the fourth out of seven required approvals had been passed, leaving three others and several years to go before construction could even begin

Justice is Blind
American Spectator, by Matt Purple    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 3/19/2010 5:02:30 AM     Post Reply
Something is rotten at Barack Obama's Justice Department. These days, most of the criticism of the DOJ is aimed at the stubbornly liberal Attorney General Eric Holder. But while Holder is trying to decide which densely-populated metropolis to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in, another wing of his department has been pursuing alleged "hate crimes" and "discrimination" cases with a vengeance. The DOJ's Civil Rights Division is, as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Thomas Perez put it, "open for business again." Perez has expressed shock at the lack of hate crimes prosecutions under George W. Bush.


Into the twilight zone
Washington Times, by Wesley Pruden    Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly- 3/19/2010 4:51:57 AM     Post Reply
Nancy Pelosi has scheduled a vote for Sunday, maybe to vote by not voting. The president has canceled his trip to Asia and the atmosphere in Washington grows surreal and surrealer. The speaker yearns to be a suicide bomber, blowing up her party's November prospects, or at least the leader of the Democratic squadron of kamikaze pilots. No one can quite remember when a party in power has been so determined to self-destruct, with the speaker as provocateur, egging everyone on.

Romney, Huckabee Beat
Obama Among Independents
Atlantic, by Chris Good    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 3/19/2010 4:48:38 AM     Post Reply
Democrats are struggling with independent voters these days, and it shows in President Obama's head-to-head polling against Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee. From a Public Policy Polling survey released Thursday: Mitt Romney does the best of the Republican candidates in a head to head with Obama, tying him at 44%. Romney leads 45-38 with independents and wins 80% of the Republican vote to Obama's 76% of the Democratic vote. Mike Huckabee trails Obama by a couple points, 46-44. He leads by a single point with independents, 43-42, and also has his party behind him to a greater extent than Obama,

Could We Get Rid of It?
Commentary Magazine, by Jennifer Rubin    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 3/19/2010 4:45:06 AM     Post Reply
Reader Renee asks me whether ObamaCare can be repealed if signed into law. The short answer is yes. First off, if they utilize the ” deem and pass” Slaughter Rule, there will be court challenges. And those states that pass prohibitions on the requirement for citizens to buy insurance will challenge the law as well. There will also be other legal challenges. But really, all it would take is a new law. But what about those “you can’t repeal this” provisions and “supermajority requirements” snuck into the nooks and crannies of ObamaCare? They really are meaningless.

Eric Holder, the attorney general of ineptness
Washington Post, by Michael Gerson    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 3/19/2010 4:41:38 AM     Post Reply
Attorney General Eric Holder is controversial on the left for preserving much of the Bush administration's legal structure for conducting the war on terror. He is controversial on the right for overturning portions of that structure in ways that seem both clueless and reckless. But Holder is the most endangered member of the Obama Cabinet for a different reason: Just about everything he has touched has backfired. The list is oddly impressive. First, there was the decision to release Bush-era interrogation memos and reopen the investigation of CIA interrogators after they had been cleared by career prosecutors.

Senate Democrats Building
Broad Message Campaign
Roll Call [Washington, DC], by John Stanton    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 3/19/2010 4:38:24 AM     Post Reply
Senate Democrats are planning an aggressive message campaign between now and November focusing on jobs, national security, the immediate impact of health care reform and their party’s efforts to “take on Wall Street.” Hoping to reverse some of their political setbacks over the past 12 months, the lawmakers emerged Thursday from a closed-door message caucus — the third such meeting the conference has had this year — energized and saying they were pleased with the party’s direction.

Projections from the House's
'deem to pass' roll call
Washington Examiner [DC], by Michael Barone    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 3/19/2010 4:32:42 AM     Post Reply
The House voted this afternoon by a 222-203 margin to pass the “Slaughter solution” rule authorizing a single vote on the Senate health care bill which the House leadership wants to send to the president for signature plus the reconciliation health measure the House leadership wants to send to the Senate. This victory for the Democratic leadership makes it appear that they are on the verge of rounding up the required 216 vote-majority (of the current 431 House members, 253 Democrats and 178 Republicans). But the House leadership, of either party, almost always wins rule votes.

GOP Insiders: Steele Is A Liability
National Journal, by James A. Barnes    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 3/19/2010 4:21:42 AM     Post Reply
Many GOP operatives view RNC chairman Michael Steele as more of a burden to his party than a benefit, according to the latest National Journal Political Insiders Poll. When 104 GOP Insiders were asked whether their party chairman was an asset or a liability, 71% said Steele was a liability, while only 20% said he was an asset. Another 9% said he was neither or both. By comparison, 61% of the 103 Dem Insiders who participated said that DNC head Tim Kaine was an asset and only 16% said he was a liability.


Republicans Prepare for 'Goal-Line Stand'
Congressional Quarterly, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 3/19/2010 4:16:08 AM     Post Reply
Republicans from both chambers are working to rally opposition in the House and lodge procedural challenges in the Senate that could tie up the Democrats' health care overhaul. GOP leaders said Thursday they believe they were gaining ground in their campaign to raise doubts about the bill and to persuade undecided Democrats to vote against it. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he hoped concerns about the bill would help stall the legislation in the House. "Our plan is for it not to come to the Senate," McConnell said after leaving a meeting on the House floor.

Scott Brown effect: Could Senator
Barbara Boxer lose California?
Associated Press, by Daniel B. Wood    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 3/19/2010 4:11:22 AM     Post Reply
Los Angeles – The dramatic shift in poll numbers in the California Senate race – a surge for former US Rep. Tom Campbell for the GOP nomination and a double-digit drop for Senator Barbara Boxer (D) since January – has serious national implications, according to political analysts. A California Field Poll released Thursday shows Mr. Campbell running ahead of businesswoman Carly Fiorina by six points and Assemblyman Chuck DeVore by 19 points among likely GOP primary election voters. Perhaps more important, say analysts, is that more voters now have an unfavorable than favorable view of the incumbent Ms. Boxer,

Obama in immigration dance
Associated Press, by Darlene Superville    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 3/19/2010 4:07:14 AM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama promised to make overhauling the immigration system a top priority in his first year as president. He's now in Year Two, and the odds that he'll get to sign a bill before the November midterm elections appear long. Grass-roots activists are frustrated by the wait for a new system and are organizing a rally Sunday on the National Mall by what they hope will be thousands of people from across the country loudly voicing their displeasure at the pace of action.

Netanyahu calls Clinton to defuse tensions
Associated Press, by Robert Burns    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 3/19/2010 4:05:48 AM     Post Reply
MOSCOW – Hoping to defuse a fight between friends, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton agreed Thursday to meet next week in Washington to confront an embarrassing dispute over Israeli land claims. The Obama administration's special envoy for Mideast peace, George Mitchell, prepared to return to the region for talks with Israeli and Palestinian leaders. Netanyahu called Clinton on Thursday. State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley declined to provide details of the conversation, which he described as the Israeli prime minister's response to Clinton's call last week in which she harshly criticized

Democrats push toward
Sunday vote on health care
Associated Press, by Erica Werner    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 3/19/2010 4:03:32 AM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON – Slowly but steadily, support is building behind President Barack Obama's health care legislation in the House, the result of intense lobbying and politically targeted changes aimed at reassuring waverers and winning over critics. Obama himself was to talk up the sweeping overhaul in a midday speech Friday in Virginia, his fourth outside-the-Beltway event in two weeks as he scrambles to rally the public ahead of a climactic vote this weekend. On Capitol Hill, congressional leaders were focusing on those rank-and-file Democrats, including moderates and opponents of abortion, who remained undecided

Kausfiles is out there. Somewhere.
Slate, by Mickey Kaus    Original Article
Posted By: PageTurner- 3/19/2010 3:28:54 AM     Post Reply
When I took out papers to run for the U.S. Senate in California, I figured I would probably have to give up blogging for this magazine. I couldn't quite see what would be wrong with it, but it's just not something that's done at a respectable news organization like the Washington Post Company (which owns Slate). A few web commenters likewise assumed that a "lack of comfort" at Slate or Post Co. would kill the idea. In the event, that's not how it turned out. My Slate editors were actually quite willing to keep me on to write

Cantor goes after Democrats on House floor
for “malfeasant” voting procedure
The Daily Caller, by Jon Ward    Original Article
Posted By: vastrightwingconspirator- 3/19/2010 2:39:45 AM     Post Reply
House Minority Whip Eric Cantor’s press operation began e-mailing reporters around 4:30, indicating they might want to go watch the House floor. As the House chamber filled up with lawmakers, Democratic floor operatives, including Caitlin O’Neill, the floor manager for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and grand daughter of former Speaker Tip O’Neill, began to notice Cantor was lining up papers and preparing to cause some kind of mischief across the chamber.He blasted the Democratic leadership, saying they have “willfully abused [their] power to chart a legislative course for the Senate health care bill that is deliberately calculated to obfuscate


Switching Sides
American Thinker, by Pamela Geller    Original Article
Posted By: DW626- 3/19/2010 2:01:53 AM     Post Reply
In a stunning and historic reversal of American foreign policy, the United States is now backing one of the same horses it fought during World War II. Instead of fighting against Nazism and racism, Obama has effectively joined the jihad waged during World War II by the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini. Hamas has called for a new intifada against the Jewish people. This is the fruit of Obama's pro-jihad policies.

Why isn't this man happy?
American Thinker, by Jeannie DeAngelis    Original Article
Posted By: DW626- 3/19/2010 1:56:14 AM     Post Reply
A Washington Post article entitled, Obama's happiness deficit suggested Barack Obama, "doesn't seem all that happy being president." Maybe before applying for a job he was unqualified for, Obama should have visited a career counselor to discuss options more fitting the skill set of a community organizer. Because based on opinion polls, 54% of the nation disapproves of Obama's first year of on-the-job training, indicating Barry isn't the only one presently dealing with job dissatisfaction. Insistent about stepping into a position he was incapable of handling

There's No Caring in ObamaCare
American Thinker, by Robin of Berkeley    Original Article
Posted By: DW626- 3/19/2010 1:47:12 AM     Post Reply
I saw the most poignant scene the other day. It was in one of those small, old-time markets that are handy for quick stops. An elderly woman close to 90 was pushing a cart down the narrow aisles. Her white hair was immaculately coiffed, and she was dressed in her finest garb. The woman's regal appearance was capped by the biggest, sweetest smile. She just radiated joy. This trip to the grocery must have been the highlight of her week.

No backing down for Ladies
in White protestors in Cuba
Miami Herald, by Juan O. Tamayo    Original Article
Posted By: PageTurner- 3/19/2010 1:18:58 AM     Post Reply
Cuba's Ladies in White marched Thursday on the seventh anniversary of the crackdown that sent their dissident husbands and sons to prison, but without a repeat of the government violence a day earlier that triggered a flurry of international condemnations. ``No matter what they do, we'll continue to march this week to mark the Black Spring,'' said Laura Pollán, referring to the March 18, 2003, arrests of 75 dissidents who were sentenced to up to 28 years in prison.

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