Breaking News: Some Bullshit Is Happening Somewhere

Posted by Mark A. Rayner on March 19, 2010
Parody & Satire / No Comments

Alltop loves being on TV too. Also available at The Onion — Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere.

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Anxious Queue

Posted by drtundra on March 18, 2010
Parody & Satire, Toulouse Le Grandfig / No Comments
Anxious queue at the Skywalker Ranch

At the Skywalker Ranch, there was always a long lineup for the Princess Leia Ride, even when Stacy and her “Umbrella of Truth” was working it.

Alltop would never tell a lie. Cloud City Garrison – The Portrait Sessions, originally uploaded by LukeOlsen.

Evolution at work

Posted by drtundra on March 17, 2010
Monkeys!, Toulouse Le Grandfig / No Comments
the NED centaurs of Narnia

The non-educated delinquents (NEDs) of Narnia started acting like asses long before their transformation began.

Upside: this was actually an improvement and made them attractive to some women.

Downside: no place to hide a chib.

Alltop will slash ye’. schemie-centaurs, originally uploaded by kirsty.whiten.

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Darth Vader at the Death Star Canteen

Posted by Mark A. Rayner on March 16, 2010
Monkeys!, Parody & Satire / 4 Comments

Speaking of video game bosses, I love this bit by Eddie Izzard:

YouTube Preview Image

Click here if the embedded video doesn’t work.

For those of you who don’t know much about Izzard, check out Kevin Pollack’s chat show interview with him (warning: it’s two-and-a-half hours long). The man is actually quite amazing. A maniac, but amazing.

Alltop can kill catering with a thought.

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Video game bosses try to rally their troops

Posted by Mark A. Rayner on March 16, 2010
But is it art?, Parody & Satire / No Comments

Sorry, the video’s only available at College Humor. Nazis.

Alltop wishes it could breath fire.

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Bubble Mode

Posted by Mark A. Rayner on March 15, 2010
Toulouse Le Grandfig / 2 Comments

Bubble Mode -- travel via soap bubble

As a form of travel, giant soap bubble is suited to Buddhist monks, toddlers, and whimsical characters from children’s stories.

It is not recommended for 60-year-old podiatrists with catastrophic waxy ear buildup and the inability to stand on a skein of soap and magic.

You certainly can’t hope to use a lawn chair. And if you wear socks with sandals you probably deserve to fall to your death anyway.

Alltop prefers glass elevators. Photo by h. kopdelaney.

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Cogito ergo gourd

Posted by Mark A. Rayner on March 13, 2010
Toulouse Le Grandfig / No Comments

Claude and his gourd
Even when he was presented with evidence in the form of a somewhat amusing Belgian postcard, Claude refused to understand why no one took him seriously.

Alltop likes gourd.

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The Styrophone

Posted by drtundra on March 12, 2010
But is it art?, Monkeys! / No Comments
the styrophone

The Styrophone, originally uploaded by lunchbreath.

Another genius idea from Lunchbreath Industries!

Alltop has a phone-smashing budget.

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Remember the B-52s?

Posted by Mark A. Rayner on March 11, 2010
But is it art?, Hinky History / 2 Comments

Then you’re old.

However, if you’re part of the demographic, then at least it will confirm that we knew how to be weird, years before the Internet. Of course, we had the Bomb to help us.

YouTube Preview Image
Rock Lobster on YouTube.

Alltop finds fallout quite exciting.

Sex with Sue

Posted by drtundra on March 10, 2010
Toulouse Le Grandfig / No Comments
Jeremy Cthulu

“Hi there Jeremy, you’re on the air.”

“Hi Sue. Long-time listener, first-time caller. I’m a big fan.”

“Thanks Jeremy, what did you want to talk about?”

“What if she’s not into your face?”

“In what way? Kissing?”

“No, like sitting on it in a way that she delivers up her everlasting soul to the Old One.”

“Jeremy, you’re making me hot just talking about it, so I suggest that you do the same with your girlfriend.”

“I will, Sue. Wait for my visit.”

[sound of static, embedded within it: the wail of a nameless dread]

Alltop finds nameless dread relaxing. 022 Cthulu, originally uploaded by dracorubio.

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