Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Robert Novak - R.I.P. (And Once Again, The Libs Show Their Hate)

Robert Novak died today at the age of 78, due to brain cancer, which he was diagnosed with in July of 2008. Condolences to his family and friends.
Unfortunately, it takes the death of a conservative to show the world how much the Democrat Left, who claim to have a monopoly on compassion, love and tolerance, are in reality hateful, mean-spirited and rotten to the core.

Jonn at This Ain't Hell has examples from Democrat Underground (DUh) of the bile coming from the Democrat left tonight, including calling Novak a "Douchebag of Liberty." Taking Jonn's cue, I paid a visit to this thread at the Daily Kooks and it ain't nice there either. See below for screenshots.
And to think....some of these libs are actually posting how much better they are as opposed to those of us on the right.

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David Axelrod's Possible Conflict Of Interest In "Health Care Reform"

Hugh Hewitt has the following at his Townhall.com blog. This could be huge, if all the dots connect!
The allegations in this Bloomberg story --if true-- pose a huge problem for a senior advisor to the president, David Axelrod. This is the heart of the problem:

"Axelrod was president and sole shareholder of AKPD from 1985 until he sold his interest after Obama’s victory, government records show. The firm owes Axelrod $2 million, which it’s due to pay in installments beginning Dec. 31. Axelrod’s son, Michael, still works there. He didn’t return a phone call. The firm’s Web site continues to feature David Axelrod’s work on the Obama campaign. (Emphasis added.)"

The problem is that Axelrod's former firm is currently receiving huge fees "from Healthy Economy Now, a coalition that includes the Washington-based Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America, known as PhRMA," as well as AARP, the SEIU and other big players in the health care debate.

If Axelrod has been negotiating any part of any deal involving any of these players which are funneling money to the firm that owes him money, or if he is advising the president on the deals with any of these groups, that's a conflict of interest. Laundering the money through a "coalition" doesn't remove the conflict much less the appearance of impropriety. The coalition is in effect partially funding David Axelrod's severance package though its members might have done so unknowingly. These forthcoming payments to Axelrod are much more significant than the sort of "retained ties" that Democrats blasted Dick Cheney for vis-a-vis Halliburton even though there was no high level negotiations between the vice president and his former company.

David Axelrod has some tough questions to answer, and according to Politico's Mike Allen, Politico's Ken Vogel will be publishing more on matters Axelrodian tomorrow. (The transcript of my interview with Allen will be posted here later tonight.) Vogel's story on Axelrod's son from a few days back casts doubt on the Bloomberg story's accuracy as Bloomberg has Axelrod's son still at Axelrod's old firm, but Vogel has him at The Huffington Post. If it was Karl Rove in a similar set of circumstances, the blogs and some in MSM would already be demanding a special prosecutor. There are lots of questions for Mr. Axelrod, the first one being whether the Bloomberg story is accurate. if the answer is "yes," the second will be: "Have you lawyered up?"

UPDATE: Ken Vogel just confirmed that his story in tomorrow's Politico delves into this issue and that Axelrod did not respond to Vogel's e-mail on the subject, though he has done so in the past. The transcript of the Vogel interview will also be up later tonight at the transcripts page.

Vogel also informed me that Axelrod has two sons, one of whom does indeed continue to work at his dad's old firm which is powered up on health care debate dollars.

UPDATE 2: Senator Jon Kyl just expressed surprise when I told him the outline of the story and, without prompting, suggested as I have above that if Karl Rove had been discovered to be in the same situation as David Axelrod, the hounds would be in the hunt already. Of course, this is the Obama-smitten MSM, so it remains to be seen whether any of them start asking the obvious questions. The transcript of my conversation with Senator Kyl will be posted later at the Transcripts page.

Culture of corruption, anyone?

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Dems Plan To "Go It Alone" On Socialized Medicine--Don't Stop Going To Townhalls & Saying NO To Obamacare

Per the Drudge Report this evening, that is what the New York Slimes will say in tomorrow's edition.
WASHINGTON — Given hardening Republican opposition to Congressional health care proposals, Democrats now say they see little chance of the minority’s cooperation in approving any overhaul, and are increasingly focused on drawing support for a final plan from within their own ranks.

Top Democrats said Tuesday that their go-it-alone view was being shaped by what they saw as Republicans’ purposely strident tone against health care legislation during this month’s Congressional recess, as well as remarks by leading Republicans that current proposals were flawed beyond repair.

...The Democratic shift may not make producing a final bill much easier. The party must still reconcile the views of moderate and conservative Democrats worried about the cost and scope of the legislation with those of more liberal lawmakers determined to win a government-run insurance option to compete with private insurers.

On the other hand, such a change could alter the dynamic of talks surrounding health care legislation, and even change the substance of a final bill. With no need to negotiate with Republicans, Democrats might be better able to move more quickly, relying on their large majorities in both houses. Democratic senators might feel more empowered, for example, to define the authority of the nonprofit insurance cooperatives that are emerging as an alternative to a public insurance plan.
And if you think the so-called "public option" is off the table, don't start celebrating. Either the one man Beavis & Butthead named Robert Gibbs didn't get the memo, or the statements over the weekend we're just a test to see what the reaction would be. Mark my words, Obama and the libs will put the public option in, but under a different name. Maybe they're meeting with their party "linguist" (aka bullshit artist) named George Wackoff to figure out the right words to fool the Blue Dogs with No Bite and others into supporting a trojan horse public option.

Speaking of which, I received the following e-mail from David Plouffe of Organizing for Obama:
President Obama is holding a live strategy meeting on Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time for all Organizing for America supporters. I hope you can join us, online or by phone.

The President will update us on the fight to pass real health insurance reform -- what's happening in D.C. and what's happening around the country. He'll lay out our strategy and message going forward and answer questions from supporters like you. And we'll unveil the next actions we'll organize together.

(Key line) This is a critical time in this President's administration, and in the history of our country. I hope you can join us.

Here are the details:

What: Organizing for America National Health Care Forum
When: Thursday, August 20th, 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time
RSVP and submit a question for the President.

The President wrote to us a few weeks ago to ask us to go the extra mile this month in the fight for health insurance reform. And so far, you've stepped up in a big way: Last week, an astounding 60,000 Organizing for America volunteers stopped by representatives' and senators' local offices. You told your health care stories to staffers and members of Congress -- of losing insurance after getting laid off, of being denied coverage upon finding out about a serious illness. And you thanked those supporting real health insurance reform for all the work they've done so far.

But these local office visits were only part of the story. The D.C. media has been trumpeting coverage of town halls disrupted by angry opposition to reform. But the reality on the ground is very different. Organizing for America supporters are showing up in huge numbers at these meetings all across the country -- outnumbering opponents of reform, often by overwhelming margins. (M.I.M. note--What? These people are delusional! That's not what we're seeing)

You've organized 11,906 local events in all 50 states -- from press conferences to community discussions -- since we launched our big campaign for reform in June. And you've made hundreds of thousands of calls to Congress.

Your work so far has been incredible. But the special interests and partisan attack groups who oppose reform will not let up, and they will tell whatever lies they can to spread fear. There's a lot more work for all of us to do. This Thursday's meeting is our chance to huddle as a team, get the latest information and talk about how we're going to achieve this victory. You don't want to miss it.
Notice from where I wrote "key line" that this whole push for so-called "health care reform" is all politics and all about making Obama look good. The Administration comes first, before the best interests of the nation, in the eyes of the DNC and the Obamabots for Socialism. And they have the nerve to call us partisan?

Do you want to see what kind of bullies that the far-Left House Democrats like "Nostrilitus" Henry Waxman are becoming? According to this AP story (via FreeRepublic) they're demanding financial records from health insurance comapnies.

Wherever you're at, keep going to those town halls and let these politicians know we're against this fast track to socialism known as Obamacare, as well as Crap & Tax. If you're in Reston, VA a week from today, come out to South Lakes High School to the town hall with Jim "I like to hit people" Moron and "Screamin" Howard Dean.

Don't think the battle is won, keep fighting!

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Outraged Obamabots Attack Whole Foods With Boycotts After CEO's OpEd Opposing Obamacare

Last Wednesday, the CEO of Whole Foods natural grocery store, John Mackey, wrote an oped in the Wall Street Journal in which he opposed Obamacare and offered some rational approaches to making health care insurance more affordable.
Because of his piece, a bunch of lockstep lefties who populate the Austin-based grocery chain are threatening to boycott the stores because Mackey dares to oppose Dear Leader (Fox News).
Calls to boycott Whole Foods Market are growing louder and more sophisticated following a Wall Street Journal opinion article by the company's chief executive, John Mackey, in which he criticized President Obama's health care plan and offered his own alternative.

Mackey's article first prompted individuals to threaten taking their business elsewhere. But now the Progressive Review, an online alternative publication, is calling for a formal boycott, and campaigns are popping up all over, including on Facebook, a popular online social networking site.

Protesters are hoping a boycott will cut into the success of Whole Foods, the 10th largest food and drug store in the U.S., which reported sales of $1.8 billion for the last quarter, a 2 percent increase from the previous quarter.

As of Saturday, the Whole Foods Internet forum had more than 4,000 postings. One commenter thanked Mackey for revealing his political views.

"While it was a horrible business move, it was a great courtesy," a commenter identified as boycottwf wrote. "Now, I know that my dollars spent at whole foods are going to fund your misguided conservative views."

The commenter added, "Until you publically apologize to the nation and pledge that you will provide better benefits to your employees, I will not spend another dime at your store."

Another commenter identified as Betrayed, who claims to have been a customer for nearly 20 years, said, "I was so shocked to read Mr. Mackey's horrible, horrible opinion in the WSJ. I hope this severely hurts his profits. His customer base is mostly liberal Democrats who will, like me, be horrified at what we have been supporting all this time."
Isn't this typical of Lefties? Once anyone gets out of lockstep with their socialism, you're immediately called a "conservative." And as far as benefits, Whole Foods pays 100 percent of the premiums for employees working over 30 hours (employees pay deductible). That's not bad.

In this national debate over health care, it seems to me that a CEO of one of those "evil corporations" (in the eyes of libs) may know more about healthcare than someone whose only experience in life has been, say, a community organizer.

Wonder if That One will join the boycott next time he buys arugula?

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Quid Pro Quo? DNC Chair/Va Gov. Kaine Pardons Three Imprisoned For Murder, Rape: Case Championed By Kaine Contributor, Novelist John Grisham

Virginia's Part-time Governor, Tim Kaine (also appointed DNC Chair by Barack Hussein Obama) pardoned three men who given life sentences for the 1997 rape and murder of Michelle Moore-Bosco.

photo collage from HamptonRoads.com

According to Judicial Watch, the suspects confessed to the murders. HamptonRoads.com also notes that the suspects later claimed their confessions had been because of "coercive police tactics."

"There are many, many aspects of the case that are troubling," the governor said during a 45-minute news conference in the state Capitol on Thursday.

"And I would say that these individuals have raised serious doubts about their involvement, or about the level of their involvement, but I do not believe that they have conclusively demonstrated that there is no possibility that they were involved in this crime," he added.

Then why release them?

Judicial Watch and Hampton Roads mention something the part-time governor won't admit to.

Novelist John Grisham has championed the case of the so-called "Norfolk Four" (one other suspect was released in 2005). Grisham has also donated almost $400,000 to the Democrat Party in Virginia, as well as $175,000 to Kaine and his PAC (Political Action Committee). The family of the victim told the paper: "We do not believe it is a coincidence that Governor Kaine granted these pardons just a few weeks after the announcement that John Grisham intends to write a screenplay."

Whatever the legal circumstances of the case, the existence of a possible quid-pro-quo between DNC Chair/Gov. Kaine and the supporter of the pardoned suspects stinks to high heaven. Why should public safety take a backseat to political cronyism? It has all the earmarks of the controversial Pardongate by Bill Clinton of Marc Rich and others.

This pardon is also more proof in how the Democrat Party has (for the last 40 years since the leftist radicals took over the party) championed the perpetrators (or alleged ones) over the victims of criminal acts. Other notable examples included Marin County's kooky Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, who wrote a letter of reference for the rapist of a Terra Linda, CA teenager, as well as the Obama Administration's siding with Gitmo terrorists, the race-baiter Henry Gates, as well as Attorney General Eric Holder's penchant of releasing terrorists, and his agency's refusal to prosecute the racist New Black Panthers for voter intimidation in Philadelphia on Election Day 2008.

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

What Is Not Being Reported About This Weekend, 40 Years Ago

If you've turned on the radio or TV at all this weekend, you're reminded that another 10 years have gone by in remembering the crowning achievement of the Selfish Generation.

That being, Woodstock, where a bunch of smelly hippies got stoned, rolled around in the mud, screwed like jackrabbits and left a hell of a mess for someone else to clean up (very ecologically sound for a bunch of Left-wing tree-huggers).

What is not being mentioned is that 109 Americans lost their lives in defending the freedoms which those upper-class, spoiled Left-wing filth took for granted. I had these heroes on my mind today as my family and I visited the Vietnam Memorial in DC this afternoon.

VFW Magazine wrote about it and just put it up online. Jonn at This Ain't Hell previously typed it and posted first before the entire article was placed online.
While Woodstock Rocked, GIs Died

With the 40th anniversary of the ‘60s cherished rock concert, the so-called “Sixties Generation” remembers fondly those four days in August 1969. Instead, VFW magazine commemorates the 109 Americans killed in Vietnam then.

by Richard K. Kolb

Newsweek described them as “a youthful, long-haired army, almost as large as the U.S. force in Vietnam.” One of the promoters saw what happened near Bethel (nearly 40 miles from Woodstock), N.Y., as an opportunity to “showcase” the drug culture as a “beautiful phenomenon.”

The newsmagazine wrote of “wounded hippies” sent to impromptu hospital tents. Some 400,000 of the “nation’s affluent white young” attended the “electric pot dream.” One sympathetic chronicler recently described them as “a veritable army of hippies and freaks.”

Time gushed with admiration for the tribal gathering, declaring: “It may well rank as one of the significant political and sociological events of the age.” It deplored the three deaths there—“one from an overdose of drugs [heroin], and hundreds of youths freaked out on bad trips caused by low-grade LSD.” Yet attendees exhibited a “mystical feeling for themselves as a special group,” according to the magazine’s glowing essay.

That same tribute mentioned the “meaningless war in the jungles of Southeast Asia” and quoted a commentator who said the young need “more opportunities for authentic service.”

Meanwhile, 8,429 miles around the other side of the world, 514,000 mostly young Americans were authentically serving the country that had raised them to place society over self. The casualties they sustained over those four days were genuine, yet none of the elite media outlets were praising their selflessness.

So 40 years later, let’s finally look at those 109 Americans who sacrificed their lives in Vietnam on Aug. 15, 16, 17 and 18, 1969.

An American Profile

They mirrored the population of the time. A full 92% were white (seven of whom had Spanish surnames) and 8% black. Some 67% were Protestants; 28% Catholic. A disproportionate number—more than one-third—hailed from the South. More than two-thirds were single; nearly one-third married. Not surprisingly, the vast majority (91%) were under the age of 30, with 78% between the ages of 18 and 22.

Overwhelmingly (87%), they were in the Army. Marines and airmen accounted for 8% and 4% of the deaths respectively, with sailors sustaining 1%. Again, not expectedly, two-thirds were infantry¬men. That same proportion was lower-ranking enlisted men. Enemy action claimed 84% of their lives; non-hostile causes, 16%. The preponderance (56%) had volunteered while 43% had been drafted. One was in the National Guard.

Of the four days, Aug. 18—the last day of “peace and love” in the Catskills when the 50,000 diehards departed after the final act—was the worst for the men in Vietnam. Thirty-five of them died on that one miserable day. Many perished in the Battle of Hiep Duc (see VFW August 2008) fighting with the hard-luck Americal Division in the Que Son Mountains. In fact, 37% of all the GIs lost in this period came from this one unit.

So when you hear talk of the glories of Woodstock—the so-called “defining event of a generation”—keep in mind those 109 GIs who served nobly yet are never lauded by the illustrious spokesmen for the “Sixties Generation.”

San Franciscans Tea Party Against Obamacare; Danville Proests Boxer

Michelle Malkin has video up from San Francisco worth seeing.

Noel Sheppard of Newsbusters, KSFO's Brian Sussman, and California Republican Party Vice Chairman Thomas Del Beccaro, were some of the speakers.

Link here from Newsbusters, which also has video of the Danville, CA protest at another book signing by Barbara "the Check Bouncer" Boxer.

PipeLineNews has photos from San Francisco as well.

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Friday, August 14, 2009

The New Media Script: Linking Town Hall Protesters To Hate Groups

That's what Brian Ross for the Obama Healthcare Propaganda network, formerly known as ABC, did today.

And his guest was none other than Mark Potok, member of the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, who was a large source of information for the Department of Homeland Security "Conservatives are Terrorists" report (Newsbusters).

Potok has been spreading this claim ever since the election. To show you how off the chart these people are, the SPLC even called the American Legion a hate group, which Potok lamely tried to deny in a comment posted at This Ain't Hell. To the SPLC and their allies, our opposition to Obama is based on his race, instead of his radical far-Left, socialist agenda. We're all a bunch of buck toothed rednecks with white sheets in the closet and just don't know it.

This template fits in with the Obama Lapdog Media, who parrot these exaggerations as they are so invested in the success of this Administration. Along with Doug Ross, another parrot is that failed left-wing radio host Ed Schultz (seated in the front row at Obama's first press conference), who said the following.
"Sometimes I think they want Obama to get shot. I do. I really think that there are conservative broadcasters in this country who would love to see Obama taken out."

When you look at that statement, it is ridiculous on its face. I've never heard anyone say that. However, I seem to recall an Airhead America host, Randi Rhodes, implied President Bush should be assassinated not once, but twice! That didn't rile Ed's moist panties, neither did the books, movies, artwork, and signs at "peace rallies" calling for George W.'s assassination. The SPLC didn't utter a peep either.

Maybe the SPLC was talking about this(Fox News):
An African-American man from Mississippi admits posing as a white supremacist to send a death threat across state lines by Facebook.

The U.S. Attorney's Office says 20-year-old Dyron L. Hart of Poplarville pleaded guilty Wednesday in federal court to making a threat in November 2008.

Hart admitted creating a name and using a white supremacists' photo to pose as a white man who planned to kill blacks because Barack Obama had been elected president.

It's been a week after a conservative black man was assaulted with racial slurs and kicks in St. Louis at the hands of Obama supporting SSEIU thugs, and there has been absolute silence about that attack, except from Fox News, talk radio and the internet. Coincidence?

I wouldn't be surprised if there is some kind of triangulation between the White House, Mark Potok and allies in the Obama Lapdog Media to push the "Obamacare Town Hall Opponents Are Racist Hicks...." mantra. They're unable to sell this lemon called "Health Care Reform" to Americans of all background. As a result, it's time for them to attack their opponents...Saul Alinsky style.

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Another Obama Town Hall....You Know It Was Scripted!

today in Montana.

Of course, it was nothing like the town hall meetings across the nation, where ordinary citizens are giving elected Democrats holy hell for going along with the Obama Socialist machine (Cap & Tax, the so-called stimulus, etc).

I know of at least one plant, found courtesy of one Freeper at FreeRepublic.com, who found the following about Carol Wilder, the first person to ask a question to Obama. Here she is in the minutes of the Gallatin County Democrats.

Of course this was scripted, because "The Annointed One" can't look bad.

Need more proof? How about the guy who was an NRA member that asked a question? When he said he was a member of the NRA, I heard more crickets chriping than applause.

Will keep an eye out for more plants from ACORN, the DNC, Organizing for America, SSEIU, etc.

No, I didn't ruin my day off by watching it either. Honestly, if you're going to watch something which is scripted, which would you rather watch: an Obama Town Hall or maybe classic old school pro wrestling?

I'd take watching Ric Flair over an Obama townhall anyday. For being scripted, at least wrestling (not that modern WWE crap) is a somewhat more entertaining than another exercise in Obama's narcissism.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Protesters Outnumber Obamacare Supporters At Barbara Boxer's Booksigning

...and this all happened in ultra-Left wing Marin County, California last night!

Karen West, director of events at Book Passage, said Boxer's appearance was "certainly the one event with the most activity," noting the last book event to draw protesters was a visit by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Wednesday night's protesters gathered on the sidewalk outside the Marketplace shopping center where Book Passage is located, and also outside the bookstore's entrance. Attendees of the event were required to purchase the book to get a seat inside, leading to an exchange between Boxer and James Urquhart of Santa Rosa that drew a round of laughter.

"Your book is going in the trash as soon as I get home," Urquhart said.

"Well, I'm glad you bought it," she retorted.

While there were several people with signs supporting universal healthcare and a public insurance option, most of those gathered sported signs in opposition to Boxer and the various proposed healthcare reform bills making the rounds in the Senate and House of Representatives.

"We were certainly outnumbered," said Adrianna Roome, a Novato resident and member of Organizing for America, the (M.I.M. note - DNC funded) group set up by President Barack Obama to tap into his vast campaign network in an effort to push for legislation.

Rosemary Garvey of Novato said she was upset that Boxer was appearing in Marin to promote her book but was not hosting a public event to hear from residents about healthcare.

"She does represent us and we would like to be heard," Garvey said. "We see something like this, where she's appearing to sell her book and it's despicable. We just want an audience."

Some protesters reiterated the claim that healthcare reform would call for so-called "death panels," while others said they feared government takeover of the healthcare system.

"We're very concerned about healthcare being rationed or getting stuck with the bill for health insurance for immigrants," said Tim Petersen of San Anselmo.

MoreMarin.com has more and was the source of the photos used in this post.
Holding hand-made signs, about two dozen protesters lined the entrance to the Book Passage's parking lot.

"She should be doing town hall meetings with her constituents instead of book tours," said Pam Silleman who was waving at cars and carrying a sign that read "Born Free but Taxed to Death."

Silleman--coordinator of the Napa Tea Party--was polite, unlike the screaming hordes (????) who've been in the news lately. But the sentiments were the same, nonetheless--"I feel like we've lost our voice, said Silleman, "I feel like this is another attempt to take over our health care."
There was another instance of Boxer's arrogance towards someone addressing her, according to MoreMarin.
The only prickly moment occurred when the Senator pointedly requested that one audience member not point at her while she asked her question.
Excuse me, don't point at me. Don't you know who I am? I'm a Senator and I worked hard for that title, was probably what the snotty Boxer said.

One commenter at FreeRepublic.com noted a report from KSFO and said, "Anti-boxer outnumbered pro-Boxer 5 to 1, and this was in Marin County, her own backyard. They had to sneak her in the back door with a blanket over her head."

I wish I could have been back in my old stomping grounds of Marin with all you good folks protesting this arrogant partisan who deserves more than an earful from her constituents! If you were there and have stories, feel free to comment. If you'd like to send photos, feel free to e-mail me as well (click on my profile for the address) and I'll post them here.

If you missed last night, there will be another one tomorrow in Danville at 7 pm at Rakestraw Books, 522 Hartz Ave. She'll also be at Barnes & Noble in San Jose on Saturday, 1:00pm at Barnes and Noble, 3600 Stevens Creek Boulevard.

Wear your nice Brooks Brothers suit for her too!

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Les Paul, R.I.P.

An American innovator and legend died today at 94 years of age.

Music would not be what it is today if not for Les Paul being one of the pioneers of the solid body electric guitar, as well as multi-track recording.

Here's a sample of him at his Monday night gig in Manhattan, where superstars of the music industry were known to stop by to hold court with Les.

The guest performer this night was Austin, TX guitar virtuoso, Eric Johnson.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Do You Find The Timing Suspicious? Leftist SPLC Says Militias Are On The Rise

Isn't it ironic, that right before the Tea Parties on April 15th, came the DHS "Conservatives are Terrorists" report, and now, with the town hall meetings getting heated, we're in for a redux? (Yahoo news).

WASHINGTON – Militia groups with gripes against the government are regrouping across the country and could grow rapidly, according to an organization that tracks such trends.

The stress of a poor economy and a liberal administration led by a black president are among the causes for the recent rise, the report from the Southern Poverty Law Center says. Conspiracy theories about a secret Mexican plan to reclaim the Southwest are also growing amid the public debate about illegal immigration.

Bart McEntire, a special agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, told SPLC researchers that this is the most growth he's seen in more than a decade.

"All it's lacking is a spark," McEntire said in the report.

It's reminiscent of what was seen in the 1990s — right-wing militias, people ideologically against paying taxes and so-called "sovereign citizens" are popping up in large numbers, according to the report to be released Wednesday. The SPLC is a nonprofit civil rights group that, among other activities, investigates hate groups.
Non-profit group my ass! The SPLC was practically working arm and arm with Janet Napalotano and the Department of Homeland Security to label anyone who dares to disagree with the Democrats' socialist agenda as a "racist" or "dangerous, gun toting redneck."

Think I'm making this connection up? Americans for Limited Government filed a FOIA request to find out the sources of that report. I have a pdf copy of it, as does This Ain't Hell. A good majority of the references are from the SPLC website.

Never mind that, according to Sweetness & Light, a check of certain white supremacist website traffic shows no huge increase in activity, just steady traffic.

Seems to me the only instances I recall of bringing up race were the Obama union thugs who beat up a black conservative in St. Louis last Thursday and called him a nigger. I guess SSEIU doesn't qualify for "hate group" status with the liberals at the SPLC.

You know the old joke, you know you're winning an argument with a liberal when they call you a racist. That's what's happening here. The stench of desperation is in the air from the liberals, because this socialized medicine masquerading as "health-care reform" ain't selling. So what's left? Time to act like Henry Gates, or infiltrate the crowds of Obamacare opponents with nutball signs.

That's what happened at Democrat John "Obamacare protesters remind me of KKK" Dingell's town hall. According to theblogprof, a guy who held up an Obama as Hitler sign was a Democrat union plant. A Fox News interview below has a couple who saw the guy holding the sign later passing out Obamacare items.

And add to that the swastika painted on the sign of Democrat Rep. David Scott's office we heard about yesterday (remember him from this past weekend?). I could be wrong, but how do we know that wasn't done by a staff member, Democrat union thug or other Obamacare supporter in an effort to tar and feather opponents?

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