

Debt Held by the Public Reaches 60% image

Debt Held by the Public Reaches 60%

13 Years Ahead of Schedule
Veronique de Rugy | Mar 15, 2010
This chart compares Congressional Budget Office long-term projections of the debt held by the public from 2010 with long-term projections calculated in 2007.

Congressional Testimony

Conflicts between Institutional Investors and Retail Investors in using Federal Securities Laws to Regulate Campaign Finance

Testimony Before the House Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises
J. W. Verret | Mar 11, 2010
In this testimony, Professor Verret notes that current law being considered, H.R. 4537, attempts to contort the securities laws to regulate campaign finance risking and limiting the ability of companies to communicate with legislators by giving special interest institutional shareholders, such as unions, power to stop those communications. This bill does not limit union political spending in any way and has nothing to do with the investor protection goals of the Securities Exchange Act.

State Testimony

California Enterprise Zones

Written Testimony Submitted to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation of the California Senate
Eileen Norcross | Mar 10, 2010
In this written testimony submitted to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation of the California Senate, Mercatus Senior Research Fellow Eileen Norcross discusses the premise of the California Enterprise Zone program. The program was designed in 1986 to bring economic development to high-poverty or distressed geographic areas. Ms. Norcross offers an evaluation of the program and offers alternative recommendations to California policymakers to consider to spur economic growth.

Entitlement Spending Explodes  image

Entitlement Spending Explodes

Veronique de Rugy | Mar 08, 2010
This chart by Veronique de Rugy illustrates the Congressional Budget Office’s long-term baseline projections of federal spending.

Economic Affairs
Land Reform as Social Justice: The Case of South Africa image

Land Reform as Social Justice: The Case of South Africa

Karol Boudreaux | Mar 08, 2010
As a result of a very long history of discriminatory legislation, black South Africans suffered substantial harms at the hands of past governments. Following the political transition in 1994, the new government implemented land reform policies designed, in part, to satisfy calls for social justice. This paper examines these policies in the context of Hayek's arguments about social justice.