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The Entitlement Mentality in Academia


Mises Daily: Friday, March 26, 2010 by Daniel Coleman

Only in academia — or in government — could the reduction of just over two hundred jobs from among thousands (and in this economic climate!) be considered "draconian" and "savage" in an unqualified sense.
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The "Other" Ludwig von Mises: Economic-Policy Advocate in an Interventionist World


Mises Daily: Friday, March 26, 2010 by Richard M. Ebeling

Ludwig von Mises was quite possibly the most uncompromising, consistent, and principled defender of classical liberalism and the free-market economy in the 20th century.
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The West's Available Capital Goods


Mises Daily: Friday, March 26, 2010 by Ludwig von Mises

Economics is about human choice and action. The praxeological concept of time is not the concept of physics or biology. It refers to the sooner or the later as operative in the actors' judgments of value.
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