1. Boston Plotters Said to Initially Target July 4 for Attack

    Dzhokhar Tsarnaev told the F.B.I. that he and his brother finished building their bombs sooner than expected and that they considered suicide attacks, according to two officials.

  2. DealBook
    JPMorgan Caught in Swirl of Regulatory Woes

    The nation’s biggest bank, which faces several federal investigations, was warned by energy regulators about “manipulative schemes” it used in two states.

  3. U.S. Spending Cuts Seen as Key in Slowing Growth

    Mandatory government cuts and higher payroll taxes are to blame for the stagnation in job creation, consumer spending and other areas, economists say.

  4. Bangladesh Fears an Exodus of Apparel Firms

    Garment makers fear that many Western retailers will follow the lead of the Walt Disney Company and end apparel production in Bangladesh over safety standards there.

  5. Egypt’s Birthrate Rises as Population Control Policies Vanish

    President Mohamed Morsi has remained silent about the future of the family planning programs put in place by the government of former President Hosni Mubarak.

  6. Amtrak Subsidy Gone, States Must Pay the Freight to Keep Rail Routes
  7. Prosecutor in Bhutto Killing and Mumbai Attacks Assassinated in Pakistan
  8. A Diner, a Family and a Murder Plot
  9. Rat Meat Sold as Lamb Highlights Food Fears in China
  10. In Europe, Another Woeful Economic Forecast
  11. Upstart British Party Gains in Local Vote
  12. E-Mails From 2010 Show Rush to Get Stars to Endorse a Schools Chancellor
  13. Obama Arrives in Mexican Capital to Meet With New Leader
  14. nets 95, bulls 92: Jumping at Chance, Nets Even Series
  15. Jeff Hanneman, Slayer Guitarist, Dies at 49
  16. From Garden State to Vineyard State
Updated 7:21 AM ET




  1. op-ed contributor: Why Maliki Must Go
  2. Paul Krugman: Not Enough Inflation
  3. David Brooks: The Confidence Responses
  4. opinionator: House of Un-Representatives