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    Emergency bridge loans and reduced fees for SBA-backed loans are some of the stimulus' small-biz offerings.  More
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    An estranged couple work to grow their carpet company. More
    Think a recession is a bad time to launch? Imagine if the founders of these 6 major corporations had thought the same... More
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    Small business may be safe from federal hikes for now - but beware action from the states. More
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    Geeks, freaks and entrepreneurs collide at Maker Faire. More
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    SBA nominee Karen Mills will need to move quickly to help struggling businesses - including those in her own hometown.  More
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    Small companies ended 2008 with a laundry list of troubles. Here's what to expect this year on 7 key issues. More
Tax tips
Key strategies for maximizing your deductions and holding on to the cash your business needs this year.
Skip the plane trip
Online conferencing can slash your travel budget and even goose sales - if you pick the right service.More
A no-loss guarantee
Absolute return notes protect your principal - but there's a catch.More
How to fire right
Business guru Tom Peters on the art of the layoff.More
Questions & Answers

I formed an LLC with two other partners. They are a couple. One owns 33%, the other 34% and I own 33%. We do not have any legal documents drawn up. I want to take the business and get them out. The debt is small and I can easily take it over financially, but they will not sell the business to me. Do I have any options at all? More

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