Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Day Canadians Stood Up for Democracy

It was sunny and warm today. And I wasn't in the mood for serious you may have noticed.

But how could I not write about this?

“The Prime Minister’s refusal to respect the will of Parliament is a serious abuse of power. He is not a king. He answers to the will of Parliament, not the reverse,” NDP MP Jack Harris said.

The day when the opposition joined forces and stood up for the House of the Canadian People.

And my Canada never looked better.

I don't know where this process will take us. And like Don Martin I believe it could trigger an election.

It’s now Parliament verses the Prime Minister in the battle for procedural supremacy. And Stephen Harper doesn’t back down when his will is under combined opposition attack.

But I don't agree that Harper is in such a strong position. I believe he is vulnerable if push comes to shove. And I do know that weakness will get us nowhere.

And that it's the right thing to do, even if it does trigger an election, because nothing is more important than defending our democratic system.

Or telling a Prime Minister he isn't a King or a President. This is Canada not Amerika...

And enough is ENOUGH.

Oh boy. Canadian politics is about to get a lot more interesting. I am full of hope again.

The opposition parties were magnificent.

And from where I was today my Canada never looked better...

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Margaret Wente and the Blogging Idiots

Every year around this time I feel like quitting blogging. And I never understood why I always feel the animal urge to come back.

Until I read the bourgeois fool Margaret Wente.

And I realized it's because I'm a male, I'm an idiot, and I like to pee in the snow.

Perhaps you've noticed that most of the comments on these websites are not terribly sophisticated. They contain a large insult quotient, even when they come from people with advanced degrees. They remind me of nothing so much as a bunch of 12-year-olds holding peeing contests in the snow.

Not that there's anything wrong with that eh?

But all I can say is if she's going to write about blogging, shouldn't she do some research? So she can find out that men and women are equally represented.

Spare us from this sexist nonsense:

Men clearly have an urge to blog that women lack. Like extreme snowmobiling, the blogosphere is dominated by men. Not many women are interested enough in spitting out an opinion on current events every 20 minutes.

And ask more interesting why are bloggers getting older?

According to the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, blogging activity has dropped drastically among young adults in the United States....In December 2007, for instance, 28 percent of all 18-to-29-year-olds with an Internet connection kept some sort of blog. By the same time last year, that number hovered around 15 percent.

"Sites like Twitter are offering this other way to maintain a similar social connection, but without the concerted effort of a detailed, four-paragraph blog post..."

Or the questions I ask myself. Is a four-paragraph blog post really a concerted effort? Is Wente really an IDIOT?

These days, you don't even have to start a blog to get an audience. All you have to do is write “Margaret Wente is an idiot” and hit send. Instant gratification!

And who knew she's THAT famous?

Of course I'm an idiot too. But I do love blogging.

And since I also like to make videos. And the more videos I make the less I blog. Which thanks to the Manolo Lady, I now understand is bad for my manly manliness.

I welcome this development...

Or do I? Although I liked the Late for Work one a lot, and the blond guy at the bar...when he was drunk... I STILL can't decide.

Are we becoming smarter and more creative....or dumber and more violent?

Oh well. At least two things are for sure eh?

Whether you're male or female blogging is easier when it rains. Harder when it's sunny and WARM.

And after today, nobody can deny, that Margaret Wente is an IDIOT...
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Cruel Cons and the Sleeping Porker

How can you tell that Stephen Harper's Cons are a dangerous group of right-wing ideologues and Christianists?

Well for starters when Great Ugly Leader grins like a psychopath, while his trained seals defend their plans to go after the poorest women in the world.

In the Commons on Wednesday, International Co-operation Minister Bev Oda pointedly left birth control off the list of aid projects the government intended to support, saying that “saving lives” was more important than family planning.

As if family planning doesn't save lives.

As if this cruel and inhuman act won't shame us again in the eyes of the world.

And why? Just to satisfy their rabid base and the theocons in the PMO.

Like Jason Kenney...

Who seemed pretty relaxed today. I mean REALLY relaxed.

And why shouldn't he be? He believes the work of God is being done. Decent human rights organizations have been gutted. The gays have been bloodied.

Now it's time to punish the poor women of the world. Or throw kids in adult jails so they can be raped and tortured like the detainees in Afghanistan.

Or maybe he was just dreaming about how many personalized fortune cookies he could consume in one sitting.

The wretched Sleeping Beauty Porker.

But then neither did we. How could we in a land where monsters put their ideology before the lives of women and children and gay people? Even if it kills them.

And get away with it all the time.

The good news? These Cons are also killing themselves. Now the mask has fallen off, they can run but they can't hide. And nobody can deny the ugly truth.

A bunch of Amerikan-style religious fundamentalists are running our country.

And we WILL defeat them...
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Stephen Harper and Marijuana Jesus

I didn't see Stephen Harper's YouTube performance tonight. But I did see the transcript.

And when I read what he said when he was asked about legalizing marijuana...

I think I’ve been very fortunate to live a drug-free life, and I don’t meet many people who’ve led a drug-free life who regret it. Met a lot of people who haven’t, who’ve regretted it. So this is something that we want to encourage obviously for our children, for everybody’s children. Now, I also want people to understand what we’re really talking about here when we’re talking about the drug trade. You know, when people say focus on violent crime instead of drugs, and yeah, you know, there’s lots of crimes a lot worse than, you know, casual use of marijuana. But when people are buying from the drug trade, they are not buying from their neighbour. They are buying from international cartels that are involved in unimaginable violence and intimidation and social disaster and catastrophe all across the world.

All I could say was holy shit didn't anyone ever tell that ridiculous nerd that Reefer Madness was NOT a serious documentary?

Or point out that he's making an argument FOR legalization.

And how come he forgot to mention that if you smoke he'll throw you in jail, and then you'll go to HELL?

Because isn't that what Marijuana Jesus told Jimmy Harper?

After Jimmy had a reefer...

Jesus Christ. Stephen Harper really is a dangerous fanatic.

Defeat him, smoke him up, give him a brownie.

Before he jails us all...


UPDATE: It's been brought to my attention that not all Christians believe in sending young Canadians to jail so they can be raped and tortured.

Like this group that likes to sing Jesus is My Friend.

But so is reefer...

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

King Harper and Mr Amerika

As the opposition prepares to back down on the Afghan detainees issue, James Travers points out that if Stephen Harper had done what he is doing now, when tin pot dictators were KINGS.

He'd be in a lot of trouble.

Too often in politics, principle is the hapless victim of expediency. In the struggle to pry Afghanistan documents from Stephen Harper's grasp, principle never had a chance.

And that whether or not it is politically convenient there can surely be no more important issue.

The Iacobucci appointment carries other, more profound implications for this country's deconstructing democracy. Most significantly, it chips more from the cornerstone principle that the Prime Minister is accountable to Parliament.

Because it defines us as Canadians not Americans.

And of course I'd like to point out that it's working.

Because what that means is that despite all the hype and the photo-ops, the Cons lost ten points because of prorogation, and they can't crawl out from under its shadow.

And Stephen Harper may still have his head but it's pretty sore.

If Nanos is reflecting reality here, it not only gives Stephen Harper reason to avoid an election, but must have strategists head-scratching themselves to figure out a salvage strategy.

It could signal that the Liberal fixation on smearing the Prime Minister’s heavy-handed Parliament-snubbing character is an attack narrative that’s starting to stick, which would be bad news for the government

Which makes me think that if the opposition doesn't force the Afghan issue,it should still keep hammering away at the Cons by working into a wider narrative. And asking the following question:

What kind of man would cover up torture, act like a President, and try to turn us into Americans?

Answer: the same man who would wage a religious war on gays and lesbians, and try to score law and order points by beating up on juvenile offenders. Just like an Amerikan would.

Or the same man whose Con flunkies are already hinting at privatizing our medicare system.

"I would hope that any country looking at the Canadian system would make sure that they include in their system an element of competition," he said. "I think that makes a big difference in terms of controlling costs."

Because Stephen Harper spent 15 years trying to kill medicare, just like Republicans are trying to do in the United States.

Yup. I think I see a theme developing...

Stephen Harper likes to pose as Mr Canada. I say we turn him into Mr Amerika.

And hit him where it HURTS...
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The Tiniest Human Rights Activist

Will Phillips is a 10-year-old boy from Arkansas who refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance until gays and lesbians get equal rights.

As he explained in this video...

On Saturday night that video received an award from GLAAD at a ceremony in New York.

And this is what Will had to say...

Not bad eh?

Let's hope he's not gay so he can dream of becoming President one day.

The present may be bleak for gay the United States and Canada.

But with kids like that I wouldn't be surprised.

If the future is a lot BRIGHTER....
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Monday, March 15, 2010

Ignatieff and the Wizard of Burnaby

Oh boy. I was so excited. It sounded like it was going to be one of the most exciting Question Periods EVER. Especially after I read this.

Lordy I told myself I've never seen a Liberal so ANGRY. Could this really be the day Stephen Harper's ugly Cons would be held in contempt of Parliament?

So imagine my disappointment.

All told, it was a relatively quiet episode. Neither Prime Minister Stephen Harper nor Liberal Leader Michael Igantieff were in their chairs, which may have helped to calm the waters.

Or perhaps it was the oddly serene manner in which Transport Minister John Baird, who stood in for Mr. Harper, responded to the scrapping from the other side the House. At times, he spoke so softly he was barely audible.

No Harper, no Ignatieff, no contempt motion, no nothing. Just a kinder, gentler, John Baird? WTF?

So now I'm thinking what kind of freak show is this? There is no inquiry.

At least we can stop referring to the review itself as any sort of inquiry, given the conspicuous lack of any mention of the Inquiries Act in the terms of reference; the former justice is to be styled as either a "special" or "independent" advisor to the minister, which -- as far as I know -- does not provide him with the power to compel testimony or subpoena witnesses. He will also serve "during pleasure," which means that in theory, he could be fired next Wednesday if PMO -- er, the minister finds himself no longer desirous of his advice.

The judge can be fired like a servant. If he doesn't go blind first reading all those documents for the next four years.The Cons are making a monkey out of our democracy. And the Leader of the Opposition isn't even there?

So far, Liberal MP Derek Lee, who is pretty much universally acknowledged as the resident expert on parliament's most rarely used powers has been silent; the New Democrats, meanwhile, have set a deadline of March 19th to comply with the demand of the House or face the consequences. All of which is going to make the next few days -- particularly those on which the Afghanistan committee is scheduled to meet -- very interesting, which is why it's a pity that the leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition won't be around for what could turn out to be a historic occasion.

Oh well. What's a poor little non-partisan progressive to do eh? Tell Ignatieff that he just needs ONE good idea...and hopefully a narrative... before Harper engineers an election?

Or that I hope the Wizard of Oz ...Burnaby gives him the courage he so obviously needs?

Nah. That would be too depressing.

Maybe I'll just keep asking Stephen Harper that same old question: Hey Great Ugly Leader I know you can't feel the pain of others.

But what nasty horrible things are you HIDING?

Because you just know that its gotta be MONSTROUS.

And because I figure that at this point eh?

Unless the Wizard of Burnaby comes through for us.

Only curiousity can kill the Cons...
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Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's Just a Hockey Game Stoopid

I see that there's a contest to caption this photo. But I'm not entering. Because firstly I wouldn't win. And secondly I've had ENOUGH.

Like everybody else I was delighted that Canada beat the Americans in hockey. But I've been horrified by the torrent of hyper-inflated lowbrow nationalism that followed.

Like this gaseous twaddle.

Even before the Olympics, there had been a great deal of gnashing of teeth over Canada’s supposed changing image abroad. People in other countries don’t like us as much as they used to, the critics wailed. But to the extent that’s even remotely true, we should understand why: they preferred us as doormats.

Because I don't have an inferiority complex, so I don't need a hockey game or gold medals to make me proud to be a Canadian. People in other countries liked us more when we were peacekeepers and planet savers, rather than torture freaks and planet burners.

Medicare defines this country more than hockey ever will, and Stephen Harper is using this pseudo patriotism to try to turn us into Amerikans.

Which of course is a lonely position to hold these days. So lonely in fact that for the first time in my life I find myself agreeing with Rosie DiManno.

There have been songs, both country-twangy and tragically hip; there have been doctoral dissertations; there have been books. No less an authority than Stephen Harper has tackled the subject, the PM working on his endlessly germinating exposition for, oh, the past two decades.

Do try to remember, though, that sometimes a cigar is just a good smoke and a puck is just a piece of vulcanized rubber, not a big, black communion wafer at the altar of Canadiana.

And I really must thank her for this quote from David Adams Richards:

"If you think that you are a Canadian then my boy I will show you I am a Canadian too – if they check me from behind I will get up, if they kick and slash I will get up. If we play three against five for fifteen minutes I will get up. I too am a Canadian... At the moment they think we are defeated we will have just begun. I will prove forever my years on the river on the back rinks, on the buses, on the farm teams. I will prove forever that this is what has shaped me. No one will then ever take this away. This is our country. This is our country!"

Because right now this isn't my country. Not when Stephen Harper's Cons are running it and violating every value we once had.

Oh yeah...I know...the truth is a bummer. And I do want us to be the best hockey players in the world.

But hockey is just a game. It's time to come down off that cloud and face cruel reality.

It's late in the third period. Stephen Harper's Cons are ahead.

And we're in danger of losing our country...
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The Pope, the Paedophile, and the Prostitutes

Achtung !! Somebody tell Jason Kenney. Pope Benny's all-out war on gay people has been temporarily suspended, while he deals with some pressing personal paedophile problems.

Pope Benedict XVI was directly implicated in a deepening Catholic Church sex abuse scandal for the first time late yesterday following disclosures that he unwittingly approved the transfer a priest who forced an 11-year-old boy to have oral sex.

Consoles his brother.

In Germany alone there have been some 200 reported cases of sexual abuse at more than 29 separate Catholic schools, colleges and other Church-run institutions. They include the famous Regensburger Domspatzen boy's choir which was run by Monsignor Georg Ratzinger, the Pope's brother, for 30 years until 1994. This week, Monsignor Ratzinger has admitted slapping choirboys, but said that was a normal way of keeping discipline. But he denied any knowledge of sexual abuse. At the time, the Pope was still in Germany serving as archbishop of Munich and Freising.

Denies he covered up for sadists and paedophiles. Again.

And chases the male prostitutes out of the Vatican.

Although in that case it must be said that the Gentleman of his Holiness did have very catholic tastes:

Over more than a year of taped conversations, Mr. Ehiem described the physiques of various men to Mr. Balducci. “I have a situation from Naples,” Mr. Ehiem says in one conversation, according to La Repubblica. “I have a situation from Cuba,” he says in another, continuing with “a German who just arrived from Germany,” “two black guys,” “the soccer player” and “the dancer for the RAI” state broadcaster.

But still... I hear the situation is so desperate those horny hypocrites are thinking of cancelling movie night at the Vatican...

Because appearances are important eh?

And preparing to call in the exorcist. .

When one speaks of 'the smoke of Satan' in the holy rooms, it is all true – including these latest stories of violence and paedophilia."

The devil lives in the Vatican?

Holy Jason Kenney.

Ain't that the TRUTH?

But wait. The decent Catholic who lives with me says this scandal might cause the Nazi Pope to resign.

In that case hold the smoke of Satan. And gimme my party tuque.

Because the devil is in the kitchen...

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Jason Kenney and the Homophobic Zombies

If you are planning to spend March break vacationing in Jamaica, make sure you have plenty of life insurance.

A police station in St Catherine was the scene of hostility yesterday after residents demanded their own brand of justice for four men who they believe are lovers.

Police reports are that about 5 p.m. the men were at home when one went to a nearby shop and persons started to call him 'fish'.

The man went and reported this to his friends who drove to the shop. They were attacked and their car damaged. They went to report the matter to the police, when a mob converged and demanded that they come out.

Because not only is it full of dangerous criminals, but it's also infested with homophobic zombies who believe that gay people don't have a right to exist.

"We want them fi let out di bwoy dem mek wi deal wid dem business, in a cold cold time yah dem a wrap up in a de place," an irate woman screamed.

"A long time mi a notice sey dem a fish and we want them bad fi gi dem a proper beating," another woman said.

And that kind of anti-gay violence happens all the time.

So now I've got a question: Do you think that some Jamaicans who want to emigrate to Canada might benefit from a Citizenship Guide that makes it clear that in this country gays and lesbians have the right to live in peace and dignity?

Maybe eh?

But of course Jason Kenney doesn't believe that, because that religious extremist is as homophobic as those murderous zombies. He has attacked and insulted gay people all his life.

He appointed a homophobe to a refugee board to make sure that gays can't escape their killers.

And as Tabatha Southey points out, he even thinks including hockey cards in the Con Canada Guide is more important than mentioning gay rights.

Imagine you were raised somewhere you'd be discriminated against or beaten senseless or risk untimely death because of your hockey-card collection – or that you yourself, while uninterested in collecting cards, beat other people in your homeland with impunity the second you discovered that they owned a deck.

Now imagine yourself reading that statement in our immigration guide: “Canadian children have collected hockey cards for generations.” Why, that would change everything, I believe.

But then hockey cards don't BLEED.

And even if others don't, we see it this way.

By putting his evil ideology before the health and safety of gay Canadians Jason Kenney hasn't just written gays out of the history of their country. He has committed a monstrous act of aggression against an already persecuted minority.

And he deserves to be ARRESTED.
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