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  • U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, sit with their top deputies -- Under Secretary for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman and Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov -- during a break in meetings in Geneva, Switzerland, on November 9, 2013, that focused on Iran's nuclear capabilities. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

    U.S. Secretary of State Kerry, Foreign Minister Lavrov and their top deputies -- Under Secretary Sherman and Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov -- during a break in meetings in Geneva, Switzerland, that focused on Iran's nuclear capabilities.

  • U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry addresses an international assembly of reporters upon arriving in Geneva, Switzerland, on November 8, 2013, for talks with P5 1 members and Iran about that country's nuclear capabilities. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

    Secretary Kerry (Nov. 10): "We came to Geneva with the clear purpose of trying to advance the goal of preventing Iran from securing a nuclear weapon, and I believe we leave this round of talks not only committed, recommitted to that goal...."

  • President Obama commemorates Veterans Day Weekend by thanking America's brave men and women who have worn military uniform.

    President Obama commemorates Veterans Day Weekend by thanking brave men and women who have worn U.S. military uniform.

  • Evan Burfield, co-founder of the 1776 business incubator, speaks at the SelectUSA investment forum at Spaso House on November 7, 2013 [State Department photo]. Click on the slide to view his new Startup Guide in English (PDF, 552 Kb)

    At a SelectUSA technology investment forum at Spaso House on November 7, Evan Burfield – co-founder of the business accelerator 1776 in Washington D.C. – unveiled a new guide for Russian entrepreneurs who are interested in entering the U.S. market.

  • Senator Bradley speaks at Spaso House during his Moscow visit to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the FLEX scholarship

    Senator Bradley visits Moscow to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the FLEX scholarship in Moscow


  • State Department on Ukraine’s Decision on Association with EU

    State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki: "The United States joins the European Union in its disappointment with the decision of the Government of Ukraine to delay preparations for signature of an Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the EU. The EU has offered Ukraine an historic opportunity to cement a European future for its people and demonstrate to international financial institutions and investors its unwavering commitment to democratic reform..."   Press Release »

  • Presidential Proclamation -- Day of Remembrance for President John F. Kennedy

    A half century ago, America mourned the loss of an extraordinary public servant. With broad vision and soaring but sober idealism, President John F. Kennedy had called a generation to service and summoned a Nation to greatness. Today, we honor his memory and celebrate his enduring imprint on American history.  Full Text »

  • Video Conference Links Junior Achievement Students and FLEX Alumni from Russia's Two Major Cities with Innovator Jeff Hoffman

    To celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), Mission Russia is engaging current and future entrepreneurs through a number of exciting events. Junior Achievement students and FLEX alumni from Moscow and St. Petersburg participated in a lively video conference with innovator Jeff Hoffman, who is a founder and CEO of a number of startups and high growth companies including,, and ColorJar. Students got a chance to discuss their business ideas and solicit feedback with Hoffman and Embassy staff.   More »

  • U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Successfully Concludes Second Young Journalist Exchange

    Bureau of International Information Programs Coordinator Macon Phillips met today with the Russian participants of the U.S.-Russia Young Journalist Exchange that took place October 29 to November 20.  The exchange is a key deliverable of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission (BPC) Sub-Working Group on Mass Media.  The American participants are currently in Russia and Coordinator Phillips will connect with them via video conference to get their insights on the exchange.  In their June 2013 Joint Statement on Enhanced Bilateral Engagement, President Barack Obama and President Vladimir Putin reaffirmed their commitment to the BPC, a framework that was established in July 2009 to pursue collaboratively foreign policy goals of common interest to the American and Russian people.  More »

  • U.S., Russia Sign Environmental Working Group Plan

    Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Environment Daniel Reifsnyder and Russian Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environment Rinat Gizatulin signed the 2013-2014 work plan of the Environmental Working Group (EWG) of the Bilateral Presidential Commission in Moscow on November 15.   More »

  • Idaho Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter Leads Trade Mission to Russia (November 14, 2013)

    BOISE, Idaho—November 14, 2013—Idaho Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter will lead a trade mission to Russia on November 18-22, 2013, in response to numerous requests from Idaho companies. The delegation will include 17 Idaho companies for a series of prominent meetings with government and business officials in Moscow and St. Petersburg.  Press Release »

  • Statement by Spokesperson Psaki on Syrian Unity (November 15, 2013)

    "The United States welcomes recent decisions taken by the Syrian Opposition Coalition’s General Assembly, including the inclusion of the Kurdish National Council (KNC) under its umbrella. This merger reflects a spirit of cooperation among all of Syria’s communities and we look forward to working closely with the KNC’s representatives in the Coalition..."  Statement Text »

  • Press Statement on the Fourth Anniversary of Magnitskiy's Death

    We honor the memory of Russian lawyer Sergey Magnitskiy, who died November 16, 2009 in a Moscow prison after making corruption allegations against Russian officials. Despite widely publicized, credible evidence of criminal conduct resulting in Magnitskiy’s death, Russian authorities have failed to bring to justice those responsible. Instead, in a posthumous trial earlier this year, a Russian court found Magnitskiy guilty in a criminal case. We continue to call for full accountability for those responsible for Magnitskiy’s unjust imprisonment and wrongful death and we will continue to fully support the efforts of those in Russia who seek to bring these individuals to justice, including through implementation of the Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012.  Full statement »

  • "Toward A Transatlantic Renaissance: Ensuring Our Shared Future” Remarks by Assistant Secretary Nuland"

    Assistant Secretary Nuland: "<...> “…And I firmly believe that when we can find common purpose with Russia, the whole world benefits. When we take nuclear and chemical weapons out of service together, we’re all better off. We can’t stop working to find areas where we can bring Russia to the table. We should, for example, focus intensively in coming years on increasing two-way trade and investment between the United States and Russia by reducing tariffs and other barriers wherever possible, and by connecting our people and businesses at the regional level. We should also focus on spurring educational exchange, innovation and entrepreneurship so that the next generation of Russians and Americans grow up as partners and friends, and lose the zero-sum glasses of their parents..."  Full remarks »

  • U.S.-Russia Partnership Completes Final Milestone in Converting Russian Nuclear Warheads into Fuel for U.S. Electricity

    U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, November 14: "U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz today announced the final shipment of low enriched uranium (LEU) derived from Russian weapons-origin highly enriched uranium (HEU) under the 1993 U.S.-Russia HEU Purchase Agreement, known as the Megatons to Megawatts Program. Under this Agreement, Russia downblended 500 metric tons of HEU, equivalent to 20,000 nuclear wearheads, into LEU. The resulting LEU has been delivered to the United States, fabricated into nuclear fuel, and used in nuclear power plants to generate nearly ten percent of all U.S. electricity for the past fifteen years, roughly half of all commercial nuclear energy produced domestically during that time."  Full Text »

  • U.S. Welcomes the Syrian Coalition’s Decision to Participate in the Geneva II Conference

    Jen Psaki, State Department Spokesperson (Nov. 12): "We welcome the Syrian Coalition’s decision to participate in the Geneva II conference. This is a significant step forward in the process to convene the Geneva conference, the goal of which is the full implementation of the Geneva Communiqué and establishing by mutual consent of the two negotiating delegations a transitional governing body exercising full executive powers.<...> Participation by a representative body of the moderate opposition at a Geneva conference, political and armed, is not only essential to moving toward a political transition, but to the future of all Syrians."  Statement Text »

  • U.S. Department of State Celebrates International Education Week 2013

    The U.S. Department of State will recognize International Education Week, the annual worldwide celebration of the value of international education and exchange, starting November 12, 2013. The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs is coordinating a number of events throughout the week to emphasize the vital role of international education in diplomacy and foreign policy...  Media Note Text »

  • The Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations Announces the Construction Award for the New Office Annex in Moscow, Russia

    The Department of State’s Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) announces the construction award, through best value determination, of the new office annex in Moscow, Russia to Caddell Construction Company of Montgomery, Alabama. The 242,000 square-foot facility will be constructed on the existing embassy site. When completed, the new annex will provide embassy employees with a secure, modern, and sustainable workspace.  Full Text »

  • Proclamation by President Obama for Veterans Day 2013

    "On Veterans Day, America pauses to honor every service member who has ever worn one of our Nation's uniforms. Each time our country has come under attack, they have risen in her defense. Each time our freedoms have come under assault, they have responded with resolve. Through the generations, their courage and sacrifice have allowed our Republic to flourish. And today, a Nation acknowledges its profound debt of gratitude to the patriots who have kept it whole..."  Full Text »

  • National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Partners With Russia to Recover Material That Could Be Used in Dirty Bombs

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), in partnership with the Russian Federation, has successfully completed the removal of 14 Russian radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) from the Northern Sea Route. These devices, which contain high-activity radioactive sources, powered navigational beacons along Russia’s northern coastline. With this removal, the Department has completed its efforts to recover RTGs along the Northern Sea Route...  Press Release Text »

News From Consular Section

  • visa
    The 2015 Diversity Immigrant Visa Program

    U. S. Embassy Moscow is pleased to announce that persons born in Russia will be eligible to participate in the 2014 Diversity Visa (DV) Program. The Diversity Visa Program is administered annually by the Department of State under the Immigration and Nationality Act. For fiscal year 2014, a total of 50,000 diversity visas will be available. Applicants for Diversity Visas are chosen through a computer-generated, random drawing. The visas are distributed among six geographic regions with a greater number going to regions with lower rates of immigration to the United States...   Press Release »

  • Visa
    Visa Processing Fees to Change Worldwide on April 13, 2012

    The United States Embassy in Moscow wishes to inform the Russian public of the following worldwide change relating to fees for non immigrant visa applications. The fee charged for processing an application for most non-petition-based nonimmigrant visas (NIV) will increase from $140 to $160 USD beginning April 13, 2012. This and other changes are based on a cost-of-service study required by American law. This study is performed to determine the cost of processing nonimmigrant visas so that these costs can be fully recovered. Please note that receipts for NIV payments made prior to the fee changes will be accepted for 90 days after the fee takes effect.  

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Ambassador McFaul on The "Reset"

  • Ambassador Michael McFaul. "President Obama’s Worldview: Implications for Russia". View on slideshare.

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American Corners: 20 Years in Russia

  • American Corners: 20 Years in Russia

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  • Catherine Avalone | The Middletown Press | @CAvaloneMP 7.9.12 The Morin family of Durham. Joan and Rick with their three sons Alex, 19, a rising sophomore at Sacred Heart University, Yuri, 18, a rising freshman at Central Connecticut State University and Nicholas, 10, a fifth grader at Middlefield Memorial School. The boys were born in Arkhangelsk, Russia. Alex and Yuri came to the U.S. in 1997 and Nicholas in June of 2004.

Bilateral Presidential Commission