Friday, March 26, 2010
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Deadly blast kills Israeli soldiers At least two Israeli soldiers have been killed in an explosion east of the Gaza Strip town of Khan Younis, reports say.
US and Russia agree nuclear deal Barack Obama, the US president, and Dmitry Medvedev, his Russian counterpart, have finalised the terms of a new nuclear arms reduction agreement.
Iraq to release full vote results Nearly three weeks after the March 7 parliamentary election, Iraq's national election commission is set to release complete results, with the prolonged counting process fuelling allegations of fraud  and vote manipulation.
Israeli cabinet mulls US demands Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, has called a crisis "inner cabinet" meeting after returning from difficult talks in the US over the issue of settlement activity in occupied East Jerusalem.

American Security & Israel: The Core Issues

How American underwriting of the Zionist pursuit of a Greater Israel--with its implementing policies of military pressure against Iran as well as collective punishment, ethnic cleansing, apartheid regarding Palestinians--may affect U.S. national security is an issue of such sensitivity that some just want to shove it under the rug.

Read more: American Security & Israel: The Core Issues


America's conscience-in-progress

Moral Imperatives America Needs To Address

Back in June 2009, President Barack Obama stated clearly and categorically that providing Americans with affordable health insurance is not just an economic but a moral imperative.  At that time he advocated, and appeared committed to, a so-called “public option” plan that would help create competition in the delivery of health-care… in contrast to the oligopoly status that insurers maintain today.

Read more: America's conscience-in-progress



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MidEast Agenda: Oil, Dollar Hegemony & Islam

By Francis A. Boyle

Little has changed in the imperialist tendencies of American foreign policy since the founding of the United States of America in seventeen eighty-nine. The fledgling United States opened the nineteenth century by stealing the continent of North America from the Indians, while in the process ethnically cleansing them and then finally deporting the...

'Mommy, Mommy! Why Am I Fat?'

By David Kendall

Malnutrition comes in a delightful assortment of colorful flavors nowadays. But poverty and obesity are a correlation that Americans find hard to swallow.

The Collapse of Journalism/The Journalism of Collapse

New Storytelling and a New Story

There is considerable attention paid in the United States to the collapse of journalism -- both in terms of the demise of the business model for corporate commercial news media, and the evermore superficial, shallow, and senseless content that is inadequate for citizens concerned with self-governance. This collapse is part of larger crises...

A Miracle or a Meltdown... One or the Other...

Tonight in Dana Point, California, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will be holding its annual hearing on the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station's recent performance, which has been lousy.  They'll give San Onofre an overall "B" where it should be getting a failing grade.  San Onofre should never have opened, and should be closed for good immediately.  For safety.  For economics. ...



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The McCain-Lieberman Police State Act

If enacted, it will advance what this writer addressed in a December 2007 article titled, "Police State America - A Look Back and Ahead," covering numerous Bush administration laws, Executive Orders (EOs), National and Homeland Security Presidential Directives, edicts, and various illegal acts targeting designated domestic and foreign adversaries, dissent, civil liberties, human...

Judea declares War on Obama

Last week we read about AIPAC’s assault against President Obama. It was reported that the Jewish Lobby in America  took its gloves off. In the open, AIPAC decided to mount pressure on the American leadership and President Obama in particular.

The US is at a Precipice

We are at a precipice. This is the end of one era and the beginning of another. The “real” world that so many people believe in, here in America is not the world you see on your TV sets, that is the world that the government and the media want you to believe in.

Who is the British Dog?

Israeli officials and politicians sharply criticized the intention of the UK government to expel an ‘unnamed’ Israeli ‘diplomat’ in response to its passports being used in the Dubai assassination of Hamas Freedom Fighter Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.

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