Friday, March 19, 2010

So That's Where The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Came From

He charts the diplomatic and detective machinations of Colonel Wilhelm Stieber of Prussian army intelligence (a man who was once smuggled across Berlin in a laundry basket, and who penetrated Karl Marx’s Soho home in disguise) and Peter Rachkovsky, ­director of the Paris branch of the tsarist secret police. Rachkovsky emerges as this book’s spidery antihero, for infiltrating the anarchist networks and (probably) forging the infamous Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that supposed blueprint for Jewish world domination that was in fact an anti-semitic hoax designed to ­discredit the revolutionary movement.


It's Really Quite Simple How Simple the Obama Administration Is

Even a left-winger like Yoel Marcus sees what Obama & Co. is all about:

...Netanyahu made the most far-reaching proposal ever uttered by any Israeli prime minister ever: "Two states for two peoples." There is no need for a translation in order to understand that what he proposed to the other side is a Palestinian state, which means an end to the occupation and the drawing up of permanent borders at the painful price of withdrawal and the eviction of thousands of settlers.

Instead of taking the prime minister at his word, nobody picked up the gauntlet...

...And instead of holding Netanyahu to his public commitment, the Obama administration cooperated with what former U.S. secretary of state Henry Kissinger described as the Palestinians' talent for missing opportunities. American mediators have wasted months listening to far-fetched Palestinian excuses for refusing direct negotiations with Israel.

It isn't clear why the idea of proximity talks came up when Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his friends in leadership positions used to come and go freely for talks with Israel's prime minister and foreign minister in Jerusalem...

What the U.S. administration has proposed is not proximity but distance - keeping the two sides apart...

And, on the other hand, he points out the danger for Yesha:-

This is the first time that an Israeli government is proposing the establishment of a Palestinian state, and they are preoccupied with nonsense such as freezing construction for 10 months. America won't let Israel build beyond the Green Line once negotiations begin anyway.

Your Everyday Anti-Israel Nastiness

Found at a fashion site, in the comments:
Posted January 8, 2009 at 6:07 pm | Permalink

i once made an alt-israli scarf out of toilet paper
Posted January 8, 2009 at 6:16 pm | Permalink

my scarf didnt last very long cause i eventually took a poop

So, Tony Blair Is Venal

Wow. So this is the moral fellow to help negotiate a Mideast peace?

Tony Blair waged an extraordinary two-year battle to keep secret a lucrative deal with a multinational oil giant which has extensive interests in Iraq.

The former Prime Minister tried to keep the public in the dark over his dealings with South Korean oil firm UI Energy Corporation.

Mr Blair - who has made at least £20million since leaving Downing Street in June 2007 - also went to great efforts to keep hidden a £1million deal advising the ruling royal family in Iraq's neighbour Kuwait.

In an unprecedented move, he persuaded the committee which vets the jobs of former ministers to keep details of both deals from the public for 20 months, claiming it was commercially sensitive. The deals emerged yesterday when the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments finally lost patience with Mr Blair and decided to ignore his objections and publish the details.

Read more.

Dog Mimics Man


So Self-Centered

Here's from a NYTimes letter-to-the-editor:

To the Editor:

...While the Israeli government may want to minimize its culpability for the recent events involving Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and characterize the uproar as a disagreement among friends concerning building permits, the fact remains that the American people were insulted and the peace process was threatened by the timing of the announcement.

Nothing that Mr. Oren, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, has said in Israel’s defense has contradicted this or given us any hope that it understands what we are truly angry about.

Michael Scott
San Francisco

Dear Michael,

Have you any idea how insulted the Israeli people and the Jewish people are? That we are appalled at the naked political exploitation of a minor act? How angey we are?

And a Yitzhak Bronstein writes there:

With the social, economic and political divisions between the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza as apparent as ever, it is time to reassess the viability and desirability of a two-state solution.

It is time that the moderate Arab nations of Jordan and Egypt are offered incentives by the international community to annex territories in the West Bank and Gaza, respectively, and to finally reach a sustainable status quo in the Middle East.

Now, there's a challenge.


With experience with my wife being a vegetarian for some two decades, but now again eating meat and others such as Rav Moshe Tzvi Segel zt"l, and with the new Foer book out, I caught this and thought it interesting:

Sir, – It is unfortunate that, in the course of reviewing Jonathan Safran Foer’s new book Eating Animals, Mark Rowlands (March 5) never once questions any of the premisses of Mr Foer’s arguments, which are specious at best. All evolutionary and biological evidence points towards a reality that human beings were destined to eat meat. In fact, it is the core thesis of the Harvard anthropologist Richard Wrangham’s Catching Fire that it is cooking with fire, specifically cooking meat with fire, that is responsible for the major developments of human evolution.

Moreover, Foer’s focus on the subjectivity of the eating experience is destructive at best: eating (and the production of food) is a communal act and not a platform for expressing one’s personal queasiness over the fact that food production often demands blood and harm. We are only able to live exclusively on a vegetarian diet due to the “high-value” nutritive qualities of modern agricultural crops that have been refined over generations, and widely available processed vegetable oils, such as olive oil. Try eating the types of wild oranges an orang- utan enjoys and you will receive little in the way of nutrition or relief from hunger. The point is that vegetarian diets, in many ways, are illusory, possible only because of the vast monocultures on which they are grown, which are harmful to the environment at large and local ecologies in specific.

While it is true that the breeding and slaughtering of livestock in modern, industrial conditions is morally repugnant and unacceptable, such conditions are not an argument for changing the diet of humankind, but rather for changing the conditions of such breeding and slaughtering. In fact, one easy remedy would be to stop growing vegetative crops in vast monocultures and return to smaller farms, which grow diverse crops on fields rotated between pasture and tillage, where livestock provides labour, fertilization and, yes, at some point, food.

130 Josephine Avenue, #2 Somerville, Massachusetts 02144.

Floating An Idea: Another Jerusalem - the El-Kuds District

This is in the press:

Establish "Another Jerusalem" - that is the proposal that has crystallized in the Prime Minister's office, in an attempt to solve the problem of Jerusalem. The idea was raised in the framework of talks for the final status, and no one has obligated himself with regard to it. Nonetheless, a senior figure, who is involved in the negotiations, states that in the final analysis this proposal will be accepted.

Essentially, the proposal establishes "two Jerusalems": United Jerusalem won't be divided and will remain the capital of Israel. But outside the jurisidiction of Jerusalem, in the locality of the neighborhoods of Abu-Dis, Azaria, which is considered, according to the Jordanian definition "El-Kuds District", it will be proposed to the Palestinians to establish their capital and their business capital...[to] allow the Palestinians free access to their holy sites in East Jerusalem...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Temple Art

Think About This

Moreover, the UN has provided $200 million in Gaza Strip aid following a military operation that reportedly claimed 1,300 fatalities amongst a population of less than 1.5 million – meanwhile, notwithstanding plans to raise more funds, it has provided only $10 million to natural disaster victims in Haiti as of the end of January, an earthquake that claimed the lives of over 230,000 people and affected over 3 million.

Of course, that is without mentioning that Haitians have not been attacking an innocent nearby civilian population for a near decade.

Jacob Shrybman

Veep Humor

Joe Biden subbed for Obama at the Radio & TV Correspondents' dinner, last night and cracked a joke at Israel's expense:

"I just got back from five days in the Middle East. It's great to be back to a place where a boom in housing construction is a good thing."

Joe, it's even better in Israel, truth to tell.

Jerusalem Spreads Out

Here is today's Jerusalem and its neighborhoods, from a very anti-Jewish residency group, but it looks nice anyway:


And here is what the UN thought Jerusalem should look like in 1947:

Even a Pal. site, Passia, concurs:

As I have tried to make clear before, this map makes clear that Jerusalem's corpus separatum, the 'special international regime' borders as per the 1947 Partition Plan recommendation, B-III, and the territory slated for such an entity was much larger than even today's municipal boundaries - which means that all of the so-called "Jewish east Jerusalem neighborhoods" are not in annexed Jerusalem but are in the area the UN set aside for Jerusalem.

So the real question is not whether Israel is "expanding" or is in an area the "belongs" to someone else but will Jews be banned from their city.

The New Davidka Square Slowly Reveals Itself

This Week's Wall Posters

The Eidah Hareidit blasts the Poniveitz Yeshiva of Bnei Brak for receiving President Shimon Peres as a chillul hashem, a desecration of God's name, "this is the sin and this is its fruit":

These two deal with efforts to get people married, the shidduch issue:

Can You Guess?

Below are words from Hillary Clinton today.

I've left out the two countries she mentioned.

Can you guess who they are?

Now, there are differences in our relationship. We know that. We’ve raised them and we have had very frank conversations about them. But they are raised within the context of an overall approach that looks for ways to narrow the areas of difference and disagreement, that looks to enhance the cooperation and partnership between our two countries that we are building.

So let me conclude by saying that we have made real strides in the relationship over the past year, but we still have a lot to do. And many of the challenges facing the world today can only be addressed through greater cooperation between

Well, one is the United States. And the other... not Israel.

It's Russia.

And for sure it wasn't Israel for her tone was too soft, right?

She saves the harsher rhetoric for us.


A Freudian Slap

Found here:

As the Cheek Turns

In his February 26 column “Un-Righteous Indignation,” Jay Michaelson writes: “‘Turn the other cheek’ is Christianity, not Judaism.”

I beg to differ. Lamentations 3:30 reads: “Let him give his check to him that smiteth him.”

Many persons, both Christians and Jews, believe that statements in the New Testament are unique to Jesus, when in fact they are merely Jesus’ recitation of statements in the Hebrew Bible, with which he, as a Jew, was very familiar.

Harry Cohn
Richmond, Va.

There is an unfortunate Freudian slip: "check" instead of "cheek". Yes, Jews have done better at paying off enemies rather than fighting them off.

That Rassmussen Poll

This one:

49% Say Israel Should Stop Building Settlements As Part of Peace Deal

First of all, remember that

Fifty-five percent (55%) of voters say they have followed news stories about Biden’s trip to Israel at least somewhat closely. Forty-three percent (43%) didn’t follow that news closely, if at all.

And second, that was a sample of 1000 persons only.

Now, to the results:

Forty-nine percent (49%) of U.S. voters think Israel should be required to stop those settlements as part of a peace deal with the Palestinians.


just 22% of voters disagree and believe Israel should not be required to stop building those settlements. Another 29% are not sure.

So there is room to work for 51% do not quite think the construction should stop.

Now, the area - was a difference made between Jerusalem, east & west and north & south and Judea & Samaria - made? Or were those polled not informed of the difference?

Next, does not this mean that everything is moot?

Seventy-five percent (75%) agree, however, that the Palestinians should be required to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist as part of a peace deal, although that’s down six points from last June. Only six percent (6%) disagree with that. Twenty percent (20%) are undecided.

But 73% also think it is unlikely that there will be lasting peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis in the next decade, consistent with findings in previous surveys. This includes 19% who say it is not at all likely.

This, though, is significant:

Fifty-eight percent (58%) of voters now say Israel is an ally of the United States, while two percent (2%) view the Jewish state as an enemy. For 32%, the country is somewhere in between the two.

In a separate survey in August of last year, 70% of Americans rated Israel as a U.S. ally.

In September, 59% said America should provide military assistance to Israel if it is attacked. It’s one of only five countries that most Americans feel that way about.

But now that the issue is framed as one of Obama vs. Israel, that result is to be expected.

But look at this gender differentiation:

Fifty-six percent (56%) of male voters say Israel should be required to stop new settlements in the disputed territory as part of a peace deal with the Palestinians, but just 42% of female voters agree.

All in all, not bad at all.

But it behooves Yesha people to work better with Congress and to have a separate advocacy group for the US.

Why Isn't This Piece of Real Estate Being Developed?

It's not even a "settlement".

A Light Rail Car Spotted

Another Lunch

Following Sunday night's meal with Canadian bloggers, I found myself at the King David Hotel yesterday with some friends to discuss another matter.

Thoughtfully, our host provided lunch. Here are two of the four courses:

There was smoked salmon with green salad in citrus vinaigrette (not shown), roasted spring chicken, herbs and lemon sauce, grille4d sweet potato in maple & ginger, bouquest of sauteed vegetables, fresh tropical fruits with apple sorbet, petit fours and the wines were from Barkan Winery, Chardonnay Colombard and Cabernet Merlot.

The "The Time Is Now" Letter


It is time to speak out for all who believe that Jews have the same political freedom, national, civil and religious liberties as every other people to live anywhere in the world, including the right to live anywhere in Jerusalem, Judaism’s eternal capital. To suggest, demand, or even submit to anything less is to support overt religious persecution.

The outrage hurled against the Jewish State by the current US administration for (1) daring to approve the building of homes for Jews in a Jewish neighborhood, two miles from the holiest site in Judaism, the Temple Mount, and for (2) daring to do so when US Vice President Joe Biden was in Israel, is grossly misplaced and is itself an affront. The public expression of this outrage is yet another means to pressure Israel’s government unfairly.

Outrage should, more appropriately, be directed at those expressing the outrage. We are especially appalled at those who claim to be supporters of Israel and yet demand that this policy of religious bigotry be enforced with threats of official shunning both diplomatically and in terms of military support.

Let’s be clear: The only apologies should come from those attempting to bar Jews from building homes and living in any neighborhoods in Jerusalem, and from those who think that if Jews do build in Jerusalem they should do it quietly, and hope that no one notices. We reject any such discrimination and duplicity. We say to all those who claim to support the Jewish State, including Israeli officials, not to be afraid, to say out loud: Yes! Jews can, do, and will build and live in Jerusalem, now and forever. We call on all those who reject this position to explain why an official policy of religious discrimination is acceptable when it is enforced against Jews.

It is most shocking that a US administration claiming to support a strong Israel would allow its policies to fan the flames of Arab hatred, incitement and violence against its only free and democratic Middle Eastern ally.

Lori Lowenthal Marcus, Z STREET

Eli Hertz, Myths and Facts
Helen Freedman, Americans for a Safe Israel
Charles Jacobs, Americans for Peace and Tolerance
Doris Wise Montrose, Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors
Mort Klein, Zionist Organization of America
Cherna Moskowitz, The Moskowitz Foundation
Rabbi Jon Hausman
Rabbi David Jay Kaufman
Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins
Professor Louis Rene Beres
Professor Edward Alexander
Professor Judith S. Jacobson
Rick Richman, Jewish Current Issues
Daniel Greenfield, Sultan Knish
Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs
David Goder, One Jerusalem
Yael Lieberman, Boker Tov, Boulder
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit
Dr. Phyllis Chesler
Gary E. Erlbaum
Kenneth G. Langone
Richard Fox
Adrienne A. Price
Joshua Katzen
Hillary Markowitz
Ruth S. King
Rael Jean Isaac
Joshua Landes
Steven E. Stern
Morris Willner
Richard A. Baehr
Leonard Wisse
Alex Grobman
Edward M. Snider
Craig Snider
Richard Cooper
Howard A. Cohen
Alan B. Miller
Bart Blatstein
Benyamin Korn
Jeffrey S. Wiesenfeld
Richard Allen
Stephen B. Klein
Barri Glick
Barbara Fix
Eric S. Goldschmidt
Joseph Wolfson
Gloria Z. Greenfield
Maxine Elkins
Jerome M. Marcus
Clive Ginsburg
Lee Miller

(This list continues to grow, if you want your named added, please go to WWW.ZSTREET.ORG and state your interest in the comment section.)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Daylight Savings Time Is Coming

Daylight Saving Time in ISRAEL DST starts on Friday, March 26, 2010 at 02:00 local standard time. DST ends on Sunday, September 12, 2010 at 02:00 local daylight time.

DST starts at 2AM after midnight on Thursday night March 26. And we end DST at 2AM after midnight on Saturday night September 12.

A Radio Interview

You can hear me on the Jerusalem hullabaloo starting at 3:28 minutes:

Here's Sarah Palin's Reaction

Excerpted from a statement provided by an aide found here:

The Obama Administration reaches out to some of the world’s worst regimes in the name of their engagement policy. America and our allies watch as sanctions are eased on Cuba. Letters are written to Iran’s mullahs only to see that regime start killing protestors in the streets of Tehran. Envoys are sent to North Korea as they continue to defy the world’s demand to give up their nuclear weapons. The Burmese military junta’s representative is allowed to travel to our nation's capital. The President’s envoy for Sudan talks about giving that genocidal regime “gold stars,” while the President shakes hands with Venezuela’s tyrannical leader. In the midst of all this embracing of enemies, where does the Obama Administration choose to escalate a minor incident into a major diplomatic confrontation? With Iran, Cuba, Sudan, North Korea or Burma? No. With our treasured ally, Israel.

Last October, Secretary of State Clinton recognized Israel's desire for peace...Now, however, we see the Obama Administration has decided to escalate, make unilateral demands of Israel, and threaten the very foundation of the US-Israel relationship. This is quickly leading to the worst crisis in US-Israel relations in decades, and yet this did not have to happen. More importantly, it needs to stop before it spirals out of control...

Once again, the Obama Administration is missing the boat on a very, very important issue. They need to go back to the basics and acknowledge Palestinian leaders have not progressed any peace process since President Obama was elected. As Israel makes concessions (and is still criticized by the Obama Administration), Arab leaders are just sitting back waiting for the White House to further pressure Israel. The Obama Administration needs to open its eyes and recognize that it is only Iran and her terrorist allies that benefit from this manufactured Israeli controversy...It's time for President Obama to push the reset button on our relations with our ally Israel.

You Forgot History, Leslie

One Leslie Brisman, in a NYTimes letter, has a suggestion of how to solve the conflict:

There is another, more visionary path whose time may have come at last: If the government permitted the construction of these apartments but discontinued discriminatory policies in deciding who would occupy them, we could indeed move forward toward a lasting peace...If an eventual Palestinian state and Israel are to coexist, they must do so as neighbors, and a mixed housing complex could be a model of how this could happen...

Leslie, please, did you forget that that's how the conflict actually started?

Jews tried to buy land, construct homes and live among the Arabs starting, in the modern era, from the mid-1800s. But the Arabs basically said "we'll kill you, rape you, burn you, if you try that".

And you know what? That's what they did. Ethnic cleansing, discriminatory residency, terror, forcing the British Mandate to close the gates to immigration on the eve of World War II, etc.

They didn't - and don't- want us among them. They deny it's our national home. They deny the Temple existed.

Nice try.


Is this Leslie?

Finally, Offensive Hasbara

The Israel Project is sponsoring a New Jerusalem Intellitour guided by former Government Spokesperson and intelligence officer Col. (res) Miri Eisin, to provide an ‘insiders’ approach to news cycle issues, vital context and visuals as well as exposing key experts.


9:30am: Tour departs

10:00am: Tel El Ful – Geo Strategic overview with Col. (res) Miri Eisin – overlooking Ramat Shlomo neighborhood; Geo-strategic & Security Issues Affecting the Capital.
This component focuses on a number of panoramic and strategic viewpoints, enabling a better understanding of the complexities of life in the capital.

11:00 am: Mt Scopus lookout – Municipal efforts - with Deputy Mayor Naomi Tzur who will discuss Municipal efforts for Eastern Jerusalem including Service provision, Housing and Development opportunities.

11:30am: Drive through Sheikh Jarrah

12:00pm - Hulda Gate – overlooking the Hurva Synagogue briefing with Security Official
Religious Freedoms & access to Holy Sites. On-site, in the heart of Jerusalem’s Old City Christian Qtr. the launch will focus on preparations for Passover and Easter Holidays as well as efforts to protect religious freedoms and access to Holy Sites of all three major faiths.

12:30pm: Return

White House Animosity of Its Own Unhelpful Rhetoric

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
March 16, 2010
Briefing by White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs


Q ...Israel claims over the years it's tried to protect holy sites -- Christian, Muslim and Jewish holy sites. Have you ever discussed this with the Palestinians and asked them to refrain from attacks on either people's holy sites?

MR. GIBBS: We have -- I would say -- I'm taking this a little bit broader -- I would say the types of things that you've heard us and, quite frankly, administrations in the past discuss as unhelpful to moving this process along are -- is any call for the incitement of violence. Again, I mentioned the State Department -- reiterated the State Department's guidance on what we believed was unhelpful rhetoric around the rededication of a synagogue in Jerusalem as a real-time example of the type of action and rhetoric that is not in any way productive and undermines the trust that's
needed for both of these sides to sit down and directly address their issues and move forward on peace.

You noticed that he didn't answer the question of Have you ever discussed this with the Palestinians and asked them to refrain from attacks on either people's holy sites?

(Kippah tip: TG)

Okay, So I Know The Owner But L'Chayyim Anyway

Psagot Wines Proves Israel Competing Favorably with World Class Wines

Quality wines are so much a part of the culture and history of France that it is automatically given the edge when it comes to winemaking. Yet, of late Israeli wineries have fared extremely well in international competitions even against the best French wines, and yes Israel with its rich tradition in general has a long history in winemaking.

A good example is the Psagot Winery, which is located in the Judean Hills just north of Jerusalem overlooking the Edom Mountains to the east. This area was once the home of hundreds of ancient wineries whose remnant can still be seen today. Psagot's wine cellar is an ancient cave used for winemaking that dates back to the time of the second temple. In this wine cellar Psagot ages enough wine to produce about 80,000 bottles a year. Their signature wine is called Edom and it is made from a collection of the various grapes at the wineries. Smooth and rewarding Edom is rich with the flavor of berries, vanilla and oriental spices.

"The flavor comes from the mountains surrounding Jerusalem”, says Yaakov Berg, one of Psagot’s owners. "The soil is very rocky and in order to plant we need to drill into the rocks. Because of this the grapes receive a lot of minerals from the soil that add to the overall taste of the wine". With eight different wines, Psagot Winery is primed to become one of the premier labels in Kosher wine.

There's a picture of Yaakov here.

(Kippah tip: HL)

The Way It Was

What happens when Jews turn to world opinion:-

In consequence, the Jews cannot rely upon the principle of status quo in support of any claim whatever and the tears they have shed during the centuries do not give them any right of property to the Wall, nor of enjoyment of it as a place of resort.

That factually incorrect historical declaration is found on page 20 in the REPORT of the Commission appointed by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, with the approval of the Council of the League of Nations, to determine the rights and claims of Moslems and Jews in connection with the Western or Wailing Wall at Jerusalem, December, 1930.

The BDS Campaign - First Edition

You thought the BDS campaign was new?

Try this:-



If you are concerned in the life of your country and in your future, keep away from the Jew who has killed your innocent Arab brethren with weapons purchased with the money you paid in buying his goods and which he intends to utilize for the acquisition of the land remaining in your hands in order to drive you away from your Fatherland. Know that in buying from a Jew you will yourself work for the extermination of your life and your country with your own hands and will betray your Fatherland and religion. Therefore, you Arab, either Moslem or Christian, win the confidence of your people and boycott the Jews by buying nothing from him except land and by selling him everything except land. Remember always the words of the upright Caliph Omar Ben Khutab who said: "The foreigners shall overcome you in trade which is one third of domination…"

O Arab! Remember that the Jew is your strongest enemy and the enemy of your ancestors since olden times. Do not be misled by his tricks for it is he who tortured Christ, peace be upon him, and poisoned Mohammed, peace and worship be with him. It is he who now endeavours to slaughter you as he did yesterday. Be aware that the best way to save yourself and your Fatherland from the grasp of the foreign intruder and greedy Jew is to boycott him. Therefore boycott him and support the industry of your Fatherland and God.


Source: Palestine Diary by Lt. Colonel F. H. Kisch, C.B.E, D.S.O. Victor Gollancz TLD, London 1938. p. 268.

What Another American President Makes

No, not Mr. Obama.

Mr. Hoover, and when "Palestine" meant the Jewish National Home:

Statement by President Herbert Hoover, Sep. 1928

I have watched with genuine admiration the steady and unmistakable progress made in the rehabilitation of Palestine which, desolate for centuries, is now renewing its youth and vitality through the enthusiasm, hard work, and self-sacrifice of the Jewish pioneers who toil there in a spirit of peace and social justice. It is very gratifying to note that many American Jews, Zionists as well as non-Zionists, have rendered such splendid service to this cause which merits the sympathy and moral encouragement of everyone.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Beduin 'Rabbi'

And he also thinks he knows what the Halacha is:-

Jews “have no right to the Temple Mount,” Rahat Mayor Faiz Abu Sehaba...told The Jerusalem Post on Monday, citing Jewish teachings that says that Jews cannot go onto the Temple Mount before the arrival of the messiah.

...“We feel that there is a threat to the foundations of the Aksa Mosque,” Abu Sehaba said. “It would threaten the peace of the entire Middle East if, God forbid, something were to happen to the building.”

...“Religious Jews know about the ban on going to the Temple Mount,” the Rahat mayor said. He blamed “settlers and right-wing Jews” for heading to the site for the sake of “provocation and politics.”

100 Years of Jerusalem Demography

Courtesy of Yid With Lid

First Dayton, Now Petraeus

A US General wants the "Palestinian territories" under his command purview.

Petraeus throws support to Mitchell peace efforts

Gen. David Petraeus weighed in on the U.S.-Israel dispute today, telling Senators that he “absolutely” backs the efforts of U.S. Middle East peace envoy George Mitchell to re-launch Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, and that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict challenges the ability of the United States to advance its interests in the region.

“I keep a very close eye on what goes on” on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, though it’s not officially part of Centcom’s area of responsibility, Petraeus told the Senate Armed Services Committee Tuesday “because of its impact on that part of Centcom that is the Arab world. And in fact, we have urged that this is a critical component.

“In fact, [Central Command] staff members at various times have discussed asking for the Palestinian territories to be added to” Centcom’s turf, Petraeus said...

“Isn’t the issue not the issue of settlements as much as it is the existence of the state of Israel,” McCain said in the long run up to his question. “Its neighbors with some exceptions have dedicated themselves to the extermination of Israel …. So maybe you could put it all into the larger context of what needs to be done to reduce tensions on the U.S.’s closest ally and friend in many respects. And what needs to be done to defuse” tensions.

...In his prepared testimony, Petraeus listed the Israeli-Arab conflict as the first “cross cutting challenge to security and stability” in the Centcom area of responsibility [AOR]. “The enduring hostilities between Israel and some of its neighbors present distinct challenges to our ability to advance our interests in the AOR,” he wrote. “The conflict foments anti-American sentiment, due to a perception of U.S. favoritism for Israel. Arab anger over the Palestinian question limits the strength and depth of U.S. partnerships with governments and peoples in the AOR and weakens the legitimacy of moderate regimes in the Arab world.”

“Meanwhile, al-Qaeda and other militant groups exploit that anger to mobilize support,” his testimony continued. “The conflict also gives Iran influence in the Arab world through its clients, Lebanese Hizballah and Hamas.”

In the section on Iran, Petraeus also wrote that: “A credible U.S. effort on Arab-Israeli issues that provides regional governments and populations a way to achieve a comprehensive settlement of the disputes would undercut Iran’s policy of militant ‘resistance,’ which the Iranian regime and insurgent groups have been free to exploit.”

“Additionally, progress on the Israel-Syria peace track could disrupt Iran’s lines of support to Hamas and Hizballah,” he wrote.

At the hearing today, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) asked Petraeus if he was making contingency plans for a military conflict with Iran...

“I want to reinforce the fact that previously you said in exercise of your responsibility at Centcom, you are working on actual military plans with regard to Iran,” Lieberman said. Petraeus responded, “Sir, again, that is probably best for a closed session. As you know, we get paid to prepare for [all sorts of] contingencies. It would be irresponsible [not to.] I try to be responsible.”

“I know how responsible you are,” Lieberman said. “So I assume that means you are working on plans. Let me go to Iraq.”

So, this is where Biden got the idea that lack of peace endangers the security of American soldiers.

Well, since Israel's security is an important element in all this, it should behoove Obama to get his act together for the benefit of everyone.

I Believe in Giving Full Credit

My letter in the Jerusalem Post:

Credit where credit is due

Sir, – In his article “An ethnocracy or multiethnic democracy?” (March 2), Seth Frantzman writes of a new code word for slandering Israel: “ethnocracy.” However, his claim that it appears to have its origins in 2002 with research grants to one Alexander (Sandy) Kedar is chronologically in error.

Sammy Smooha offered the “ethnic democracy” model in the mid-1990s, and in an article in Israel Studies, Vol. 3, in 1998, As’ad Ghanem, Nadim Rouhana and Oren Yiftachel critically engaged the theory. In the June 1998 issue of the Tel Aviv University Law Review, Yiftachel published another article entitled “Nation-Building and the Division of Space in the Israeli Ethnocracy.”

I believe credit for denigrating the State of Israel and perverting its political, social and cultural reality should be granted to those who truly deserve it.


and this:

Seth Frantzman writes: Mr. Medad is correct. The origin of the term being applied to Israel apparently does have an earlier pedigree than I gave it, and credit should indeed go, at least partly, to Smooha, Ghanem and Rouhana.

Not All The News

From Isabel Kershner's New York Times' story on the Hurvah Synagogue rededication, several observations of mine:

1. This following bit confirms what I had heard on TV yesterday when Abu Ala lied about the synagogue being "higher" than ther Dome of the Rock:

The synagogue’s new white dome blends in with the city’s ancient monuments holy to Christians, Muslims and Jews. Because of the topography, seen from certain points around the city, it rises above the Islamic shrines of the compound revered by Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary, and by Jews as the Temple Mount, including Al Aksa Mosque.


How does this element in her piece

In Damascus, Khaled Meshal, the exiled leader of the Islamic militant group Hamas, said the synagogue’s dedication signified “the destruction of the Al Aksa Mosque and the building of the temple,” according to Agence France-Presse.

jive with what actually happened when the Chief Rabbi Metzger said "Talk about new temple a lie" -

"Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger sent a calming message to the Muslim world Monday, amid tensions over the inauguration of the Hurva Synagogue in Jerusalem. "Pay no attention to malicious slander. All we are doing is resurrecting the 'Hurva,' which was destroyed 60 years ago. We have no intention of rebuilding the temple, not this week – unless the Almighty God descends it from the heavens," said the chief rabbi during the inauguration ceremony. "All the rumors that suggest we will later march on Temple Mount are just that – rumors. A media spin by anti-Semites that wish us harm."

The aspect of not rebuilding the Temple was rather unfortunate. I can understand that most Jews do not themselves wish to rebuild the Temple but surely pray three times daily that it should be rebuilt. But at this moment, to run with his tail between his legs as Metzger has done, is quite an annoying cop-out.

She couldn't work that in?


And cannot she get historical facts correct instead of this -

The Hurva Synagogue, Hebrew for “ruin,” was originally built in the 1860s on a site where smaller synagogues had been erected and destroyed over the centuries, Jewish tradition says.

From the Wiki source:

Excavations carried out at the site between July and August 2003 revealed...Three bedrock-hewn mikvahs (ritual baths) from the 1st century...The earliest tradition regarding the site is of a synagogue existing there at the time of the 2nd century...In 1488, Obadiah ben Abraham described a large courtyard containing many houses for exclusive use of the Ashkenazim, adjacent to a "synagogue built on pillars," referring to the Ramban Synagogue...In the winter of 1700, a group of around 500 Ashkenazim led by Rabbi Judah he-Hasid arrived from Europe [and] managed to build forty dwellings and a small synagogue in the Ashkenazic Compoun...In late 1720, with the debts still outstanding, the Arab lenders lost patience and set the synagogue and its contents late 1815, leader of the Safed Perushim, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Shklov, arrived in Jerusalem with a group of followers. They directed their main efforts to rebuilding he-Hasid's synagogue...Rebuilding one of Jerusalem's ruins would also have symbolic kabbalistic significance. The "repairing" of an earlier destruction would represent the first step of rebuilding the entire city, a prerequisite for the arrival of the Messiah...five months after the earthquake of May 1834, Ali...allowed the Sephardim to carry out repair works to their existing synagogues...On 13 July 1854, James Finn of the British consulate in Jerusalem wrote to the British ambassador in Constantinople describing the wishes of the 2,000 strong Ashkenazic community to build a new synagogue...In July 1855, while in Constantinople, Montefiore was handed the firman, which he hand-delivered during his fourth visit to Jerusalem in 1857...the groundbreaking ceremony took place on the last day of Hanukah of 1855...On April 22, 1856, the cornerstone was laid...In 1862 the domed ceiling was 1864, the new synagogue was dedicated...The edifice was officially named Beis Yaakov – "House of Jacob" – in memory of Jacob Mayer de Rothschild...

And the last destroyers were the Jordanians, conveniently left out.


And I am not sure that one can separate the political/national from the religious/historical as this guy tries to do:

Gura Berger, spokeswoman for the Company for the Reconstruction and Development of the Jewish Quarter, the government body that oversaw the restoration, was trying to divorce the dedication from politics. The Hurva is not the national religious symbol it once was, she said. Today, she said, it stands for “continuity” and “repair.”

As Aryeh Morgenstern has proven in his Hastening Redemption 2006, the beginning of the rebuilding of the synagogue, when the Ottoman firman prohibiting Jews from working on it was rescinded through the efforts of the immigrants among the students of the Vilna Gaon in the 1830s, was seen as a stage in the Messianic process so much so that they even altered the L'Cha Dodi prayer, dropping the vers of "Arise, get up out of the dust".

Next Year in Which Jerusalem?

Lifting an idea from David Wilder of Hebron, come this Pesach, on the night of March 29, the eve of the 15th of Nissan, when all the Obama Jews - David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, et al., - are sitting at the Seder table, and conclude the festive ceremonial tradition which the Haggada text reads as:

"Next year in the rebuilt Jerusalem”

what will they recite?

Will it be

Next year in occupied Jerusalem?
Next year in east Jerusalem?
Next year in Arab Jerusalem?
Next year in the Palestinian capital of Jerusalem?
Next year in El-Quds?


What will you be saying?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Now, Who Said Those Insulting Provocative Words on Jerusalem?

I wonder to what degree Obama, Emanuel, Clinton and Axelrod would go apoplectic over this, sent to me by RL:

Whereas the State of Israel has declared Jerusalem to be its capital;

Whereas from 1948 to 1967 Jerusalem was a divided city and Israeli citizens of all faiths were not permitted access to holy sites in the area controlled by Jordan; Whereas since 1967 Jerusalem has been a united city administered by Israel and persons of all religious faiths have been guaranteed full access to holy sites within the city;
Whereas the President and the Secretary of State have demonstrated their strong desire to achieve a just and lasting peace in the Middle East and have worked diligently toward that end;
Whereas ambiguous statements by the Government of the United States concerning the right of Jews to live in all parts of Jerusalem raise concerns in Israel that Jerusalem might one day be redivided and access to religious sites in Jerusalem denied to Israeli citizens; and the search for a lasting peace in the region:

Now, therefore, be it Resolved

(1) acknowledges that Jerusalem is and should remain the capital of the State of Israel;
(2) strongly believes that Jerusalem must remain an undivided city in which the rights of every ethnic religious group are protected;
and (3) calls upon all parties involved in the search for peace to maintain their strong efforts to bring about negotiations between Israel and Palestinian representatives."

That was the language of Congressional resolution, April 24, 1990, House Resolution with the Senate concurring expressing support for Jerusalem as Israel's Capital.

The Incitement

The Palestinian Higher Judicial Council, headed by Supreme Judge Sheikh Tayseer Tamimi, released a statement calling on “Palestinian people everywhere, especially those who live in Jerusalem and in other cities inside Israel,” to head to Jerusalem to protect the Al-Aqsa Mosque from Ultra-Orthodox Jewish groups, which the statement said planned a raid on the compound following the synagogue rededication.

Tamimi accused Israeli leaders of plotting to lay the cornerstone of the “Third Temple,” following the rededication, in what he called the first move in the planned destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam.


Jerusalem sheikh, Abdullah Alqam, delivered a speech at the event urging Palestinians from all corners to take up the mantle of responsibility for Islam's third holiest site, and the center of Palestinian Muslim heritage.


And watching TV, I just heard Abu Ala claim that the Hurva Synagogue was purposefully built higher than the Dome of the Rock.

Stupid. The Jewish Quarter is topographically higher than the Haram compound, which just happens to be the site of the First and Second Temples, and so cannot except be higher.

The Insulting, Provocative and Destructive David Axelrod

Taking down Netanyahu and covering for his boos, Obama:

Police Lie, Fib, Fabricate

Don't believe all the stories about "settlers".

Especially when police provide the facts. Sorry, "facts".

Police Lied and Slandered, Will Pay Shomron Residents

( Jerusalem Magistrates Court ruled that a policeman lied in official reports, another one misled the court, and a third one slandered Yitzhar residents. All in all, the police must pay them 50,000 shekels.

Judge Irit Cohen ruled that Shomron Police District Intelligence Chief Yaakov Golan wrote three false reports against Yitzhar residents, that Detective Officer Gil Desheh submitted similarly deceptive information to courts on several occasions, and that Police Officer Eliezer Alharar, who served then as Commander of the Serious Crime Unit in the Samaria/Judea Police District, slandered the same residents on the radio and elsewhere.

Yitzhar spokesman Avraham Binyamin said, “It has once again been proven that police reports in the media about Yitzchar are slanders and libels sewn up very coarsely. The lies disseminated by the police against the residents come to cover up their ineptitude, lack of professionalism and chronic negligence in the fight against Arab crime.”...

It's Tough Sometimes Being A Blogger

But it can be fun and rewarding.

AussieDave and myself met with some Canadian bloggers at Bruno Restaurant at Tel Aviv's Azriely Building. We discussed experiences, methods, the future and even some technical stuff which I am not very good at. It was quite a good discussion and even brainstorming session.

While not all exactly of the same ideological stripe, well, almost, nevertheless, it was great exchanging ideas and I am grateful for the opportunity provided.

Here's most of the group (*) - some requested not to be photographed and AussieDave photoshopped himself - :

Jonathan, Kate, Kathy, me, AussieDave -

Kathy and Arnie engaged in important work:

Yes, the food was very real, not virtual. The restaurant was Bruno:

That's mixed grill cuts on a bed of sweet potato with sauteed onions and mushrooms:

And that's the entrecote steak on a bed of potatoes:

And this was the in-between course, just so we would get tto hungry while waiting for the main course after the firsdt course of gsarlic bread, grilled eggplant in tehina sauce, salads, humus, etc. - some meat condiments grilled in a roll with fruit (banana, kiwi, cherry, mango) and honey:

And yes, there was wine.


The group:

Kathy Shaidle
Kathy Shaidle's first poetry collection was shortlisted for Canada's most prestigious literary prize. A blogging pioneer, she's written about religion, politics and pop culture at her site since 2000. Her new book, The Tyranny of Nice, is a critique of political correctness and state censorship. Author Mark Steyn has called Kathy Shaidle "one of the great virtuoso polemicists of our day."

Kate McMillan
Kate is freelance commercial artist by profession, from a town of about 900 in the centre of the Canadian prairies. Owner of the high traffic conservative blog, SmallDeadAnimals

Arnie Lemaire
Arnie is a Canadian citizen born in the province of Quebec. He now resides in the city of Toronto and is employed in sales and marketing. Arnie is married to Kathy Shaidle, and they are the proud servants of a cat named Pip. His interests range from computer animation to national and international politics, and he is publisher of the politically oriented blog Blazingcatfur

Jonathan Narvey
Jonathon Narvey is a Vancouver-based communications specialist and freelance writer. He has contributed articles and columns to print and online media publications such as The Vancouver Sun, National Post, Granville Magazine, B.C. Business, and other publications both in print and online. He writes about politics, current events, environmental sustainability, technology, and life on Canada's west coast.
He blogs at New Media.

And after leaving the restaurant, I spotted the "herd instict" phenomenon of the 'average Israeli' - the line of those waiting to get into the new H&M store:

Sullivan Actually Sullies Himself This Time

Go on, have a real hearty laugh at the stupidity of Andrew Sullivan when he writes in The Atlantic:

...Jerusalem was 84 percent Arab in 1946 and well within Palestinian authority under the partition plan the Palestinian Arabs rejected. It is undoubtedly true that Palestinian and wider Arab refusal to recognize Israel's right to exist has been a huge part of this problem - arguably the central reason for this conflict. But it remains true to my mind that the current Israeli government needs an attitude adjustment, and soon.
In case you are wondering why I am laughing and why you should laugh, well,

a) Jerusalem had a Jewish majority since the late19th century;


b) Jerusalem was actually slated to become a corpus separatum, a "special international regime'y under the 1947 Partition Plan recommendation, B-III and the territory slated for such an entity was much larger than even today's municipal boundaries - which means that all of the so-called "Jewish east Jerusalem neighborhoods" are not in annexed Jerusalem but are in the area the UN set aside for Jerusalem, albeit under an alternative administrative institution;


c) true or not, Israel's "attitude" needs no adjustment. The 'Pals.' need a complete turnabout not only in attitude but deed.


AK asks me to add:

Note that he says Jerusalem was well within "Palestinian" (by which he means Palestinian Arab) authority. Not so. Not only because, as you note, it was to be in a corpus separatum, but because there was no Palestinian Arab entity in the picture then. Dealings were with existing Arab states.

Am I Right?

Does this statement read less brutal, less aggressive, less threatening than what was said to PM Netanyahu by her and the Vice President over the Jerusalem construction issue?

Statement on the Murders in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
March 14, 2010

Today the men and women of the Department of State are mourning the murder of three people connected to the United States Consulate General in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. One American employee of the consulate was killed along with her husband, and the husband of a Mexican employee was also killed. I offer my deepest sympathies to the family, loved ones and colleagues of these victims. The safety and security of our personnel and their families in Mexico and at posts around the world is always our highest priority. I have spoken with our Ambassador in Mexico and we are working with the Government of Mexico to do everything necessary to protect our people and to ensure that the perpetrators of these horrendous acts are brought to justice.

These appalling assaults on members of our own State Department family are, sadly, part of a growing tragedy besetting many communities in Mexico. They underscore the imperative of our continued commitment to work closely with the Government of President Calderón to cripple the influence of trafficking organizations at work in Mexico. This is a responsibility we must shoulder together, particularly in border communities where strong bonds of history, culture, and common interest bind the Mexican and the American people closely together.

Somehow, I get the feeling that a more horrendous act, that of murder and the taking of lives, is dealt with in a more conciliatory verbalization than the building of homes for Jews.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Let Me Lemba You

"Christianity is my religion, and Judaism is my culture," explains Perez Hamandishe, a pastor and member of parliament from the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).


Read on.

"Let's Not Get Carried Away"

PM Netanyahu's Remarks at the Start of the Weekly Cabinet Meeting
(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

Following are Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday), 14.3.10:

"We look at this morning's newspapers and read all kinds of comments and analyses. First of all, I suggest that we not get carried away – and that we calm down. What did my friend, Minister Benny Begin, say? "I was a youth and then I matured." We know how to deal with these situations – with equanimity, responsibly and seriously. There was a regrettable incident, that was done in all innocence and was hurtful, and which certainly should not have occurred. We appointed a team of directors-general to examine the chain of events and to ensure procedures that will prevent such occurrences in the future. Beyond this, I think we should suffice with the foregoing.

I also asked the ministers to do so at this time. And I do not think that there is any reason to add any more. But it is of utmost importance to understand that the State of Israel and the US have common interests and we will act according to the vital interests of the State of Israel. These interests also obligate us to decide on changing the situation within the country.

It's the Hareidim vs. Mizrachi

This poster snapped last Thursday is entitled: Dialogue and has the Mizrachi (code word for national-religious modernity) in a Chasidic mode and puts down attempts to reach out to the non-religious through the medium of television:

The message is a bit unclear but seems to be directed at Hareidi groups reaching out to the secular who are being denounced because they employ use of television.

"Funny Provocation"

The story on the commercial clip a la Dubai.

CNN treatment.

Find the Differences

An aspect of Israeli advertising is that you need to deal with two major markets, secular as well as religious.

And 'religious' means modesty and outward appearances of religiosity.

So, how does Ikea deal with it?

Find the differences below:



You would think though that they had enough money to have the models actually change clothes instead of simply photoshopping them (see the young girl's legs, for example).

US Aids Pal. Refugees


Throwing good money after bad?

United States to Assist Palestinian Refugees

Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC

March 12, 2010

Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration Eric P. Schwartz welcomed Filippo Grandi, recently appointed Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), to Washington DC on March 11, 2010, and announced that the U.S. will make an additional planned contribution of $55 million to UNRWA.

The United States is UNRWA’s largest donor. The announced contribution of $55 million includes $30 million to UNRWA’s General Fund, which provides core services to Palestinian refugees across the region, and $25 million to UNRWA’s Emergency Appeal for the West Bank and Gaza. This additional funding will bring total U.S contributions to UNRWA thus far in Fiscal Year 2010 to $95 million. In 2009, the United States provided more than $267 million to UNRWA...
PRN: 2010/295

Money, money. money, terror, terror, terror...


Arlene Kushner wrote:

Rewriting history on the taxpayer dime

The U.S. government, via the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has provided support for a glossy 39-page "Palestine Guide Book." Just released by the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Tourism, it declares on its first page, "Palestine lies between the Mediterranean Coast and the Jordan River." Not until Page 10 are we informed - under the heading "Country" - that "Palestine comprises the West Bank and the Gaza Strip."...

...This booklet promotes fallacious positions that defy a major U.N. Security Council resolution and a written agreement between Israel and the PLO - both of which require negotiations for determination of final status for Palestinian Arabs. It is unsettling to see the USAID logo on the back cover, but it is no accident. Magdouline Slameh, head of the PA Ministry of Tourism Department of Materials and Translation, expressed gratitude to this writer for the wonderful support provided by USAID. She said her staff wrote the booklet in close cooperation with the USAID offices in Ramallah.

(Kippah tip: DS)

New HH

Haveil Havalim Jewish bloggers collection.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Modern Canterbury to Judea and Samaria Tale

The campaign to create an irrefutable fact, that locations of Jewish residency in Judea and Samaria are “illegal Israeli colonies” and that “settlements are in violation of international humanitarian law”, is a powerful instrument in the hands of Arabs who seek to create an unanswerable case. Or supposedly unanswerable. The truth is that no Jewish community in Judea, Samaria or even Gaza can ever be considered as “illegal”.

Persons who wish to become friends of the communities of Jewish revenancy are threatened. They are told that they are expected to uphold laws to which their countries are signatory. They are informed that they are endorsing violations of international law. One claim I saw read “you are supporting an illegal colony that is being built on the land of Palestinians who have been chased from their lands”. And the clincher is that “in 2004, the International Court of Justice unanimously found that Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory breached Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention”. Based on this, the recipients of this message are urged “to withdraw support of this inhumane, illegal project”.

And I just saw this:

The archbishop of Canterbury has waded into the row over Israeli plans to build hundreds of homes on occupied territory, saying the proposals left him feeling "baffled and angry". Rowan Williams told an audience in London that although he believed the Israeli state had a right to exist, he had yet to hear a legal defence of settlement construction. All settlements on occupied territory are illegal under international law.

At the event, sponsored by the Jewish Chronicle to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Board of Deputies, he said: "The state of Israel is a legitimate state. It has a right to exist and right to defend itself. The very fact that Israel makes so much of its status as a democratic state leaves me baffled and sometimes angry at what seems like collusion with unauthorised parties. I want to hear a legal defence of settlements and I am yet to hear it."

The "unauthorised parties" he referred to were settler groups, religious nationalists who believe they have a right to live in the ancient biblical area of Israel. The archbishop is said to be concerned at the way people are "acting on their own behalf and beyond the law".

...Williams said: "Unless there is a way of representing the settlements as legitimate self-defence I remain very disturbed about that, along with many."

Well, books have been written on the subject as well as essays and articles. My blog has many.

But let me be rather concise and short. Most responses are based, correctly so, on the following:

a) All the area between the sea and the river was to become the reconstituted Jewish national homeland by decision of the highest international legal body, the League of Nations, in 1923 following the Balfour Declaration 1917 and the San Remo Conference in 1920, the texts of which were incorporated in that decision to award Great Britain the Mandate over Palestine. Not to be forgotten is that TransJordan, the territory that became the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, was included within the original geographical area that was to become the “reconstituted Jewish national home”.

b) None of the compromises, arrangements or even actual partitions offered the Arabs, including restrictions on Jewish immigration and land purchases, until 1947 were ever accepted. In essence, the unwillingness of the Arabs agree to any political solution have only themselves to blame for the situation that developed, and even more so ever since 1920 when they adopted the path of violence and bloodshed.

c) Many simply do not pay attention to a very simple fact: in creating the Mandate, political exclusivity was granted only to the Jews, it being assume that Arab political rights would be fulfilled in the other states existing and Mandates. The key phrase, often overlooked or not even known, as I found out when addressing Muslim university students from California, is “nothing shall be done which should prejudice the civil and religious rights of Christian and all other non-Jewish communities in Palestine”.

Non-Jews were not at all to be discriminated against except that the state that was intended to be established was unabashedly deigned, by non-Jews, to be Jewish. The intrinsic political concept of this new state to be nurtured was that it was to be Jewish of character. Non-Jews had but civil and religious rights guaranteed – but within a Jewish state.

d) In the United States, the true bastion of overwhelming support for Israel, many do not know that Congress adopted a resolution supporting the Balfour Declaration and the League of Nations Mandate. On June 30, 1922, a joint resolution of both Houses of Congress of the United States unanimously endorsed the "Mandate for Palestine," confirming the irrevocable right of Jews to settle in the area of the Mandate and on September 21, 1922, President Warren G. Harding signed that resolution of approval.

e) The US signed a covenant treaty with Great Britain committing itself to the idea of a Jewish national home in Judea and Samaria in 1924. It’s official title is The Anglo American Treaty of 1924, 44 Stat. 2184; Treaty Series 728. While the Mandate itself ceased to exist on May 15, 1948, it is quite worthwhile to review exactly what was the American attitude toward the subject of Jews returning to their homeland and establishing a presence there.

In Article 1, the United States consented to the British administration of Palestine by His Britannic Majesty, pursuant to the terms of the League of Nations. But moreover, the United States established a special status for its own citizens there. Article 2 reads “The United States and its nationals shall have and enjoy all the rights and benefits secured under the terms of the mandate to members of the League of Nations and their nationals.” Further, Article 5 states that “Subject to the provisions of any local laws for the maintenance of public order and public morals, the nationals of the United States will be permitted freely to establish and maintain educational, philanthropic and religious institutions and the mandated territory, to receive voluntary applicants to teach in the English language.” American citizens, then, surely had their rights recognized in a unique fashion and rather than harming those rights, US Presidents should be going out there way to assure them, whether in east Jerusalem neighborhoods or in Judea and Samaria, and hopefully, once again in Gaza.

f) As regards the ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), what we have is a legal sleight-of-paper. It first, unilaterally declared that Israel is an "occupying power". As such, it follows, in a perverse sense, for the justices that somehow a Fourth Geneva Convention article applies. However, not only is Israel not an "occupying power" but a reverted sovereignty power as Professor Yehuda Blum and others have established, but Israel has never employed "deportation" and "forced transfer" of its own population.

Back in 1980, Professor I. Stone commented on Article 49 of the Geneva Convention that "Jordan never had nor now has any legal title in the West Bank, nor does any other state even claim such title. Article 49 seems thus simply not applicable. Professor Eugene Rostow also concluded that the Convention is not applicable, noting that "How that Convention could apply to Jews who already had a legal right, protected by Article 80 of the United Nations Charter, to live in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, was never explained."

But I have one more argument on this matter.

g) The Jews were not only historically connected to the Land of Israel in a Biblical sense, something frowned upon, ignored and demeaned, as if it has no value (and if true, then surely cancels out any “Canaanite claim” put forward by Arabs), but lived in Judea, Samaria and Gaza throughout the Mandate period. To the extent that they did not was for two reasons: the British authorities intervened, illegally, to stop such residency and the Arabs engaged in an illegal ethnic cleansing move.

Jews lived in Hebron, in Shchem, in Jenin, in Gaza, in Atarot, Neveh Yaakov, Bet HaAravah, Kfar Etzion, Revadim, Masu’ot Yitzhak and Ein Tzurim as well as Silwan and Jerusalem’s Jewish and Muslim Quarters until Arab rioters forced them out, killing hundreds of Jews in the process. In successive waves, in 1929, 1936-39 and 1947-1948, Arabs, as individuals, in mobs, gangs or irregular military formations, killed Jews who lived in Jewish communities throughout the area that for a short 19-year period, out of some 3000 years, became forcibly emptied of its Jewish population.

The Fourth Geneva Convention cannot apply to this situation for the intention of that document was to protect one state or other political entity from an invasion, even if by non-military means. But this is not our case.

Jews were dwelling throughout Judea and Samaria not only for many centuries either as an independent commonwealth or kingdom or as a community under foreign rule and occupation but as quite recent inhabitants who suffered illegal acts of violent ethnic cleansing. Many Arabs invaded the Mandate of Palestine from neighboring countries.

The true “occupiers” of ‘Palestine’ are the Arabs. It is they who need contend with the label of illegality.

Poof! You're A "Palestinian"

Over on the other side of the Jordan River:-

Some Palestinian Jordanians Lose Citizenship

Muhannad Haddad grew up here, went to school here, got a job in a bank here and traveled to foreign countries with a passport from here. Then one day the authorities said he was no longer Jordanian, and with that one stroke they took away his citizenship and compromised his ability to travel, study, work, seek health care, buy property or even drive...he was being stripped of his citizenship to preserve his right to someday return to the occupied West Bank or East Jerusalem.
“They gave me a paper that said, ‘You are now Palestinian,’ ” he said, recalling the day three years ago that his life changed.

...Human Rights Watch said that 2,700 people in Jordan lost their citizenship from 2004 to 2008, and that at least another 200,000 remained vulnerable...

Critics and human rights advocates...said the Jordanian government acted to preserve its own interest, trying to appease non-Palestinian Jordanians concerned about the growing economic and political influence of citizens of Palestinian descent, a charge Mr. Sharif denied. They say it also appears that Jordan is frightened by talk of declaring Jordan a Palestinian homeland as an alternative to a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza.

But of course Jordan is part of the original "Palestine" that was intended to become the reconstituted Jewish national home.

Jordan cannot be excluded from any political and geographical resolution of the Arab-Israel conflict.

Could Anything Be Worse Than A Hillary Tongue-lashing?

It has been reported:

State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley described the nearly 45-minute phone conversation in unusually undiplomatic terms, signaling that the close allies are facing their deepest crisis in two decades...Clinton called Netanyahu "to make clear the United States considered the announcement a deeply negative signal about Israel's approach to the bilateral relationship and counter to the spirit of the vice president's trip," Crowley said. Clinton, he said, emphasized that "this action had undermined trust and confidence in the peace process and in America's interests."

And how did Hillary describe it?

Version One

QUESTION: …But here you are with the Middle East just beginning to approach negotiations and Israel announces an expansion of settlements. It was really a slap in the face to the visiting Vice President.

SECRETARY CLINTON: It was, Andrea. And-- I've expressed that directly to the prime minister. It was-- not just an unfortunate incident of timing but the substance was-- something that-- is not needed as we are attempting to move toward-- the resumption of negotiation. And the United States is a strong supporter of the security of Israel. Always have been, always will be.

We share common values and there is so much that-- Israel represents that we support. But we believe in the two state solution. The prime minister has said he believes in it. And we wanna see confidence building measures and actions that will-- result in the resumption of negotiations and then a move toward the resolution on the final status issues.

QUESTION: But this is a setback and insulting.

SECRETARY CLINTON: It was insulting. And-- it was insulting not just to the vice president, who-- certainly didn't deserve that. He was there with a very clear message of-- commitment to the peace process solidarity with-- the Israeli people. But it was an insult to the United States.

I mean the United States is deeply invested in trying to-- work with the parties in order to bring about-- this resolution. We don't get easily discouraged, so we're-- we're working toward the resumption of the negotiation. But we expect-- Israel and the Palestinians-- to do their part, and not to take any action that-- will undermine the chance that we can achieve the two state solution.

QUESTION: And it doesn't help as you are trying to work so hard to rally the Arab world for Israel's benefit, as well as the United States, obviously, against Iran...

Version Two:

QUESTION: Let me ask you about the Middle East. You had what we understand was a very tough conversation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. A lot of it had to do with the settlement activity that came at the very moment that Vice President Biden was visiting Israel. Is the U.S.-Israeli relationship at risk now because of this?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Oh, it’s not at risk. I mean, our relationship is durable and strong. It’s rooted in common values. But we have to make clear to our Israeli friends and partner that the two-state solution, which we support, which the prime minister himself has said he supports, requires confidence-building measures on both sides. And the announcement of the settlements on the very day that the Vice President was there was insulting. I mean, it was just really a very unfortunate and difficult moment for everyone – the United States, our Vice President, who had gone to reassert America’s strong support for Israeli security – and I regret deeply that that occurred and made that view known.

QUESTION: Do you blame him for that?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I don’t have any reason to believe he knew about it, but he is the prime minister. It’s like the President or the Secretary of State; when you have certain responsibilities, ultimately, you are responsible.

QUESTION: But who’s behind it, then? Is there some group that wants to undermine this entire process?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I think on both sides there are people who do not favor the two-state solution, who do not favor a peaceful path toward the resolution of the issues that divide the Israelis and the Palestinians. There are a lot of outside actors who agitate, as we know. But I think that the resumption of the talks, which we are very committed to, is the most important goal. And we want to see that take place and we want to get about the difficult negotiations that will lead to the two-state solution.

You do see the differences, yes?


Even the ADL is shocked: Washington, the Anti-Defamation League, which lobbies for Israel with U.S. lawmakers, called Clinton's remarks on the diplomatic debacle a "gross over-reaction."

"We are shocked and stunned at the administration's tone and public dressing down of Israel," the ADL's Abraham Foxman said. "We cannot remember an instance when such harsh language was directed at a friend and ally of the United States. One can only wonder how far the U.S. is prepared to go in distancing itself from Israel in order to placate the Palestinians."

Thanks, Howard Weber

Thanks, Howard, for your letter-to-the-editor in the New York Times:

To the Editor:

“Settlements.” The word has become demonized to the extent that “settlements” are blamed as the main obstacle to Middle East peace. Of course the Arab nations attacked Israel between 1948 and 1967 before there were any settlements.

And when Israel painfully pulls its people out of settlements and turns them over to the Palestinians, as most recently witnessed in Gaza, the former settlements are used as launching pads for rocket attacks on Israel.

Blaming the settlements effectively takes the world’s eye off the real problem in the Middle East: the Arab refusal to recognize the legitimacy of the Jewish state.

Howard Weber
President, Coalition for Israel
New York, March 11, 2010

So, Winterbottom Has Bottomed Out

Mili Avital is no right-wing, fanatic, nationalist Israeli. Although a Hollywood star and married to Charles Randolph, she still has the ability to recognize a problem. I will return to her promptly.

If you recall, I have been suspect of Michael Winterbottom’s new film project.

First, they visited the Begin Center and I had the opportunity to introduce him to the vast literature on the underground struggle against the British and the political interpretative dispute. I also pointed out the period's complexity but the simple stories of heroism. He seemed quite uneasy and indicated that the real period he was after was the late 1930s. That, to me, indicated an attempt to pillory the Jews as ‘terrorists’ no better, and probably worse, than the Arabs.

Then, for over a year, no contact. I sent a note to one of his assistants but it was quite noncommittal and then, poof!, we learn that the script concerns Yair Stern, Tom Wilkin, King David Hotel, etc., sounding all mixed up chronologically and also displaying political and ideological bias.

Well, here’s where Mili Avital comes in. She was interviewed in Ma’ariv this past Shabbat and there, in the magazine section, “Sof Shavua”, page 75, (*) she notes that the country is literally part of her body and that the link to it is quite emotional despite the distance. That relationship permits her to “make clear decisions”.

The interviewer asks, “what does that mean?” and she replies:

“When I returned to here [Avital is filming a new series, ‘The Kidnapped’, in Israel – YM], I had received a script of Michael Winterbottom to read on the history of the undergrounds. It is a script that has drawn much attention, Colin Firth will play in it, but it was so anti-Zionist that I closed it after 20 pages. I read it and there were tears in my eyes. This director appreciates me a lot and I dreamed to work with him but it pains me to read how he describes the beginning of Zionism from such an extreme point of view. I thought he would deal with the emotional and psychological experience of the members of the underground, not that he will make a political accounting with them.”

Well, it’s quite clear enough where this film is heading.


You don't believe? Here's the Hebrew:

ברור לך שעצם העובדה שאת לא גרה בישראל מעמידה בספק את היכולת שלך להטיף למשהו.
"קודם כל, אני האחרונה שתטיף. מבחינתי, הארץ היא כמו איבר שהשארתי מאחור. הקשר שלי לפה הוא כל כך רגשי, מהול בגעגועים ושמחה ועצב וזיכרונות. העובדה שאני עדיין יכולה להתחבר לתרבות הישראלית מהמקום שאני באה ממנו, שהוא קצת מעורבב, קצת היברידי - נדירה ויקרה לי מאוד. וזה גם גורם לי לעשות בחירות ברורות מאוד".


"כשחזרתי לפה, קיבלתי לקריאה תסריט של מייקל ווינטרבוטום (במאי בריטי מוערך שביים את "אנשי המסיבות" ו"וונדרלנד"), על תולדות המחתרות. זה תסריט מאוד מדובר, קולין פירת' אמור לשחק, אבל הוא היה כל כך אנטי ציוני שסגרתי אותו אחרי 20 עמודים. קראתי את זה והיו לי דמעות בעיניים. זה במאי שנורא אהב אותי וחלמתי לעבוד איתו, וכאב לי לקרוא איך הוא מתאר את תחילת הציונות מנקודת מבט קיצונית כל כך. חשבתי שהוא ידבר על המסע הרגשי והפסיכולוגי של חברי המחתרות, לא שהוא יתחשבן איתם פוליטית".