Sunday, September 21, 2008

An Attorney and his Sons Hire a Mob of Thugs to Destroy an Historical Church in Rasheed, Egypt

An attorney of law and his two sons who are public prosecutors, accompanied by a mob of about 50 thugs attacked an historical Roman Orthodox church in Rasheed, Egypt. The attack took place on the 19th September 2008 directly after the early morning Muslim prayers.

The attorney, Mohammed Moustafa Kamel and his sons Mohammed and Mahmoud and their mob destroyed the fences around the church and ransacked the church itself destroying invaluable icons and the remains of saints that were kept in the historic building. The church gatekeeper, Ashraf Fahmy Abdalla was injured in the attack, and many shops owned by Christians next to the church were broken into and looted
In spite of the church being in close proximity to the local police station, there was no attempt made by the police to stop the attacks.

Father Luca Assaad Awad from St Mark’s church in Rasheed, and who leads prayers in the attacked Roman Orthodox church also, says he doesn’t understand the reason for the barbaric actions taken by the attackers. Mr. Mohammed Moustafa Kamel claims that he bought the almost 1300 year old church and the shops next to it from the previous Roman Orthodox bishop. The current Patriarch denies any knowledge of this sale.

It is worth noting that there has been an agreement between the Coptic Orthodox church and the Roman Orthodox church that the Copts may use the Roman Orthodox churches for prayers. Hence Father Luca has been holding mass celebrations in the historic church.

Dr. Naguib Gobrail, president of the Egyptian Association for Human Rights condemned the attacks especially that the perpetrators are law professionals whose responsibility is to uphold the law and ensure justice for all citizens. He also condemned the lack of action on the part of the police who failed to prevent this barbaric attack on a place of worship. Dr. Gobrail wonders if the attack was on a Muslim place of worship, that we would have seen such inaction.



Free Copts

Monday, September 15, 2008

Muslim Extremists Call for Violence against Christian Monasteries in Egypt

O people of Islam come to martyrdom in Ramadan…the month of repentance and forgiveness

Groups of Islamic extremists have published a call for jihad against the monasteries of Wadi-El-Natrun on their websites.Their call comes soon after the rumor spread by the prominent Islamic figure Dr. Zaghloul El Naggar claiming that a Christian convert to Islam has been detained in a Wadi-El-Natrun monastery and subsequently murdered by the Coptic church after refusing to denounce Islam. It is worth noting that the woman in question had declared four years ago that she never converted to Islam and that she was “born a Christian and will die a Christian”

El Naggar made his accusation in an interview with Egyptian newspaper “Al-Khamis” and failed to provide any evidence to support his claims. Unfortunately this isn’t the first instance where Dr. El Naggar makes unsubstantiated accusations against the church and Christian community of Egypt. Last year he claimed that the church is secretly proselytizing to Muslims and converting them to Christianity in large numbers. He also claimed that he knows of the hideouts where these christenings take place and that he has documentations to support his claims.

To this date he has not provided any evidence to support either claim. It seems that there is no need for providing evidence to incite extremists to demand revenge especially during the month of Ramadan “the month of repentance and forgiveness” according to the extremist website. The emotive call to jihad is demanding of Muslims to wake up and strike the infidel Jews and Christians with a fist of iron. As well as blowing up the monasteries of the “murderous Christians” and reducing them to ashes, they are demanding Egyptian Muslims rise up and attack the Israeli embassy and also the building that houses the office of State Security.An

excerpt of the text published on the website:

“Blow up the monasteries with the worshippers of the crucifix inside them
Do not leave them a safe means of escape

O people of Islam come to martyrdom in Ramadan…the month of repentance and forgiveness

Tear up Egyptian Christians and shed their blood
Burn the ground under their feet and let bombs rain on them from the sky

Let the volcano of anger explode in the face of the office of Infidel Security”


Monday, June 25, 2007


The American Coptic Association, the International Christian Union, and other National and International Human Rights Organizations in and outside of the United States will hold Solidarity Rally on Wednesday, June 27, 2007 in front of the United Nation building between 44th and 45th street in New York City between 12: 00 Noon until 2:00 PM.

The purpose of the rally is to protest the bloodshed, murder and destruction of the property,
recently incurred by the Christian Community in Egypt. Although this has been happening for
many years, these attacks have been intensifying and more frequent. The criminal perpetrators
are using swords to kill, and the government of Egypt looks the other way. This appears to be
a deliberate campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Copts (Christians of Egypt) carried out
by fanatical Muslims and blessed by Mubarak's government!!

Copts are the largest minority in the world without rights! A stable Egypt is very important in
that part of the world. The atrocities facing the Copts exemplify the intolerance by the Mubarak
regime towards non-Muslim minorities. It is therefore the duty of every freedom loving person
to speak out in defense of the persecuted Coptic community, particularly since the Copts in
Egypt are unable to defend themselves or speak out.

Your coverage of this rally is crucial in order to shed a light on the persecution of non-Muslim
minorities in the Middle East. Your participation and subsequent coverage of the rally would
serve as a reminder to those in the Middle East who spread intolerance, hate, persecution and
oppression, that their actions are noticed and condemned. It would support the basic Human
Rights of Middle East minorities such as the Copts and others. We believe that a free media is
the voice of the weak, voiceless, and the oppressed.

Thank you for your anticipated support. For further information please contact:

Monir A. Dawoud, MD.
President of I.C.U. (International Christian Union)
President of A.C.A. (American Coptic Association)
Fax: (201) 863 6600
Phone: (201) 863 6600 Office
(201) 424 1001 Cellular

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Attack on St Mary’s Church, Dakhlia

Tuesday 12/06/2007
Attack on St Mary’s Church, Dakhlia

Two children entered St Mary’s church in Dakhlia during a church meeting and started to throw rocks at the congregation. Shortly after, there were calls from the surrounding mosques urging Muslims to act. A number of Muslims armed with rocks, knives and small weapons as well as bottles filled with acid, congregated around the church and threw the rocks and bottles at the church building.

Security forces have intervened and have cordoned off the area around El Geish street, Dakhlia. The clashes continue with some Muslims threatening police with the acid filled bottles from the balconies of some buildings in the area.

Reports from some residents of the area in question confirm there have been injuries resulting from the attack. Furthermore, it is reported that some Muslims are roaming the surrounding streets armed with acid filled bottles, calling out to Coptic residents to come down to the street!

Translated from:

Sunday, June 03, 2007

IGNORANCE; Thy Will be Done. In Malaysia as it is in Egypt


Judges rule Lina Joy must seek Muslim tribunal’s approval to remove ‘Islam’ from ID.
KUALA LUMPUR, June 1 (Compass Direct News) – Malaysia’s highest court on Wednesday (May 30) handed down a decision that prevents Lina Joy, a Muslim convert to Christianity, from having her conversion legally recognized.

In a 2-1 majority decision, the Federal Court ruled that the National Registration Department (NRD) was right in requiring Joy to produce a declaration from the sharia (Islamic law) court stating that she is no longer a Muslim before it would remove the word “Islam” from her identity card.

The ruling comes after a seven-year legal battle to have Joy’s conversion officially recognized.

Her final legal option would be to ask for a review of the Federal Court decision. If she applies for review and it is accepted, then her case would be heard before an expanded panel of either five or seven judges.

Joy was quoted in the May 31 local daily The Star as saying through her lawyer, Benjamin Dawson, that she was disappointed with the court decision.

“The Federal Court has not only denied me that right but [denied it] to all Malaysians who value fundamental freedoms,” she said.

read more here


Horraayyy for the justice and tolerance of Islam and the rule of Islam!!!!