Page last updated at 17:56 GMT, Sunday, 10 January 2010

Israel air strike kills Gaza militants

Shadows of Palestinians at the site of an Israeli strike in Gaza City, 8 January 2010
Israeli air strikes have destroyed sites in Gaza

Three Palestinians militants have been killed in the Gaza Strip by an Israeli air strike, Palestinian medics say.

The three gunmen belonged to the Islamic Jihad group and were in a field often used to launch rockets into Israel, they said.

An Israeli military spokesman said one of their aircraft had carried out the strike in the Gaza Strip.

It came after three Palestinians were killed early on Friday by air raids in response to rocket attacks from Gaza.

After Sunday's attack, the Israeli military said the group was hit as they "were preparing to fire rockets into Israel."

"We won't tolerate the firing of rockets into Israel and we will respond harshly as we did now," a military spokesman told AFP news agency.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his cabinet on Sunday that there had been 20 mortar bombs and rockets from the Gaza Strip last week.

He vowed an "immediate and powerful response" to future attacks, Reuters news agency reported.

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