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Health Contents:  Medical notes

Page last updated at 00:08 GMT, Sunday, 28 February 2010

Medical equipment in operating theatre UK NHS urged to buy Fairtrade tools
A campaign is launched to encourage the UK's health service to buy more Fairtrade and ethically-sourced equipment.

Hospital ward 'Health tourists' face crackdown
Visitors to the UK may have to hold health insurance before they can enter the country, under government proposals.

back pain Group therapy 'eases back pain'
A form of group "talking therapy" is a cheap, effective way to alleviate low back pain, a UK trial has shown.


Banquets of gods 'killed priests'
Rich food offered to ancient Egyptian gods blocked the arteries of priests who took the food home, say UK scientists.

Slimming sixties not a myth
Despite fewer gyms and a love of fatty foods, people in the 60s were slimmer because they were more active, figures show.

Stopping arm blood 'saves heart'
Temporarily stopping blood flow in the arm prevents damage in people having a heart attack, a study has shown.

US health summit ends in deadlock
US President Barack Obama urges top Republicans and Democrats to focus on agreements rather than arguments in a televised healthcare summit.

Spain chided over hospital fees
A top EU lawyer says patients who get hospital treatment in another EU member state should get fully reimbursed by their home country.

Fruit 'blocks breast cancer'
Extracts of a fruit grown on tropical vines appears to have breast cancer blocking powers, say researchers.


Double ovarian transplant hailed
A mother has given birth to a second child after a pioneering ovarian transplant operation restored her fertility.

Drug-resistant malaria 'growing'
Parasites are developing resistance to one of the most important anti-malaria drugs, according to experts.

Way to 'boost' breast cancer drug
Scientists say they have discovered why some women don't respond to breast cancer treatment, and it may be fixable.

'Motive' key on assisted death
New guidelines on whether people face prosecution for assisting suicide place closer scrutiny on a suspect's motivation.

Warning over salt levels in soup
Many soups sold in high street cafes and supermarkets may not offer the healthy option customers are seeking, a pressure group has warned.

Lame mosquitoes 'stop dengue'
Scientists are breeding a new strain of flightless mosquito in an effort to curb the spread of dengue fever.

Hospital left patients 'sobbing'
Patients were left "sobbing and humiliated" by uncaring staff, an inquiry into Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust says.

'Rape drugs' on the rise, UN says
Criminals are using new kinds of drugs to commit "date rapes", warns the UN's International Narcotics Control Board.


Can a happy marriage cut your risk of stroke?
Single or unhappily married men have a higher risk of fatal stroke, according to researchers.


Out of time?
Lauren is only 23, but fears she may never be a mother

Battle lines
Summit raises stakes in US health reform battle

Family ties
A sister's gift of life to her brother - her kidney


Kindest cut?
Why Zimbabwe wants 3m men circumcised

Not all patient internet research is 'cyberchondria'


Cancer: The facts
Information and statistics on common types of cancer

Pregnancy timeline
From fertilisation to birth, an outline guide to a typical pregnancy and how the baby develops inside the womb.


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