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Page last updated at 12:45 GMT, Saturday, 25 July 2009 13:45 UK

Sir Ian Fleming Spies like them
From Ian Fleming to John Le Carre - authors have long been fascinated by the world of espionage. But, asks the BBC's Gordon Corera, what do real life spooks make of fictional spies?

Boris and Peggy 7 days quiz
Boris in EastEnders. Who else starred as themselves?

Man holding a £20 note Finders keepers
A lost lottery ticket - legally, who can keep the winnings?

Same name game
Why do we seek out our namesakes online?

Like I said
Is Chris Eubank right to get his lisp corrected?

Don't call me Mr
One goes by Esq, the other does not. Know which one?

Short fuses
Ah, summer. Roads are rammed and drivers impatient

Other Magazine stories

Get lost
Rise of the mega-maze, and other new summer rituals

A pub reborn
The watering hole that came back from the dead

Ancient appliance
Why keep using a decades old food mixer or TV set?

7 questions
Get hooked on this quiz about contentious adverts

When should you hold back from doing this?

'Pee-wee Herman' - the fashion police on THAT bow-tie

The round pound
99p price tags are giving way to round pounds. Why?

To live is to jog
The ubiquitous jogger owes it all to one man, Jim Fixx

Last orders
The Queen does, but who else still drinks Dubonnet?

Rule Britannica?
Why exactly is the encyclopaedia's brand so strong?

From around the site

Falkland fevers
Coping with swine flu on a remote island

Coco and Chanel
Actress Audrey Tautou portrays a fashion icon


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