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Page last updated at 18:50 GMT, Saturday, 25 July 2009 19:50 UK

Karen McGraw Tribute as murder inquiry widens
Thirty detectives carry out an investigation in both Flintshire and Manchester into the murder of a mother-of-four.

A girl wearing a protective mask in Mexico Welsh swine flu continues to rise
As swine flu levels increase again in Wales, medical officials say such illness levels would be considered normal in winter.

Southgate, Gower (Picture: Jeremy Collins) Warning after tombstoning injury
People are being warned about the dangers of jumping off rocks and cliffs into open water after a man dislocates his shoulder.


Refs 'quitting sport over abuse'
As a father is jailed for attacking a referee at a boys' football game, there are warnings officials are being driven out of the game.

County to turn off street lights
Plans to switch off street lights between midnight and 0500 BST in an attempt to save money are backed by councillors.

Reunion on farm for Welsh Guards
About 400 former Welsh Guards meet for a reunion in a field, where they will also raise funds for serving soldiers.

Murder bid charge prisoner hanged
An investigation will be held after a 62-year-old prisoner on remand for attempted murder was found hanged in his cell.

Toddler drug death parents jailed
A couple who admit being to blame after their son died from drinking the heroin substitute methadone are jailed.

AM to stand down at 2011 election
The Swansea East AM is the latest politician to announce she will not contest the next assembly election.

Hospital stops taking in-patients
In-patient facilities at a hospital are to close after a fire safety report said they are not up to modern-day standards.

Murder pair fund's first award
A medical student is named as the first person to benefit from a fund set up to honour a couple killed on honeymoon.


Last portrait of the world's oldest man is revealed days after he died
Oldest man portrait unveiled just days after his death.

Campaign to resurrect Torchwood's Ianto gathers steam
Fans of BBC television drama Torchwood start an online campaign to see Ianto Jones brought back from the dead.


Bovine TB payments may hit £80m
Compensation paid to Welsh farmers over the spread of bovine TB could reach £80m if it grows at its present rate.


McCormack reveals Cardiff concern
Cardiff striker Ross McCormack tells chairman Peter Risdale he will seek a move away from the club over concerns he will sidelined for the new season.

Bolton sign Knight and Ricketts
Bolton Wanderers sign defenders Zat Knight from Aston Villa and Sam Ricketts from Hull City.


Helping Hartson
Teenager helped by soccer star returns the favour

Happy birthday
Party to celebrate Swansea's 40 years as a city


Good morning
Campers' free breakfast packs to help local produce


Gas fitter trial 'stark warning'
The conviction of a gas fitter for double manslaughter sends a message to unqualified workmen, the HSE says.

£1m for cancer support services
A charity is investing more than £1m in support services for a county's cancer patients.

OAP's payout after bank's advice
A bank compensates a 91-year-old customer who lost money after being advised to put his savings in an investment fund.


Women on CCTV after girl assaults
Images of two woman are released on CCTV after two schoolgirls were assaulted, one of whom was treated in hospital.

Addict is jailed for attacking ex
A heroin addict who attacked and injured his former girlfriend for methadone and money is jailed for six years.

Boathouse holiday plan scrapped
A businessman says he has decided to withdraw an application to turn a boathouse into a holiday home.


Missing woman death inquiry
An inquiry over the police handling of a missing woman who was later found dead is under way by the IPCC.

Association founder's MBE honour
The founder of The Schizophrenia Association of Great Britain, based in Bangor, is honoured for her work.

Missing mountain hiker found safe
A walker who had been missing for three nights is found safe and well, say police.


Metal plant aid offer is examined
Welsh Secretary Peter Hain says the board of Anglesey Aluminium is taking a UK government cash aid offer seriously.

Credit unions land £750k funding
Credit unions are awarded extra cash in a bid to create greater access to affordable credit for people in financial difficulty.


Soldier who went Awol leaves army
A soldier who went absent without leave for a month amid bullying claims has left the army his mother confirms.

Plane evacuated after emergency
A runway at Gatwick had to be closed after an aircraft bound for Cardiff diverts to make an emergency landing.

Student flown to Greece for trial
A man accused of killing a Cardiff student in a Greek nightclub is taken to Greece for trial after his extradition appeal failed.


Stepson killer jury is sent out
The jury in the trial of a 42-year-old man accused of murdering his teenage stepson begin deliberating its verdict

Surf's up for sport's book launch
Some of the key figures from Welsh surfing over the last 50 years gather for the launch of a book about the sport.

£1bn plan to electrify rail line
A £1bn plan to electrify the main rail route between London and Swansea is announced by the government.


Grant call for newspaper channels
Grants could be given to newspapers to establish ultra-local TV and radio channels in Wales, an AM suggests.

Brown's cabinet meets in Cardiff
Gordon Brown and his ministers travel to Cardiff for the first meeting by a UK government cabinet in Wales.

Ministers examine Wales funding
Chancellor Alastair Darling says the UK government is looking into new recommendations to change the way Wales is funded.


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