Radio Host Mike Malloy Rips Clarence and Ginni Thomas and Says Their Marriage Will Inflame Racist 'Teabaggers'

Photo of Tim Graham.
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Media outlets from CNN to NPR to the Washington Post have picked up on the Los Angeles Times story suggesting there could be conflicts of interest for Virginia Thomas to start her group Liberty Central while she's married to Justice Clarence Thomas. But none have attacked the couple like leftist talk-show host Mike Malloy did on his syndicated radio show Monday night.

Malloy called Justice Thomas a "Nazi" and a "house negro" who slavishly imitates Antonin Scalia and his wife was "an ignorant son of a bitch." At his strangest, Malloy claimed Justice Thomas has never authored a majority opinion for the high court. (In truth, he's written at least 140.)

He seemed race-obsessed as he claimed the "teabaggers" were racist, that they would object once they discovered "She’s a very, very, very, very, very white Omaha, Nebraska woman married to a very, very, very, very black South Georgia man." He began:

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The latest from the crazy people in the tea bag movement is, uh, a story about, um, Virginia Thomas, she is the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; and she’s setting up a teabagger nonprofit group. Now this will be interesting because the teabaggers are essentially racist; and how are they're going to deal with a very dark Clarence Thomas and a very white Virginia Thomas setting up subdivision of their crazed tea bagger party; how they're going to deal with that will be great fun to watch.

Now Clarence Thomas has always adopted the attitude of the House Negro, so perhaps he'll do it this time also. Clarence Thomas, in all the years he's been on the United States Supreme Court, I don't think has ever, ever written an opinion that became the rule of the court; he has never been the lead author.

He has - I don't think he's even spoken for the past six years! He just looks at fat Tony Scalia; and if Fat Tony farts, Uncle Clarence farts; if Fat Tony burps, Uncle Clarence burps! This is the guy who George Herbert Walker Bush said was the most qualified man in America to be on the Supreme Court.

Malloy read from the Los Angeles Times that Mrs. Thomas aims to stop Obama's "hard-left agenda," which set him off:  "You ignorant son of a bitch! Hard-left agenda! Oh my God."

He added her new group would "accept donations from various sources, for new Liberty Central, including corporations, as allowed under the campaign finance rules recently decided by the Supreme Court, her husband being one of the right-wing Nazis who made the decision. See how quickly this works? The wife of a goddamn filthy Supreme Court Nazi justice of the United States, taking advantage of her husband’s decision – well, not his decision, he just sucks along with whatever Tony Scalia tells him to do, he does."

He added: "This has never happened before, of course, where the wife of a Supreme Court justice, and I say 'wife' because most of them have been males, has decided to something this – insane."

After a commercial break, he picked up where he left off:

She’s in for a big surprise, when the inherently racist nature of the teabagger movement slams her in the face. She’s a very, very, very, very, very white Omaha, Nebraska woman married to a very, very, very, very black South Georgia man. And when the pictures of the two of them together get out, you can almost hear the squealing right now from the real teabaggers."

He went into a second commercial break asking "Isn’t it time maybe to begin thinking about impeaching Clarence Long Dong Silver Thomas?" (For rookies, this is a reference to a porn movie Thomas was alleged to have discussed with Anita Hill as part of her never-proven sexual-harassment allegations.)

There was some anti-Catholic hatred tossed in later in the hour, as he noted a listener informed him Virginia is Justice Thomas's second wife, and his first marriage was annulled by the Catholic Church. Malloy first wondered if this made Thomas's son Jamal (from his first marriage) a "bastard."

He then called the Catholic Church "A sick nest of son of a bitches." He started talking about the "Nazi pope" and the "pedophilia he allowed, if not encouraged. Isn’t it time for the Nazi Pope to resign? I hope he stays right where he is. I mean, this whole thing is such a goddamn farce, it’s just insane. I’m sure Uncle Clarence and Sammy the Fish Alito and the rest of the good practicing Catholics on the Supreme Court will figure out a way to defend or ignore what is developing into the worst church scandal in a least a millennia, a millennium and a half, don’t you think?"

—Tim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center.

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Is there some reason

we care about what this guy says? Never heard of him and frankly, I do not want to hear from him again.

Second that motion

True, he has a radio show.  But his own webiste refuses to give out any information as to what stations pick up this guy's supposedly "syndicated" show.  (I saw maybe three stations listed the last, and only, time I wil visit his website.)  This guy is not even on the radar and I would not want to see him promoted for free anymore. 

There is only one goddess Gaia and Al Gore is her prophet.


I'm guessing his audience is 150 strong, most of whom are in their parents basement downloading all forms reprobate porn. In other words - losers.


Smoking Hot Conservative or Liberal?

That's why God made Wikipedia

14 ground stations and both of the satellite channels. That pretty well covers the nation. But is anyone listening?

  The Mike Malloy Show - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks a bunch!

Fourteen is more radio stations then I'm on.  But I thought radio was transmitted via airwaves?  Or were you implying that this guy's broadcasts can be considered "dirty"? 

There is only one goddess Gaia and Al Gore is her prophet.

Mallory is a VERY, VERY WHITE G-man

Mallory is criticizing a black man so as a white man he is obviously a racist. I won't even go into his using a G-word "teabaggers." How many non G-men ever heard of this expression, Humm? So does that make Mallory a racist queer?

This guy needs to be "Becked"

Who are the advertisers for this guy?  Where is "Color of Change" and why are they not calling for a boycott of those advertisers?  

This is proof that groups like "Color of Change" are not about stopping racism, they are about stopping conservatives!


"To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary."

--Ernesto "Che" Guevara

Hey scrotum-face.  You and

Hey scrotum-face.  You and your leftist cohorts are the teabaggers. 

The TEA-Partiers have nothing to do with your perversion or your bigotry.  So shove your B.S. comments up your...

→ mattm

I believe the polite term for "scrotum-face" is "Ballchinnian"

It was in one of those "Men in Black" movies.

We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it - Nancy Pelosi

~Ah, yes


That would be infinitely preferable.

"my solution is to destroy children"--mamabear's cure for poverty 12/08/09

The drooling neanderthal-

who hates women and blacks.  Wow.  Can't wait to hear our resident libs spin and defend this poor, retarded loon.

"Liberals have managed to eliminate the idea of manly honor.  Instead, all they have is womanly indignation." ~Ann Coulter

They'll just cry hypocracy

They'll just cry hypocrisy because you wrote retarded.

The revolution will be fought at the ballot box


*GRINS*  I know....

"Liberals have managed to eliminate the idea of manly honor.  Instead, all they have is womanly indignation." ~Ann Coulter

Taking Cues

I can't blame "BO Stinks", he or she is just taking cues from our President and his Chief of Staff.  Rahm Emmanuel is calling people retarded and Barack Obama mocked special olympians! 

These are our leaders?

As all of the libs in this country were saying during G.W.B.'s tenure, I say now..."Not My President".

Obama is a nightmare and rants like this one are prime examples of why liberals are impossible to reason with and at their core have no real understanding of Americanism...only that we are an inherently evil nation that needs to be cleansed of its sins, and of Conservative thought.  

Malloy is nothing but a

Malloy is nothing but a pathetic excuse for a man.

'Doubling down on stupid is not a particularly good idea'~Breitbart

→ Inflamed Teabags?

Well, I'm no doctor, but I'd suggest Malloy be a little more selective where he puts his "teabags".  If swelling is involved, he may need to be treated for microbial or even parasitic infection.

Of course Malloy is right in his claim that racist homosexuals will probably have a problem with Clarence Thomas being married to a white woman.

I don't know how big this demographic of racist homosexuals is, but it's likely Mr. Malloy is much closer to exposing the dark underbelly of this subculture than I am.

Personally, I have to admit I am also married to a white woman.

We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it - Nancy Pelosi

Oh, the humanity!


"Liberals have managed to eliminate the idea of manly honor.  Instead, all they have is womanly indignation." ~Ann Coulter


I hadn't planned on donating to Mrs. Thomas' Liberty group, but I WILL NOW.


I am fascinated by all of the racist and misogynist comments that come out of the Democrat party- projection?  We really should use the DSM every time the Left "speaks."  Psychiatrists would have a field day! 

My Grandfather's Son

If anyone here hasn't had the chance to read Thomas's autobiography, "My Grandfather's Son", I would heartily recomend that you do so.  It is truly an amazing story, and one that you will never hear from the main stream media. 

There is only one goddess Gaia and Al Gore is her prophet.

Whoever this doosh is

 He isn't worthy to to even speak about Justice Thomas or his wife.


Gun Control - The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own pantyhose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.

Malloy is a racist pig

Anyone who spews vitriolic hatred like this should be taken off the air.  If a conservative made these accusations the press would grab it, televise it, and beat us to death with it for months.  If you want to know why racism is still alive and well in our country, just look at people like this offensive and disgusting person, and you'll understand why. 

Put him on the MSM evening news

The more public exposure this racist nut-case gets, the more voters will come to realize that Obama's so-called "base" is nothing more than intolerant ranters.


→ Mike Malloy

Hey Mike, I realize it's St. Patty's Day, and you've doubtless nipped a bit too much of the ale.

John Barleycorn must Die.

We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it - Nancy Pelosi

I appreciate your nod to

CA..I appreciate your nod to Traffic..John Barleycorn Must Die..I knew it kicked an old memory song..Glad.

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

Dittos C Rex

Dittos re - Traffic/John Barlecorn Must Die

Malloy isn't worth taking the time to peck my keyboard.

Great point

Kingfish is exactly right, it is a far more compelling and factual story than "what's his name".

Nobody handed Clarence anything, but yet the leftist bigots need to call him names and demean him.

I have never hit a woman in my life (Hit ON, but never hit..) but in Mrs Malloy's case I would cave her skull in just for the fun of it.

What's that she's a he, oopsy, my bad.......    


A great man once said, YOU only get out of life what YOU put into it, he obviously wasn't a liberal.

Who listens to this guy?

This stuff is so off-the-charts that it doesn't deserve mention.

God loves us; God is in control; God knows better than we do!

"I love your dark thoughts. We all love you for your dark though

"I love your (Malloy's) dark thoughts. We all love you for your dark thoughts." - Rachel Maddow of MessNBC

from this very own blog:



Leftists really hate it when

Leftists really hate it when Conservatives disprove the lies the left wants to spread.  The fact that Clarence Thomas can be in an interracial marraige and no one on the right cares really kills him.

It never fails

When libs open their mouths, it always says more about them.  It's the libs that see nothing but your color, or lack of, sex or disability.  The content of a persons character is what counts not the ethnicity or color of skin.  It is not hard to understand, they get to spew their own hatred and ignorance then blame it on conservatives. 

We care about this clown, why?

I've been in radio for nearly 29 years and I had never heard of Mike Malloy until I started reading about him here.  I've never seen an article about him trade magazines or heard him mentioned in conversations with other radio folk.

A quick check of his website reveals much.

Most syndicated talk shows will have a link to find a close-by radio station.  Mr. Malloy's website doesn't even list how many stations carry his show, "Mike’s nationally-syndicated program can now be heard weeknights from
9PM – midnight ET on affiliates from coast-to-coast, border to border,
across the fruited plane; and on XM Satellite and Sirius Satellite
Radio as well as on live Internet streaming."  How many stations is that?  It can't be that many if he's unwilling to tell us.

On the other side of the coin, here's how many stations carry Rush...

This fellow can't be a has-been because he's a never-was.

"Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain." Official Motto of the State of Iowa

Outside of this moron, who

Outside of this moron, who the h*ll cares what color Mrs Thomas is? Aren't libs suppose to judge folks by the content of their character not the color of their skin?  Unless, of course, they're practicing identity politics...


mike who?

maybe this Mike guy doesn't know anyone over 23, but MOST of us already knew that Justice Thomas was married to a white woman. it would have been hard to miss, as Virginia sat behind him the whole time during the circus known as his confirmation hearings.

I don't recall anyone having a problem with it then, and I highly doubt anyone will have a problem with it now. hmmm, wonder what Mikey will say when nobody complains?

what cracks me up the most is that these lefties think Glenn Beck is a hater. they think Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly are haters. have you ever...ever...EVER heard any of those guys say anything as depraved and vicious as this?

Malloy annoys

Tea party is racist?  You think the tea party is racist because that's what you're told to think Mikey. Good obamaton that you are you have no choice but to parrot the party line.  As for racism, read the text of your remarks for the definition.

Studly photo too Mikey.......scary tough.....and the index finger along side the cheek, must be smart.  Too bad your physical image as tough and smart is instantly negated when you open your mouth and the fat, drunk racist rolls out.


Interesting.  I saw that

Interesting.  I saw that photo with the half-lidded eyes and the hand holding up the head, and thought he must be stoned, or drunk, or both. 

"Beauty is only skin deep, but liberal's to the bone." - me

Mike Malloy, doing his best

Mike Malloy, doing his best to revive the left's Klan heritage. 

"Beauty is only skin deep, but liberal's to the bone." - me

Outing the KKK-

Superb observation, HK!

We need to hear their true beliefs more and more.  That thin veneer of 'tolerance' and 'inclusion' is melting in the fire of their hate

"Liberals have managed to eliminate the idea of manly honor.  Instead, all they have is womanly indignation." ~Ann Coulter

Like most Liberals, this guy is as ugly on the outside...

as he is on the inside.  Jim Webster

Just gets more interesting

Just gets more interesting by the day.  You disagree with massive out of control spending, government intrusions like never before, govt takeover of auto companies, 1/6 of the economy via some behemoth healthcare bill, and the Left has little arguement on the merits, but instead its all about "you are racists," etc.  Awesome.  How are they going to handle the same issues if the next Leftist president is white?  I'm sure those plans are being concocted now.


* Get Out of Our House! *

This disgusting racist

This disgusting racist diatribe by Malloy is truly shocking. Unconscionable. Not that I don't expect that from "leftists," but the act of him wallowing in the sewer so openly.

The bigoted racial transference -- clearly he has the problem of the very very very very very very (did I mention VERY) black guy, yada yada yada.

You'll note how brazen the left has become in exposing its true nature. Malloy clearly feels empowered to spew this in public.

I have no idea about the size of his audience. About the size of his brain, I guess. Very small.

Robot Love Boat: When Rahmy Met Massa-y

It's liberals like Malloy

It's liberals like Malloy that keep bringing up "race" at the most inappropriate times.  People like myself judge a person on their actions, morals and beliefs. 

Liberals like Malloy are the TRUE racists because they can't stand it anytime a BLACK MAN is not the stereotypical "cookie-cutter" breed of "black".  In a way, the Democratic party thinks they "own" all black people.  That's why when Clarence Thomas stood up as a conservative, they tried to judicially "lynch" him with the whole Anita Hill fiasco.

Just another.....

.......useless spewer of liberal lie.

Nothing here to even respect.


who's the racist here? 

 malloy is a full on racist.  he can't get over it.

talk about projection. 

Just another

disgusting sour old bastard.  

Mike here are two solutions for all your problems:



One of the happiest days of my life was when Malloy...

...stepped onto that plane and left Atlanta for good.

The mean IQ here jumped 3% the moment the wheels lifted off the runway.

My only regret was that he didn't take Cynthia McKinney with him.


Freedom. Either you have it or you don't.

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