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March 18, 2010

New research from the nonpartisan Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) finds that auto-enrollment of participants in 401(k) plans is likely to be most beneficial to young and low-income workers, although high-income workers are likely to benefit from it as well. It also confirms earlier results that large employers adopting auto-enrollment have significantly increased the employer "match" to their workers' own 401(k) contributions. Full release.

Posted by Admin at 05:02 PM

Susan Lieberman, director of international policy for the Pew Environment Group, issued the following statement today in response to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) committee vote on Monaco's proposal to prohibit international trade of Atlantic bluefin tuna. The proposal failed by a vote of 20 for, 68 against, and 30 abstentions. "Today's CITES committee vote not to protect Atlantic bluefin tuna is an unfortunate step backwards. This deeply disappointing and irresponsible vote signals a bleak future for this iconic fish. Full release.

Posted by Admin at 04:28 PM

Research scientists from the Cancer Prevention Institute of California (CPIC) released the results of a study of breast cancer in Asian women which examined their cancer rates by ethnicity, age and immigrant status. The findings challenge the notion that breast cancer rates are uniformly low across the population of Asian women and indicate rising rates of occurrences in specific ethnic groups. CPIC scientists studied Asian populations in California, the state with the largest and most diverse Asian population in the U.S. Full release.

Posted by Admin at 04:00 PM

With flooding occurring or threatened in several parts of the United States, the American Red Cross is responding with meals, snacks and support. In the Midwest, as the Red River waters rise again this spring, the American Red Cross is supporting residents of Minnesota and North Dakota who are dealing with the flood threats. "We're hoping the river doesn't reach last year's record levels. But regardless of what happens, the Red Cross will be there to help everyone who is affected by this disaster," said Joe Becker, Senior Vice President of Disaster Services at the Red Cross. Full release.

Posted by Admin at 03:30 PM

The following is a statement from Matthew L. Myers, President, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids: The Food and Drug Administration today has taken a crucial step in exercising its new authority to regulate tobacco products by issuing rules restricting tobacco industry marketing and sales to youth. When the rules take effect on June 22, it will mark the first time the U.S. government has put its full force behind specific, nationwide regulations intended to thwart the tobacco industry's continuing efforts to attract kids and turn them into lifelong addicts. This is a long-overdue step to stop the tobacco industry's predatory targeting of our children that continues even today. Full release.

Posted by Admin at 03:00 PM

The National Association of Exclusive Buyer Agents (NAEBA) expresses support for legislation recently introduced by Representative Eliot Engel (D-NY17) that would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 eliminating the so called "marriage penalty" from the Home Buyer Tax Credit. The current guidelines require both spouses to have the same exact ownership history in order to claim the tax credit, a standard that does not apply to unmarried couples, effectively penalizing married homebuyers. Full release.

Posted by Admin at 02:30 PM

Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) yesterday introduced a child nutrition bill that would cut more than $2 billion from the largest of USDA's working lands conservation programs, the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), according to a leading conservation group. As a result of EQIP's nationwide popularity, Congress increased funding for EQIP in the 2008 Farm Bill by $3.4 billion over 10 years. Senator Lincoln's proposed EQIP cuts would wipe out more than two-thirds of that increase. Full release.

Posted by Admin at 02:00 PM

Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa commended President Obama for taking action to create jobs. President Obama signed the "Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act" in a White House ceremony today. Hoffa, who attended the ceremony at the White House, said he was especially pleased that the bill spurs public works projects. It also gives modest tax breaks for employers that hire people who've been out of a job. "This is another step toward easing the terrifying economic insecurity that is plaguing working families," Hoffa said. Full release.

Posted by Admin at 01:11 PM

In many bankruptcy proceedings, the debtor does have a right to challenge which debts are or are not discharged, but so do the debtor's creditors. A creditor, such as a bank or a credit card company, can object with the court in writing before the deadline set in the bankruptcy notice. If the court finds that the debtor has provided incomplete paperwork, fraudulent records, a failure to account for lost assets, etc., the court can side with the creditor and force the debtor to repay the debt in full. Given that some of the reasons for denying a discharge can be as minor as incorrectly completing paperwork, Californians facing bankruptcy should seriously consider hiring an attorney. Full release.

Posted by Admin at 11:11 AM

U.S. Congressman Bob Filner (D-CA), Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs, and Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, were joined yesterday by ten of their colleagues, including three from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, in a press conference to announce the support by a bi-partisan House majority for the humanitarian rights and protection of residents of Camp Ashraf in Iraq. Full release.

Posted by Admin at 09:03 AM