antiagingWithin 5 years, the world could widely accept that we are within striking distance of a post aging world

Within 5 years, the world could widely accept that we are within striking distance of a post-aging world. This could be with the achievement of mice that would normally die at the age of three getting life extension at the …

dronesUS targets a megawatt laser by 2023 and then deployment in drones and satellites for hypersonic and ICBM defense

The US Congress wants the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) to rapidly develop and demonstrate a boost-phase ICBM (and hypersonic weapon) intercept capability as soon as practicable. Space-based laser weapons technology is one of the options. The DARPA High Energy Liquid …

futureUK performing 50 kilowatt Dragonfire combat laser testing

Components arrived in early 2018 for the UK Dragonfire combat laser. QinetiQ will start building the weapon’s laser source in the purpose-built clean room. Over the following months, the laser source will undergo a process of evaluation and adjustment before …

batteriesTesla Semi truck should start production in 2019

Tesla should start production of the electric Semi truck starting in 2019. The Semi will share many components with the Model 3. The Semi will use four Model 3 electric motors and the two touchscreens on the driver’s console. The …

chinaGlobal Renewable power spending has been virtually flat for seven years and most countries will need expensive grid upgrades to handle more solar and wind

Global investment in renewable energy (Solar, Wind, Hydro and biofuel) edged up 2% in 2017 to $279.8 billion, taking cumulative investment since 2010 to $2.2 trillion. The level of global renewable power spending has been virtually flat for seven years. …

astronomyNASA Solar probe will begin transmitting close up analysis of the Sun starting in December

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe launched from Florida Sunday to begin its journey to the Sun, where it will undertake a landmark mission. The spacecraft will transmit its first science observations in December. The Solar probe is the size of a …

economic impactUSA weak but long recovery could last another ten years

Based upon elapsed time since the last recession the USA is due for another recession. However, the US recovery has been exceptionally weak. Previous growth cycles in the USA have had 40% to 90% cumulative GDP growth. The USA is …

energyGold and silver nanostructures claimed to have room temperature superconductivity

Arxiv – Evidence for Superconductivity at Ambient Temperature and Pressure in Nanostructures Despite being a low temperature phenomenon till date, superconductivity has found numerous applications in diverse fields of medicine, science and engineering. The great scientific interest in the phenomenon …

environmentPotential global warming solution with rapid magnesite creation

Scientists have found a rapid way of producing magnesite, a mineral which stores carbon dioxide. If this can be developed to an industrial scale then it can help offset global warming. A tonne of naturally-occurring magnesite can remove around half …

air forceAir Force awards Lockheed up to $480 million for air launched hypersonic weapon test

The US Air Force is giving Lockheed Martin a second hypersonic weapon contract. This will be for up to $480 million. Lockheed is to conduct air-launched rapid response weapon critical design review and test and production readiness support. The work …