Saturday, 20 March 2010

NHS BLOG DOCTOR has retired

After much thought, I have decided to end NHS BLOG DOCTOR.  To stop any speculation, may I just say that there has been no serious precipitating event; no crisis, no illness, no threats and no pressure from anyone.  I have now retired from active practice within the NHS and am turning my mind to other things. The imperative to keep blogging about medical matters is no longer there. Nor will Dr Crippen be writing in the Guardian or not, at any rate, under a pseudonym.

It's been fun. I've said a lot, and learnt a lot. I hope some of what I said was of value. I am immensely grateful to the writers of the thousands of comments, critical and not so critical, I have received over the years. I shall in particular always remember Christian Jago (Potentilla) 

Healthcare and the NHS is a big topic but I have said what I have to say and increasingly I am just going round and round the houses. I remain committed to the ideal of a decent standard of healthcare being available to all, independent of means and status. Sadly, we are further away from that ideal than we were five years ago when I started NHS BLOG DOCTOR. I am not optimistic about the future.

When Dr Crippen appeared there were few medical bloggers in the UK. Now the medical blogosphere is well-populated and I particularly commend the Jobbing Doctor and Dr Grumble to you.

Thanks to all.