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  • DJ's Self-Executing Ruled Instant Chat

    Latest Message 4 hours, 59 minutes ago
    Darth Venomous, LC Gunsniper and 1 guest are online.
    • Library Czar : later
    • readerjp : I guess I'll sign off now, good night
    • readerjp : wow! I don't think I could even get out of bootcamp
    • Library Czar : Yes an LT
    • readerjp : is she in the army?
    • Library Czar : My nick name is insomnia
    • Library Czar : N@'s having a drunken orgy with a ranger squad ;)
    • readerjp : but you're here
    • Library Czar : Yes
    • readerjp : what's happening here, has everyone gone?
    • readerjp : that's the name of the story it's based on, right?
    • Library Czar : Bingo
    • readerjp : Blade Runner
    • Library Czar : one of my favorites
    • Library Czar : This is from a 1982 movie
    • LC EFA : as you can prolly tell
    • LC EFA : i don't watch movies real often
    • Library Czar : Its a movie reference
    • LC EFA : naw - i prefer the inflatable kind
    • LC EFA : electric sheep ?
    • Library Czar : You guys all to drunk to comment?
    • Library Czar : Do androids dreamm of electric sheep?
    • Library Czar : Later
    • Mudshark : Sleepy time for me....Night all.
    • Library Czar : Or in obongos case a fascist dictator
    • Library Czar : I don't pray for them, I curse them and ask God to save our Republic. I don't need a king
    • Library Czar : don't hold back its not healthy, tell us how you really feel
    • Mudshark : I pray for them every night......then i curse them every day.
    • readerjp : I hate him, his mean America-hating bitch of a wife, his lying Secretary of State, his tax-cheating Secy of the Treasury and the rest of the tax cheats.
    • Mudshark : The only easy day was yesterday
    • readerjp : A friend of mine said that the cost of gas has not gone up (according to cost of living adjustments) in 20 years and we should be paying more. A native Texan, I might add.
    • Library Czar : Put his face on the gazillion dollar bill after Zimbabwe stylel inflation
    • Mudshark : Wait till the 7 dollar gas hits, then ask me.
    • Library Czar : He will do amnesty, cap and tax and gun control next
    • Library Czar : No
    • readerjp : am I boring you?
    • readerjp : seriously folks, do you think we can survive another 3 years of this?
    • readerjp : didn't they notice how he told a different story every day? how he lied over and over again? how he insulted our intelligence!
    • readerjp : Citizneship, ha that's a good one. We don't even know if he IS a citizen
    • Princess Natasha, : The rest were on the sauce.
    • Princess Natasha, : Idiots, mostly.
    • readerjp : Who ARE these people who voted for him?
    • Princess Natasha, : Not being a communist is part of the requirements for citizenship here.
    • Princess Natasha, : Well, I hope you can.
    • readerjp : You can impeach someone for being a communist?
    • Princess Natasha, : He wanted the Prince to shoot a load in his mouth to take the taste of beer away.
    • Princess Natasha, : On grounds of being a fucking communist.
    • readerjp : He didn't drink it? That must be what he whispered to Prince Faisal's crotch!
    • Princess Natasha, : Besides, jihadis have that thing about "anything goes, as long as it harms the infidel"
    • Library Czar : Dare we hope an errant 757 find its mark
    • Mudshark : I refuse to answer because my answer may incrimnate me.
    • readerjp : Congress is overwhelmingly Democratic, so how are they going to impeach him? And on what grounds?
    • Princess Natasha, : Or if it was beer.
    • Princess Natasha, : Nobody knows if he really drank it.
    • Princess Natasha, : Then maybe removal from duty.
    • readerjp : He's a Muslim, except for the drinking a beer
    • Princess Natasha, : I am rather hoping for impeachment.
    • readerjp : Do you really think he'll be there for another 3 YEARS?
    • readerjp : I HATE Obama with the hate of a thousand suns
    • Mudshark : Let it all hang out!
    • Princess Natasha, : Sure, do it now!
    • readerjp : Can I vent for a moment, when you're done?
    • Princess Natasha, : Disgusting bastards.
    • Princess Natasha, : They do. After they drink a shot of that nail-polish stuff.
    • Library Czar : Don't the sweedish eat lute fisk?
    • Mudshark : Howdy
    • Princess Natasha, : The drinking game was brutal. 7 guys against 2 petite girls. And these bastards were also buying us Tequila.
    • readerjp : Hi everyone
    • Mudshark : I'm glad I missed that one!
    • Princess Natasha, : After such description, I want to throw up.
    • Library Czar : Make it past two 'shock-glasses' and with the third you could be ours...forever" People write in to us claiming that the flavor is a mixture of tussin, nail polish remover, gasoline, bug spray, varnish remover, and metal with a hint of herbs. The taste powerfully lingers for at least ten minutes.
    • Princess Natasha, : I want to try real Absinthe.
    • Library Czar : During almost 60 years of American distribution, we found only 1 out of 49 men will drink Jeppson Malort. During the lifetime of our founder, Carl Jeppson was apt to say, 'My Malort is produced for that unique group of drinkers who disdain light flavor or neutral spirits.' It is not possible to forget our two-fisted liquor. The taste just lingers and lasts - seemingly forever. The first shot is hard to swallow! PERSERVERE [sic].
    • Princess Natasha, : And this past weekend I drank light beer... Which is also something I will not ordinarily do. But we were buying pitchers for a drinking game.
    • Library Czar : This foul Sweedish liquor seems to be indigenous to Chicago. The word "Malört" means wormwood in Sweedish. The tag line on the label says it all, "Most first-time drinkers of Jeppson Malort reject our liquor. Its strong, sharp taste is not for everyone. Our liquor is rugged and unrelenting (even brutal) to the palate.
    • Princess Natasha, : And to be polite I had a drink... I took one sip then put it on some side table somewhere, then skipped out and brought back a couple 6-packs of Newcastle.
    • Princess Natasha, : I had bad vodka, once, but only because my friends did not know the difference.
    • Mudshark : Only worse
    • Princess Natasha, : Never had that, either.
    • Mudshark : Think really bad hippie wine.....Ripple or Boones Farm
    • Princess Natasha, : If I can't afford high-quality booze, I'll just drink water.
    • Princess Natasha, : I was just laughing at the bumwine web site.
    • LC Mike in Chi : DOn't bother
    • Princess Natasha, : Nor have I.
    • Library Czar : never had it
    • LC Mike in Chi : T-Bird is a Musty-Tell
    • LC Mike in Chi : What's the price? 60 twice!
    • Mudshark : Waste of bad likker.
    • LC Mike in Chi : Use to be: What's the word? Thunderbird!
    • Mudshark : I'm a professional.....I NEVER barf.
    • Princess Natasha, : Try not to barf on St. Peter's sandals at the pearly gates...
    • Princess Natasha, : Mix jet coolant with some Kool-Aid powder... And enjoy!!
    • Princess Natasha, : I think that is what some adventurous Russian alkies drank, when Andropov instituted a short-lived prohibition there...
    • Mudshark : There's a difference?
    • Princess Natasha, : Sure I can't offer you some jet coolant?
    • Mudshark : A good 2-week old Mad Dog will do the trick!
    • Princess Natasha, : :lol:
    • Princess Natasha, : I believe they have reviews posted. You can make an informed selection.
    • Mudshark : Mad Dog or Thunderbird
    • Princess Natasha, : which one do you prefer? «link»
    • Mudshark : Cheaper by the case.
    • Princess Natasha, : Sorry. I'll send you another one.
    • Princess Natasha, : :lol:
    • Mudshark : Was that you honkin yer horn under the bridge? I dropped my muscatel.
    • LC LittleRott84 Im : If any would not work, neither should he eat.
    • Princess Natasha, : A fucking bum under a bridge sucking on his jug of wine is more useful than they are, because at least he is entertaining, and also serves as a bad example and a warning.
    • Mudshark : Hang 'em all.
    • LC LittleRott84 Im : Neither do I.
    • Princess Natasha, : None whatever.
    • Princess Natasha, : I have no use for them.
    • LC LittleRott84 Im : Not a damn thing.
    • Princess Natasha, : What the fuck so valuable do they offer to warrant such pay?
    • LC LittleRott84 Im : So am I.
    • Princess Natasha, : I am tired of parasites who leech my tax money living better than I do.
    • LC LittleRott84 Im : It's kind of doubtful that they would be tossed.
    • Princess Natasha, : I'd like to see their pensions and other perks revoked, too.
    • Library Czar : How is PT going or can you say?
    • Princess Natasha, : They'll be thrown out on their geriatric Botoxed asses.
    • DJ Allyn, ITW : nuttin
    • LC LittleRott84 Im : They don't care.
    • LC LittleRott84 Im : What's wrong DJ?
    • Princess Natasha, : They are bound and determined to piss off every motherfucker living in this country.
    • LC EFA : blargh flarghmurg !
    • DJ Allyn, ITW : bleh
    • Mudshark : Not yet
    • Princess Natasha, : Give me a man who knows what he is doing. I don't care how many he shagged before me, as long as he was smart enough not to catch anything.
    • LC LittleRott84 Im : We're screwed.
    • Library Czar : Yup
    • LC LittleRott84 Im : They are bound and determined to get this thing passed, no matter what it takes.
    • LC EFA : bingo
    • Princess Natasha, : No. Virgins are boring.
    • LC EFA : naw - no virgins allowed :lol:
    • Library Czar : Right, they vote for a procedural rule that allows them to move the bill forward without ever voting for it
    • Princess Natasha, : Yes! I deem myself a virgin, yet again. Who wants to shag?!
    • LC EFA : i deem myself sober - where'd them carkeys go
    • Princess Natasha, : I deem myself graduated from college. Gimme an engineering job and pay me big bucks. And I will "deem" myself to be working.
    • LC LittleRott84 Im : Despite the fact that the majority of them are saying no, they won't vote for it.
    • Princess Natasha, : OK, so it's "deem". Same shit.
    • Library Czar : What the house does is "deem: the helathcare bill has passed and they then vote on the Slaughter Rule that yes the healthcare bill has passed by voting Yea on the rule that says it passed. They vote on the rule that says it passed not the bill. Then send the bill that has been "deemed" passed to the pResident to sigh
    • Princess Natasha, : That gives me an "out" to drink, fight, raise hell and fuck like a maniac, and get away with it.
    • Princess Natasha, : I am gonna have so much fun with all that "seeming" shit...
    • LC LittleRott84 Im : No more dealing with loud morons and getting thrown around on the bus.
    • LC LittleRott84 Im : I will be so happy when I can drive again.
    • Princess Natasha, : Still.
    • LC LittleRott84 Im : I have another month.
    • LC LittleRott84 Im : Not yet.
    • Princess Natasha, : Glad to hear that.
    • Princess Natasha, : Kewl.
    • LC LittleRott84 Im : My time seems to be up, so I can drive again.
    • Princess Natasha, : Great then.

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For those of the Empire who have not heard, the renegade usurpers in the chamber that is now horribly mis-named as the United States House of Representatives today voted to change the rules of that body to allow implementation of the “Slaughter Procedure” [named for Representative Louise Slaughter of the House Rules Committee] to allow the leadership to “deem” a bill passed without a vote of the members of the House. The vote on the rule change, and the roll call are here:


Apparently, on Sunday, Nancy Pelosi will “deem” the Senate health care nationalization bill passed and it will be sent to the White House for signature. The House will then vote on a bill that will give House members an excuse to lie to us that they really did not mean it, and of course pay off those who have been bought. That bill will in theory have to be voted on by the Senate. The Senate will, of course, recommend to the House the benefits of coprophagia and lycanthropy. After all, the Senate got its payoffs, as did the Unions and mandatory funding priorities for abortion and illegal aliens. Why in the name of the vaporous emanations of the demon Malacoda would they undo any of that?

Give us more, O Emperor! »

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…seems like a discussion as to why Obamasslicker’s decision to deny our troops the right to fly a flag on Haiti isn’t a big deal broke out in a previous post. Well, let me tell you fucking why it’s a big deal:

1) When we move out, always the first to do so and always there the firstest with the mostest unlike the rest of this worthless ball of stinking dirt, we sacrifice our time (that’s also known as “life” to those who realize that we only have a finite amount of that resource available to us) and our money to do so. I don’t fucking see why proudly displaying where we’re from is such a big hairy deal that the obsequious piece of shit in the White House won’t let us do it while, at the same time, sparing no effort to embarrass us in every other venue.

Wait. I guess I DO see it after all.

2) If there really are Haitians so fucked in the head that they’d rather have us take our immense resources and leave than acknowledge our presence on their shitty little island that nobody would want if it was given to them, then let’s pack up our shit and go. And let’s take the Haitians who aren’t worthless waste of skin ingrates with us while the rest of them stay behind to rot in their own shit.

3) If you’re so utterly skull-fucked that you would even for a second consider that the flag of our nation, the flag that has flown proudly over too many blood-soaked battlefields to count, most of which we didn’t even have to fight on in the first place but chose to do so anyway, is an insult to the people whose lives we are fucking SAVING by being there, then you, sir, are about as American as Fidel Castro.

If you truly loathe and despise the country without which you would be absolutely nothing to the point where you seriously consider flying your own flag a possible offense, then perhaps you should seek other quarters. Last I checked, the borders were still open. Go ahead, get the fuck out. You will NOT be missed. As a matter of fact, you’ll barely be remembered at all.

When I look at Old Glory, my heart fills with pride and joy, not to mention no small amount of gratitude that I have been blessed enough to become one of her sons, albeit an adopted one. Nevertheless, I have been welcomed and accepted as a natural born because, by taking that Oath, I became exactly that.

I see her fluttering in the breeze and I realize that I have something that the vast majority of mankind will never have. I realize that I have something that millions upon millions have yearned for, worked for and waited for to get, and a lot of them never got it. I realize that I wrap myself in the comforting blanket of that flag every night as I go to sleep, a flag that stands for generations of sacrifice and hard work and, even though I wasn’t even born here, that blanket has been spread over me and mine as well thanks to the Providence of the L-rd and the generosity of the most welcoming people that ever graced this planet.

I see that flag and I know that whereas I, personally, had no role in her rise to prominence, I WILL earn the gift I have been given. I WILL honor her and every single soul who died to make her great, because without them I would not rest comfortably in her shadow today.

And I WILL motherfucking choke every last son of a bitch who ever disrespects her, rip his fucking heart out and eat it in front of his still living eyes.

And I will enjoy every single second of it.

I am sick and TIRED of being told that I have to pretend that this nation isn’t the best nation on earth. Because if it WASN’T, then I wouldn’t be living here. And I am sick and fucking TIRED of listening to fuckheads, whores, skanks, mountebanks, parasites and assorted other vermin accepting our generosity with one hand while trying to slap us in the face with the other.

If you don’t like us, fine. Go the fuck away. Leave us alone and we’ll leave you alone too. We owe you nothing, but if you accept our help, then the fucking LEAST you owe US is a “thank you” and the courtesy of not trying to piss in our cereal when we’re not looking. Contrary to what you scum-sucking louts may believe, you are NOT entitled to our largesse, and if you can’t find it within yourselves to offer us the common courtesy of not spitting on us when we’re saving your lives, then kindly go fuck yourselves.

If our flag is an insult to you, then we can leave. You deal with your own shit, but don’t come crying to us when you fuck it up again, because THIS American has just about had it with your ingratitude.

As to the clusterfuck in the White House: If you’re so fucking ashamed of what you pretend is your own country, then why the fuck were you so hell bent on becoming her commander in chief? Don’t you have some humble, shit-stained, worthless, Marxist third world spooge hole in dire need of your leadership?

Just fuck off. Leave this nation to those who love her.

We don’t need you, we don’t want you and we sure as FUCK won’t miss you.


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…which of course is Gaelic for “The Grace of G-d Be With You“.

And so I offer this post in honor of St. Patrick’s Day when those of us blessed with Irish blood and heritage get to thumb our noses at those of you who aren’t. *snicker*

Not enough credit is given to those Irish immigrants who came to this country and embraced it as their home.  They endured generations of hatred and ridicule, and yet they still stood tall and kept their pride and love of this country intact.   I am proud to have their blood in my veins.

So to all of you my Rottie friends I offer this Irish Blessing :

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

For President Teleprompter and his merry band of Libtards:

May the curse of Mary Malone and her nine blind illegitimate children chase you so far over the hills of Damnation that the Lord Himself can’t find you with a telescope!

And for Nanny Piglousy and Harriet Reid.. Póg mo thóin!

And here is some good old Irish foot stomping music to get this party started off right! Sláinte!

YouTube Preview Image

Comments 30 Comments »                                              

Never, NEVER would I have thought I would see the day when a sitting President actually forbade our Military from flying the Stars and Stripes.


Until today that is, and I wish it were just a bad dream.

Our Military which are at this time in the midst of participating in relief efforts in Haiti (which by the way we happen to have the largest  force there and offering the largest amount of financial and material aid…as usual) have been told they CANNOT FLY THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES.

Screw the fact that all the other countries who have relief troops also present are proudly flying theirs in front of their respective compounds.   Noooo nonononono…that doesn’t matter.  President Teleprompter simply cannot allow the US to be proud of their efforts.  Proud of the fact that we ALWAYS give when others don’t.  Proud of the fact that we have the best and the brightest that are willing to drop everything to run to someone’s aid.

Oh HELL NO.   Not when he’s so damn busy apologizing  to the world for our being such imperialist dogs.   No…let’s not highlight the fact that in most every single crisis that occurs in any spot in the world, the US is the first to offer aid, the first to arrive and most times the last to leave because we like doing a job right, and making sure it’s done period.

No, to him the Flag of the United States of America is not something to be proud of.  It’s a stain.  It’s a black mark, and it’s only purpose in HIS jaundiced eyes is to signal that we are an occupier.  Not a defender, not a friend, and certainly not a champion of Freedom.

Pretty damn sad folks.  Even Bill Clinton knew to show respect to the flag even if he hated the Military with a commie passion.

Comments 72 Comments »                                              

Give us more, O Emperor! »


Comments 14 Comments »                                              

Ok, I have been being a blog slut again, gibbering at other sites. Some things come up deserving wider attention. Over at what is primarily an economics group blog, there was discussion of an appearance by the Speaker of the House, Nancy “Granny McBotox” Pelosi. The primary thrust was about the obvious logical disconnect between what she was being asked by the interviewer, and her unrelated answers. There was severe doubt as to what planet she was on, or perhaps the botox had infiltrated across the blood/brain barrier and had paralyzed some of her few functioning neurons. She was being made, rightly, a figure of fun in the commentary.

But she is more than a figure of fun. She is downright dangerous, and that is how I put it. I have been talking about this subject today at a number of blogs, and so here I am combining a number of points I made all over the interwebtubes.

It is easy to make fun of “Botox Nan”. But while her disconnect from reality is more than passing amusing; this Rosa Luxemburg wanna-be is a deadly threat to the Constitution and Republic.

Give us more, O Emperor! »

Comments 63 Comments »                                              

‘Nuff said.

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When we asked in the previous post about the NSDWP’s cost concerns about letting babies be born as opposed to blended in the womb how they’d like the shoe being on the other foot, we hadn’t expected an answer quite this soon.

LC & IB Dan, sticking his tongue firmly in his cheek, turned the table around and asked:

I’m not sure I quite understand this, given that cost is so important as a burden to taxpayers when it comes to health care. If Democrats want so badly to abort babies because of it, why are we bothering with someone who has a broken neck and back at 69? It sounds to me like she’s pretty well used up and has probably been living off the taxpayers for plenty of years to begin with. Aren’t we at least going to get a vote on it?

Now, obviously, neither Dan nor we would ever seriously advocate that Reid’s wife, or anybody’s wife, should be euthanized to save money, we leave that to the left and their Death Panels, instead we wish both her and her daughter a speedy and full recovery, this is just a matter of taking the liberals’ argument and turning it back in their faces to maybe educate them a bit about the insane inhumanity of their position (fat chance, we know, but we can at least try).

But does the insane clown posse of the liberal left see it that way? Do they stop and say “hmmm… hadn’t thought of it that way?”

Of course they don’t. They’re incapable of logical thought, so instead they do what they do best, they throw a Fujita 5 fit.

Just as we knew they would.

They’re so predictable it’s almost cute.

No, liberals. We’re not laughing with you, we’re laughing at you.

And what an endless source of mirth you are with your Pavlovian, spittle-flecked responses. We’re going to miss that after the revolution.



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…well, we’re not even sure how to describe the loathsome beast you’re going to find anymore.

Want to hear one of the arguments from the kamikaze wing of the National Socialist Democrat Workers’ Party in favor of keeping abortion funding in ObamaCare?

“If you pass the Stupak amendment, more children will be born, and therefore it will cost us millions more. That’s one of the arguments I’ve been hearing,” Stupak says. “Money is their hang-up. Is this how we now value life in America? If money is the issue — come on, we can find room in the budget. This is life we’re talking about.”

Yeah, you read that right. “Chilluns are damn expensive for the Nanny State. What, with their schooling needs, health care needs etc. Much cheaper to just kill ‘em off in the womb.”

To bend the cost curve and all that. It’s for the Childr… Wait… Guess not this time.

Just in case you’re wondering just what life is worth in a National Socialist Democrat country. Next, it’s denying care to the elderly and unproductive members of society. Provided that they weren’t chopped up in the womb. On your dime. To save money.

It’s Utopia, we tell you!

Useless, socialist, genocidal, eugenicist swine.

But hey, two can play that game. If it’s all about saving money, then we can easily demonstrate that socialism is the single most efficient wealth-reducing factor. Every single country who’s tried it has gone down the drain, no exceptions to the rule.

So, logically, if we really want to “bend the cost curve”, all we have to do is to get rid of socialists.

How do you like them apples, you totalitarian freaks?

Best start looking over your shoulders and sleeping with one eye open.


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Hanks’ asinine statements notwithstanding, HBO’s “The Pacific” is vitally important for no other reason that to tell the story of what the Marines did, and went through, in the PTO during WWII.

The old saying is that “hindsight is 2/20″, and viewing WWII through the prism of history, it is easy to see the monumental struggle between good and evil that the ETO represented. As such, the war against Hitler has come to dominate the resurgence of interest in WWII. Led by cinematic powerhouses such as “Band of Brothers” and “Saving Private Ryan”, the average American has become familiar with what the Allies accomplished in Europe. Battles such as Normandy and the Bulge, while hugely important, have in most peoples minds become the only titanic struggles of WWII worth telling. The Pacific has been forgotten, except by those who were there, and by students of history.

Give us more, O Emperor! »

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