Friday, March 19, 2010

The Song Remains the Same 

posted by Joe @ 10:04

German Communist Party Propaganda from 1954:

The Lie of the “European Defense Community”

There are 32 states in Europe, of which only 5 ½ will be members of this so-called defensive community. It cannot, therefore, be called “European.” The Americans behind the EDC do not want to defend Europe, but rather only their own greedy plans aimed against the security of all the peoples of Europe. The EDC is a community of monopolists and militarists opposing Europe’s security and peace! The peoples can never build a community with monopolists and militarists!

Europe’s security can be assured only when resurgent German militarism is eliminated, when the idea of collective security for all the European peoples replaces the aggressive EDC, which is what the Soviet delegation proposed at the Berlin conference of foreign ministers!
Graduate level gibberish for credit, 2004. By a PhD candidate at the University of Geneva and in International Affairs at the J.F.K. School of Government, Harvard University:
How does a hegemon behave in a unipolar world? How does the unipolar world structure affect the hegemon and provides it with incentives to act in different ways? This paper tries to answer these questions by testing various theories of international politics against the historical record of American behaviour since the end of the Cold War. In order to fulfil this goal I will draw on the case of the European security “architecture” since the early 1990’s. Why did the hegemon try by all means to undermine every single attempt to create some form of “autonomous” European security and defense policy, although the end of the Cold War represents a unique opportunity since the failure of the EDC in 1954 to pursue a strategy of offshore balancing? The answer to this question lies in the peculiar distribution of power resulting from the demise of the Soviet Union and the effect it had on the hegemon’s grand strategy.
I’m sure he means ‘hegemon’ in only the nicest way.
My chief goal in this article is to provide a power-based theory of unipolarity and by examining the post-Cold War European security architecture, to demonstrate that unipolarity provides not only incentives for power maximization strategies, but that my theory offers a better explanation than alternative existing ones. My argument unfolds as follows: Unipolarity provides the hegemon with incentives to pursue power-maximizing strategies. Simply put the United States opposed an “autonomous” European security architecture because the only remaining threat on the European continent is a strong, autonomous politically and militarily integrated European Union. Pushing for an autonomous “EU force” would mean creating a buck catcher that could, in the long run turn, into a peer competitor. Structural constraints do not provide the hegemon with incentives to pursue such a strategy.
As bad as a partner as they are, what makes this guy think that Europeans could be peer competators, or that it would be a problem? As the atmospheric “gut feeling” theory has gone for the past few decades, it doesn’t matter because the same lot imagine that merely being European is cause for deserving power over others, especially after what their wonderful political movements and wars have done for civilization.

It must be nice to have a face-saving way to explain negligence, uncontrolled arms sales, and inaction in the face of things like ethnic cleansing in the Balkans, a mere 1000 km from Geneva.

Of course the author, a chap seemingly obsessed with the desconstruction of American capacity rather than anyone’s security, now has a title that doesn’t seem to fit on a garden variety business card, and a government job with rather hegemonious power over students:
Current Affiliation: Head, Secretariat of the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students, State Secretariat for Education and Research (SER), Federal Department of Home Affairs, Bern, Switzerland
The author seems unconcerned with European security so much as he’s thirsty to see an all-powerful Europe, and for no clear reason. Suppositions about their humanism are theoretical and based solely on the sales literature. As with the 1954 KPD propagandist, he seems to abide by the old rule that seeks common cause can be found in hatred of an external entity over the use of security for the construction of peace and a balance of power, missing all of the lessons of the misery continental collectivist nationalism imposed upon the world.

Besides, nothing quite says rigorous scholarly skepticism than parroting the political propaganda of a tyrannical political racketeers written 30 years before you were born.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Waaaay Too Much Information 

posted by Joe @ 15:21

Sometimes you just don’t want to know that much about some people’s sex lives.

The producers of “Game of Death” recruited 24 volunteers who were told that they were going to shoot a pilot for a new show called “La Zone Xtrême”, or “The Xtreme Zone”.
With no financial incentive on the table, the point of the game was to ask one “candidate” – played, in reality, by an actor – a series of questions. If he gave a wrong answer, the punishment would be an electric shock, with the voltage increasing by increments from 80 to 460 volts with each incorrect response.

‘Not my problem, eh?’

In the book about the documentary, “L’Expérience Extreme” (The Extreme Experiment), written by producer Christophe Nick and co-authored with journalist Michel Eltchaninoff, a participant identified as Patrick, a Metro driver, said he was happy to simply follow orders – because it was a TV show.
The instinct to obey, said Patrick, overrode all feelings for the man he believed was receiving the shocks and was in genuine pain.
While much is made of the fact that this mimics the dynamics of an American behavioral experiment that dew much nitice in the 1960’s, that isn’t what’s of interest in the story. Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram’s experiment in how willing people were to screw each other over was not conceived of as light game show-cum-‘reality TV’ entertainment of the sort we have seen with “Fear Factor” and the like.

The ungrounded nature of whoever though this show a good idea is of more interest, not because of something surprising in the behavior of the participants, but of the clinical predictability, particularly in a society where many are fond of thinking themselves unique and rebellious, but are notoriously conformist and conditioned in their behavior. One hears at every turn about the miracle of –being them-, which is only made possible by the sameness of reactions from one person to the next.

Okay, so let’s bring back the three words all Europeans have been pedantically conditioned to repeat on the evidence of fewer abuse events than this TV show, and with no cause other than the playing out of the emotions of people making low-budget TV programming:
Abu-Ghreib! Guantanamo! Abu-Ghreib! Guantanamo! Abu-Ghreib! Guantanamo! Abu-Ghreib! Guantanamo! Abu-Ghreib! Guantanamo! Abu-Ghreib! Guantanamo!
A commentary in Britain’s Independent is inappropriately titled “However nice you are, you might push the button too” forgets that the reality of the choice should make that say “However morally bereft you are, you might push the button too”. Remember that there is something significant in common among the 20% who wouldn’t push the button. In Milgram’s data set of 40 years ago, it was 35% who refused to fry for the sake of conformity or a Paulingian happy pellet.

That’s nearly twice the number found in our enfeebled, present day postmodern world where even the intelligent and observant resort to the anesthetic use of saying “everyone would do it,” probably because they know what side of that 80-20 break they fall on.


Conjecture Continent 

posted by Joe @ 10:05

The head of Kazakhstan, a Pinkerton state, is pimping the idea that the pointless, make-work OSCE has created some purpose for itself in the world. I wonder if the Europeans staking their safety, security,and just about everything else on a myriad of external organizations realize that there is nothing internal for them to offer to accomplish it.

They can try to seem as important as they want, but in matters of global stability, it’s a case of alphabet soup outfits and European states wanting to look like they are partners wisely leading America, only to lecture it about wiping its feet before it enters the house it just saved from destruction. When it comes down to it, even in the Balkans, they can’t even attend to Europe’s security risks.

Kazakhstan calls on all OSCE states to show their readiness to act in favor of common interests and for the sake of collective goals and priorities, implementation of which will support and strengthen the OSCE and foster trust and respect for the Organization.
Okay. Thanks for the fine words to Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan.

Now all the OSCE needs is a reason to exist, and then actually do something productive. Maybe a cold, overdesigned, blue glass building with aggressive looking details dome up in stainless steel, in a dull and tidy European city will make them feel like they matter. When all else fails they can resort to some mindless pap like everyone else, and do a ‘Mom and Apple Pie’ thing about ‘Climate Change’.
OSCE is an optimal platform to bring the Corfu process to the fore whilst opening a forum for strategically important initiatives including the European Security Treaty.
As a trans-national organization that unites Europe, Asia and North America, OSCE is responsible to comprehend and offer support for cross-border security issues.
Even the public affairs buffoonery requires summit-Kabuki, theatrically over-important names, and assertive sounding initiatives to help states that wouldn’t lift a finger for another member state think that they are a critical and cherished partner and key to the construction of heaven on earth.
We strongly believe that stabilization in Afghanistan can be implemented through active involvement and closer cooperation of regional organizations.
Nazarbayev’s writers are really showing that they’ve learned the codex of communication – note how willing and active the tone of the text is to coordinate and lead someone else’s capacity. On the strength of that evasion, they should redraw the map of Europe to include Kazakhstan.

Membership in things like the OSCE make one seem important at no cost, and seem to create nothing other than a platform for unkept promises and a very false sense of security.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lucy, Charlie Brown, and the Football 

posted by Joe @ 08:51

The EU is going after Google, supporting the case of 3 niche-market search engines to tie them up in red tape. This comes after the great debacle of Google virtually stepping in to virtually run the digital branches of the national archives of several states at their own cost.

While they dream that the whole thing is some kind of street battle between the cheery, innocent Smurfs and the straw man American Gargamel, European whining about the success of American companies forget the number of virtual monopolies they have in the world. It’s a simple case of wanting it both ways, and wanting affection, pity, market share, and a fat tunnel report. They want YOUR cake and to eat it too.

Their competitive disadvantage was that they failed to produce products as successful as Intel, Google, Microsoft, and Apple.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

So, what comes after satire? 

posted by Georges @ 14:14

Derision, scorn, reality, mockery, facts, nothing seems to work:

If there’s a drought – it’s global warming. When there’s a hurricane – it’s global warming. If there are heavy snows or even blizzards – it’s somehow global warming. And amazingly, the latest round of rainy and windy weather in the Northeast, well that’s consistent with this phenomenon as well, so says former Vice President Al Gore.

Gore, the self-anointed climate change alarmist-in-chief, told supporters on a March 15 conference call that severe weather in certain regions of the country could be attributed to carbon in the atmosphere – including the recent rash of rainy weather.

“[T]he odds have shifted toward much larger downpours,” Gore said. “And we have seen that happen in the Northeast, we’ve seen it happen in the Northwest – in both of those regions are among those that scientists have predicted for a long time would begin to experience much larger downpours.”
So much for the "weather isn't climate" routine.


Cheese Hating Surrender Monkeys 

posted by Joe @ 09:39

Traditional twit-hood and madcaperry have fallen victim to the cultural revolution of “Health and Safety”:

A centuries-old cheese rolling contest has fallen victim to health and safety — but not because of the broken bones and dozens of other injuries sustained each year.

Organisers of Gloucestershire’s annual competition have cancelled the event due to be held on May 31 because of concerns raised by the police and local authority over traffic and crowd control.
Cheesed off yet?
“Cheese rolling has been going on for hundreds of years and we must ensure that this great tradition continues.”

Crowd, protected.


Monday, March 15, 2010

The Ides of March are Upon Us! 

posted by Joe @ 17:37

That’s all I really wanted to say.


What France is Great At 

posted by Joe @ 09:50

A translation of a blog by Jean-Michel Aphatie on RTL where he comments on air:

A week of vacation can be a wonderful thing. A bit different than the news, but not too far either, because it let’s you tune into the Zeitgeist.

On Thursday the President made a speech on industry, whose prospects are gloomy. Since 2000, industrial production in France fell by 15%, and 535,000 manufacturing jobs have been eliminated. What to do? Simply put, because it is always better than doing complicated, the president has proposed that industrial production increased by 25% by 2015. If you want more than that just write it down. A pessimist would ask why only 25%? Or, why wait until 2015? But official minds say bravo.

This kind of political will is exactly the essence of French identity that we have sought to define for months. A problem? The President replied: track opportunities, and expands horizons. He analyzes and proposes. How very talented and courageous he looks when he’s being decisive. That's how it always goes in France.

Is it different elsewhere? Maybe. The low spirits that govern other countries are apparently more inhibited than we are by the reality, truth, the global context, the autonomy of economic actors, etc... Their public speeches are taken seriously. They are less likely to make promises than we are. As a result, they are often re-elected.
We haven had a re-election at the national level since 1978, which is a world record for a democracy. France is the country of the political mess. Elsewhere, Great Britain, Spain, Germany, United States, officials are often re-elected once. With us, not so.

But the big difference is that our leaders are beautiful. At the forum, so proud they men or women is the same. They understand, they know everything, and they make declarations, on everything, all the time. Some think that the first obligation of the policymaker is to be pedagogical in order to understand the real way forward. But we are not likely to think that. The more that political thought dominates the world, the more likely it is to submit to his wishes all the other stakeholders in society.

This is what yields the rhetoric, such beautiful emotions, such wonderful elections, a nation that commues around slogans of “changing life”, “reduce the social divide," and "work more to earn more." It’s after that where things go wrong. Bad luck sometimes, international crisis some other time. Each time, bad luck, external factors conspire to prevent France, led by great men, to spread its wings and fly. Without reality, we are the leading world power, thanks to our superior intellect that inspires us and guides us. What a pity.

Fortunately, we will leave. In five years, if there are many, 2015 - 2010, five, so yes, in five years, our industrial production will have increased by 25%. That means hundreds of thousands of jobs, a flood of tax revenue, and public deficits will be a memory, with the new social taxes filling the gap in Social Security entitlements.

And if this does not occur?
Inimaginable! Our president has declared it, and that’s the end of it.

Here’s a small gag that went unnoticed last night: Yesterday, the President of the French Republic has received the Greek Prime Minister, and not to let the Greeks down. If they have money problems, France will lend. The gag? The Greeks believed it, and left happy. Funny, no?
And of course the first few comments have nothing to do with Alphatie, and pedantically repeat the unrelated trope that Éric Zemmour is a racist, and the usual fixation with throwing Muslims out of the country.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Hitch-hiking Diplomat 

posted by Joe @ 11:25

First, you need to be a nation, and have something to say.

Lady Ashton's office said it is making enquiries into leasing a jet to ease the pressures of her demanding travel schedule, but hastened to dismiss rumours she wants to purchase an EU "Air Force One". Given the current economic climate in Europe, this would not go down well. Plus, as Euranet's Brussel correspondent Nina-Maria Potts points out, it could trigger a form of air envy, with every senior EU official demanding a bigger and better plane of their own.
Which raises an interesting point about the unwillingness of member states to assign upward any of their sovereignty, or, for that matter like the “great Darfouroise helicopter crisis”, even LEND the EU some of that finest in the world, world-beating, European hardware.

Call it Darfouroiserie, if you like. It’s the sound of wanting to do something, and saying so, even though you know there is no inclination for there to be an outcome, but like to hear talk of your own power.

Here’s a thought: give her a damn plane, and something real to do. Otherwise eliminate the position of “shadow foreign minister” who is shadowing no-one.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Britain’s Got HAD Talent 

posted by Joe @ 09:04

Bob Geldof sounds out on what has grown rather obvious to any BBC World Service listener: their standards of journalism stink. In spite of that, they take it out on Bob Geldof’s good works while trying to make some silly argument about journalistic exceptionalism (or supremacy, if you boil it down to what’s implied):

Despite the on-the record refutation of everything in Plaut's report by very senior White House advisers, high-level UN delegates, senior British ex-ambassadors and diplomats, all the aid agencies, the leader of rest the Tigrayan relief group at the time, the prime minister of Ethiopia and rebel leader at the time, and me, and without a single shred of evidence, not one iota of evidence, they cannot bear to acknowledge the grim reality, the actual truth – that they were wrong. The BBC World Service is so far off the rails it quite literally cannot recognise or acknowledge truth when it encounters it.
What do they mean by ‘exceptionalism’? Every time the notion of ‘special rights’ for one sort of fashionable public feature comes up, such as it has been with journalism for a while, it seems rather obvious that what they want is a sort of status above the limitations a law-abiding person would live by. The only way to call these folks an ‘unimpeachable super citizen’ would be to insure that the general population has fewer rights (of free speech, of freedom from criticism, etc.,) than they do.


Friday, March 12, 2010


posted by Georges @ 18:59

This appears to be reported with a straight face:

Greece’s budget deficit narrowed in the first two months of the year, the government said today before a European Commission deadline next week to show public finances are improving.

The January-February deficit dropped 77 percent to 903 million euros ($1.2 billion) compared with a year earlier, the Athens-based Finance Ministry said in a statement today. Ordinary revenue climbed 7.8 percent to 9.4 billion euros, less than the government’s target, while spending fell 9.6 percent to 8.9 billion euros.
This wouldn't happen to be one of the very same Greek governmental bodies which have been manipulating and cooking the economic data for years would it? Funny how deadlines and governmental data seem to merge so effortlessly at just the right time.


"This is not the right way for the United States to treat its European allies" 

posted by Erik @ 18:24

How be that Smart Diplomacy — treatin' friends and foes right — workin' for ya, Monsieur Obama?

"This is not the right way for the United States to treat its European allies," says Nicolas Sarkozy as the French — once more — give (Obama's) America a lesson in the way the world works or the way it should.

"If they want to be spearheading the fight against protectionism, they shouldn't be setting the wrong example of protectionism," the French President said, joined by Gordon Brown at Downing Street. "In life there is what you say and then there is what you do."


These Two are the Same, Only Different 

posted by Joe @ 10:39

we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it away from the fog of the controversy.

- Nancy Pelosi

The fog actually being her obfuscations of leaving us not knowing what we are supposed to proudly support as a measure more relevant than the US Constitution, grow the economy in spite of the cronyism, identity politics meddling, political patronage, and added overhead. We are supposed to thank these people for giving away our resources without our consent, etcetera, etcetera.

It is the political equivalent of:

Here, kid. Pull my finger.

- Georges


Man I feel good! 

posted by Georges @ 01:49

After reading this article in Spiegel last night I happily drifted off to sleep knowing my data privacy is being "protected":

When it comes to freedom, Americans and Europeans bring completely different ideals and definitions to the table. While Americans want to liberate consumers, Europeans seek to protect them.
Damnit man, my information is protected. I do not have to worry about my personal, private and financial details being bought, sold and used for purposes I am unaware of, government will protect me. Man, I feel good!

Nothing can shake my faith in being protected. No, nothing:

Germany said it was willing to pay a reward to a bank employee looking to sell stolen Swiss bank data. A German Finance Ministry spokesman said several sets of data have been offered in recent weeks and at least one data set has been purchased.

Well, no doubt for my own protection....


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Will he be Declared a ‘Teabagger’ in Time for the Evening News? 

posted by Joe @ 22:34

Via Gatewaypundit:

Al-Qaeda terrorist, Sharif Mobley, was arrested in Yemen earlier this year. The New Jersey man shot two men at a hospital in Yemen over the weekend after being arrested in the company of several al-Qaeda members. Sharif Mobley, 26, was quietly detained earlier this year by Yemeni authorities.
The Yemenis should strip search all Americans trying to enter Yemen who belong to the Democratic Party.
Campaign finance records show Mobley received $75 as an election day worker for Gov. Jon Corzine’s campaign in 2005.
Call it inspiration. Call it 'I love it when a plan comes together'. Call it anything you want, but don't call it Kismet.


Symphony number Nein 

posted by Joe @ 11:35

Michael Yon, a modern day Ernie Pyle, reports from Afghanistan that he has been receiving complaints about a negligent lack of support for US operators by the Spanish military at a Forward Operating Base. Those writing to him include an officer of the 82nd Airborne. CENTCOM is likely not making much of the story to keep the peace, but should deal with the issue swiftly to end this reckless endangerment.

Qal E Naw: The Spanish are not interested in helping in anyway, and are trying to make us decide to leave based on their unacceptable treatment of Americans. Our refuelers [soldiers who refuel helicopters] that are living there have to run out, unroll the hoses, pull security, and roll everything back up. They have asked for gravel along the FLS as it is currently calf deep mud, but the Spanish refuse to make any improvements. They asked for a T barrier (just one) to put at a 45 degree angle outside the fence where the FARP [Forward Arming and Refueling Point; where helicopters land for ammo and gas] has to be set up so they can run for cover in case there is small arms fire, the Spanish say no and refuse to make any improvements. They asked for a small gate where their billets are located so they can access the FARP directly rather than going a half mile loop to get out the gate, but the Spanish said no and refuse to make any improvements. They [sic] guys are living hard (we understand that) but have to do laundry by hand as all of their stuff is stolen if they turn it into the laundry, they discussed this with the Spanish, but they refuse to many any improvements.
Call it “Everyday meetings with Common Europeans”, if you wish, but it illustrates what happens quite often when a small-minded character is made an official, and is given a little bit of power over others.
USFOR-A needs to energize someone to develop a viable, enduring plan for this FARP that isn’t reliant on the Spanish. This is a key hub for fuel (since we can’t get trucks to [xxx] or [xxx]) so let’s improve this location to better support those guys living out there on the edge by themselves. They refused to allow a Marine detachment that was dropped there to come into the wire or feed them overnight. Our refuelers had to fight the Spanish to bring them in and squeeze them into the two small tents that they have and give them MREs as they [sic] Spanish wouldn’t feed them. Is this how we allow our Coalition partners to treat Americans?
The Spanish government, led by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, holds the rotating presidency of the European Union.

The irony is that Zapatero’s obsession with looking statesmanlike by finding as many photo-ops as possible with the US president is impossible under these circumstances. It nearly mirrors Erich Honecker’s obsession with the idea of constructing legitimacy and recognition for East Germany with the fantasy that he would find himself visiting the Oval Office for tough negotiations with Reagan. In both cases, the goal is self-aggrandizement on absurdly undeserved grounds.

At least in the case of Honecker, the Soviets were speaking for him to an extent, and there were reasons to talk to them. The Spaniards, on the other hand are trying to look like they are speaking for the EU, and trying to get above the din of the other Europeans in the auction pit, even though there really isn’t anything to talk about with the EU in the state they’re in.
We arrived during a TIC [fighting] and a MEDEVAC mission. The aircraft have to land/park in a field that has no gravel and then they sink into the ground. They have to be moved everyday to pull them back out of the mud. If we can’t get gravel, how about putting some AM2 matting, stakes and a couple of Red Horse guys on a CH-47 and fly them in to build a couple of pads just big enough to park an individual UH-60 on? We’ve been pushing the gravel issues since last fall and are no closer to a solution. Those guys are living in fighting positions. When it begins to warm up in the next month, that field will be untenable
Yon summarizes:
So, our soldiers and Marines, living in rough conditions at the far tip of the spear, apparently are being treated with contempt, with all basic support denied, from laundry to the conditions of the field on which our troops do their thankless job. If this report is true, and I have no reason to doubt it, the Spanish are endangering the lives of our warriors by failing to provide basic safety.
They were sent out to the tip of the spear, and the Spanish offer you a butter knife. They cannot be there to merely “appear involved” for some selfish purposes and endanger the success of something that they hope will legitimate their leadership potential.

They need to go away before they get somebody killed.

U.S. Air Force Nurse, Lucy Lehker, comforts a Canadian soldier.


Visit Denmark: Tourism Bureau Unveils New Ads 

posted by Erik @ 08:04

Denmark Introduces Harrowing New Tourism Ads Directed By Lars Von Trier


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Intellectual Tyranny! Now with 30% more Umlauts! 

posted by Joe @ 13:42

Just as Geert Wilders’ party wins after so much being done to prosecute him for being uppity and exercising his right to free speech, the distorted European political discourse founded on demonization continues.

Mark Steyn:

Putting to one side the stupidity of the Dutch establishment in attempting to criminalize legitimate political opposition, one is struck by the media boilerplate: Wilders is the "extreme" "far-right" "fringe", but the parties he beats are the "mainstream"? That there is a lot of what's wrong with the European political discourse. Maybe he only seems so "extreme" and "far" because you're the one out on the fringe.
Got that? It’s the party with the most votes that’s being universally called by the European press to be the fringe, and the losers that they know and love with less than 14% of the vote that are called ‘the mainstream’.

Much like the use of the term “ultra droite” to refer to ANY conservative in France never being matched by the ameliorating term “gauche de la gauche” when referring to the carnival of destructive leftist radicals, they play into one idiotic notion after another.

The “ultra right” identified by the “ultra left” are a handful of neo-fascists who are just in love with a all-powerful state as the left are, and are, in fact, leftists themselves. Anarchists (the true, “no government at all” kind), coddled joyously by the “ultra left” are the only fringe element you could actually call “ultra right”, but only after you weed out the Trotskyite agitators.

Leaving aside that they think the minority parties are the mainstream, and vice versa, they avoid the ideological spectrum altogether in favor of the kind of story that can be written in a drunken stupor off of their yellowing 3-by-5 cards. The issue is a matter of how much central government/ local government/ no government you want in your life on specific issues.

Broadly accepted without questioning the matter, is the idea that the Netherlands is some kind of nirvana of liberty. Not so. Article 7 of their constitution, which is supposed to invauably encapsulate rights, formalizes a collection of middle-minded bugaboos more than anything else. The seed are there of making rights of free speech having a relationship with who you are:
This article has only been partially changed in the 1983 revision, as it was linked to very complicated case law. Subarticle 1 contains the classic freedom of the press. Any censorship is absolutely forbidden. However, formal law can otherwise limit this freedom, e.g. by making a certain content punishable under penal law. Such limitative powers cannot be delegated to lower administrative bodies such as municipalities and this includes the concomitant right of distribution of printed materials. However, the Supreme Court has nevertheless ruled since 1950 that such bodies may in fact limit the distribution of materials, if such a limitation is not based on the content of those materials and does not imply a complete impediment to any separate means of distribution. They may e.g., limit the spreading of pamphlets to certain hours for reasons of public order.
Subarticle 2 has the same arrangement for television and radio broadcasts.
Subarticle 3, added in 1983, gives a general right of expression, for those cases neither printed nor broadcasted information is involved; this includes the freedom of speech. Again, no censorship is ever allowed, but the right can otherwise be limited by formal law; explicitly mentioned in subarticle 3 is the possibility to limit the viewing of movies by minors under the age of sixteen. Although no delegation is possible, lower bodies may limit the exercise of the right for reasons of public order if such limitations are not based on the content of the expressed views. Subarticle 4 states that commercial advertising is not protected by article 7.

The Dutch constitution does not contain a freedom of gathering of information.
Journalists have ‘exrta speech rights’ set aside which by virtue of that fact would have to be limited to others’, begging the question: who exactly is a journalist, and what foundation in law do those who are permitted to declare someone a journalist, or declare that they are not a journalist, have?

Why is advertizing different, and who can stretch that definition? i.e., the advertizing of ideas, and the over-extention of that power to give municipal authorities the right to distribute materials.

Why are radio and television different than speech or print? The whole thing isn’t just uninspired, it’s peevish – as buggy as the notions harbored by the European advocacy press that doesn’t consider for a moment that a nation can lawfully exercise sovereignty when it comes to putting figures to immigration, but does when it feels like prosecuting speech.


Tuesday, March 09, 2010

When Gaddafi Takes Offense at a (Rather Harmless) Comment, Apologizer-in-Chief's State Department Immediately Issues an Apology 

posted by Erik @ 23:10

Remember the era of Ronald Reagan? And how he, rightly, called Muammar Gaddhafi a "mad dog"?

In the era of the Apologizer-in-Chief's New Feel-Good American Foreign Policy©™, how things have changed. When a US State Department spokesman refers to a row involving Colonel Gaddhafi, rightly, as "lots of words, not necessarily a lot of sense" and when it turns out that the colonel is in turn offended, this, in the era of Smart Diplomacy, brings about… an apology.
Department spokesman PJ Crowley, who made the dismissive comments, said they did not reflect US policy and were not intended to offend.

Col Gaddafi had criticised a Swiss vote against the building of minarets and urged Muslims to boycott the country.

Mr Crowley described it as "lots of words, not necessarily a lot of sense."
When this offended Gaddafi (0r Kaddhafi or however you spell the tyrant's name), the U.S. State Department hastened to apologize. And the leftists are surprised that a (leftist!) poll finds that a majority of Americans say the United States is less respected in the world than it was two years ago?!
"I should have focused solely on our concern about the term jihad, which has since been clarified by the Libyan government," Mr Crowley added.

"I understand my personal comments were perceived as a personal attack on the president," he said.

"These comments do not reflect US policy and were not intended to offend. I apologise if they were taken that way."

Perceived as a personal attack on the tyrant the president… That, in the 1980s, was exactly what Ronald Reagan intended and exactly what Gaddafi deserved (and… still does deserve)…


From the DDR to the EU 

posted by Joe @ 10:51

One is agitprop, the other is Pauvre moi, pauvre moi self-pity.

Either way, it's the same slant, different century.


Monday, March 08, 2010

France "deliberately supported" Rwanda's "genocidal regime and its genocidal project before, during, and after the genocide" 

posted by Erik @ 11:58

From Boston, Noam Schimmel comments on Anjan Sundaram's New York Times news report, Sarkozy acknowledges "grave errors" on Rwanda (Feb. 26), in which we learn that the first French head of state to visit Rwanda since the genocide (in which more than 800,000 people, mostly minority Tutsi, were killed) said that “We want to turn the page” and that Sarkozy admitted that France and the international community had operated under “a form of blindness to not have seen the genocidal dimensions” of the former Hutu government:

To survivors of the genocide in Rwanda and to human rights advocates, the oblique and morally obtuse statement from President Nicolas Sarkozy of France is deeply offensive.

France did not merely make errors of judgment. It deliberately supported through military training, weapons provision and economic aid the genocidal regime and its genocidal project before, during and after the genocide. After the genocide, it gave safe haven to those who carried out atrocities.

The French government has both the legal and the moral obligation to acknowledge its violation of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide and its complicity in genocide.

The French government should apologize and provide reparations to the Rwandan government and to the survivors of the genocide, as they seek to rebuild their lives and rehabilitate their communities.

There can be no turning the page, as Mr. Sarkozy insisted, without truth and justice.
France, incidentally — just to provide a timely reminder — is the country otherwise known as the perennial sermonizer on human rights, the evils of war, and the benefits of peace and discussion to the clueless retards in America. Anjan Sundaram's New York Times news report continues:
Mr. Sarkozy also said that Radio France International would begin broadcasting in Rwanda this year. The rift between France and Rwanda has coincided with Rwanda’s break from its French-speaking past under Mr. Kagame. Last year, the national language was changed from French to English, and Rwanda also obtained membership in the Commonwealth, widely seen as a snub to France.

… While many Rwandans were pleased with Mr. Sarkozy’s visit, some saw it as another French rebuff. “He should have stayed more than three hours,” said Sam Kagabo, a journalist in the capital. “The French are here after 16 years. He should have given more respect to Rwandans.”


Coming Soon: Gravity to be Legislated! 

posted by Joe @ 11:52

I know you’re all practically peeing yourselves in giddy anticipation:

Brussels to unveil economic plan for next decade
There’s nothing quite as rousing as being forcefully led! It sure puts a smile on the collective European face, even if they did seem to have had their senses of humor surgically removed.
After a decade of the EU's failed efforts to become the world's most dynamic knowledge-based economy, Brussels is laying down a fresh economic vision based on innovation, education and digital technologies. However, it stops short of introducing sanctions to ensure national capitals this time stick to the plan.
The beatings will continue until morale a fresh economic vision based on innovation, education and digital technologies improves!

Have ou ever had to listen to teachers droning on about the evils of standardized testing, taking comps, and all of that insight-crippling “teaching to the test stuff”? Well here it is on a continental scale. Don’t forget your number 2 pencils, kids!
"The monitoring of progress towards these targets should become an integral part of our economic governance,"
Just as long as that data isn’t going through the SWIFT network.
Under the bloc's new, post-Lisbon Treaty set-up, member states will have no chance to formally debate the proposals ahead of the summit in sectoral councils of energy or finance ministers, giving the commission extra power to force its ideas through.
Any resemblance this has to ‘tractor production quotas’ is unintentional. Completely, and entirely without awareness of irony... unintentional.


Subjugation Is Not Change We Wanted Or Will Accept 

posted by Erik @ 11:44

We did not become a strong nation through hope
but rather through self-reliance…
(Thanks to Mark who links to A Soldier Speaks Out on Iraq, from Iraq)


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