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Newsweek Columnist Alter’s White House Book Details Obama on ‘Teabaggers,’ Rahm’s Rage, Summers’s Nickname

As Democrats prepare to vote on the historic health-care legislation this weekend, a new look inside the White House is emerging from an upcoming book by Newsweek national-affairs columnist Jonathan Alter that's already being buzzed about in Washington political circles. The Promise, due out from Simon and Schuster in May, chronicles in a blow-by-blow narrative Obama's first turbulent year in office. According to an advance copy obtained by New York, Alter makes the case that early stumbles in vetting appointees and the polarized politics over the stimulus set a course for the rest of the year. While the book doesn’t upend the existing narratives about any of the administration’s major characters, it adds intimate, at times comic detail about many of them, starting with POTUS. In an interview with Alter on November 30, Obama offered that Republican opposition to the stimulus "helped create the tea-baggers and empowered that whole wing of the Republican Party where it now controls the agenda for the Republicans."

Obama's nickname for Larry Summers; Rahm gets mad at Bo the dog. »

Carter Baizen to Play Captain America, Maybe

According to IESB, Marvel's list of possible candidates to play Captain America now includes just three names: Chris Evans, Channing Tatum, and Sebastian Stan, who plays Gossip Girl's Carter Baizen and is rumored to be the favorite, even though he's Romanian. Chace Crawford is no longer under consideration, but at least he still has Serena. [IESB] Update: THR says the role has been offered to Evans.

Fake Democratic Health-Care Memo Spread Around by Republican Leadership

"We were this close."

Today Politico published an unverified memo of talking points for "Democratic health and communications staff" that made it seem like Democratic leadership was hoping to avoid talking about the specifics of the recent CBO score of the health-care bill. "We cannot emphasize this enough: do not allow yourself (or your boss) to get into a discussion of the details of CBO scores and textual narrative," the memo read. "Instead, focus only on the deficit reduction and number of Americans covered." Immediately, Matt Drudge gleefully linked to the Politico post, and staff for House Republicans like Minority Leader John Boehner began forwarding the memo around. Unfortunately for all the fun-making, the memo was deemed fake by Democratic leadership, and eventually taken down from Politico's website. A little disappointing, but at this rate, we'll definitely be throwing toupees and ripping the shoulder pads from unflattering pantsuits by the end of the weekend.

Dems: Memo On Medicare Changes Isn't Ours -- It's A GOP 'Hoax' [TPM]

‘People Here Are F—ing Furious. She Knows All the Plans!’

That was the reaction of one staffer at The Wall Street Journal's soon-to-be-launched New York City section after writer Kate Taylor, who was just hired earlier this year, jumped ship for the New York Times this week. [NYO]

Kara DioGuardi’s Dad Isn’t Tired of Getting Asked About Kara DioGuardi

Joe Dioguardi, a Republican candidate vying for Kirsten Gillibrand's Senate seat, is the father of Kara DioGuardi, the American Idol judge. But you knew that. In fact, it's probably the only thing you know about Joe DioGuardi at this point, because it's mentioned in every single interview or newspaper article about him (including this one!). We chatted with DioGuardi today about being overshadowed by his celebrity daughter, as well as, believe it or not, other things — like why he kind of appreciated what Jim Bunning did, and why George Pataki shouldn't be proud of how he left New York.

And the tea party! And gays! »

Wondering Exactly How the Health-Care Maneuvering Is Going to Unfold This Weekend?

Like, precisely exactly specifically? Okay, you asked for it. In her essay "A Viewer's Guide to This Weekend," politics professor Sarah Binder explains the extremely complicated (and somewhat amazing) procedures that will unfold as health-care reform finally gets settled.

WSJ Strikes Wage-Freeze Deal With Union

Today, executives at Dow Jones reached a contract agreement with the International Association of Publishers Employees, the union that represents staffers at The Wall Street Journal. The agreement resulted in lower health-insurance premiums for the workers, and an improved 401(k). Overtime rules are also changing, and will now count hours worked from home. The centerpiece of the deal, though, was a seventeen-month wage freeze, matching the one imposed on non-union workers last year. "Without it," bargainers told their union members in a memo today, "there would be no contract."

Wall Street Journal's Union Contract Mandates Wage Freeze [FishbowlNY/Mediabistro]

You Can’t Keep a Bad Gossip Girl Down

Photo: Giovanni Rufino/The CW

As Gossip Girl: The College Years continued, our commenters were left concerned about a few very key points: chest hair, the authenticity of freshman dorm parties, and the logistics of kitchen sex. While generally pleased with Chuck's joy at finally reconnecting with his long-lost mother, this week you seemed even more excited at the prospect of reconnecting with that other creeper of the House of Bass, Jack. Read on to see this week's best comments, compiled by Comfortably Smug.

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Real Housewives of New York City Recap: Only Gay During the Day

Photo: All images courtesy of Bravo.

Fall Fashion Week is a time for clothes and loveliness. But it’s also a time for sharp elbows, for chaos and stress, and for women who have a certain insane gleam in their eyes: The kind of gleam that only comes from either not having eaten for the first seventeen years of their lives, or from starring on a Bravo reality-television show. The women of The Real Housewives of New York City have certainly been eating — even the ones who are going to pose naked for Playboy have been scarfing chicken wings and beer — and they’re using all that extra energy to keep stoking the fires of fights that are months old, which nobody can remember who started. Bethenny and Jill almost have it out. Jill manages to dredge up the only nasty thing she can think of to say to Alex that will actually piss her off. And Kelly makes Jill get up on a giant plastic horse, which must be revenge for something.

And in every battle, there are winners. We must pick them. »

Ana Marie Cox: Nick Denton a ‘Completely Unrepentant, Unethical Person’

Ana Marie Cox.

Ana Marie Cox's review in Bookforum of Emily Gould's new book, And the Heart Says ... Whatever, says a lot about Gould and what the former Wonkette editor thinks of her writing. But it includes a dose of criticism for Gawker Media founder Nick Denton, who used to employ the two women. Like this, for example:

A memoir by a completely un-repentant unethical person could make for a titillating read, if not a very literary one (Nick Denton, our mutual former boss, leaps to mind here, not sure why).

Yikes, stripes. »

Police Are on the Lookout for Man Who Bit Taxi Driver

A man who pulled a gun on a taxi driver, and then bit him "repeatedly on the neck, arm and back" in the struggle that followed, is being sought by the NYPD. He is described as being around 30 years old, six feet tall, pale, lightning-quick, cold-skinned, and sparkly when exposed to sunlight. [WCBS]

How Many Votes Do the Democrats Have?

With only a couple of days before the House is scheduled to finally vote on health-care reform, Democratic leaders have been sounding extremely confident that they'll have the votes for passage. But in the meantime, a bunch of different websites and news outlets are picking through the latest statements from fence-sitting Democrats, and keeping track of every new "yes" vote and "no" vote. Follow along with the whip count on Huffington Post, the Hill, and Firedoglake.

President Obama Wishes the Political Media Would Stop Covering Politics

President Obama was at George Mason University this morning holding another rally for health-care reform with a fired-up, campaign-style atmosphere. At one point, Obama criticized the coverage from cable-news networks for caring more about the politics of the debate than the substance of the legislation. "What's it going to mean for Obama?" Obama said, giving an example of an insignificant question a cable-news host might ask. "Will his presidency be crippled? Or will he be the comeback kid?" The crowd cheered and applauded at that last part, which, to us, kind of undermined Obama's point about this not being about Obama.

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The Knives Are Already Out for Steve Levy

Steve Levy, Suffolk County's executive, announced this morning that he'll change parties and battle Rick Lazio for the Republican nomination for governor. And though he's quickly picking up the support of GOP leaders, and is a stronger candidate against Andrew Cuomo in many ways — a healthy $4 million war chest, for one — he doesn't come without baggage. Most obvious is the credibility of someone who was a Democrat his whole life up until he decided to run for governor and realized that he had a much better shot in the Republican primary than in the Democratic primary. The Lazio campaign has already begun to take shots at Levy's political opportunism. "The people of New York are looking for somebody that they can depend on,” Lazio said yesterday. “Not somebody that’s going to put their finger up to the wind and decide which way things are going." The Democrats look like they're ready to help Lazio — their preferred opponent — hammer home this line of attack.

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Hillary Clinton Will Do Anything to Not Miss a Meeting With President Obama

Despite initial worries from some Obama advisers that Hillary Clinton would secretly try to undermine President Obama as secretary of State, she's actually been as much of a team player as one could possibly hope. She's so devoted to Obama, in fact, that she'll do just about anything to avoid missing their weekly meetings. Even after her plane broke down in Saudi Arabia last month, she managed to hitch a ride with General Petraeus "so that she would not miss her session with the president the next day."

And there was the time her husband was in the hospital. »

George Clooney Checked Jeff Bridges’s Box

Jesse James's mistress Michelle "Bombshell" McGee happens to be on the cover of this month's Tattoo Review magazine, so the issue is now in "great demand" even though there's no mention of James in the story. McGee was reportedly paid $30,000 to sell word of the affair to In Touch. Though James told People he is "very sorry" and hopes his family "can find it in their hearts to forgive [him]," texts he sent to McGee as recently as last week read, "Just think'n bout u this morning." George Clooney, an Academy Award nominee for Best Actor this year and an Academy voter, punched his ballot for Crazy Heart's Jeff Bridges rather than for himself, telling Bridges, "It was an amazing performance. If you don't win, you can't blame me." Lady Gaga asked Boy George to autograph her body, but he opted for her hat. Madonna brought Jesus Luz and Jessica Seinfeld to Morimoto, where a spy in the bathroom said, "Jesus couldn’t figure out how to use the sink."

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Paterson’s Head of Security Was Just So Concerned About Sherr-Una Booker

David Johnson.

On Halloween night last year, after allegedly choking his girlfriend Sherr-una Booker and shoving her into a dresser, Governor Paterson's aide, David Johnson, left Booker's apartment and made some calls. One of them was to the head of Paterson's security detail, Major Charles Day of the State Police. After Johnson told him about the incident, Day called Booker so quickly that the NYDN NYPD had not yet arrived to her apartment in response to her 911 call. But Day wasn't trying to intimidate her, if that's what you're thinking.

That's silly. »

White House Nearing Compromise on Detainee Trials


A bi-partisan group of senators is nearing a compromise with the White House that will allow the administration to move forward with closing the prison at Guantánamo Bay and prosecuting the terrorists that are holed up there. While this would mean that one early goal of Obama's would be met — the closing of Gitmo, at last — the deal also looks like it will be a severe compromise on another: that of giving the terrorists civilian trials. From the White House side, this effort is being spearheaded by legal counsel Robert Bauer and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. On the congressional side, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham is leading the charge. That leaves Attorney General Eric Holder, a continuing vocal supporter of civilian trials — the most prominent ones being here in New York — on the sidelines.

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Ivanka Trump Saved From Terrifying Stalker!

American princess Ivanka Trump has been in danger for weeks from a mysterious man calling himself "Cloud Stormchaser," who was terrorizing the real-estate magnate and reality star through his use of an affectionate blog. The 27-year-old Cloud, a.k.a. Justin Massler, was arrested for stalking in Reno where he was visiting his mom. He's based on the East Coast and had a blog on the website "He is sick and has a history of mental illness," his mom said. "He never harmed anyone and hasn't done anything other than write articles on the Internet." Oh, yeah? Listen to this — according to the Daily News, "Justin Massler's blog talks about longing to see the Celebrity Apprentice co-host and that 'we would hit it off and become the best of friends.'" Disgusting. Apparently, a comic on the blog site also shows a homeless person believing that Ivanka could one day help him out. No wonder the cops sprung into action! Actually, we kid. We're sure there's more to this story that was unsettling to Ivanka's people. Maybe the fact that he stalked Tucker Max first, for example.

Ivanka Trump stalker Justin Massler busted in Nevada [NYDN]

Jon Stewart Takes Glenn Beck Down in Epic Fashion

Jon Stewart pulled off one of his more elaborate and successful bits on tonight's Daily Show, opening the show and then continuing for about twenty minutes in a brutal parody of Glenn Beck. Oh, and he did the whole thing in character as Beck, to boot.

Stewart goes all out. »

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