
April 11, 2010, 8:15 pm

Night Moves, 2:19 A.M.

All-NightersAll-Nighters is an exploration of insomnia, sleep and the nocturnal life.

For the sleep deprived, the early hours of morning can seem like an endless expanse of boredom, blankness and unchartable territory. In his series of illustrations, “Insomniflows,” the artist Paul Davis maps the dark and desperate movements of an insomniac night.

Insomnia Flow Chart 3

Insomnia Flow Chart 1
Insomnia Flow Chart 2

Paul Davis

Paul Davis, an artist living in London, is the author of “Us and Them: What the British Think of The Americans; What The Americans Think of The British” and the forthcoming “The Book Of Flow.” His work can be seen at copyrightdavis.com.

What do you do when the world’s asleep and you’re awake? All-Nighters is an exploration of an ancient malady and modern fixation — insomnia. With contributions from writers, scientists, artists and others, it will document the many ways we approach sleeplessness — as a nuisance, a disease, a curse, an opportunity or even a gift.

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Night Moves, 2:19 A.M.
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Opinionator Highlights

Scenes From the Night Shift

A photo tour of some of New York’s desolate spaces at night.

Night Moves, 2:19 A.M.

An artist’s flow charts of the dark hours of an insomniac night.

In Sleepless Nights, a Hope for Treating Depression

Research indicates that a lack of sleep can temporarily lighten the darkest of moods.

More Than Enough Hours in Every Day

For some elderly people, insomnia can be the gift of extra hours, extra life.

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