Roger L. Simon

March 8th, 2010 4:50 pm

POLIWOOD: Hollywood Makes a Right Turn at the Oscars

As promised earlier, Lionel and I review this year’s Oscar ceremony and the victories of “The Hurt Locker” and “The Blind Side” with a “Special Guest” who may or may not reappear. At the end, we reveal our Best Picture of the year. I don’t know about Lionel, but it was an easy choice for me. It may surprise you – or not. Anyway, here’s “Hollywood Makes a Right Turn at the Oscars.”

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Roger L Simon

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The blog of the mystery writer, screenwriter and CEO of Pajamas Media

Just Published

Blacklisting MyselfWith gratitude to the readers of this blog without whom my new -- and first non-fiction -- book would likely never have been written.

Simon's first non-fiction book - Blacklisting Myself: Memoir of a Hollywood Apostate in an Age of Terror - Pub. date: February 5, 2009

