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Always On Watch
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BHO is America's Hugo Chavez. I tell ya, I'm not feeling very optimistic about the future these days -- on a personal level (Mr. AOW's medical condition) and on a political level.
This year, I've paid a CPA big bucks to do my tax return. I wanted to be sure to get every deduction, what with Mr. AOW's medical bills and all. By the time the CPA was done, he had knocked down my taxable income (joint) to less than $10,000! Some people might not say that my hiring a CPA was the way to go. But he despises BHO, so I want to support this particular CPA, who knows how to mine every loophole in the tax code.
Toggle Commented 3 hours ago on Tax Day Giveaways at The Amboy Times
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I saw BHO and his I-am-amused smirk this morning on television. I won't type in here what I said aloud at that moment. The man's condescending arrogance is appalling. Clearly, he himself believes that he is "The One."
Toggle Commented 2 days ago on Keep On Laughing Obama at Right Truth
So Muslims can run bus ads all across America inviting the clueless to convert to Islam, but we cannot make information available to Muslims who want to leave Islam. That's the way it is now in the Islamic States of America.
Poland's national grief must be beyond comprehension. Bad days all around the world, but worst right now in Polant.
Toggle Commented 7 days ago on Prayers to Poland at The Amboy Times
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Connolly's willingness to be part of this fundraiser as the lone politician speaks volumes as to his loyalty to the Saudis. Let's not forget how he berated those voicing concerns about the Islamic Saudi Academy a while back - when Connolly was the chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. I believe he used a term such as "slanderous bigots" to refer to those explaining to the Board of Supervisors what the ISA really is.
I'm not much on heavy metal. But I may have to get into it and start blasting it from my convertible's speakers -- near the halal market a few miles from here. ;)
Toggle Commented Apr 4, 2010 on Heavy Metal is a Zionist Plot at The Amboy Times
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And just how good is medical treatment under CastroCare? Sheesh. Of course Castro is pleased to see the leftward direction America has taken. Misery loves company, you know.
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Kevin, It's good to see you back in the blogosphere. Our country is in one helluva mess now.
Toggle Commented Mar 28, 2010 on CAIR: Legitamacy Questioned at The Amboy Times
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Kevin, You're back?
Toggle Commented Mar 26, 2010 on CAIR: Legitamacy Questioned at The Amboy Times
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Interesting. Some people have too much time on their hands!
Toggle Commented Mar 25, 2010 on Knitters Tag New Jersey Trees... at Right Truth
I'm sad to say that the vigil puts me in mind of a funeral wake. We're watching the demise of our beloved Constitution!
I, too, posted on this. Fess Parker (Davy Crockett) was one of my childhood heroes.
Toggle Commented Mar 20, 2010 on Fess Parker Dead at Age 85 at Right Truth
Apparently, the Turks are dedicated to their cause. Of course, their cause is one of barbarism and genocide. Still, I have to ask, "How committed is the West to freedom?"
BHO's planned reform of education is geared to help minorities funded via higher rates on federal student loans. Those interest moneys will go toward financing Pell Grants, which are never "paid back."
Sad news. I always liked Peter Graves. And his voice! It was unique and so delightful to listen to. At least, he passed quickly and didn't suffer. Of course, his dying unexpectedly in front of his family's very eyes is something his loved ones will never forget. I hope that happier memories replace the sad memory.
Toggle Commented Mar 15, 2010 on Peter Graves Dead At Age 83 at Right Truth
Mr. Mott is a convert too? What the hell is going on that Westerners are converting to Islam in the first place?
Wow! I guess that pigs really do fly. I never thought I'd see the day when CAIR was so criticized by the FBI.
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As a composition teacher who has taught the subject in 2nd grade through college over the past 35 years, I've written some harsh comments on papers. But never the word "loser," which is clearly ad hominem and in no way encourages a child to do better. Now, I've also worked as a principal. The only time I saw such behavior from a teacher was from one who was having a nervous breakdown. Yes, we fired her as students were suffering under her tutelage.
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BHO sure is making a lot of enemies these days.
Toggle Commented Mar 13, 2010 on No Indonesian Love For Obama at Right Truth
Meanwhile, we have this... : While health-care reform occupies the spotlight, the Obama administration is pushing for another Washington takeover -- this time of the student loan system.... [...] Here is what they haven't told us: The Education Department will borrow money at 2.8 percent from the Treasury, lend it to you at 6.8 percent and spend the difference on new programs. So you'll work longer to pay off your student loan to help pay for someone else's education -- and to help your U.S. representative's reelection.... Read the whole thing, but take your blood pressure meds first!
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"Dependency on government has spiked 31 percent since 2001..." And at the rate we're going, the federal government will continue to be our nation's largest employer. Alert! The tax base of those not dependent on the government is shrinking at an alarming pace.
Um, "that West" should read "the West."
Freedom must prevail, and freedom will prevail. In that last few moments before sleep every night, I sometimes jar completely awake and wonder, "What if Wilders goes unheeded?" He is sounding the alarm, yet so many in the West refuse to listen. I am not conceding defeat. Understand that. But we are in the fight for our lives with Islam. By "we," I mean that West.
Hanks has been a lefty from way back. I can watch his films, but I have to forget who Tom Hanks is and concentrate on the part he is playing.
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