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I would just go in there with my books to study. With my shoes on. What could they do to me? "Hey! You're not Muslim! You're not praying!" Really? You care that I'm not praying? Why's that?
Oh yes, Gregory, by all means, a gallery up high is so much better. Just like all the blacks in "To Kill a Mockingbird". Again, legal, but the minor matter of where one stands to pray is eclipsed by what is being brought out in the press about the oppression generally of Muslim women. This article is worth it for that alone. Let people ask questions. Let those idiot Muslim women leave Islam and become free people. Let their husbands refuse to allow their wives to be treated that way and leave with them. Peace will come then, when they are free, and not slaves of Allah.
winoceros is now following droptheveil
Feb 18, 2010
winoceros is now following NYWBC
Feb 18, 2010
What a slime. He should be ashamed of himself, except Muslim males have no shame. On another, more worrisome, note, (john jay) does her admission to a misdemeanor of unruliness affect any application she might make for legal resident alien status? Teenage transgressions are treated differently on the green-card front, no?
Tarantula, Hysterical!!!!!
Sorry, last one. This guy is awaiting Senate confirmation!!! Call your congresscritter....NO!
Irony...check out their logo. Seems like someone's been to one too many hockey games, and I know, because I've been to one too many hockey games...
Well, well, well, Pamela. Look who's started a new Democrat-friendly PR firm this past year? Why it's Michael Meehan, a Democrat!
No mention of Islam. Couldn't have anybody stirring up that imaginary backlash the media are so eager to do articles on. What tools of the enemy they are.
Late to the game here, but Downing Street's point about him being "radicalized outside the UK" falls flat. If you pick up your duds, and leave everything behind, your degree, your wealth, your prospects, and bring your duds and your religion to an imaginary "language" school in Yemen, then honey, you've already been "radicalized". "Radicalization" does not occur where one picks up the explosive underwear. "Radicalization", which could better be called "Adherence" or "Devout Submission" happens when you decide that the Qur'an is the immutable Word of Allah, that Mohammad is the perfect man and worthy of emulation, and that the infidel, by his very existence, causes you to "have to" fight a "defensive" jihad. That's what we're talking about. Most Muslims don't go so far, but the path is pointed in the same direction. They just don't walk down it.
Remember, they are fighting for Islam free of the mullahs...but not freedom from Islam.
Do you think it's a preemptive strike signal? Moving them into Israel under pretenses? I don't know how to take this.
Like any of those jobs are going to go to the locals. These are specialized jobs. They're going to transfer corrections officers from existing federal and military posts to handle these cats. There might be a few jobs picking up the trash the Muslim families throw on the highway on their way to visit their thwarted shaheed.
Toggle Commented Dec 18, 2009 on GITMO, The Chicago way at Atlas Shrugs
Loren Ipsum, there's also a link where you can see the whole video. It's disgusting. There are also unmoderated comments on that one, and it's a great snapshot into the thinking of the everyday urban Minneapolisite. Most are turned off and some are Somali and are appalled and can't understand why the "elders" aren't taking care of it. They knock over children, old men, cyclists. The children are running in fear and one falls down an embankment in an effort to escape. It doesn't seem like much. Put yourself in the mind of a nine-year old kid walking home from school with a backpack. Your buddy has already been assaulted, the mob is after you. Everything your parents warned you about is happening. It's like the dreams you have as a kid where you're running but can't really get away. I hope they throw the book at them. I think we just need to tell Mayor Rybak that we just don't want any more "refugees", thank you very much. Or double my Hmong buddies and leave the Somalis home. I'm sorry it's rough. I'm not your mother. Take care of yourself.
Toggle Commented Dec 18, 2009 on Muslim Youths Wilding in Maine at Atlas Shrugs
Around these parts, people steal metal for scrap to support drug habits. Could be just that simple.
No apologist here, but he did say he was wrong to have supported Scozzefave.
Toggle Commented Dec 18, 2009 on Madness at Atlas Shrugs
Mr. John Jay, Thank you for doing this unpaid and wonderful reporting. I can't remember the last time I read journalistic coverage of an event that actually included a play by play and details, instead of the reporters colored or muddled "summary" of what they saw. I know the MSM is bound by space restrictions in the papers, but the blogs and online have no excuse. You have put them to shame. Those poor folks in Washington could use some joy right now.
Toggle Commented Dec 1, 2009 on Atomic Palin at Atlas Shrugs
Extremely moving, Pamela. Thank you for bringing this gem to us. It's already been forwarded to those I know with teens.
Toggle Commented Dec 1, 2009 on A Real Life Lesson at Atlas Shrugs
This was predictable. He is the worst kind of dhimmi. A wannabe who realizes he's more useful to the ummah on the Christian side of the fence. No other reason to slide on back into Christianity once he left Indonesia and got to Hawai'i again. Life is so much more comfortable as a Christian, so that's what I'll be.. (puts on Christian hat).
I love it..."non-prophet organizations". I think we qualify! No, Rifqa would never be in any trouble overseas. Nah.
Why arent' terroristic acts considered sedition and treason? It's being done for political reasons, so why not the automatic death sentence or life imprisonment?
Check out ANSWER's ridiculous response. Were any of you there? Lies and Lies
Does the American media somehow think that American Muslims must be different? Check out the Pew results, people. American Muslims have the same percentage of those who would take this path as Europe and the rest of the world. Somehow this doesn't translate into America, according to the media.
Why no steam mop reviews? Holidays coming up....please help!!! Going elsewhere.
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