Majorkas Rides Again


The open southern border is a complete disaster, costing the US taxpayers billions and endangering us all.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s resolution to impeach Homeland Security’s Secretary Majorkas for his myriad failures failed Monday due to a vote instead to send it to a committee (in other words, to let it die).

Harsanyi: The GOP Has a Populist Problem


A Populist Balancing Act | TruthoutDavid Harsanyi has a new opinion piece in the Federalist where he asserts that the GOP has a populist problem. Like many that have been analyzing the disappointing GOP election results in last week’s elections, Harsanyi is putting out an opinion on why favorable conditions are not resulting in more wins.

His thesis is that the GOP messaging/candidates are too populist. The cause is that the candidates reflect the desires of the Trumpian base, but the policies are not appealing to the rest of the electorate, and the Trumpian base only comes out to vote for Trump.

David says:

A Shiva Speech for Yael Wittenberg


The following speech was delivered at the Seuda (meal) marking the end of the shiva for Yael Wittenberg (nee Nicole). A shiva is a period of mourning where the family stays in their home and talks about those who have passed. I never met Yael, but had the honor of speaking at this occasion…

At every shiva I attend, I ask the same question: What one attribute, or characteristic, or action should I carry forward from the person who has passed on? What was the singular gift that you, the mourners, hope to see echo through the reality that remains? Having heard about Yael’s bullheadedness, I expected the answer would be just that. She was stubborn and, eventually, she got her way. But that is not what was shared. Instead, I heard about something else entirely. I heard about her love of G-d – even in the face of her devastating experience of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s). I heard about her dedication to the spiritual and the mystical. I heard about her Emunah (Faith).

Crocodile Tears and Bogus Morality


I fully understand. The Israelis are slaughtering Palestinian women and children by the thousands, so there has to be a narrative to justify that action. It is interesting to see that Ricochet is almost fully on board with participation in that narrative. – Ricochet comment

I am fully “on board” with “the narrative” that Hamas needs to be destroyed.  I would hope that Palestinians (a) heed calls to evacuate when told and (b) act to isolate and abandon the self-aggrandizing (now-wealthy) terrorists they elected to hasten the end of the campaign. In any event, civilian deaths are ultimately the fault of those who started the war.

Misapprehending: When Masculine Intuition Goes Missing


[Cross-posting something here that I wrote for my Substack. It may be more of interest to the Christians around here, but I don’t think the general decline of masculine intuition, which I discuss below, is a problem that is confined to social circles inhabited by Christians.]

I’m about to walk out the door to participate in a podcast that I do with the pastoral staff at my church. They all have advanced degrees in various disciplines related to theology and biblical studies. I am notable mostly for my lack of any of these things. If you picture in your mind a podcast where trained and critical thinkers on matters of eternal importance have inexplicably invited Big Bird to participate in their discussion, you will have a sense for where I fit into the overall effort.

What Is Up with the Critics of the Critics of the 2020 Election?


Big-deal-biden GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHYDo the voting systems really use fractions to report votes–like 100 votes, with Biden getting 55% of them?  Do they really report impossible results–like 101 votes, with Biden still getting 55%?  People say that sort of thing, for example Just a Mom here. And some old news called the Ramsland Affidavit here talks about using vote ratios to cheat.

Now it would be a really big deal if the critics of the 2020 election were correct that statistically impossible vote ratios occurred in the vote updates–like a string of new vote-counts from numerous different times and places having the same ratio down to 8 or 9 decimal points.   It’s even somewhat of a big deal if all we have is the fractional reporting in the first place. It’s just weird to convert an addition of 5 votes for Trump and 4 votes for Biden to a fraction instead of just . . . adding them. It’s unsettling. This isn’t how you’re supposed to do elections. One vote is supposed to just be one vote.

While continuing my quest to figure out the 2020 election, I recently did some Google searches to see if anyone had refuted the claims about the statistically impossible ratios from Just a Mom and others.

Ryan Girdusky returns to the pod to talk about the third GOP debate before Tim Scott decided to bail.
Does Nikki Hayley have a foreign policy or has she just morphed into Carly Fiorina?

Jewish Awakening: Faith and Politics


Countless times over the years, people have asked me why Jews overwhelmingly vote for the liberal or progressive ticket, even though many of the Democrat positions appear to be counter to their interests. I won’t spend much time explaining the reasons, but let’s just say that they often worry about the underdog (no matter how valid the reasons are for their suffering). I’ll also add that more observant Jews tend to be Conservative, and barely observant or non-observant Jews tend to be on the Left.

In spite of that history, though, recent events seem to have had a remarkable effect on the less observant Jews. After October 7, Chabad distributed a survey to Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis across the country, and these were the results:

The survey results paint a picture of a Jewish community that is responding to this fraught moment with a renewed sense of solidarity and faith. Rabbis reported that people are lighting Shabbat candles, purchasing and donning tefillin—some for the first time—saving the Shema prayer daily, baking challah, wearing identifiably Jewish jewelry such as Magen Davids [Jewish stars], and attending synagogue more regularly. The respondents noted dramatic growth among Jews who in the past had attended synagogue once a year, if at all, and who had generally expressed disinterest in Jewish life, who are now exhibiting a new desire to connect with their Jewish heritage and other Jews.

Would You Rather?


Would you rather drive an electric car (as they exist today) or a hyper mileage-capable car that should be available today?

I bring to your attention the Volkswagen XL1. A car I never heard of until a few days ago. A Diesel Electric hybrid car capable of 280 MPG. 10 Years ago! This genius little car is powered by a 2-cylinder 0.8L (49 Cubic Inches!) diesel engine, generating less than 50 HP. The lightweight car weighs under 800 KG (1,800 lbs-ish). So, 0-to-60 time is about 12 seconds, which may get you shot in some cities, but it gets there and is drivable at freeway speeds.

Mayor Adams: DOJ Political Hit?


NYC Mayor Eric Adams is embroiled in a scandal in which a close campaign fundraiser is accused of accepting illegal foreign contributions, among other infractions. By sheer coincidence, after Adams had publicly, repeatedly criticized Biden immigration policy, teams of FBI agents were dispatched to interview/investigate a large number of individuals with ties to the campaign and the suspect corporations.

Two days before Adams was scheduled to travel to DC for a high-profile White House meeting on the issue of illegal immigration, FBI agents ordered Adams’ NYPD security team to stand aside as they sat with him in his vehicle, presented a warrant, and seized his phones and iPad.

Asking the Obvious


Much needs to be learned regarding the recent antisemitic riots.  There’s something going on that is big.  Those huge riots didn’t spring from nowhere.  Their size and coordination can only have occurred, not necessarily knowing in advance exactly when to execute, but they did require an extensive, organized, trained and very well funded organization already in place.

Where’s the FBI?

Early WROL (Without Rule of Law) Looks Like This


I could try to describe the current situation as running on fumes, coasting up a hill, ropes fraying, corks slipping, and so forth, but I just want to provide a couple of tweets from others who have captured the actual decline, rather than my talk-talk.

Here’s one about the NYPD besieged inside of Grand Central Station while the same Marxist rent-a-mob who shows up with whatever signs or flags are the uniform of the day simply bashes and batters their way into the building.  Have you seen this? I am including it as a retweet by Ian Miles Cheong because his comment accurately captures the immediate context, in order to precisely locate this event on the slide into lawlessness.

Celebrating Veterans on Their Day


I teach fourth grade…for 24 years now, in a couple of different states. I like them. And every year I’ve taught a lesson about Veterans Day. We learn all about the history of this day, how the name was changed from Armistice Day, and how the date was moved around a bit but now is, again, November 11th. Then, each student creates a timeline on a graph I start for them to show the list of wars that America has been involved in since that “War to End All Wars” finished up in 1918.

The culminating activity for this day is making cards for veterans. I have a selection of symbols of each of the military branches, stickers with patriotic symbols, and stickers of hearts and stars. But on the inside, they are to write a little note to thank a veteran for serving our country.

War in the Western Mediterranean, 1794


Philippe Kermorvant is an officer of the Marine Nationale, the navy of Revolutionary France. He is an aristocrat but a French patriot first. Captured by the British, he refuses parole, making a daring escape from a prison hulk to return to France.

“Tyranny’s Bloody Standard,” a historical novel by J. D. Davies, follows what happens next. Waiting follows Kermorvant’s return to France, as he haunts the Ministry of Marine for a new assignment.

Despite support for the Revolution and his escape and return to France, the Reign of Terror is underway. All aristocrats are under suspicion. He is finally given command of a frigate, but in the Mediterranean fleet in Toulon rather than his desired posting in Brest. France is rebuilding its Mediterranean fleet after the British occupation of Toulon, and it needs experienced officers there.

A Sad Day in the Diocese of Tyler, Texas


I woke up this morning to this email link from LifeSiteNews.

Pope Francis has removed our good and faithful bishop, Joseph Strickland. This is devastating news to me and to all of us in the Diocese of Tyler, Texas. Bishop Strickland is one of the few bishops in the USA who actually practice what they preach. I’m so angry right now I don’t know what to say.

Remember Sargon of Akkad? He’s Coming Back Around


Okay, it’s a single tweet, and I’ll still see him saying things that are a bit too “nuanced” for my taste.  But this is an important tweet, as these things go, from a man who rose to prominence during the post-9/11 moral clarity, then waffled off and got “respectable” after a grueling and unsuccessful run for office in the UK.  Guess what — after October 7, moral clarity is back on the menu, boys.

An Epiphany


I’ve been keeping fairly close track of events in the Middle East ever since Hamas launched its horrific attack against Israel on October 7. Previously, when thinking about the Jews and Israel, and their struggles with the Iranian-supported Hamas in Gaza and Hizbollah in Lebanon, I tended to view them as ‘they.’ But this time around, while reading about the atrocious brutality displayed by Hamas since the conflict began, in my mind ‘they’ quietly became ‘my people.’

If you have read my author’s biography, you’ll notice my family name is Gallagher, a good Irish name. What my author’s bio doesn’t say, however, is that my mother’s maiden name was Libman, and I’m pretty sure that name was Americanized after my mother’s relatives emigrated to the USA after the 1918 Russian Revolution.

In Flanders Fields


In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:

Quote of the Day: War and Peace


Si vis pacem, para bellum (If you want peace, prepare for war). – Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus, Epitoma rei militaris 4th Century AD

The United States has been at peace for the last 70-odd years. Yes, it has been involved in foreign conflicts since the end of World War II from the Korea War through the ill-named War on Terror. Yet during that time actual US soil has not been touched by war, except possibly by the terrorism of 9-11. The last year there was a real existential threat to US soil was in 1942, including a brief occupation of minor bits of what later became Alaska.

Armistice Day, and Afterward


As always, on Armistice Day I think of Grand Dad Gerald. He fought in the trenches in World War one, through the Argonne Forest, and had his arm broken by shrapnel on 11 November, the morning of the armistice.

After he left the hospital he was put on a train with orders to return to his unit. The way I heard it was that he was in no hurry to get back, and decided instead to tour France. He made no attempt to find his correct stop and enjoyed the train ride until some Military Police found him. They inspected his orders, observed that he had missed his stop, and put him on another train going back the other way. He pulled that trick a couple times, but eventually ended up back at his unit.

The Current State of Israel


Before I begin this essay, first I must admit that I have a disproportionate number of Jewish friends.  This is partly because of a career in finance and entrepreneurial endeavors, but it has always been the case.  I did not grow up with money.  My parents cherished good public schools and safe neighborhoods, which also attracted like-minded Jewish families.  I’ve always had Jewish friends and still do.  Close friends.  I have an affinity for Jews.

I’ve also worked in venture capital for an enterprise funded by the Jordanian crown and by the ruling families of the UAE and Kuwait.  My Arab counterparts (I was CFO) were also highly educated and prosperous, generous, fine folks.  I can tell you honestly that they bore no ill will toward Jews or Israel, were fully westerized, and loved America.  They taught me a lot about the Arab and Muslim world, at that time undergoing its modern fundamentalist reformation.

U.S. Turns on Israel


Like me, you may have assumed from everything Joe Biden has said, that he has Israel’s back. I have news for you—he’s really working for Hamas. That sounds like a drastic comment, but in the video of this post, Caroline Glick lays out the hypocrisy of Biden, and how I believe it has not only crept up on Benjamin Netanyahu, but on the American public. And I’m alarmed and angry.

As I describe what has actually been going on, I think you’ll be able to see how the rules have changed (if you’ve at least partly followed the words and actions of the U.S.) Let me provide you with a summary of Glick’s observations.

Do Something Appropriate


The world of Apollo 8 was in some ways very different than the world in which we find ourselves today; in others, not so much.  In 1968 there was war, same as today.  Then there was civil strife, same as today.  But the men of Apollo were forged in the crucible of the Depression and World War.  They were daring and brilliant.  They went about their astronaut business with drive and returned from space to pick up where they left off.

I know there are many here who have far more knowledge of the space program than I do. I have the love of Apollo forged by new color televisions and Major Matt Mason, Mattel’s Man in Space. Yet the tiny fraternity of men who traveled to the moon is getting smaller. Last week, Ken Mattingly died. Yesterday, Frank Borman died.

Cards, Crazy Golf, and Christ


The Casino. Destination Services. Sunrise Cafe. The Library. Business Center. Theater. Bridge. Concierge. Serenity Spa. Jewelry. Sundries. Muster Station C.

Cruise Director. General Manager. Event Coordinator. Sickbay. Doctor.