April 23 – 25, 2010

Sponsorship Levels

Platinum Level – $20,000

Five complimentary participants to all Retreat events • Reserved seating at breakfasts, luncheons and dinners • Host recognition as a sponsor at the event • Recognition in event and promotional materials • Opportunity to place company information and/or promotional items in conference packets • Spa treatments for four

Gold Level – $15,000
Four complimentary participants to all Retreat events • Reserved seating at breakfasts, luncheons and dinners • Host recognition as a sponsor at the event • Recognition in event and promotional materials • Opportunity to place company information and/or promotional items in conference packets • Spa treatments for two

Silver Level – $10,000
Three complimentary participants to all Retreat events • Reserved seating at breakfasts, luncheons and dinners • Host recognition as a sponsor at the event • Recognition in event and promotional materials • Opportunity to place company information and/or promotional items in conference packets • Spa treatments for two

Bronze Level – $5,000
Two complimentary participants to all Retreat events • Reserved seating at breakfasts, luncheons and dinners • Host recognition as a sponsor at the event • Recognition in event and promotional materials

Individual Registration - $1,300

Couple Registration - $2,400

The David Horowitz Freedom Center
Cordially invites you to attend the

Santa Barbara Retreat
April 23 – 25, 2010

The Santa Barbara Retreat will be held April 23 – April 25, 2010, at the beautiful Bacara Resort in Santa Barbara, California. The David Horowitz Freedom Center extends an invitation for you to participate in this important West Coast gathering of prominent authorities on topics ranging from the 2010 elections, the economy, the Middle East, homeland security and the Jihad and more. Thus far we have confirmed as speakers, Victor Davis Hanson, Allen West, Andrew McCarthy, John Yoo, John Eastman, Congressman Ed Royce, Andrew Klavan, Ralph Peters, Robert Spencer, Michael Reagan, Pat Caddell, Frank Gaffney and Senator Jim DeMint.

Standard room rates are $375 until March 23, 2010.

To make a room reservation, please call the Bacara Resort & Spa at (877) 422-4245 and please indicate Santa Barbara Retreat affiliation.

For special room and travel requests, please contact Noelle McGlynn at (202) 321-3192 or email at NoelleMcG@msn.com.

For registration or additional event information, please call Michael Finch at
The David Horowitz Freedom Center, (818) 849-3470 ext. 212 or e-mail at mfinch@horowitzfreedomcenter.org



P.O. Box 55089, Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964