Thursday, March 18, 2010

The CHRC's Odd Nod

One of the International Human Rights Agencies which the Canadian Human Rights Commission site lists as a "resource" is the Uganda Human Rights Commission.

Uganda, eh? No doubt things are much improved there, human rights-wise, since "the Butcher of Uganda" Idi Amin Dada's crazy days, right?

Well, kind of. At least the current leader into eating his populace (with fava beans and a little Chianti?). However, according to Wiki
Uganda continues to experience difficulty in advancing respect for human rights in matters concerning torture, child labor, and liberties. There are as many as thirteen 'security' organizations of the Museveni government, some directly answerable to the President and not constitutionally based and established by Act of Parliament. These organisations persecute opponents of the government, carry out abductions, disappearances, extrajudicial killings and torture and act both independently, interdependently with each other, and in cooperation with the Ugandan Police.
These organisations also harass the free media and official parliamentary opposition.
Now, why would the CHRC specifically link to the UHRC? (Because it assumes no one will bother doing any research into the status of "human rights" in Uganda? Because any two bit, tin pot dictatorship can hang out a "human rights" shingle, and the CHRC has no problemo considering it part of the vast "human rights" fraternity? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?)

Another Reason Why Section 13 is Kaput

The pro-censorship gang wants to reinvigorate Section 13, the censorship component of Canada's "Human Rights" Act, by placing the entire Internet within its bailiwick--as if that's even feasible, much less desirable. (A Canadian "Human Rights" Tribunal judge has ruled that a 1990 Supreme Court judgement upholding Section 13 was no longer pertinent because it was made in a pre-Internet era; the CHRC is appealing that decision.) However, the New York Times is reporting that a Simon Wiesenthal study reveals that "haters" are turning away from the traditional websites and are using social networking pages instead.

What are you going to do now, censors? Use Section 13 to shut down facebook, myspace and twitter? Rots of ruck with that.

Why Did Fatah Blow a Gasket?

Last week I suggested that one of the reasons why Tarek Fatah went off the rails following a debate between Daniel Pipes and Wafa Sultan held at a Toronto synagogue (he later wrote up his version of events for the National Post) was because he was furious that Sultan had aired Islam's dirty linen, so to speak, to a Jewish crowd. No less an authority than Andrew Bostom confirms my suspicion. He writes:

Last week, the National Post of Canada published an editorial and subsequent comments (see comments section, 7:20 PM) by Tarek Fatah — self-proclaimed “hardened secular Muslim” and much-ballyhooed Muslim moderate — addressing Canada’s Jews and the Jewish community at large. Nearly 850 years after al-Maghribi, Fatah’s defamatory screeds abandon any façade of philosophical debate in his transparent effort to silence discussion of Islam by modern Jews.

The pretense for Fatah’s diatribe was an appearance by intrepid Muslim freethinker Wafa Sultan at a Toronto synagogue. Canadian journalist Joanne Hill, who attended (and recorded) the event, wrote an assiduously documented reply to Fatah at the National Post exploding his mendacious claims about Sultan’s alleged “intent.” As I will demonstrate, Fatah’s remarks ignore (in order to bowdlerize) what Islam’s foundational texts state plainly about the Muslim prophet Muhammad’s behaviors towards his child bride Aisha and the Jews of Medina and Khaybar. Fatah’s rant then maliciously castigates Wafa Sultan’s Jewish audience — consistent with Islamic law (Sharia) precepts regarding “blasphemy” that the “hardened secularist” Fatah claims to reject — for daring to have such an uncensored, “blasphemous” discussion of Islam’s prophet...

Ted Looking Down

Obama says the dead Ted (Kennedy) is keeping tabs on the health care debate from his heavenly perch.

Don't think so. If I know Ted, he's too busy cavorting with some of those scrumptious virgins. (Oh, wait-- wrong heaven.)

Power Struggle Over Islam Online

Apparently, the Sheikh Qaradawi website is too "moderate" for the new owners.

There She Is...Miss Inclusiveness

FYI, this is not a parody. From the National Post:
A Yemeni-Canadian will compete in the Miss Universe Canada beauty pageant for the first time, wearing a sari over her bathing suit to avoid offence.

The press release issued by Maria Al-Masani's company about her participation contained a scant three paragraphs. In it, she refers to herself as "a documented direct descendent of Prophet Mohammed."

"Yemen is a conservative Islamic country better known for the underwear bomber," the release notes. It also quotes Ms. Al-Masani: "I grew up wearing a niqab, watching Miss Universe on TV," she says. "I love breaking stereotypes!"...
Sez the stereotype-smasher, shown in the accompanying photo decked out in traditional Yemeni garb and standing in front of a camel.

Update: Here's Maria's "company"--a P.R. company. Maria seems to be an ambitious gal who's hoping to capitalize on what appears to be a publicity stunt. More power to her. From a P.R. standpoint, though, mentioning the undies bomber in her C.V. may not have been the wisest move.

Update: It occurs to me that, sari bikini cover up or no sari bikini cover up, Maria could be in line for a fatwa.

Update: That camel had better watch it, too.

Be a Clown

Joe Biden's back in town and waxing funny. Too bad the joke's on him. From the NY Daily News:

Vice President Biden, fresh from his controversial trip to the Middle East, unleashed a barrage of one liners in Washington on Wednesday that made some folks wince.

Oh, yes - he also made another boo-boo.

Biden asked for God's blessing for the late mother of Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen during a White House celebration of St. Patrick's Day - except the elderly lady is very much alive.

"God rest her soul," uttered Biden as he introduced Cowen and President Obama.

He quickly caught himself and noted that it's Cowen's father who is no longer living. Of the prime minister's mother, Biden said, "God bless her soul."

Later, the vice president talked about his trip to the Radio & Television Correspondents Association dinner in Washington.

"I love to travel but it's great to be back in a place where a boom in housing construction is a good thing," he grinned...
Har de har har. Oh, Joe, you're such a wag. (And this joker is but a pulse away from the presidency? Now, that's funny.)