Admitting Role In Google Anti-Trust Complaints Microsoft Complains Of Google “Lock In”

Responding to Google’s aggressive assertion that Microsoft is behind many of the anti-trust complaints that have been leveled against Google in the recent past, Microsoft in a blog post by Vice President and Deputy General Counsel Dave Heiner essentially says “get over it.” Google claimed that Microsoft was directly or indirectly responsible for the anti-trust complaints [...]

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Yes, More Are Seeing A New Google Look-And-Feel

We’re getting more and more reports from readers who are seeing a “new” Google look-and-feel for its search results. This is a three column design that Google’s actually been testing for some time. That testing appears to be accelerating.

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Google Adds “Nearby” Local Search To Options Panel

Google has expanded the choices in its Search Options panel with today’s announcement of a tool to refine searches by location. After doing a search and opening the “Show Options” panel, you’ll see a new link labeled “nearby.”

Clicking that link leads to a few refinement options: You can use the default location Google has for you, [...]

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Click to Conversion Time & Your Revenue Attribution Window
Analyze This - Siddharth Shah

In my last Analyze This post, I alluded to the importance of click to conversion time, that is, the estimated conversion time of the revenue attribution window. I shall devote this article to explaining the importance of the revenue attribution window and some empirical methods to help determine the right window length. The revenue attribution window [...]

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It’s A Fatal Mistake To Copy Successful Web Sites
Just Behave - Kim Krause Berg

At a search engine marketing conference, several of us gave a session on website usability topics ranging from usability and SEO to site architecture and requirements gathering. Afterward, there was time for questions by the audience. Someone asked, “Why don’t we all just copy” I replied, “Never, ever copy what [...]

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Local Search Complexity = SMB Frustration
Small Is Beautiful - David Mihm

In my role as president at, I sometimes receive emails from users asking why one local search engine or another is displaying an old location for their business, or why the search engines still aren’t showing their new website address, or why the phone number listed for their retail location is actually the one [...]

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The Advertiser Interview: How To Surface Key Goals
PPC Academy - Josh Dreller

Last week’s lesson drove home that the most important defining factor of a new PPC account is to understand the goals of the advertiser. Whether it’s sales, leads, downloads, page views, quality traffic to the website or a combination of objectives, a clear understanding of all important goals will help drive key decisions throughout [...]

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  • FindItByMe said " To be stunned that a lawsuit progresses to this point due to a misunderstanding of the plaintiffs is"
  • Matthieu Dejardins said " Very good article Christopher. I would also add the following for B2B Landing Pages: 1/ Make sure yo"
  • Arthur Coleman said " excellent article. Much here I can use right now for my SMB customers. There are several services (l"
  • Arthur Coleman said " Excellent article. I love how you took the analysis to a first integral in order to show how the bim"
  • Sam Richter said " I too have seen and used the new Google interface and I’ve shown it to many, many people and to a pe"


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