High School Students Vacated From Ben Shapiro Speech so They Won’t be ‘Offended’

Ben Shapiro, a conservative political pundit and author,  gave a speech at a California (yeah, I know) High School and didn’t pull any punches when he gave the students a dose of reality.  It didn’t go over well with the leftwing establishment.

From the Daily Wire.

On Tuesday afternoon, a bright beautiful day in San Diego, California, I learned a few valuable lessons about America’s teenagers and our public schools.

Few of them were good.

A local chapter of Young America’s Foundation led by high school students at Otay Ranch High School organized a talk for me; I was scheduled to chat with 450 or so students about the political right versus the political left, and the differences between their fundamental values. Prior to the speech, I received a worried call from the school’s assistant principal and Title IX officer, Dean Nafarrete. He told me that after scheduling the talk, several of the teachers had expressed dismay that I was being allowed to speak on campus – after all, they’d been granted a monopoly on bias in the classroom. I told him that I was obviously a conservative and would be speaking as such; I informed him that the teachers should get used to hearing an opposing opinion once per year.

Didja get that? Several members of academic intelligentsia had their panties in a wad over their nihilist ideas being challenged by someone who dispenses with the politically correct bullshit.

The students were eager to listen — they packed the hall. A growing Bernie Sanders movement had apparently sprung up on the campus, and so I decided to focus on the moral and practical foolishness of a philosophy that prizes fairness of outcome over equality of opportunity. Many of the students seemed interested.

Until their personal sacred cows were skewered, that is.

Our public school system has been teaching students that they are each members of victimized groups. That became eminently clear when I discussed the left’s apparent dismissiveness with regard to facts if those facts contradict their “equality uber alles” narrative. As an example, I spoke about the so-called wage gap, and explained that women are not paid less than men for equal work, equal experience, and equal jobs. This was met with not-so-subtle tsking from the young women in the audience – few of whom have ever held a job, let alone received a salary, and yet many of whom apparently believe that American society has placed them behind life’s 8-ball.

But that treasured feeling of victimhood truly came to the fore when I discussed income mobility in the United States. I spent a fair bit of time telling them about the fact that Americans gain wealth over the course of their lives, about the fact that the greatest obstacle to economic mobility is personal bad decisions. Asked by one of the students about why we shouldn’t redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor in order to make the poor rich, I explained, “The reason people are permanently poor in the United States, isn’t because they don’t have money, it’s because they suck with money. The reasons people are temporarily poor can vary.”

At this point, many of the students became agitated; later, Nafarrete would tell me that they had low-income parents, and that their feelings had been hurt. I continued, “That’s not even controversial. If you’re permanently poor [in America] for your entire life, you’re not great with money by definition…”

Which is when Nafarrette intervened and dismissed the students, explaining, “I’m sorry Mr. Shapiro, I’m at a point right now, where, quite frankly, I’m going to dismiss the students…With all due respect, Mr. Shapiro, Mr. Shapiro represents a narrative that he’s providing to all you guys based on his opinions, what he believes, what he wants to share with all of you. I know that the education was there for all of you to understand, the left side, right side, whatnot, but also the opportunity was allowed for him to impress some of his opinions on certain things…I think what this is getting into now, it’s starting to cross a line.”

Cross a line?

Gawd forbid that students are exposed to viewpoints that differ from the leftwing indoctrination that saturates modern curriculum.

I asked him what the line was; he didn’t explain.

“For those students who would like to be dismissed, I’m going to allow you to go ahead and do so at this time,” he said.

As the students left the room, I asked Nafarrete why his dismissal was necessary. He explained that it was his job to “protect” the students. I asked him whether that “protection” extended to protection of feelings, and if so, why it was his job to protect the emotions of students rather than allowing them to hear facts and differing points of view.

No answer was forthcoming.

Feelings had been hurt; action had to be taken.

After the offended cupcakes left, Shapiro continued speaking to those who were mature enough to handle it.  He slammed the asinine “microaggression” and “trigger warning” trends that make American education even more of a laughing stock.

At least one student has some common sense:

Mr. Shapiro, as a student who chose to stay to hear your talk, I’d like to share a few things.

One being that on behalf of the students who were eager and open to hearing your point of view, thank you for taking time out of your schedule to come speak at our school despite how obviously liberal most of your audience was (It is, after all, still a public school). We appreciate your time.

Two being that despite the vocal minority, your talk caused many students (liberal, conservative, and otherwise) to really think about some key issues for themselves, something that is not encouraged often enough. Long after your talk was over, I heard students across campus relaying things you said ranging from the “…they suck with money” comment (which I, at least, got a great kick out of by the way) to your brief annecdote (sic) about your wife taking time off from school for maternity purposes and how the feminist movement doesn’t always support the decisions of females unless they coincide with their agenda (and as a female myself, that was actually one of my favorite parts).

Lastly, on behalf of Mr. Nafarrete, the administrator who allowed students to leave if they so chose, please know that he was just trying to do his job. More so than just protecting feelings, he truly cares about the student body and I believe he wanted to allow students who were “agitated” the option to leave, thus giving those of us who wanted to stay a less (for lack of a better word) “hostile” environment to ask you questions.

Again, thank you very much for speaking, and while there is no excuse for the lack of tolerance displayed by many students and teachers, please know that your talk was not in vain. There are many of us who applaude (sic) you for even attempting to take on a public high school as an openly conservative speaker, and I personally took away a lot from what you had to say.

Hope to hear you again sometime.


From what I gather, attendance was not mandatory, so those who were there chose to do so. Secondly, those leftwingnut teachers aren’t doing those kids any favors. If they can’t engage in political discourse and realize that the world isn’t an easy place, they’re gonna be shit out of luck when they graduate.


Say it Ain’t So: ISIS Takes Advantage of Barky’s Refujihadist Program to Get Into the U.S.

From The Hill.

Intelligence officials have determined that Islamic extremists have explored using the refugee program to enter the United States, the head of the House Homeland Security Committee said on Monday.

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) declined to go into detail about the determination, which the Obama administration has not announced publicly.

Yet the disclosure could add ammunition to critics of the White House’s refugee plans who have warned that the program is vulnerable to infiltration by adherents of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“ISIS members in Syria have attempted to exploit it to get into the United States,” McCaul said during a speech at the National Defense University.

“The U.S. government has information to indicate that individuals tied to terrorist groups in Syria have already attempted to gain access to our country through the U.S. refugee program.”

McCaul would not say specifically who informed him and other lawmakers about the revelation, only describing the sources as “elements of the intelligence community.”

“That was very courageous for them to come forward with this, to tell me about this personally, given the political debate on the Hill,” he added, suggesting that the news did not come from intelligence leaders.

The briefing happened “earlier this week,” McCaul said.

McCaul’s speech comes amid escalating concerns about Islamic extremism in the West, following the killings of 130 people in Paris and 14 in San Bernardino, Calif. The massacres have caused American fears about terrorism to spike, and left Congress grasping for a response.

And doncha know, two of the beneficiaries of Barky’s generous ‘refugee’ program, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, waltzed right through airport security.

farook and malik in the airport


They started training for their little jihad in Pakistan:

The investigation into the jihadist couple who massacred 14 people in San Bernardino last week is pointing to Pakistan as the likely source of the pair’s radicalization, a development that threatens to expose once again the tenuous relations between the U.S. and the country accused of once harboring Al Qaeda founder and 9/11 mastermind Usama bin Laden.

Investigators are focusing on Tashfeen Malik, who married Syed Rizwan Farook after meeting him online and coming to the U.S. on a fiancee visa, and are particularly interested in a period from roughly 2007 to 2014 that she spent in her native Pakistan. It is during that time when she may have become radicalized, adopting the extremist ideology that she may have spread to her American-born husband. U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that investigators have interviewed more than 300 people and are working with Pakistan and other foreign governments as part of the far-reaching probe. Pakistan’s interior minister also announced the country had launched its own investigation.

……Although Malik spent much of her youth in Saudi Arabia, where her father was an engineer, she lived after 2007 in her native Pakistan, where she also resided during the time she met Farook online. Authorities in the U.S. and Pakistan are probing her ties to an extremist and influential imam in Islamabad to try to understand the roots of her radicalization.

A newly surfaced photo, first obtained by ABC News and showing Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook going through customs at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, underscored the international  undertone of the probe into events proceeding Wednesday’s terrorist attack. The photo is believed to show the pair arriving from Saudi Arabia in 2014.

Malik, 29, was born to a wealthy family in Pakistan’s southern Punjab province, moved to Saudi Arabia as a child and returned to Pakistan to study pharmacology in 2007. Classmates of Malik at Bahauddin Zakariya University told the Los Angeles Times that while Malik was enrolled at the school, she also studied at Al Huda, a chain of religious institutes affiliated with ties to North America.

“She used to go to attend sessions in Al Huda almost every day,” one of Malik’s former classmates told the Times.

……There also have been reports Malik may have worshiped at Islamabad’s infamous “Red Mosque.”


Here’s Pakistan’s contributions to the war on Islamic terrorism:

In 2001, after a narrow escape from getting his ass blown to smithereens at Tora Bora, Osama Bin Laden hightailed it across the border into Pakistan where he stayed until the SEALs got his goat-smelling  ass.

Everyone knew he was in Pakistan, we just didn’t know where. But the Paki government did, and it out and out refused to let anyone come after him.

In 2003, Khalid Sheik Mohammad, Bin Laden’s principal architect for planning and carrying out the 9/11 attacks as well as hundreds of other terrorist acts, was captured in Rawalpindi Pakistan.

Pakistan is not an ally; it has never been cooperative in the war against Islamic terrorists. Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari admitted as much.

The Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) has Taliban moles on its payroll, and cells run back across the Afghan border after re-grouping, thanks to the Pakistan regime. Any resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan can be directly attributed to terrorist groups operating carte blanche in Pakistan; abetted by a large portion of the Pakistani government, Army, and ISI.

Not only is Pakistan complicit in protecting the terrorists, it’s one of the Taliban’s closest partners.

If Barky gets his way with the 10,000 refujihadists he wants to let into the country, expect a lot worse than what happened in San Bernardino.

Remember Pearl Harbor

December 7th 1941, the Japs pulled off a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, kicking off our entry into WWII. There were 2,350 lives lost and more than 1,000 were wounded during the attack  74 years ago.

Take a moment to remember them. There are still some old vets around from that terrible day but they won’t be here forever. Their memories are still fresh as if it happened yesterday.

From Fox News.

More than a dozen Pearl Harbor survivors, each more than 90 years old, gathered in Hawaii this week to share stories as they marked the 73rd anniversary of the Japanese attack that killed 2,400 Sailors, Marines and Soldiers.

The gathering has been called the last meeting for the USS Arizona Reunion Association – comprised of the remaining nine survivors of the USS Arizona, a battleship that sank in the Dec. 7, 1941, attack.

But Louis Conter isn’t ready to talk about the end.

“I don’t think this is going to be our last. … We’ve still got time to go,” said Conter, 93, of Grass Valley, Calif. “We’ll be back out here no matter whether the rest of the crowd can make it or not.”

“I feel very proud of them and I think they’re like a national treasure and when they say that they were the Greatest Generation, I have to fully endorse that,” Col. Robert Brooks, whose father, Eddie Brooks, was a Pearl Harbor survivor, told KHON2.

Donald Stratton, 92, of Colorado Springs, Colo., was one of the few survivors of a gun director in the forward part of the ship. More than 65 percent of his body was burned. Stratton was hospitalized for more than year and then was medically discharged from the Navy.

He re-enlisted a year later. “The good Lord saved just a few of us,” he said.

During a private event Sunday, the men will toast their shipmates, drinking from replicas of champagne glasses from the Arizona. They will share a bottle of sparkling wine that was a gift to the survivors association from President Gerald Ford’s visit to Spain in 1975.

The men arrived at the Pearl Harbor visitor center on Tuesday to military salutes, music from the U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet Band and photos from tourists. At the news conference, they reminisced about memories of the attack.

“I learned something about faith,” said John Anderson, 97, of Roswell, N.M., recalling that he had just gone to church services and was heading to breakfast when someone said they saw the planes coming. He became teary-eyed as he discussed his twin brother dying in the attack.

“It’s always like yesterday when we’re out here,” Conter added.

The survivors on Tuesday also watched a live-feed of a dive along the Arizona’s sunken hull, which still holds the bodies of more than 900 of about 1,177 men who died on the battleship.

Ashes of 38 survivors are interred there.

National Park Service Historian Daniel Martinez, moderating Tuesday’s discussion, seemed overcome with emotion when he announced that Arizona survivor Lauren Bruner, 94, of La Mirada, Calif., last year signed paperwork for his intentions to be interred there. Conter plans to do the same, he said.

“It seems like after a while nobody pays attention to them anymore, after about five years,” Bruner said of his decision not to be buried in a cemetery. “I hope a lot of people will still be … coming over to the Arizona and we’ll be glad to see them.”

Never forget.Unforgettable_Photos_From_The_Attack-5715800ebbbe4be525e9bcca0d41957a



San Bernardino Jihadi’s Mother Active in Radical Islamic Group That Promotes Terrorism

Jihad and terrorism run in the family.

From The Daily Caller.

Rafia Farook, the mother of San Bernardino terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook, is an active member of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a Muslim organization that promotes the establishment of a caliphate and has ties to a radical Pakistani political group called Jamaat-e-Islami.

Farook’s affiliation with ICNA was revealed on Friday when MSNBC and other new outlets scoured the Farooks’ apartment in Redlands, Cal. An MSNBC reporter found a certificate of appreciation presented to Safia Farook last summer by ICNA’s sisters’ wing.

The now-in-hell Farook spent most of his free time at his local mosque, memorizing the 7th century screed that directed him to carry out the slaughter in San Bernardino.

Just think, Barky wants to open the flood gates and let in more of these fucking vermin.

To Loretta Lynch: Fuck You

During a pandering speech to muzzie activists, Attorney General Loretta Lynch pledged that she would take ‘aggressive action’ against anyone who used “anti-Muslim rhetoric” that “edges toward violence.”

Here’s my response:

Fuck you.

Last I checked, the violence and atrocities by muslims has reached incredible fucking levels without so much as a wince from the Obama regime.

Speaking of rhetoric, Loretta, when the fuck are you going to prosecute Louis FarrakhanJeremiah Wright,  “Black Lives Matter”, the Black Panthers, muslim zealots and leftwingnut pundits, academic intelligentsia, and politicians, who spew some of the worst hate rhetoric you’ve ever seen.

Like former DHS Czar Janet Napolitano, who created a list of Enemies Against the State,  you intend to use your power as a billy club against all dissent.

It’s time we declared war on the followers of a violent theocracy who kill anyone who isn’t muslim or won’t kowtow to their ‘religion’. The more of them that die, the better.

9/11 was a culmination of Islamic violence against the West, after terrorizing the world for quite some time.

To ensure that another 9/11 never happens and to eliminate the threat, every last muzzie pig has to be eradicated. They don’t worship their ‘religion’ in peace. Their koran proscribes the exact atrocities and violence they carry out every day, especially the systematic Islamic-inspired hate crimes and terrorist attacks against Westerners in Europe and the United States.  Just making fun of the muslim ‘Prince of Peace’ gets you killed, likewise advocating free speech.

The Department of Homeland Security has no idea of how many security risks have already entered the country. The FBI is tracking at least 1000 of them with ties to ISIS.

The Obama regime lets thousands of them into the country each year.

Muslims beheaded a co-worker in Oklahoma, attacked cops in NYC. and stabbed people at a bus stop for not being muslim.

They have good occupational experience at torture, mutilation, and gratuitous executions.

The Islamofascist presence in America has reared its ugly head. Al Qaeda holds Death To The West conferences in  Chicago, and Jamaat Al Fuqra terrorists have established training centers across the United States. The Muslim Brotherhood, the Arab-American Action Network, and CAIR, three major facilitators of Islamic terrorism, operate freely in America. A government report concluded that Hezbollah has been forming sleeper cells throughout the United States that could become operational. All of them operate carte blanche within our borders.

Dearborn, Michigan has become quite a muslim extremist operating base , with Islamic jihad centers and mosques that are breeding grounds for terrorism.  The main mosque in Dearborn, the Islamic Center of America,  is run by Imam Sayed Hassan Al-Qazwini, who has considerable ties to Hezbollah. He invited Nation of Islam’s lunatic Louis Farrakhan to speak, and openly advocates terrorism.

Before he slaughtered 13 Soldiers at Ft. Hood, Nidal Hasan  spewed Islamic dogma during his briefings, signed his emails with “Praise Be to Allah,” and told a female supervisor she was an infidel who would be “ripped to shreds” and “burn in hell” because she was not muslim. But his bullshit went unreported because of the PC atmosphere.  No one took it up through the chain of command because gawd forbid that they violate some EO reg and “offend” someone. He could say anything he wanted. Christians, however, had better beware of what they say.  After Hasan’s  rampage, the Army went looking for scapegoats and reprimanded 9 officers for “leadership failures” and “found that Hasan’s supervisors at Walter Reed Army Medical Center where he worked expressed serious concerns about his questionable behavior and poor judgment but failed to heed their own warnings.”

After a radical muzzie shot up an armed forces recruiting office in Chattanooga, killing 4 marines and a sailor, Barky tweeted ‘happy Eid ul Fitr’ to his social media muzzie pals. Classy.

Obama’s hands are covered in the blood of those American servicemembers. He fosters the violence by pandering to muzzie jihadists. The entire regime in the White House is guilty of aiding and abetting the enemy with craven sympathetic gestures and polices designed to enable them.

Let’s get a few things straight, Loretta. Islam is diametrically opposed to every Constitutional principle on which this country was founded. Under the muzzie point of view, Sharia Law trumps all other laws. It’s meant to overtake and replace all Western civil, criminal, and government jurisdiction. The founding principles of this country did not hinge on a violent ideological theocracy that advocated the deaths of those who didn’t hold the same religious beliefs.  Barky wants to let more of them in the country.  What the hell are any of them doing here?  They have no damned business being in this country. Letting them thrive here is suicidal.

It’s time to kill them back; not just in the foreign countries where their gutter religion originates, but here in America, where they have established terrorism and jihad within our own borders.

I’m agnostic, so I don’t care for institutionalized religion to begin with; particularly any ‘religion’ that uses terrorism to spread its message. To date, Christians and Jews have not engaged in the appropriate retribution.  I’d like to see pay back. For every Christian and Jew attacked and killed, 10 muslims should be taken out. For every church and synagogue that is bombed, 10 mosques should be leveled. The targets of Islamofascism should issue a few “Fatwas” of their own.

Maybe then, the Islamic pigs will understand that their ‘jihad’ has consequences.

I want them to die.

While the DemProg contingent in America aligns itself with the muslim enemy, the rest of us refuse to follow your treason.  We know which side you’re on.

Oh, and lastly, fuck you.




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