Winds Of Jihad By Sheik Yer Mami

Muslim brothers…

I agree with Karzai: he should have never been arrested. I think he should have been shot.

Karzai “was very angry” when he heard that the Pakistanis had picked up Baradar with an assist from U.S. intelligence, the adviser said. Besides the ongoing talks, he said Baradar had “given a green light” to participating in a three-day peace jirga that Karzai is hosting next month. AP

Talib Chief Roasted in Drone Attack

ACLU shrieks: ACLU Sues US Over Use of Drones in War Zones/The ACLU wants use of drones banned in war zones./Gateway Pundit

The US killed a key al Qaeda operative involved in the network’s external operations during an airstrike last week in the Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan.

Sadam Hussein Al Hussami, who is also known as Ghazwan al Yemeni, was killed during the March 10 airstrike in the town of Miramshah, according to a statement released on a jihadist forum.

Read more:.longwarjournal

Burqa wearing suicide bombers roasted

H/T Vlad Tepes

Burka-clad bomb attackers shot dead in Lashkar Gah


Clit-Cutting (FGM) “Obligatory” in Islam!

by sheikyermami on March 18, 2010

Little girl in Indonesia after having clitoris removed (30 years ago almost unheard of, now common, thanks to Islam….)

The Baron from the Gates of Vienna did his own research and came up with this:

To Cut or Not to Cut?

Last night, when writing about the Algerian mufti and his reaction to proposed restrictions on wife-beating, I mentioned in passing that female genital mutilation enjoys scriptural validation under Islam. In the comments, Anti-Islamist asked for a specific citation to support my assertion:

…i humbly must ask the Baron: where in the Koran or the Hadiths are these nicities imposed?

I should be very much obliged to you for giving me an exhaustiv answer. Thank you!

By then it was quite late, and I was too tired to do more than make a quick search. As a result I listed only a weak hadith from Abu Dawud about female circumcision in my response.

However, it’s important to remember that although Islamic law relies on the Koran and the hadith for its ultimate authority, there are other sources of authoritative instruction under the fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). The actual details of sharia are codified in the four major schools of Islamic law (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi, and Hanbali). The Reliance of the Traveller (’Umdat al-Salik), by Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri, is a Shafiite law manual, and is considered one of the best and most reliable authorities on the specifics of sharia. As the documents in the preface to Nuh Ha Mim Keller’s translation attest, his version is recognized as an officially approved statement in English of the doctrines of Islamic law, as certified by Al-Azhar University and the governments of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Syria.

Unfortunately, a complete Reliance of the Traveller is all but impossible to find online. So today, after a good night’s sleep, I got out my copy of ’Umdat al-Salikand looked up the relevant section on circumcision.

Let’s see what Al-Misri has to say in Book E, “Purification”, Section e4.0, “The Body”:
- – - - – - – - -

e4.3     Circumcision is obligatory (O: for both men and women. For men it consists of removing the prepuce from the penis, and for women, removing the prepuce (Ar. bazr) of the clitoris (n: not the clitoris itself, as some mistakenly assert). (A: Hanbalis hold that circumcision of women is not obligatory but sunna, while Hanafis consider it a mere courtesy to the husband.)

There are four doctrinal schools of Sunni Islamic law: the Hanafi, the Maliki, the Shafi, and the Hanbali. In this passage al-Misri names all four schools.

Does he seem to name only two of schools? A closer inspection tells us more.

This is a Shafiite manual, and it explains Shafiite rules. It makes no exception for the Malikis, so the stated rule — circumcision is obligatory — applies to bothShafi and Maliki. The first exception is for the Hanbalis, who hold that circumcision of women is not obligatory, but recommended. And finally it acknowledges that the Hanafis consider it a mere courtesy to the husband.

So now what does this tell us? All of Sunni Islam says that female circumcision is a good thing. And two of those schools actually say it is mandatory.

As a side note, a contact who is a scholar of Arabic tells me that the Arabic version of this passage gives instructions to cut the whole thing out, and not just the prepuce — which confirms what most of us thought.

I hope this gives a more complete and comprehensive answer to the reader’s question.

Baron Bodissey didn’t  need to go through pains to do his own research: here on Winds of Jihad we have already done it a while ago, and came up with the same result……. Now look out for Mohammedan drones who will pop up and tell us that its got nothing to do with Islam, that it is cultural, that “other religions do it too”, especially the Hottentots and the one legged pygmies, even Eskimos do it and blah blah…. you know the drill.

Congrats to Baron Bodissey for getting a mention on the OIC Discovery Channel!

You have arrived, Baron. Congrats!

The OIC took notice of you. You are a fearsome enemy of Islam. Hope you got a panic room…..

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Hamas founders family: Islam is collapsing and will be gone in 10 years. Islam won’t help muslims.

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Comment on Youtube:

“He is bastard traitor…”


The following are excerpts from an interview with Mus’ab Hassan Yousuf, the son of Sheik Hassan Yousuf, Hamas leader in the West Bank. Yousuf Jr. converted to Christianity, and recently revealed that he had collaborated with Israel. The interview aired on BBC Arabic on March 12, 2010.

Mus’ab Hassan Yousuf: I have said, and I continue to say, that my problem is not with Hamas or with the Muslims. My problem is with the God of Islam and with the Prophet of Islam. With regard to… There were continuous conflicts, which drove me to think about which direction I would like my life to go. Of course, the torture carried out by Hamas on its people in prison, their stupidity, and their political inadequacy drove me to speak out.

Islam, the biggest lie in history…”

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Interviewer: Are you saying that your views on what you call “the Islam of Hamas” are what led you to collaborate with the Israelis?

Mus’ab Hassan Yousuf: Who said there is the Islam of Hamas and the Islam of Al-Qaeda?

Interviewer: That’s what you are saying, more or less.

Mus’ab Hassan Yousuf: No, I am not saying that. What I am saying is that Islam is Islam, and the Koran is the Koran. The Koran suffers from a split personality, and the God of Islam suffers from a split personality. All the Muslims who follow the God of Islam interpret Islam as they like, but this does not negate the terroristic and murderous character of Islam, which incites people, through the Koran, to kill people and blow themselves up.

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Pal Arab Mad Frenzy Watch

by sheikyermami on March 17, 2010

Biased Media Photo of the Day: Palestinian Child Displays Map of “British Mandate” Palestine Vicious Babushka

Israel replaced by “Palestine”

“We Muslims must do brainwashing…”    Sheikh Khalid Yasin

Trouble is, YOU & ME are paying for this genocidal propaganda…..with your taxes. PMW, H/T Tundra Tabloids

Hamas puppet show shows its love

“We must rise against the Zionist criminals, the enemies of Allah, and liberate Jerusalem and all the holy places…” Elder of Ziyon

Gunbattles, kidnappings, rocket fire in Gaza. The usual.

PCHR reports that there was a gunbattle in the Jabalya camp in Gaza yesterday, in which hand grenades were used. One was injured.

Palestinian Authority shuts down the only Christian TV broadcaster in the Territories

Located on high ground at about 350 metres from the Church of Nativity, in Bethlehem, Al-Mahed “Nativity” TV was for years the “only Christian voice” among Palestinian media.

Palindustry: Counterfit Dollars

Palestine Press Agency reports that Hamas caught people counterfeiting US dollars near the Egyptian border. Apparently the counterfeiters dropped some of the bills from a window, causing a stir.

Back in 2008, Hamas was accused itself of counterfeiting dollars and using them to smuggle supplies in from Egypt, from which they took a cut. The Egyptian authorities confiscated over a million dollars of fake currency.

I guess they wanted to keep their monopoly.

Fatah: Virgin Mary Was “Palestinian”

Wait a minute:  if I remember correctly, wasn’t she a Jew who lived roughly 700 years before the meshugga profit of Islam came along…..?

Brazil’s President Calls On Israel To Tear Down Fence; Lays Wreath On Terrorist Arafat’s Grave Marxist Scum….


Erdogan urges Turks in Germany not to integrate/The Local

Actually, this would be a great opportunity to tell sultan Erdogan  that in the case the Armenians are attacked,  the 5 to 6 million Turks residing in Europe would get booted out as well.

Unfortunately the EUro-dhimmies are creatures without a spine…..

The Turks are irked.
The Turks are irked.
Who would dare to irk the Turks?
One who smirks, “You’re genocidal jerks!”

And so now, in a move reminiscent of those who say in effect, “Say that Islam is a religion of peace or we’ll kill you,” the Turks are saying, “Say we didn’t commit genocide against the Armenians or we will massacre the Armenians.” And remember, the Armenian genocide itself started with mass expulsion orders. Hrayr Karapetyan, an Armenian MP, certainly sees Erdogan’s statement as heralding another genocide: “The statement once again proves that there is an Armenian genocide threat in present Turkey.”

“Turkey threatens to expel 100,000 Armenians over ‘genocide’ row,” by Damien McElroy for the Telegraph, March 17 (thanks to Jihad Watch):

Pamela has this:

Muslim Turkey Promises Another Armenian Genocide if you Speak of the First Armenian Genocide: Prime Minister Threatens Mass “Deportations”

Turkey has threatened to expel 100,000 Armenians from the country in response to the US branding the First World War killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as “genocide”. [...]Tensions with Armenia have recently escalated as a well-organised worldwide campaign has persuaded the American Congress and Swedish parliament to adopt resolutions condemning the incidents as “genocide”.

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Planet Jihad

by sheikyermami on March 17, 2010

From the Gates of  Vienna

Deutsche Presse-Agentur spits the dummy:

Jihad, which is Arabic for holy struggle or holy war..”

Everybody got that? “Jihad” doesn’t mean “inner struggle”. It means “holy war”.


Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades asks for weapons to ‘defend Jerusalem’

Third ‘intifada‘ anyone? Thanks to Carl in J’lem

Obama Administration in wonderland: Hamas calls for new intifada, Clinton says “Israel must prove its commitment to peace…”

Hamas calls for a new intifada and the Obama team continues to act as if Israel were the obstacle to peace.

What planet are these people on?

(Planet jihad, apparently.) More from JW

Carl has this:

For those of you who are looking for moral clarity on Israel’s current spat with President Obama, you can find it here.

Criticism of President Obama’s handling of relations with Israel has gone bipartisan. Jennifer Rubin suggests we should turn the tables and that Israel should make some demands of Obama.

There are also signs that the crisis may finally be winding down.

While her husband fumed at the Israeli government during their trip here last week, Jill Biden spent her time visiting Muslims and Bedouins and dead Jews in a trip that was largely orchestrated by the recently disgraced New Israel Fund.

Sultan Knish:

Barack Hussein Obama vs Israel

The manifold organs of the ObamaMedia are abuzz with outrage over what they are calling Israel’s “insult” to the United States. But what was the nature of this awful and outrageous insult? Did Israeli officials pull off V.P. Biden’s rug to show off his bald head underneath. Did they ask him why the suit of his pants is so shiny. Did they make him sit at the kiddie table?

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Heartbreak: “Future of Islam Online in doubt”

by sheikyermami on March 17, 2010

The Guardian (of Muslims) cries in solidarity:

Future of one of the world’s largest Islamic sites in doubt as row escalates between Qatari managers and workers in Egypt

“Conservatives” to blame:

The future of one of the largest Islamic websites in the world was in doubt today after hundreds of staff walked out, accusing new managers of trying to hijack the site in order to promote a hardline, conservative agenda.

IslamOnline was founded in 1997 by the controversial Egyptian cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a popular preacher who has previously been banned from entering the United States and Britain.

Al Qaradawi. Its hard to find a headbanger that’s more “controversial” or hardline than him. He must be a “conservative” then, right?  Gee, tonight I’m gonna check under the bed for conservatives……



by sheikyermami on March 17, 2010

Lots of inner struggle here. Make sure you have barf bag ready…

Tarek Fatah: “She (Aisha) could have been between 19 and 21…”

Steve Gilchrist is as ignorant as a dumpster…. In defence of Wafa Sultan,” by Joanne Hill in the National Post, but better with great comments from Jihad Watch

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Ali Sina’s Coup de Grace:

“Give them the freedom to choose: that’s all I’m asking for. Give them the freedom to search, to ask, to be exposed to different sides, different values, different lifestyles.”

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