He is suggesting I take chicken soup to cure my flu - a ridiculous ailment that has decided to attack my fragile (state of mind) and which doesn't want to go away. It seems that I am stuck with this situation and as much as it (the flu) loves me, I can't stand it. I am fed up of a clogged nose and ears - and a headache, which I am having difficulty getting used to. Read more»»
The ridiculousness of my Wonderland doesn't confuse me anymore. There isn't anything logical or rational about it but then I am not saying anything new really am I?
Why am I ranting? I am ranting because of all the random blocked sites and the fact that we are silent about it all. Read more»»
Greetings from Beirut, a city which makes me choke at times, knowing what it has been through and sympathising with what it could go through. While many let go and enjoy the moment, including all the Lebanese here who know how to live the moment and deserve to, I just can't. Not in Beirut, not anywhere else. One day maybe. Not today. 

Today, we are at the Arab Bloggers meeting, the second. It started with a conversation, a dream, or for people who know me, a moan. "Why can't we have something like this for Arab bloggers?" I told Tunisian Sami ben Gharbia, my colleague at Global Voices, as we Skyped with him from Miami last year. Read more»»
I know it doesn't warrant a post on its own - or me breaking my blogging silence with a debut post about her. Seriously. She doesn't deserve the attention. But I guess I have to do it and I will. It will be therapeutic so please dim the lights and here we go! And also, I haven't had time to write here because I have been really busy but that isn't my story today, this is:

It started on the second day I arrived in Bahrain. I landed at night and by noon, I was sat at the kitchen table when she walked in. She looked at me and yelled: "Ya3333eeeeee3, what have you done to yourself. You look terrible." Read more»»

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