
I hope you get your votes back. And that you go just a bit further, and make them let you actually choose your candidates. Then it will truly be your country.

Happy New Year

Wishing you all the best in the coming year!

Who Really Benefits from Gun Control?

Criminals do. Here’s a nice little video to show all your pro-gun-control friends.

Thanks to Bill E. for the heads-up. (It may have been around for a while, but I totally missed it.)

Thank You

To all the veterans out there. We owe you more than we can ever repay.

Happy Birthday to the USMC - and Thanks

There’s a nice birthday card at GoDaddy, believe it or not. Nicely done video.

Happy 233nd Birthday to the United States Marine Corps!

The Coalition of the Swilling also are saying Happy Birthday, and have a nice link to the history of the US Marine Corps.

Reaction Roundup

Kudos to (most) of the right on their gracious reactions. (I’m not linking the few who were not.) You go, guys. Show the left how “loyal opposition” is done!