Dawla Junub el Sudan

Machakos Protocol


Wealth sharing Agreement


Power sharing Protocol


Interim Security  Agreement














































Tuesday, December 07, 2010. Your Opinions and Comments Always Count and Impact Everywhere
New The Northern persistent attempt to purloin the Referendum vote is real
The North is persistently committed to advancing its deliberate acts of folly by suggesting that the Referendum date be shifted further from its original date of 9th January 2011, in what anyone would almost certainly label as an exposition of the highest notch of idiocy by the National Congress Party alongside its foreign backers through the office of the South Sudan Referendum Commission...
POEM: Let the message go to them that it made achievable

Let the message go to them that it's made achievable

Let it go to them they who doubt

Let  it go to them that it is possible

Let them know it that it is no longer foreign but theirs...

New Prof. Khalil moves from re-opening ballot bids to postponing the Referendum
The news on Wednesday December 1st, that the tender to print ballot papers for the south Sudan referendum which closed in mid November 2010 has now been reopened till December 5th with the unpopular possibility of delaying the January 9th  vote, is in fact the most unwelcoming development in as far as south Sudanese grassroots are concerned
New Salah Gosh plan “B” on South Sudan: What would that be?
As I write, NCP have fully sensed and understood this forthcoming Referendum outcome will be of total secession and departure of South Sudan, which of course is imminent comes rain or sunshine. So, all they can do is to cause mayhem and commotion in the region so that they scare away eligible voters. And therefore, GOSS President had to be thanked by some people for his tranquil call on not to avenge just to eschew SPLM/SPLA...
IOM: Titanic Task, Less Experience and Questionable Neutrality
In a nutshell, the IOM certainly commands competency in numerous humanitarian fields, but the organization has never been tasked with or entrusted to organize and run a single Referendum in any country in the world except in the current experiment in South Sudan. The organization strikingly lacks the requisite experience in the locale it has been assigned...
Trumpet to freedom:  A life-time opportunity
Human freedom and happiness are the rights of all people. Yet since Sudan gained independence from the British in 1956, there has never been any kind of real freedom for the citizenry. The country’s politics have been dominated by authoritarian regimes, particularly the regime made up of the fundamentalist Arab Muslims in Khartoum...
Never ever sell your birthright to Jellaba
As referendum registration process proceeds in the Sudan and outside the Sudan, worrying speculation starts to emerge immediately. This news has it that, Jellaba send their stalwarts out in big numbers to buy all voting cards they find and burn them to suit their ulterior motive i.e. (NOT WANTING SOUTH SECESSION). It may be hearsay and assertion as...
People of South Sudan solid on separation
Registration of voters for the referendum in South Sudan kicked off in earnest on the 14th November. Awareness and mobilization rallies are being held with high frequencies in towns, cities and villages in South Sudan. Constitutional post holders, civil society organizations and the youth are all in full swing traveling widely to make people aware and mobilizing them to register and vote...
Obstacles on Abyei Referendum Quite Dumb
For South Sudanese, Abyei has always been a special case. Its history has been complicated further by the North Sudanese after the British left the Sudan. Although the infusion of cultures and race of the people of Abyei somehow obscured the political history of this special South Sudanese people, Abyei population remains largely Dinka...
Computerization of voter registration lists important to avert NCP tricks
As I write this article, the people of South Sudan are left with only one and a half months (about 50 days) to cast their votes and finally determine their future destiny in the January 2011 referendum after more than 50 years of liberation struggle for independence. Unlike elections that come and go and come again, the referendum is one and last chance in a life time for...

Diaspora Boycotting South Sudan Referendum Is No Longer Wise

These ideas of boycotting voter registration and thus the referendum vote seems to have picked up steam in the last two weeks leading to the beginning of registration yesterday. However, I think this is not a winning formula anymore. It is neither a strategic nor a tactic that can work in our favor that point in the process. I know this is contrary to popular opinion...
Is Salva Kiir being double-standard or something?
Unfortunately, Kiir presence in that “Unity committee” attracted more questions than answers. How do we decipher it? Is this not encouraging suspicious gazes and closed door gossiping about our Kiir Mayardit? What would be the stance of our President who made it several times crystal clear he was for Separation? How will he get along with his boss (Bashier) and notorious (Bona) Malual Madut, who're both deadly opposed to Separation? Is Gen...
The Misseriya have no right to vote in Abyei referendum
Clearly, in the interim national constitution, the right of the Misseriya is recognized as seasonal migrants in Abyei in search of grazing for cattle but not as residents of Abyei. It can be seen that the CPA and the interim national constitution are crystal clear on who the seasonal migrants are and who the residents are. There is no doubt that the Misseriya are the seasonal migrants in Abyei while the Ngok Dinka are the residents of Abyei...
Citizenship in North and South Sudan in post referendum era
Sudan has been a united country for 54 years since it got its independence on the 1st January 1956 but it seems unity has been a curse. Unity of Sudan was imposed with the brute use of force by those who erroneously believed they had all the means to make it happen. There was no consensus on unity of Sudan and so unity had remained superficial, lacking in all the aspects that would have made it attractive...
How the Referendum can be brought to the brink of collapse
I was surprised by yesterday’s (Nov. 7) announcement that Bashir has already formed a committee which will demonstrate in support of unity in Sudan. Shortly after Bashir’s announcement, it was followed by rapid newscast that he has appointed Vice Pres. Salva Kiir to be his deputy in rallying for unity. Instead of forming a committee for Abyei referendum or border demarcation, Bashir has only maintained his position that unity is the only option for all Sudanese...
Messeriya Arab tribes in Abyei Area aren't citizens but residents
Abyei case in relation to its political future remains one major threat to an overall peace between the South and the North. (photo; Abyei on map) Things are getting murkier each passing day, unless satisfactory option is found before, not after January 2011 Southern Referendum. Talks to resolve the Abyei-Messiriya issue has hit a snag, something that is unsurprising. Despondently, elements within the NCP are capitalizing on the...
Egypt is not just looking for Water!
Egypt’s role in the Sudanese affairs is quite a long one that carries with it a lot of bitter memories and is dissented across a wider section of the Sudanese population. Sudan’s ‘northern neighbour’ is both  remembered as a collaborator of the imperialists during the colonial era [of the Turkey-Egyptian administration and later the Condominium Anglo– Egyptian rule] in the country. However it is the greed for the resources of its sub Saharan neighbours...
What if the Referendum Commission Leadership Resign?
This is a critical question whose answer should be ready by now before it is too late to act within the law. It is said that the law could be manipulated for evil purposes when there are loopholes in it. But it is also said that the best law is the one generated out of bitter experiences. It is here that this article tries to draw an alert, especially in the context of the resignation of the spokesman of the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC)...
Where deals are not respected, why go for a new one?
Although the Rift Valley Institute (RVI) is claimed to be a creditable non-profit research and training organisation operating in Sudan, the Horn of Africa, East Africa and the Great Lakes, unfortunately it has undoubtedly tarnished its fairness when it claimed in its recent report that the January 2011's referendum in Sudan's Oil-rich border region of Abyei may have to be postponed...
Referenda: Trap of Freedom, Law and Time
The events leading to January 9, 2011, the date when Southerners are supposed to vote on whether to remain part of the old Sudan or secede to form an independent newest state in Africa are getting unpalatable now. This is in line with the internationally brokered agreement, famously known as the CPA and a benchmark signed on January 9, 2005 in Nairobi Kenya by the two former foes – the NCP and SPLM...
Juba must make oil concessions with Khartoum to get Abyei out of the quagmire
Juba must agree to share oil with Khartoum even if it means a long term basis allocation. After all, Sudan has always been one country. This is hard to fathom but it is evident that before the end of the year and without a concrete breakthrough, Sudan..
A Referendum Vote in The North is a Spoiled Vote
Referendum day is quietly and quickly approaching and there is lots of excitement and anxiety among southerners both in Sudan and abroad. Except in the south, voting in other places might not be that straight forward and could potentially cost us our destiny. There is a particular voting region, which should be of a great concern for southerners. This region is none other than the northern part of the...
Postponement of the referendum will be more dangerous than war
It is important to weigh the consequences before deciding on postponement of the Southern Sudan Referendum. It is true that the elaborate preparations have not been taken for a free fair and transparent conduct of the referenda on Self-determination in Southern Sudan and Abyei. The SPLM alone, notwithstanding its political prowess, cannot decide at this moment for Southern Sudan and its people. The issue of postponement must be open to debate
No postponement of referendum in South Sudan
It's heartbreaking to see South Sudanese themselves as the ones urging for postponement of the referendum in the South and in the Abyei region respectively for an unknown future date. The phobia is that the date 9 January 201 is not appropriate for the referendum to take place because the consequence would be war between the North and the South. It is claimed that adequate preparations...
Pres. Kiir's amnesty should not be viewed as a free pass for renegades! 
It's just a matter of fact that as human beings we all make mistakes. It could be a slip of a word, an unsecured gun goes off, or making an incorrect statement. Therefore, it's not a shame to make a mistake, but it's all too shameful to continue to repeat the mistake again. Evidently, the point I am trying to stress here is that, nobody is against the amnesty issued by Pres. Kiir ...


  New South Sudan Referendum: Is it truly for southerners?
  Much has been said about South Sudan Referendum vote rigging overseas and elsewhere in northern Sudan and specifically in Khartoum cities and far states. I could hardly swallow what I have heard and have been told happening with South Sudan Referendum registration in the aforementioned places...
  New Separation of South Sudan not division of people
  North and South have been two geographical regions of Sudan in perpetual differences. The two regions have tried to live in harmony in a united Sudan but the level of incompatibility has been too high that the South is now granted the right to self-determination in order to test its free will for unity. All indications, however, are that the South will confirm separation from the North. The question is will separation cause...
  New Fear not the result of the  Referendum
  The citizens of south Sudan will enter an examination on 9 January 2011' an examination with only one question containing A&B. Each and every one is expected to chose A or B, not all the above is the right answer anymore; some of our leaders quoted Dr. Garang to have had given that answer. And as a result they have been through out the interim period giving an answer that was the requirement of that time...

Why I understand the NCP's anguish!

  Sometimes, I can honestly and truthfully say that, I understand the anguish, the anger, the distress and the grief that the NCP and the NIF are nowadays suffering from, now that the separation of the South Sudan is all but imminent. Indeed, if we're to put ourselves in their shoes, I bet we would be mad, too. After all, who really wants to be amicable...
  Southern Sudan Diaspora votes have no significant impact on the referendum results
  I'd like to take this opportunity to briefly analyze the impact of Southern Sudan’s Diaspora voter registration and their potential vote in the upcoming Jan. 2011 Southern Sudan Self-determination referendum. I'll attempt to focus on the sixty percent (60%) turnout of registered voters threshold required to validate the results of Southern Sudan self-determination referendum...
  South Sudanese people in Diaspora are up to the tasks!
  Since the beginning of the referendum registration process on November 15th. 2010, my eyes can’t believe what I am seeing and hearing, whether at Phoenix polling stations for West conference states, or others posts that I just heard about their huge and tremendous turnouts all over Northern America, (USA and Canada) collectively is really unbelievable and heart-warming indeed...
  Has President Al- Basher Gone Insane?
  Much to the contrary, President al Basher is showing signs that he might not be in a mental capacity to run the affairs of the largest and most problematic African country. Recently, he’s been downright giddy, and in most cases finds himself in an enormous difficulty in choosing the right words to describe his anger about the right of the people of South Sudan...
  Why is NCP disputing referendum results in advance!
  One week has so far passed since the kick-off of the voter’s registration for the January 9 south Sudan’s referendum on independence and already the NCP has started preparing the north to reject the results which they themselves expect to come in favour of Independence for the South. Who will ever believe that the very NIF/NCP hardliners who did everything to derail the South’s
  IOM's controversy on the Registration Exercise: A mere paranoia or a genuine concern?
  The neutrality of the International Organization for Migration (IOM)—the migration agency, is being seriously challenged by Southern Sudanese living in the Diaspora. Potential registrants thinking of going to the designated registration centers have been instigated to eschew the registration...

Peaceful separation of South Sudan a blessing to Sudan

  On the 9th January 2011, South Sudan will go to the polls in a referendum to decide its destiny and that will mark the end of an era. The South will decide either to be part of old Sudan or to be a new nation. However, all indications are that the South will choose to be a new nation. The issue here is what will be the implication of separation to the South in particular and to Sudan in...
  When people of Yirol East gave a bell to President Kiir
  The Referendum of which the registrations for its exercise started this week is the last stage in a long quest for freedom by the people of Southern Sudan. It is therefore a preoccupation of all people of Southern Sudan and in fact all freedom/peace loving people worldwide. During his elections campaign in April this year, the...
  Dr. Machar: An icon of hope for the people of South Sudan
  The people of South Sudan are going through the toughest time ever in their life time; this is because in less than 53 days time, they are going to define their future status – whether to remain united with the North, under the current arrangement or separate to form their own independent country in the forthcoming referendum. There are lots of...
  Why the Southern Sudanese must vote for the independent South Sudan?
  After desperate years of the war and repression inside Sudan, people of southern Sudan have remained intact in spirit and at the moment they are one step closer to their ultimate and golden opportunity of possible independence that will lead to the creation of equal and pluralist state in the south. This will came not as a coincidence...
  IOM lack of neutrality in registration for the South Sudan Referendum in the Diaspora
  The Arab League and the NCP who have remained opposed to South Sudan secession have manifestly succeeded in soliciting and getting on board the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) to preside over all stages of the Referendum outside Sudan, without the SPLM or the government of South Sudan ever raising an eye brow at this visible trap...
  The problem of Sudan toward south Sudan
  The problem of Sudan toward southern Sudan has now become a considerable trouble to the Khartoum regime for decades since the inception of independence of Sudan in 1956. Southern Sudan has become an isolated unique region that dictates the rule of sharia law. The region is predominantly occupied by mostly animists and Christians. The Khartoum regime has tried so..
  Who says Referendum is Impossible?
  The choice of the people will determine the dream they're waiting to see when it comes January the 9th; the hope of ending the longest suffering of mankind in Africa is to be tested in two months calendar. Yes, referendum will give us one choice to make over the other in the ballot than ever: separation over unity. It's our sole duty to know what we're doing..
  Many Committees, No Commitments
  There we go again, a Presidential order and a new committee. It has long been said that in the Sudan, when the government wants to bury an idea or even projects which are considered of national importance, the sure way is to form a committee for it. This is what the Sudanese President Al-Bashir did when he announced the formation of the so-called higher committee for...
  The Sudan January Red Storm Event (Referendum)
  Sudan is one of the few African countries that experienced war, coup and revolution through decades. The January Red Storm Event (referendum) which will probably result in one way or others is considered as the first practical referendum event in Sudan. It's one of the patriotic and citizenry choices for most of the people who had long been marginalized by the Sudan...

The delay of referendum will escalate the dispute

  The delay of referendum is unacceptable. That decision is not in the interest of Southerners and Dinka-Ngok. And evidently, the paramount chief of Abyei stated it clearly that Dinka-Ngok, who are the inhabitants of the Abyei, should vote concurrently with the South or otherwise "we will defend ourselves for any eventualities."
  Tears of deceit against tears of innocence
  South Sudan is not going to feed the devil, but rather starve it to death - come January 9, 2011, or what may come on or before the official Referendum date. January 9 is a treasured date by southern Sudanese at home or abroad. It's unity or disunity of Sudanese people when you...
  South Sudanese People, Believe In Your Leaders!
  Now that the much-anticipated referendum’s date is within reach, if all goes as planned, it’s indeed, essential, rightly so, for all of the people of South Sudan, who are dying for justice and freedom, to be beware of the fact that, the National Islamic Front, NIF, and  its executive wing, the National Congress Party, NCP, are out in full force to undermined not only the aspirations of the...
  The Popular Consultation: Recipe for a new conflict in the Nuba Mountains
  The CPA signed between the Government of Sudan (GoS) and the SPLM in Naivasha, Kenya, accorded a special protocol to Southern Kordofan and the Blue Nile States to resolve the conflicts in these regions. The key and controversial element in the protocol is the Popular Consultation, which is viewed by many as an ambiguous proposition. In a nutshell, it was intended to create two states within the Northern Sudan boundaries, and with...
  Win-Win Negotiation is essential for Abyei Protocol
  Without any doubt, south Sudan is now heading towards the end of a long tunnel, which its independence from Khartoum elites, just waiting for January 9th, 2011, and the southerners will exercise their ultimate right of self determination in a referendum. Don't make any mistake, we are dealing with people who don't value life, don't...
  Genesis of freedom: Sons and daughters of south Sudan
  To sons and daughters of South Sudan, the morning of 10th Jan. 2011 will be like the day Barack Obama was declared the 44th President of the most powerful nation on the Earth, USA. All blacks whether in USA or outside US couldn’t sleep that day. The 10th Jan. 2011 will be a day to keep sacrosanct and be remembered by...
  Who in Sudan had never witnessed the escalations of the previous conflicts?
  Live on Television if you happened to watch it, all you may see and hear is that many Sudanese politicians especially the northerners stand there firmly and warn that Sudan would return back to war once again should the South Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA) proceeds with Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI), claiming that no one will recognize it, be it the...
  The Nuba between the North-South dichotomy of Sudan’s conflict
  The misleading and inherently infamous dictum that the war that ended in 2005 was fought between ‘the mainly Arab and Muslim dominated north and the mostly African Christian South’ has put the Nuba people of central Sudan in limbo and at the crossroads between the South and the North in the Sudan. The indisputable fact is that...

Arab Conspiracy: The Genuine Menace to South Sudan Referenda, statehood & identity The chief anxiety stems from the fact that South Sudanese outside the boundaries of

Separation Road Map: Separatists of South Sudan Unite! This article is directed to the Southern Sudanese Separatist individuals and institutions. The PAM slogan quoted above was
Focus Beyond South Sudan Referendum Politics The NCP and SPLM strategies to deny South Sudanese to exercise their right to vote for independent state in the upcoming South Sudan ref.

Sudan's contentious issues in the post-referendum period On the issue of referendum yes, we've already fought the war and that's exactly why there is a current autonomous govt...

Facing realities of coming referendum in South Sudan I am deeply worried about three crucial things that impact on voter turnout during the referendum. You may all recall that there was a lengthy negotiation between SPLA and NCP
Sudan on the edge of disintegration Even though the South Sudan referendum is behind schedule, there is no doubt the independence of South Sudan is imminent despite all obstacles put on it

Kiir’s Next Government: What do People of South Sudan Expect? Are we expecting the same leadership style that Kiir..

What makes a good government for the South? What makes a good government are justice and democracy. In terms of leadership, justice is the key to bringing fairness among ...


Peace & forgiveness essential ahead of 9 Jan. 2011 referendum The title of this article should've read, whenever there are conflicts let there be peace and whenever  there is hatred let

The Trial of Brother Gore: How to fail a revolution The SPLM/A had a congenital defect right from birth. This defect was a consequence of

Independence will provide Economic development in South Most of us know this, but why some of us want to impede the economic development in the South while it has been stipulated?




  1. SADC countries urged to accept Independence of South Sudan: From Ref. campaign in South Africa 
  2. Position of Southerners in Brooks, Alberta, Canada, on 2011 SS Ref: Not to Register and vote

Your LETTERS- click here

  • The issue of tribal-line of ruling by SPLM

  • You got it wrong, brother Gatcharwearbol,

  • New southern leaders after Referendum

  • Weak governance in Lakes State

  • Where's Kiir & Riek when Ref is eschewed?

  • SHAME on southerners in Referendum Comm

  • A procrastinating tactic not acceptable

  • Is 'SudanTribune' an NCP agent?

  • Bor youth should join the Army

  • John Garang de Mabior was not King

  • Clans fight commonplace in south

  • Southerners will separate without Bor

  • Did Akobo county forget about the hunger?

  • Protect our expensive goal

  • No fighting back in the south

  • Inevitable registration obstacles abroad

  • Toronto Ref. Identifiers beware of cheating

  • Song for struggles' survivors and avoiding...

  • NCP got serious anguish in their stomachs

  • Spinning lies at expense of Bor 1991

  • Get registered and vote separation

  • Very wise to give political parties money

  • No single tribe is a coward

  • Click Here To Read More Letters 


    Editorial Cartoon


    Why the Juba South-South Dialogue leaders failed us by endorsing the culture of impunity and misrule

    QUOTE:  “There are two ways of contesting, the one by law, and the other by force; the first method is proper to men, the second to beasts.” From ‘The Prince,’ by Machiavelli

    Whilst the entire nation of south Sudan is optimistically, albeit, restlessly, riding in the mass anxiety of the impending Referendum, the leaders of political parties that met in the Juba South-South Dialogue deliberately failed us in taking an advantage to sinisterly exculpate themselves by enshrining a culture of impunity.

    Apparently, either because of our lack of total solidarity or due to the urgency of our unanimity needed as southerners in the forthcoming Referendum, this conference hurriedly and cynically glossed over crucial issues that should have been dealt with separately during the meeting or at an earlier time.

    Instead, what took place in Juba was that the issue of Kiir’s blanket amnesty to the treasonous warlords and overt accommodation for duplicitous politicians were quietly sandwiched in-between.

    Kiir's much lauded amnesty offer thus took centre stage and hence, no wonder it was endorsed unanimously.

    Indeed, with those so-called renegade generals and political blackmailers lurking threateningly in our backyard to possibly sabotage or impede the Referendum, south Sudan citizens across the Nation anxiously wanted some sort of resolution to our disunity.

    However, even though we wanted peace and tranquility to reign across our nation before the Referendum, the political price that we have to pay seems totally disproportionate and unfair.

    Seriously, as concerned southerners, for us to simply cover up the sins of these habitual and professional dissenters is utterly unforgiveable and immoral, especially in the light of all the good things that they are now being sinfully showered with.

    For how long are we going to passively allow some bigotedly aggrieved generals to hold the entire south Sudan nation hostage for some utterly selfish tribal or personal interests?

    More aggravatingly, in a subversion of the law and all norms, President Kiir injudiciously and ill-advisedly, decided to reinstate back into the SPLA the Athors and Aturjongs, who personally and pre-conditionally retired from the Army to go and contest the elections.

    Understandably, their reintegration into the highest ranks of the Army has caused some ruckus and might remain, for a long time a sore point in the SPLA.

    Instantly, the regional and tribal equilibrium in our national army is changed, some may call it off-balanced, depends on who is looking at it.

    Will the new military equation augur well for the South in the short or long run? Our leaders may have failed us already.

    Notwithstanding all these, for how long are we, south Sudan nationals, going to silently and forgivingly allow hired killers of our dear compatriots to wreck our lives in a war of proxy for the benefit of the enemy?

    And the major moral question that should have jerked the conscience of our leaders is: why should our South malcontents invariably gravitate toward Khartoum where they are then employed as proxies of the enemy against their own people?

    To date, unfortunately for us, the majority of those now holding the reins of power in Juba and across the entire south Sudan nation, at one time or another in their haggard and unstable political life cycles, have infamously and lethally indulged in this game of treason.

    They have all come back eventually, thanks to the Juba leaders’ naivety and infatuation of blessing the perpetrators with impunity, a practice now so recurrent and pervasive that even national thieves have taken benefit of.

    Incontrovertibly, since the SPLM assumed reign in the South, the Kiir-Machar administration has spread, like butter over a slice of bread, the incorrigible culture of impunity for the looters of the money that should have been used for development.

    No longer are we surprised when even Kiir’s prominent State governors, like Jonglei’s Kuol Manyang, Central Equatoria’s Clement Wani and Unity’s Taban Deng are seriously questioning the lack of vision and direction of the governance in Juba.

    Taban succinctly exalted the dilemma by asking: “So how are we going to build a nation if we end up eating money and care less for development?”

    Obviously, five years – and counting - of Kiir-Machar misrule won’t do much.

    Inarguably, even the South Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission that's constitutionally empowered to uncover and apprehend the corrupters, has itself becomes asphyxiated and ineffectual.

    Again, what kind of future society and nation are we aspiring to build when, for instance, the bank manager of the Nile Commercial Bank could simply bankrupt the bank and, next thing, just across the street, he sets up multiple million-dollar companies?

    Whether it’s due to political dementia or leadership inertia, those wannabe political leaders that gathered at that Juba South-South Dialogue, heinously appeared as co-conspirators in a system that has clearly failed to chart out a proper system of governance for our new South Sudan Nation.

    In retrospect, one very important issue that these self-proclaimed leaders should have frontally and frankly addressed is the issue post-referendum, or positively, post-independence governance and the envisaged political dispensation for south Sudan.

    Due to the significance of the above, the political leaders that assembled in Juba should have imperatively demanded for a broadening of the Machar Post-Referendum Commission set up recently by Kiir, to include other southerners not in the GOSS.

    Machar, for a fact, has had too many commissions assignments, many of which remain inconclusive and are still gathering too much dust in his office.

    Furthermore, they should have demanded that this particular commission and others relevant to post-independence South Sudan, like drafting a new constitution, must be chaired not by Machar, (for goodness sake not again), but by non-ministers appointees.

    In our new country, let’s wisely and positively emulate what all democratic and ‘civilized’ nations, including our neighbors, Kenya and Uganda, are doing.

    In these countries, as a normal and accepted practice and tradition, Commissions are appropriately headed by legal experts, like retired judges, magistrates or University dons.

    Absolutely, if need be, as Kenyans have done, the Juba government can hire a foreign expert or if need be, especially in our dire situation, Juba could ask a friendly country or world institutions, like the UN or others, to send us some experts, to perform these vital tasks.

    Finally, if we genuinely envision a safer, peaceful and fairer South Sudan Nation tomorrow, let’s hear publicly some sincere heart-felt words of contrition and apology from these mercenary-cum-political miscreants for their past devious transmutations and lethal transgressions.

    As deterrence for our future nation, let a law be instantly inserted in the new constitution of an independent South Sudan Nation that severely curtails, condemns and convicts any one who takes up arms and kills his fellow south Sudanese nationals.

    Even the death penalty for such a crime, is not uncivilized.

    Having regretfully failed us by their complicit perpetuation of the culture of impunity and corruption, the entire south Sudan political leaders should religiously embark on serious moral introspection and soul search if our new country will be unlike Somalia.

    To the Lams, Athors, Tangyinges, Bona Maluals, Magayas and the Aturjongs: Next time you’re defeated or become disgruntled, politically or personally, please, retire completely from public life or better still, choose an honorable exile, even in the new country of the Islamic National Peoples Republic of Sudan, somewhere north of south!

     SSN Editor Comment...Click Here


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