Organizing Notes

Bruce Gagnon is coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. He offers his own reflections on organizing and the state of America's declining empire....

My Photo
Location: Bath, Maine, United States

I grew up in a military family and joined the Air Force in 1971 during the Vietnam War. It was there that I became a peace activist.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

JFK: Another vision for space

One more likely reason that JFK was assassinated by the military industrial complex.

At the time of his killing JFK was reaching out to Cuba to normalize relations; had made a largely ignored speech at American University in Washington DC calling for full nuclear disarmament; was carrying on secret personal correspondence with Nikita Khrushchev (leader of the Soviet Union); and had issued orders to prepare to withdraw US troops from Vietnam after his reelection.

It's all documented in this hugely important book entitled 'JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died & Why it Matters' by James W. Douglass.

This book is a life changer.


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

My interview on Loud & Clear

Listen to "Space Force” a gift to the military-industrial complex" on Spreaker.

President Trump’s new Space Force will be the first new military branch since the creation of the Air Force 70 years ago, if Congress approves it and it can get off the ground. But what exactly is a space force? And do we really need one? We’re joined from Maine by Bruce Gagnon, the coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Getting word out opposing war in the heavens.....

There is quite a lot of action against Trump's proposed Space Force on social media.  The mainstream media though is lacking critical coverage of this arrogant grab of the heavens by the aerospace industry and their fundamentalist followers.  Do they think they will be closer to God - or do they think they are God?

It's been exciting for me to see so much activity because when Obama increased 'missile defense' deployments encircling China and Russia not many people paid any attention.  When the X-37 military space plane (a super drone that looks like a mini-space shuttle) flew unmanned orbiting Earth for a full year few complained to Obama about it.  Obama was a 'nice guy' and many liberal Dems weren't moved to criticize anything he did or said.

I recall one poll in the Washington Post years back that asked a question about Obama's drone killing program in Central Asia, the Middle East and Africa.  Seventy-some percent of self-identified liberals said they supported his program.  If it had been George W. Bush or Trump in office the vast majority of those liberals would have been critical of them.  Party loyalty trumps key issues and reduces movement building.

So this time when Space Farce comes along the Dem activists are out of power and are paying more attention to any issue they can ride.  We are happy to see them and we hope they'll dive into the issue and get their feet wet.

They could learn about the cost, implications to world peace, and environmental effects of the space program.  Learn about plans to mine the sky with nuclear-powered colonies on the moon, Mars and asteroids.  Ask who would be in charge of all those space operations?  Who would make the rules and the $$$$$$?  Who is paying for all the military satellites, launch rockets, and various weapons systems now being developed for space?  What is not being funded because of all the money wasted on Star Wars?

I spent an hour today being interviewed by J. G. Michael who does a podcast called Parallax Views.  He wanted to talk about space and it went well.  He knew the right questions to ask.  In the end I asked him how he knew about the Global Network.  He said at the age of 15 he heard or saw interviews with GN folks and began paying attention to space.  He's now 27 years old and is doing his bit to help.  Right before he told me this I had responded to his last question:  Why do you believe in protest?

I answered that I was freed, mentally liberated, by the small regular protests outside Travis AFB in California in 1971 as folks came to protest the Vietnam War and the role our base played as an airlift operations center for the war.  GI's flew to Vietnam and  bodies bags came back on the planes.  I saw them lined up daily on the flight line across the street from where I worked.

Protests create sparks and from that energy comes reflection and consciousness raising.  We have to create experiences for people - that is mostly how people change - it's slow work but important anyway.

During this recent splash about Trump's space force proposal there has been a nice opportunity to do several interviews on alternative radio.

Back in the days (1989-1997) of our campaigns to oppose the launching of plutonium-238 into space (on NASA Galileo, Ulysses and Cassini missions) mainstream radio interviewed us frequently.  I remember driving near my home in Orlando, Florida and hearing my interview on CBS radio news opposing a nuclear launch.  Independent radio talk shows, in those days flourishing across the nation, would frequently call for half or full hour conversations with callers on the line.  These days the corporations have largely consolidated those talk shows into fewer and more conservative hands.

Thanks to committed people like journalism professor Karl Grossman, a founder of the Global Network, we still see some regular writing about space issues.  He has a piece in CounterPunch today Turning Space Into a War Zone and here as well. 

Thank you for visiting Organizing Notes.  With the current crackdown on 'fake news' on social media, and the resulting censorship of many progressive voices, we have to each help spread the word more than ever.


Monday, August 13, 2018

Aerospace industry 'space farce'

Will Griffin's latest video does a superb job of reviewing background of US military space operations and shares where the aerospace industry is trying to take us in the years to come.

Griffin is on the board of the Global Network and is an Iraq and Afghanistan Army veteran.  He's also active in Veterans For Peace.

Please help spread this video around - particularly as we build-up to Keep Space for Peace Week - October 6-13.

Two trains are now on a collision course - one is called human progress on our Mother Earth and the other is called the 'Space Farce'.

Please do what you can to help derail this insane idea to move the arms race into the heavens.

See Karl Grossman's latest article on the Space Force at CounterPunch here


Sunday, August 12, 2018

Two of the better analysts out there.....

Mr. Big is losing his battle to turn us all into slaves - high-tech feudalism.  Hollywood has been showing us the future for years - wearing the spirit of the public down so they will surrender to corporate control.

One of the few things we have available to deal with our technological caging is ironically the Internet.  The crackdown to take that away from us has begun.  This video delves into this important element in the battle for control of the public mind.

Our rights to think and communicate are under assault.  It's really that stark now - we are here.....and the moment is a defining one.

Stay close to each other - don't be afraid - listen to one another as Mr. Big tries to split us apart.  Love one another but remain real and speak what is true.  We need more voices now.


Sunday Song