Monday, September 29, 2008

Fees: A post from another madhouse customer taken from "Not good enough"

Also in my experience they are very keen on fees

This goes back a few years but I ditched my St George credit card and refuse to have anything to do with the bank (despite being with it in its different forms since childhood). The reason: one month I had only spent $10 on my CC and accidentally paid it one day late.

Because I was one day late in paying off my $10, I was charged a fee of $25!!! After much complaint on my part as to the fairness of being charged a fee 2.5 times higher than the amount that I owed on my CC one day late, and having some revolting girl from St George try to make me feel like paying a bill one day late is a heinous crime and that a $25 fee is the least I could expect, they finally agreed to "generously" charge me a fee of only $12.50. I "eagerly" agreed and asked them to close my account at the same time as I definitely wouldn't be needing it anymore.


More on the nonsense that the high fees bear any relation to the costs incurred by the bank here

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

TO: John Curtis, Chairman, The Kogarah madhouse, 20 May 2008

Dear Sir,

This is the third letter I have written to you in connection with my new St George Visa card. I am getting the strong message that you do not want people to use your cards. I am writing to you because I think it needs to be known at the highest level how your bank treats your customers.

I note initially that the card was delivered to me by Toll Priority -- presumably in the hope of a prompt and secure delivery. The delivery was neither prompt nor secure. You sent it out in the middle of last week but I found it dumped outside my door this morning (Tuesday). Their ref is TATL 1362557 and 0025F370Z3. I suggest you ask for your money back.

But that is only incidental. The real problem, as always, is with your phone hotline. I had to ring it to activate my new card. Alas! I knew from past experience that I was in for trouble.

The first time I rang, all I got was a robot. I did all I could to follow the robot commands but was told that I had got some number wrong and to start again. I note that the robot did not explain what the three different numbers were and where to find them on the card. The first one was easy and I figured the second one by looking closely at the front of the card but the third was quite a mystery. I found some numbers on the back of the card and entered them but who knows if that was what was wanted?

Anyway, I am a patient person (would I still be dealing with St George if I were not?) so I tried again:

The second time I rang, the phone went immediately to an engaged signal.

The third time I rang, the system went dead after I had entered the menu number

I think three tries should be enough, don't you?

Please get a human being to call me on 07 33914168 and have them activate my card

I note that the letter with the card says that I should have received a "Welcome Pack". I have not. Perhaps Toll have that too.

Visa card 4564 5777 0382 **** refers. [Full number given in actual letter]

Yours amazedly

(Dr) John Ray

Friday, May 2, 2008

TO: Chairman, St George Bank, 2 May, 2008

Dear Sir,

The incompetence of your credit card staff has just reached a new low. I have now TWICE asked for the name appearing on my Visa card to be changed. And yet again I have received a card with the name unchanged. Is there anybody there with half a brain?

Please get them to have a third go at this. Is there really anybody at home in that department? Your bank is beginning to make the government look efficient. I note that the latest card issue was supervised by one of your senior people in response to an earlier request from me. Maybe it is a requirement for getting a job at St George that the person has to fail an IQ test. Are YOU happy about this vast and wasteful inefficiency?

I enclose both cards as I do not wish to use them.

Yours faithfully,

Dr John Ray

Saturday, April 19, 2008

TO: John Curtis, Chairman, St George Bank, 19 April, 2008

Dear Mr Curtis

I wonder are you aware of the repeated frustrations that the bank imposes on its customers?

I am the holder of a St Geo Visa a/c no. 4564 5777 0382 ****. [Full number given in actual letter] I left it unused for some years after previous bad service but I have started using it again in recent months.

I recently received a notice that the card was about to expire and would be reissued. In response I rang your helpline and was lucky enough to get to speak to someone. I said that I felt it a bit boastful to have my full name and title on the card and asked for the username to appear simply as "J. Ray" on the new card. I was assured that this would be done.

You know what it coming next, don't you? There was no change to the card when I received it yesterday.

So I rang your helpline, again -- and again. Despite a lot of waiting I never got through. So I am writing to you. Are YOU happy with the way the bank treats its customers?


Dr John Ray

Sunday, May 20, 2007

TO: Gail Kelly, CEO, St George Bank, 9 May, 2007

Dear Ms Kelly,

Please appoint someone of a sound mind to run your card issuing department.

I sent my card back for reissue about a month ago after a merchant "declined" it.

The reissued card is also cactus. See enclosed.

As a St George shareholder I am quite outraged that nobody there seems to give a continental about whether your cards work or not. I am inclined to raise the matter at the next AGM.

I also note that I received no apology for embarrassing me or any other communication after my initial complaint. All I got was the reissued dud card.

Yours etc

(Dr) John Ray

Friday, April 20, 2007

TO: Card Issuing, St George Bank

Please find enclosed my St George Visa card.

I tried to use it but it was "declined"

Please mail me one that works.

Do NOT tell me to go to a St George branch. Where I live that is not convenient