Welcome To The New Technorati

Author: sussman / Published: October 08, 2009 at 1:09 pm

Update: The response has been amazing, and we love the feedback, both good and bad. In the hope to clear up any misconceptions or concerns, please consult the Technorati Blog.

Smell that? It's that new website smell you read about in the newspapers. I mean ... kidding! Who reads those anymore?

While we'll still track and link to the top blogs, posts, and tags, the unique content written by hundreds of bloggers will complement what the rest of the world is saying. In addition to this, each of our channel editors will be writing a daily column called Blog Focus, in which the top story of the day is told through the eyes of the blogosphere's varied and eclectic authors.

We encourage you to join the sensation and write for Technorati, as it provides exposure and writing improvement far above that of "going it alone."

Okay, let's meet the editorial team!

Matt Sussman is the executive editor of Technorati.com, as well as the editor of the politics channel. Based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Matt currently serves as the sports editor for Technorati's Blogcritics Magazine, and has held editing positions at Deadspin and SPORTSbyBROOKS. He also blogs for his hometown newspaper, the Toledo Free Press and cohosts a sports radio podcast The BC Sports Treehouse Fort with Dennis "Tuffy" Tarwood.

In alphabetical order:

Eric Berlin is the blogging channel editor.

Michelle Brown is the lifestyle channel editor.

Patrick Hayes is the sports channel editor.

Dave Nalle is the business channel editor.

Dawn Olsen is the entertainment channel editor.

Bryan McKay is the videos channel editor.

Dennis Tarwood is the technology channel editor.

Take a look around. Kick off your shoes. Make yourself at home. Welcome to the new Technorati!

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