Jesse James' Hookup, Michelle "Bombshell" McGee, Doesn't Have Many Fans

Author: Dawn Olsen
Published: March 23, 2010 at 11:27 am

Michelle "Nazi" McGeeNever before has there been so much public hatred and contempt focused on a high-profile mistress, and there have been plenty of precedents set before Michelle McGee made her mark.

Tiger Woods had about a dozen mistresses and certainly none of them were innocent angels, yet somehow the public managed to see past the mistresses and focus their anger on the shamed golfer. And what about the Brangelina affair. Everyone knew Brad Pitt was cheating on Jennifer Aniston while filming a movie with Angelina Jolie, yet somehow, people still managed to forgive Angie and Brad. So why is it that the web is on FIRE when it comes to the woman who broke up the quirky, but seemingly genuine relationship between Sandra Bullock and Jesse James?

We'll get to that in a moment, for now, let's see what the public has to say about Michelle "Bombshell" McGee.

From ABC News: mr. twitter says:  Great, now this skanky scratchpad is going to have a career being..... a skanky scratchpad. When she gets her own reality tv show it will be the newest reason to kill your TV

From Huffington Post: westphilly726: The last thing my cat left in the litter box looked better than her.

From TMZ:  PamAnn says: That is the ugliest female I've seen in a very long time. ZERO talent, talent of any kind is NOT the same as bizarre, look-at-me behavior. Trash all the way.

This is just a brief sampling of the sentiment being shared from around the web.  Hell, even octogenarian Betty White is angry. No doubt, a lot of vitriol has been expressed for both Jesse and Michelle, and their shared love of tattoos, Nazi fetish garb and the seedier side of their sexual appetites.

Continued on the next page

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Article Author: Dawn Olsen

A veteran blogger for 8 years, Dawn frequently voices her opinions - some occasionally based on rumor, conjecture and bias - on matters relating to celebrity, family, politics, music and stuff. As publisher for for 3 years, and a regular …

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