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Ever since the computer was invented, media has changed dramatically. People may not have lost their taste for the printed word, but nowadays far more of those interested in what is happening in the world turn to online sources.

Internet media gives one a chance to research that story just heard in passing on the live broadcast. For example, a political office holder might have trouble with his or her constituents. A look at a website will help clarify what the issue truly is. Someone else could make headlines for putting the wrong foot forward. No matter what the slant is, print media in all forms can bring better understanding.

One new media form is social networking. New friends can be made by seeing who shares a particular interest, Even if the response is low, the need will always make these sites financially stable. 


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Latest blogosphere posts tagged “media”

  • Waiting for president Hosni Mubarak

    Qwaider PlanetAuthority Authority: 169
    * * Mubarak chats to his doctors at Heidelberg hospital in Germany * According to rumors spread that President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak will return home within a few hours. Mubarak appeared very thin in the Read More......( read more )
    1 hour ago
  • New MGS: Peace Walker Gameplay Video

    PlayStation LifeStyleAuthority Authority: 643
    While Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is slowly but surely approaching its delayed release date, the mastermind behind the legendary series, Hideo Kojima , has graced us with a new gameplay video for the PSP title. The first and second gameplay videos showcasing why the game is so eagerly anticipated were released ...
    2 hours ago
  • New Wikipedia Redesign is Coming Soon

    GigaOMAuthority Authority: 807
    Wikipedia is close to rolling out a new design that it hopes will make the “user-edited” encyclopedia easier to use and navigate, and thus potentially appeal to new users more than the slightly clunky-looking current site. A note from the User Experience team at the Wikimedia blog says the new design — ...
    2 hours ago
  • Uh….

    An Ol' Broad's RamblingsAuthority Authority: 560
    KELLY O’DONNELL : Just before the Senators cast their votes, they paused to honor the late Ted Kennedy. SENATOR KENT CONRAD : I know that Senator Kennedy is looking down with an incredible smile on his face as well.  Source You gotta be freakin’ kidding! Looking down?  More like looking UP….from the ...
    2 hours ago
  • Heath Care Reform Reconciliation Passes Senate and House: the Fixes are In

    The Moderate VoiceAuthority Authority: 693
    Once again — it’s getting kind of tiresome, isn’t it? — the conventional wisdom, stated with such certainty (including by yours truly) has been proven wrong: despite predictions that the health care reform bill passed by the House and signed by President Barack Obama would get bottled up in the Senate due to ...
    2 hours ago
  • Chávez Critic Is Arrested, Then Freed, In Venezuela

    NYT > TheaterAuthority Authority: 918
    Agents from Venezuela’s military intelligence agency on Thursday arrested Guillermo Zuloaga, one of the country’s most influential critics of President Hugo Chávez.
    3 hours ago
  • Kobo eReader – Contender or Pretender?

    Just Another Mobile MondayAuthority Authority: 485
    Kobo eReader The last time we heard from our friends at Kobo , they were busy partnering with Borders.  I, of course, said it was about time.  With Amazon and Barnes & Noble already having eReaders, Borders was in need of something to keep it relevant.  Now, we finally get to see the new eReader.   This ...
    3 hours ago
  • More Lies

    Albany Media BiasAuthority Authority: 136
    Once again, Senate Republican holds up jobless benefits Once again, the media lies. Last time the only thing a Republican did was withhold unanimous consent - all that Harry Reid had to do was call a vote and it would have passed...Harry Reid, not a Republican, held up jobless benefits. Now hes doing it again. ...
    3 hours ago
  • Liberal Anti-Tea Party Outrage Overflowing With Nuance, Amnesia

    Mere RhetoricAuthority Authority: 550
    MoveOn just posted a hand wringing, rally round the flag petition decrying "the hate and threats of violence directed at members of Congress," which apparently have "been part of the Republican-supported tea parties since the beginning." Now VDH:All this concern is a day late and a dollar short... write a book in ...
    3 hours ago
  • Russia: Website Closed By Police Order

    Global Voices OnlineAuthority Authority: 732, an opposition website dedicated to the “ Day of Anger ” held on March 20, was closed by police after just one day of functioning, reported . According to the source, the police have sent the letter informing that the website is closed due to inciting anti-government sentiment.
    3 hours ago
  • The Search for the Perfect Social Network Aggregator

    SitePointAuthority Authority: 138
    Earlier in the month, I posted Strategies for Managing Social Networks and a Full-Time Job , and one of the strategies I mentioned was using a social network aggregator to stay on top of activity in your networks. I decided to take my own advice and recently started a search for the “perfect” aggregator. I’m ...
    3 hours ago
  • STEVE FORBES: Could a Chavez-Style Media Crackdown Be Coming Our Way?

    lgstarrAuthority Authority: 146
    Think things are going from bad to worse in Venezuela as Chavez continues to crackdown on his critics? Wait till you hear about plans for "media reform" in the U.S. by Chavez supporter and Free Press founder Robert McChesney. Read more
    3 hours ago
  • Social Media Strategy- Is It Worth It?

    Ample GuideAuthority Authority: 121
    Everybody is jumping on the social media sites bandwagon these days. From viral videos on YouTube to endless Tweets about the daily grind, people have taken it for granted that, for their businesses to succeed, they need to be making the most of social networks. You might be doing it yourself, or you might be ...
    3 hours ago
  • Media Crate: Japanese sales figures for March 15-21

    The TanookiAuthority Authority: 602
    The sales figures from March 15-21 in Japan are coming in, though to say that Yakuza 4 topped the charts would be a major understatement. The new PS3 title moved almost 384,000 copies at retail, while the next best selling game sold closer to 91,000 copies. On the hardware side, all versions of the PSP combined ...
    3 hours ago
  • Sports media: NCAA tournament upsets have yet to hurt TV ratings

    NewsAuthority Authority: 169
    If the upsets continue this weekend in the mens NCAA basketball tournament, Tiger Woods return to golf at the Masters might not come soon enough for CBS. read more
    3 hours ago
  • The tail fires the dog: conservative critic excommunicated for heresy

    BlatherWatchAuthority Authority: 517
    "Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us, and now we are discovering we work for Fox." ~~ David Frum on Nightline The venerable, conservative American Enterprise Institute has dumpstered conservative commentator and former Bush speech writer David Frum. Frum committed the mortal sin of ...
    3 hours ago
  • Tim Minchin Portrait Wins Archibald Prize!

    PodBlack CatAuthority Authority: 475
    Art Gallery of NSW - Tim Minchin by Sam Leach. Well done to Sam Leach, with his great portrait of a local skeptical-legend, Tim Minchin! The Archibald Prize is is one of Australia’s oldest and most prestigious art awards. “Sam Leach says he approached Minchin ‘primarily because I really like his style of ...
    3 hours ago
  • China cracks down on reporting of Google conflict

    Media: PDA | Authority: 134
    Censorship conflict between Beijing and Google highlighted by restrictions issued to media outlets, websites and bloggers Bring up the subject of internet censorship in China, and most peoples minds turn to the Great Firewall - the set of filters and blockades aimed at preventing ordinary web users from seeing ...
    4 hours ago
  • Australia and pornography: Google says filtering goes too far

    ICT for Peacebuilding (ICT4Peace)Authority Authority: 409
    I recently wrote on how even robust democracies can censor the Internet. When even democracies go awry with online dissent looked at the examples from France, Australia, the United Kingdom and even the US where new media use, including citizen journalism, and other content have been banned or blocked. Whenever I ...
    4 hours ago
  • Sorry web, social media, online community, and development blogs...

    Mad ThoughtsAuthority Authority: 511
    Sorry web, social media, online community, and development blogs for my favorite websites. I’m just not in the mood for you, any of you, tonight. By the way, this is a screenshot of Feedly , the best thing to happen to Google Reader since unread counts. It takes the utility, the chore, of Google Reader and ...
    4 hours ago

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