Feature: In The Spotlight

Do It Yourself With ComboApp

Author: Jessica Valenzuela
Published: March 21, 2010 at 4:18 am

Intersog, a software development company recently released a mobile platform that allows users to create their own apps. This certainly stirred curious thoughts, and I'm unsure what to expect, since Apple is not a big fan of template created apps.

The ComboApp platform can be utilized to create apps for the iPhone, iPad and Android with a step-by-step process where a user can select from a menu of features sorted by app category. Users set up an account and choose a category so the app can provide a list of features, templates, CMS, access control and usage statistics. There are also preset color schemes, but if you prefer further customization, it can be had for a fee.

ComboApp Pricing Structure

The Prestige package is $39 per month with mobile ad and module configuration, skin builder and featured placement. The Elite package is the same monthly price, but with a one-time set up fee of $299. This entitles you to full-ownership of the app, traffic redirects, a splash screen, push notification and more data analysis.

The basic features and package offerings are great for producing basic proof of concept. This seems ideal for small -to -medium -sized marketing firms who do not have a full-time mobile resource team. Vadim Chernega, Intersog's CEO noted that "our model is to partner with marketing companies and become a platform to deliver apps quickly and cost-effectively."

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Article Author: Jessica Valenzuela

Jessica Valenzuela is a digital advertising visionary with a flair for creating and marketing global brands. She founded, and now serves as chief principal of Mavin Digital, Inc., a fun, nimble NYC boutique specializing in inspirational digital branding. …

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