
© 2009 drkate/drkate4justice

The individual must be dehumanized and his nature de-legitimized.  Through persuasion, deception and coercion, the individual must be subordinated to the state.  He must abandon his own ambitions for the ambition of the state.  -Mark Levin, Liberty and Tyranny

In Part I of this article series,  I suggested that  one pinnacle of the Obama strategy–whoever is behind him– is to destroy the national sovereignty of the United States.  There are two parts to this effort:

  • In part his strategy involves the dissing, shaming, and blaming of America while he is abroad;  and
  • In part he must also destroy our national pride and individual, community, and state sovereignty at home.

…On the International Stage

Already now having completed three “America Sucks’ tours, it is fairly evident that Obama disdains this country, and that his actions betray a chilling willingness to drop and not defend our borders, to weaken our military, to align with dictators, and to betray our allies including Britain, France, Germany, and Israel. What an insult to all who have fought and died for this country: to morally equate the bombing of Dresden with the holocaust, to diss-invite the Queen of England from Normandy (who actually experienced WWII), or to glibly describe America as ‘one of the largest Muslim nations in the world’.

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Copyright 2009 drkate/drkate4justice
“A government without a Constitution is power without a right–Thomas Paine, “The Rights of Man

[Update: Please see new links below for "Committees of Safety" and 'no holds barred rebuttal']

I am so glad Texasdarlin reposted this blog’s conclusion regarding Obama’s birth certificate, because it IS a warning not to get distracted by this part of the ‘blood and dirt’ debate.  Obama is ineligible for POTUS because of the ‘blood’ part–admittedly his father was never an American citizen, and regardless of where he was born, his dual foreign citizenship at birth disqualifies him instantly.  This should have been the end of his candidacy.

But this endless disruption and rapid change initiated by Obama is really about the Constitution–his antics and pronouncements thinly disguise his contempt for our founding documents and its principles.  After three “America Sucks” tours, where it is obvious to the world he disdains America, it is part of Obama’s mission to once and for all defeat those documents and change forever the relationship between the people and government in the United States.

In 1992, Candidate Bill Clinton’s ‘war room’ had a sign up that said, “It’s the economy, stupid!”  Our war room right now must carry the banner, “Its the Constitution, stupid!”, because as we wade through this economic disaster for our lives and our children’s lives, we are distracted from the assault on the Constitution of the United States of America.

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I. Iran

Afrocity compares Obama’s campaign to Iran’s Ahmadinejad:

During the Iranian election campaigns, it was noticed by political analysts that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ran a populist campaign with many similarities to President Barack Obama’s 2008 message of “change”. Obama painted himself as the ecosexual, ” Washington outsider” a man of color raised by a single mother with humble beginnings. Obama emphasized that he was the American Dream and someone who rose above the food stamps and racial obscurity to become successful. He gave back to his “people” by giving up a lucrative career in law to becom a “community organizer”. This was Obama’s meme and Americans bought it hook, line and sinker.

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Last week it was revealed that Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor admitted in 1994 to having lower test scores than the white students at her law school, implying she had been admitted by affirmative action.

During the interview, Sotomayor said something which has stuck with me all week. It bothered me, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“With my academic achievement in high school, I was accepted rather readily at Princeton and equally as fast at Yale, but my test scores were not comparable to that of my classmates,” she said. “And that’s been shown by statistics, there are reasons for that. There are cultural biases built into testing, and that was one of the motivations for the concept of affirmative action to try to balance out those effects.”

In the program, Judge Sotomayor also rejected the proposition that minorities must become advocates of “selection by merit alone.” She said diversity improved the legal system — like having a Hispanic judge in a case where a litigant and his family is Hispanic, and who can translate what is happening into Spanish.

“Since I have difficulty defining merit and what merit alone means, and in any context, whether it’s judicial or otherwise, I accept that different experiences in and of itself, bring merit to the system,” she said, adding, “I think it brings to the system more of a sense of fairness when these litigants see people like myself on the bench.” (emphasis added)

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Originally posted at “Oy…My Valve!”

I was doing my stroll through the blogosphere and saw a story posted at Maggie’s Notebook that I find to be highly ironic. From the nation that brought you the appeasement of Adolph Hitler and German National Socialism comes this latest round of weak-mindedness.

Always on the quest to find new and exciting ways to appease, please, placate, and accommodate, their Islamic masters, members of the British Parliament are debating removing the red cross, symbol of the American Red Cross, and Co-symbol of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) because of it invoking symbols of the Crusades, and thus pissing off Muslims. What is ironic is that this is not the first time such a controversy has surrounded the ICRC. This of course involved the people Europe loves to hate: the Jews.

June 6 marked 41 years since my political hero, Robert Kennedy, was assassinated in Los Angeles. In the video clip above, we see Kennedy challenge a local law man who was arresting migrant farm workers on information that they might cause a disturbance, clearing violating their Constitutional rights.

In an era of calculated political moves — where the Department of Homeland Security issues warnings about peaceful Tea Party protesters — it’s refreshing to see a politician who was committed to all of America’s citizens and their rights.

He was 42 years old when he died.

Who is your political hero? and why?



I. Fire David Letterman

Feminist blog Tennesse Guerilla Women take on David Letterman:

In David Letterman’s previous (and lame) apology, he argued that he would never make a sexist joke about a 14-year-old girl. His defense was that he was making a sexist joke about Sarah Palin’s 18-year-old daughter! Obviously (to most everyone except Letterman), it doesn’t matter if Letterman was joking about a 14-year-old girl or an 18- year-old girl.

Jokes about old men having sex with teenage girls told on mainstream television are just one more indication that the misogyny in this culture is dangerously out of control.

TexasDarlin writes:

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Originally posted at Oy…My Valve

Something is going on in Lebanon. Reports are coming out that a number of suspected Israeli spies have been arrested. The Lebanese Telecommunications Minister, Gibran Bassil, made the accusation this past Tuesday that Israel was garbling cellular communications in Lebanon.

The cellular network in Lebanon is considered to be incapable of supporting all of Lebanon’s users. It’s not a stretch to assume that, considering this occurred around the elections in Lebanon that traffic was up and the network couldn’t sustain it.

Bassil mentioned that he made claims a couple months ago that Israeli interference might take place. Is it possible? Never say never. But when you consider the fact that Israel has used cell phone technology to assassinate terrorist leaders I have a feeling that a country that doesn’t have a sustainable cellular network is not going to be able to detect the sources of Israeli interference as Bassil has claimed.

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© 2009 Bud White
Exclusive for TD Blog

It wasn’t just the caucus fraud, sexism, and media bias which turned us off to Obama. Many supporters of Hillary Clinton, like myself, were frightened by the cult of personality which developed around this undistinguished junior senator from Chicago. Obama’s supporters, intoxicated by his perceived greatness, overlooked his longtime associations with anti-Semites, racists, and the seedier parts of Chicago’s famously corrupt politics.

Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s racist mentor of 20 years, recently said that “them Jews” were stopping Obama from talking with him. The evidence was always there.

Without investigating Obama, his supporters declared him the perfect man. They built him an embarrassingly ostentatious stage at the Democratic Convention in Denver, a fake presidential seal, and aura of divinity. Even the media now calls him God.

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